4.73% A Magical Feeling / Chapter 24: A Handsome Suspicious Man is Still a Suspicious Man [7.1]

章 24: A Handsome Suspicious Man is Still a Suspicious Man [7.1]


Author's note:

"Conversation out loud"

<<telepathic conversation>>

Thoughts that only the thinker can hear.




What was… Behind that door?

<<Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!>> A voice neither clear nor loud echoed in the darkness. However, I could barely make it out.

I twitched and pressed my lips together. Ngh… I feel so cold…

<<I said wake up!!! Do you have a deathwish or something?! WAKE UP!>>

<<…. Is there a voice inside my head?>>

<<Yes you idiot!!! It's me! Now wake up already!! OH MY GOD! You stupid human piece of rubbish!! F@#$^&! Open your eyes!!! I swear if you don't f*cking wake up, I'm going to rip out your throat and dance on your grave!!!!>>

<<...How violent.>>

<<You're about to see violence if you don't get up already!! There's a strange man! Another filthy disgusting human! AND! He's just watching you!! SO GET UP ALREADY YOU NIT! I DON'T WANT TO DIE FOR YOU!!!>>

My eyes fluttered open, wincing at the bright sun. I tried to alleviate the pain by rubbing my eyes as I muttered out, "...Oi… Shut up already… I have a headache."

When I sat up, Zephyr hopped off my lap and stood at my feet hissing threateningly at the man who stood not too far away. I rubbed my head with a frown and squinted as I looked the strange man up and down lazily.

There wasn't a single hair out of place even though it was clear he had rushed over. He gave off the impression that he was a really meticulous and proud man. His sleek hair and straight posture gave off an air of authority. He was so well dressed, he looked out of place amongst the trees and shrubbery.

I was nearly blinded by his handsomeness.

When my eyes met his, I felt a cold chill go down my spine. His eyes were apathetic and detached with no trace of warmth inside them. He was a bit scary, but I was too proud to let my fear show. I stared back at him with an arrogant expression. He stared back as if he was irritated, but his eyes never pulled away from mine.

It was a stare-down that made my limbs feel even colder.

<<… Are all the men here this good-looking? First, there was a good-looking demon half-naked with grey skin that could use some sun. Now, there is this frosty-looking man with piercing dark blue eyes.>>

"Pah!" Zephyr shouted out telepathically, <<Don't mention me in the same thought as this disgusting low-life! I am the most attractive man on the planet! No one could possibly compare! Did you see my muscles?!>>

I tossed him a look of contempt as he puffed out his chest. I rolled my eyes, "It was hard not to see when you were only wearing a loin-cloth. Now, get out of my head."


"Suspicious man?" I looked away from him and back at the man staring coldly at us.

I had spoken aloud, but the man didn't seem that concerned with what I said. His voice was devoid of emotion, "Are you the one who saved those children?"

I moved my hands down to support myself but paused when I felt I was gripping something cold and smooth in my hand. I didn't want to take my eyes off the man, so I slipped it into my sock as I stood up. I dusted myself off and picked Zephyr up by the scruff. I held him in my arms as I stared at the man in front of me. Zephyr shrieked in anger, but I ignored him as I scratched his head.

He quickly tried to bite my arm, but I hardened my skin with ice so he couldn't draw blood.

I walked around the suspicious carefully looking him over. His eyes followed me, but his expression never changed. I sniffed him casually.

His expression turned stiff and Zephyr stopped flailing around.

Zephyr: "..."

The man: "..."

Zephyr: <<Did you… Just smell him?!>>

I answered Zephyr telepathically: <<How else would I know what kind of person he is?>>

After smelling him, I watched as a greyish blue color was emitted from his body. Like from the depths of a glacier, the color surrounding him seemed cold… And also lonesome.

But why would he radiate such loneliness when he wears that off-putting face that practically screams 'don't talk to me'?

I stepped away from him and shook my head, "He's not dangerous. He's just a proud man who can't admit how lonely he is."

The man: "..."

Zephyr: <<I can't believe you just said that out loud…>>

The man was also surprised to hear such bold words, but his face didn't show it. His voice was apathetic, "Little girl, aren't you scared of me?"

"Scared of you? Hmm…" I thought deeply before shaking my head, "I'm not scared of you. I'm just wary of you."

Zephyr asked telepathically: <<...Is there even a difference?>>

<<Yes. There's a huge difference.>>

The man stared at me for a moment before speaking again, "Are you the one who saved those children?"

I watched him cautiously, "Maybe."

He seemed irritated by my ambiguous answer, "So you were kidnapped and managed to escape?"

I pinched my eyebrows together feeling as though the memory was a bit fuzzy. Then I suddenly recalled what happened and my face turned vehement with hatred.

I spat out angrily, "Miss Dean! That hateful b*tch! She's the one who did this to me! I am SO going to make her regret that! We have to hurry back so I can beat this b*tch black and blue! First I'm going to freeze off her fingers and toes before I freeze off everything else!"

The man's mouth opened slightly in surprise at the sound of my hateful words.

Even Zephyr was looking at me in shock.

"Ah…" He muttered under his breath, "...So it really was you."

I paused, "Eh? What was me?"

Did I… Just accidentally admit it?

"They said a little girl around your age not only freed the children who had been kidnapped but also encased the men in ice. You were the one responsible for them losing limbs and why some are barely clinging to life. Isn't that right?"

My face fell as though a pile of bricks just dropped on my head. I gulped, "T-They lost their limbs?"


"...Because of me?"

"Your ice magic. Yes."

"And… And some are barely alive?"

"They won't likely recover from the severity of the frostbite. You left some men completely in ice with only their heads free."

"WHAAAAT?!" They both flinched at my sudden shout, "How?! I was only trying to scare them!!! I didn't actually mean to… To do that!!!"

The man gazed at me in confusion, "You didn't mean to take their limbs or their life?"

"NO!" I corrected myself quickly, "I used ice, but… But I didn't expect THAT to happen!!!"

But what did I expect to happen?...

No. I didn't think about anything. I didn't think ahead, I just assumed they would be fine and it would all work out.

I gazed at my hand. A light chill gleamed off the surface of my skin as I swallowed my surprise.

I guess magic can be deadly…

And here I thought magic was just for goodhearted fun. I had no idea it could be used for deadly reasons.

Zephyr broke out into maniacal laughter, "BAHAHAHAHA! You stupid idiot human! How did you not possibly know what would happen?! What did you think? That the ice wouldn't be that cold and they could just skip off happily into the distance after you melt the ice? BAHAHAHA!"

I used my fist to hit the top of his head in irritation, "Shut it!"

"Oi! Don't hit me you lousy, good for nothing, idiot human!"

The man turned to Zephyr with slightly wide eyes. He muttered in disbelief, "Your familiar can talk?"

Zephyr and I both stopped bickering and looked at each other in silence. Zephyr then turned to the man with a cocky scowl. He snapped back, "Why wouldn't I be able to speak, you nitwit?!"

His face grew dark, "Nitwit? Who are you to call me that?"

Zephyr stuck out his tongue, "I am the great, the one and only, the mighty de-MMF!"

Without being able to finish his sentence, his mouth instantly closed. He writhed in my arms and I dropped him with an arrogant grin. I watched as he rolled on the ground in a panic, unable to open his mouth.

I spoke to him via our telepathic connection: <<Now who is the idiot? I may be ignorant of this world, but even I know that you can't go around telling humans that you are a demon. You would be killed on the spot and I would be implicated! I am already being watched carefully by the police here! That's why I have forbidden you from letting other people know you are a demon. You are not allowed to tell anyone nor are you allowed to show your demon form without my permission!>>

Zephyr cried back: <<Monster! You are worse than a demon! Cruel! You mothaf*cking whor->>

I glared at him with killing intent in my eyes: <<Finish that sentence and I will personally rip out your tongue.>>

Zephyr didn't dare to finish that sentence.

Instead, he lay his head on the ground and started to pout. It was quite adorable so I felt my anger dissipate slightly. I looked back to the man, "Yes. He can talk."

The man studied him carefully, "Hmmm… He must be from an ancient breed of fox only native to this forest… But how strange. I don't remember seeing one that resembled his type."

I grinned and lied effortlessly, "I found him and his family in this forest. His mother entrusted him to me because he lacks discipline. If you don't believe me, you can go up the mountain and see her. I found them protecting this strange rock surrounded by a red magic circle hidden underneath the grass."

He peered closely at me as if determining if I was lying or not. He gazed into my eyes, but I didn't panic or look away in guilt. I had perfected the art of lying so he believed that I was telling the truth. He nodded, "I felt as though there was a relic activated. That fox family-"

"Cat." I interrupted.

He stopped and looked at me in confusion. He had never met anyone brave enough to interrupt him before, so it made him lose his train of thought, "Huh?"

I corrected him again, "Cat family."

The man glanced at Zephyr who grumbled in aggrievement for being called a cat. He muttered under his breath, "Not a cat… Anyone with eyes can see that I am a fox!! Stupid human! I will make you regret saying that! HMPF!"

The man spoke slowly ignoring Zephyr's mutterings, "Ah… Yes… That cat family must have been of an ancient race tasked with protecting the relic. I saw the circle you are speaking about, but I didn't see a fox- I mean- A cat anywhere."

I couldn't contain my happiness for having my lie accepted, "What a pity! They were so kind."

"So where is it?"

"Hmm?" I blinked innocently, "Where is what?"

"The relic they were guarding."


He pressed, "I didn't notice it in the middle of that red magic circle."

I frowned at his questioning, "Why do you keep asking so many questions? What are you? A cop or something?"

He tilted his head in confusion, "Cop?"

"I forgot this world doesn't have this term…" I tapped my chin, "What do they call them? Magic Knights?... Royal bureau?"

"The Royal Knights and the Magic Investigation Bureau."

I snapped my fingers, "Yes. That."

"No. I am not a Royal Knight nor am I an investigator for the M.I.B."

"Ah. I see."

Hm. I like him better now.

He continued, "But the King does employ me for certain investigations and I often work alongside the Magic Investigation Bureau."


I looked at him in disgust. So what? He's not technically a cop, but he is a consultant for cops? Is that any better?

Actually… Now that I think about it, isn't it strange for this man to suddenly come across me in the woods?

I got lost earlier, so who exactly is he?!

If he found me… Could he be part of the traffickers? Maybe he followed me for revenge. After all, I have no idea if he was telling the truth.

If he is telling the truth, then maybe he is coming after me to have me arrested again??

Either way… I can't stay here.

I smiled at the man innocently. Then, I picked up Zephyr by the scruff and took off running. The man was so surprised he shouted, "STOP!"

Nekoru Nekoru

Run run run run run!

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C24
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


