1.38% A Magical Feeling / Chapter 7: Magic is Easy [2.4]

章 7: Magic is Easy [2.4]

But how exactly do you use magic? It doesn't make sense. Do you just need to think about it? Or is there a specific way to make it work?

I searched the shelves and came across another book. I opened it and began to read. In order to use magic, you must feel the mana pulse through your veins. Envision the mana and concentrate on the goal. You must channel your mana to your wand and release your voice to give the command.

Should I give it a try? But what kind of command should I give? I checked the book and found an interesting-sounding spell. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Before I could try, something slammed into the window. I flinched and dropped the book. I went to the window and peered through the darkness outside. I noticed a poor bird on the ground. Aw… Poor thing. He must have hit the window. Completely forgetting what I was just doing, I put the book back.

I yawned and noticed that I had been in the library for a while. I suppose I should return now and sleep a bit before I have to wake up again. I left the library and snuck into the room making sure not to wake up anyone. I approached my assigned bed and frowned. It appears the girls thought it would be funny to hide my mattress and blankets. Oh well. I guess that's just kids being kids. Ah… They also hid my pajamas… Oh well. I can sleep in these clothes.

I laid on the metal bars of the bed and closed my eyes. It's uncomfortable, but I don't have the energy to try to find where they hid my things. I was soon awoken by the sounds of excited chatter. My eyes opened and I could see a crowd of girls that were from all age groups staring down at me with mischievous faces. One screamed, "Ah! She woke up! Run!"

I sat up and watched them all run away laughing. I sighed and got off the metal frame. I went to the washroom and frowned in the mirror. They had drawn all sorts of things on my face while I slept. Am I really such a deep sleeper that I didn't even wake up for this? Ugh. This is why I hate children. I reached for a towel and hesitated. I wonder… What if I used magic? I looked around me and made sure I was alone. I pulled up my dress and pulled out the wand from my thigh-high socks. I took a deep breath.

Feel the magic…

It was almost too easy to feel. I could feel my pulse and my heartbeat thumping in my ears. It almost felt like I was meditating and could see beautiful colors even with my eyes closed. A cold sensation began to crawl across my skin like ice was taking over my body. It was chilly, but my core felt like the total opposite. It felt like an intense flame was burning inside, but it wasn't painful. The warmth and cold contradicted each other while strangely complementing each other at the same time. Although it felt peculiar, I didn't stop.

Envision the magic…

I could see the colors start to dance around me. It was so beautiful I watched it in awe. I now understand why they believe that magic is like a living entity. Magic was everywhere and helped the plants grow. It lived on the books that had been used over the years. It touched almost everything, living or not. It was truly magnificent.

Concentrate on the goal…

I pulled out my wand and reached out. I began to use it almost as if it were a paintbrush and I was using it to create a masterpiece. Seeing the beautiful sight before me, I smiled softly.

Say the command…

But what was the command again? What did that one lady say? Must I really say something? It's a bit embarrassing… I wonder…

I felt a strange feeling begin to congregate in my chest. My body began to feel lighter, stronger. The feeling soon spread across my body the more I relished the strength and power. As it entered my mind, my heart began to beat erratically. I felt invincible. Nothing could possibly kill me. As I savored these thoughts, it felt like flames were engulfing my body. Then, the strange ice sensation took over calming down the raging fire from within me. My eyes snapped open and flashed a bright white. The color soon surrounded my body and lifted the marker from my face.

In the blink of an eye, I was completely clean. I looked at my reflection admiring my face. I flipped my hair, "Why does everyone act like using magic is difficult? That wasn't difficult at all. I didn't even have to say a command or anything." I slipped the wand back into my sock and left the washroom with an arrogant grin.

Why bother washing your face or brushing your teeth? Magic can do it for you.

Why bother doing chores when magic can do it for you?

Why do anything when magic can do it for you?

I wonder if there are any other kinds of spells I can learn that will make things easier for me. The feeling of that power pulsing throughout my body was truly addicting. I couldn't wait until I could use magic again. Although, it probably would be best if I keep my studies a secret. It's better to be underestimated since I don't quite trust the people here.

I entered the dining hall for breakfast and ignored the uncomfortable looks of the children. The girls who had drawn on my face seemed surprised to see me without the ink on. One spoke to the leader, "Why is her face clean? Didn't you say that ink was permanent?"

The leader frowned, "That freak. She must have done something. That ink would not have easily come off even with the use of magic."

They all glared at me while I waited in line for food. As I grabbed my bland-looking breakfast and sat down, everyone immediately ran away from me. I felt as if I had a contagious sickness and everyone was worried just breathing the same air as I would kill them. Although I didn't mind being left alone, I didn't really appreciate all the stares. I quickly ate up my meal and returned the tray. When I went to leave, the older girl held me back.

"Where do you think you are going?"

I turned back to the leader of the older girls and answered bluntly, "To the library."

She pointed to a chart on the wall "No you're not. You have chores to do. Did you forget? We all have certain duties here. You have to mop the floors."

I'm on mop duty!?

My face twitched as I took the mop that was forced into my hands. I started mopping and noticed the other children leaving behind their chores after finishing their meals. They all ran away giggling as they left the room. It was obvious that they were intending to ditch their chores onto me. Screw this. I'm not going to do other people's chores for them. I made that mistake in the past and I won't go through that again. I turned to leave and ran into Miss Dean.

She tilted her head, "Where do you think you are going?"

I frowned, "I finished mopping so I am going to go to the library."

"Hmm?" She looked around the room, "I noticed that the windows haven't been cleaned, the shelves haven't been dusted, and other chores haven't been completed. You can't leave just yet."

I crossed my arms in irritation, "I don't understand what that has to do to me. My chore was to mop. So I mopped. Or is that chore board for decoration?"

Miss Dean gave a slightly aggravated smile, "It doesn't matter what your chore was. Here at the orphanage, we are a big family. Everyone helps each other out with their chores. So don't be selfish and help out the others. You can't leave until everything is finished."

Oi. This lady is straight up a b*tch. Does she have something against me?! What did I ever do to her?!

I tilted my head in irritation, "And if I don't?"

"Then I will have to call the Chief and tell him you are behaving aggressively." She bent down and whispered into my ear, "All it takes is for me to tell him you attacked and attempted to kill the other children in a fit of madness. I will tell him you are far too dangerous and that you should be locked up."

I glared at her, "Then I will tell him that you are lying."

She grinned maliciously, "Do you think he will believe you over me?"

D*mn. She has a point. I was almost convicted of a crime and barely escaped life imprisonment. Meanwhile, she had been acting like a caring individual. No one would believe a criminal over an "altruistic" orphanage worker.

I grinded my teeth and looked away, "Fine."

She straightened her back and patted my head, "Good girl."

I grumbled under my breath as she walked away with an arrogant grin. Maybe I should look up some spells for helping me with chores.

Nekoru Nekoru

That concludes another Friday and another chapter dump~

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


