90.47% Key of Light(New) / Chapter 38: Arc 2 - Chapter 13: Questionable Results

章 38: Arc 2 - Chapter 13: Questionable Results

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2 - Chapter 13: Questionable Results

A week later*

It has been a week now. Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young are getting a hang of using [Ki] and even manage to reach the rank of Practitioner Martial Artists. As in people who not considered beginners, but they are not experts either. Thus, they are conveniently called practitioners. A practitioner is a person in Murim who has succeeded in learning the basics of gathering and distributing [Ki] and has an average skill and knowledge of martial arts. Though, truthfully, these two are more close to the rank of Expert Martial Artist and just need a bit more time and experience in using [Ki] in live combat before reaching it.

However, that doesn't mean Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young will be able to fight off many people from the supernatural world. But, enough to barely stall long enough for help to arrive.

Yet, other than this. Asia has been out of it for a long time once she found out God of the Bible is dead. Way before she was born in fact, and that all this time whenever she prays. It wasn't God who heard it, but the Archangel Michael, but even Asia knew this wasn't the same and realize how silly it was that an Archangel would listen to her prays; therefore, all up to now, Asia started to question what is the point of having faith in a dead God that would never help her, not even hear her voice.

"Come on, Asia. You need to eat." Momoyo said to Asia gently, with no pity in her eyes, for Momoyo knew a strong believer like Asia would be badly shaken upon finding out God's death. "Hey, Chikao, you mind helping me out here?" Momoyo couldn't be annoyed by how Asia is acting for this whole week now. Just sad, that she couldn't do much for Asia, even the others couldn't do much. Other than maybe Chikao, who has been working on a project of his or helping Ingui Yoon in her [Ki] training.

"Sure, I'm free now." Chikao knew that he was making excuses to not help Asia out for a week, which was needed for one of the routes to work.

"Great." Momoyo sigh in relief, that Chikao finally decides to help Asia. She was this close to snapping at him; well, more like trying to annoy him enough to help Asia out.

"Asia. I need you to listen to me." Chikao said in a serious tone, where Asia dully looks at him with a blank face that is more lifeless instead of just void of emotions. Chikao can see the despair and misery in Asia's eyes without any problem. "Even though God is dead, but his legacy still lives. To be precise. That [True Longinus] over there. Contain his dying will. So in some cases, God is still alive but still dead at the same time. The [True Longinus] might have the Dying Will of the God of the Bible, but it's not the same as God is alive. Therefore, nothing changes no matter how you see it." Chikao quickly did a few reruns with [Numeromancy] to make sure no mistakes will occur if he wants Asia to come out of this depression.

Asia didn't say anything. She just patiently listens to Chikao and depend on the end will determine her next action, for the better or worse.

"What I am saying is that God is dead, but so have many people and they go to the afterlife. Who to say that God himself has an afterlife of his own? Maybe he had enough and instead of resting or using his [Almighty Power] to heal himself straight away? So, instead of looking at the negative side only. One must look at the positive of things as well. For long as you believe God in your heart, then that's enough. If you truly want to keep being close to God, even when he is dead. Then, pray to your [Sacred Gear]. After all, God made it with his own hands and gifted it to humanity. And all [Sacred Gears] are randomly given. You are one of the humans that have something that makes them closer to God compare to others. So, place your faith in your [Sacred Gear] for it's God's Dying Will that made sure humans will have something to use to defend themselves from the beings from the supernatural world that want to take advantage of humanity." Chikao finishes giving Asia a prep talk while feeling like dying inside, for he has no faith in the God of the Bible. After all, he doesn't have a [Sacred Gear], and even if he did. It will mostly be tied to the Heaven System than God himself.

Everyone, even Ophis, looking at Asia and wonder she will do next.

Slowly, Asia looks down and stay silent for a few minutes before lifting her right hand to grab a fork and begin eating, making nearly everyone sigh in relief that Asia no longer requires someone to feed her.

"Don't worry, Asia. We'll be here for you." Momoyo said softly, as she finds her heart aching a bit at the sound of Asia's quiet sobbing while she eats her food that has already gone cold. "Hey, Chikao. Do we continue with the training trip or should we return today?" Momoyo figure all Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young need right now is to gain combat experience before their next training session start.

"Up to them. They've already met the minimum requirement for this training trip." Chikao knew that Ingui Yoon still hoping to learn the [Path to Snatching Heaven Technique] still and he planning to teach her either this afternoon or enough information for her to begin on her own before coming back to meet up with him, to see any progress has been made and any mistakes need to be fixed, that Ingui Yoon herself can't figure out on her own.

"I think I rather go back. I'm pretty sure the Wild's League is about to come up... soon..." Lee Moon Young is starting to see that at this point. There wasn't really any reason to be all that eager to join the Wild's League since most of them would most likely not have [Ki] and if she and Ingui Yoon joined, then only deaths would be the result if they don't control themselves as they have long reached the point of reacting to anything hostile with [Ki] enhancing their attacks.

"Yeah, about that. The bossman kinda expected that you and Ingui Yoon over there to learn about [Ki] and pull you girls out of being able to join the Wild's League. Since it's mainly for people of the mundane world. And don't worry if your family has some problems with this. The bossman himself explain it clearly to your family enough, that the Wild's League is kinda not worth mentioning when learning about [Ki]." Momoyo knew how suck it would be not being able to join the Wild's League; well, not really. Since she still would easily win without [Ki], which she has proven by sealing away her [Ki] temporary to join the Wild's League. "Though, if you girls really want to join the Wild's League. The bossman gives us the option, where I can seal away your access to [Ki] temporarily, returning you girls back to normal fighters without any [Ki]."

"Nope! I ain't having my [Ki] seal away!" Lee Moon Young wasn't stupid nor that eager to win the Wild's League. Not even if she has her [Ki] sealed away temporarily! Having [Ki] course through her body for a week now has made it impossible for her to live without it.

Ingui Yoon shook her head, rather giving up Wild's League and she knew that there are hidden people wanting to deal with her family and even against her. Plus, she needs all the time to learn the [Path to Snatching Heaven] from Chikao. As well as learning more about the supernatural world. Hopefully, her family knows about it and keeps it hidden from her until she reaches the right age to know about it. The Wild's League will take up too much of her time, bad enough she already has school works to deal with too once she returns home.

"So, shall we return, or do you girls want to extend our time here? Say now so I tell the bossman." Momoyo didn't care if they wanted to extend the time or not. All she cares about is being with Chikao and having fun messing with Lee Moon Young in the name of training, but of course, she made sure the training is serious and beneficial. Otherwise, Momoyo can only have herself to blame if she accidentally got Lee Moon Young killed due to her teaching wrong.

"I think I would like to stay here a bit longer if it's possible." Ingui Yoon spoke up since there might be more things Chikao could teach her after she learns the [Path to Snatching Heaven]. Not to mention, she knows her schedule will be a lot busier compared to the time before this training trip.

"How about you, Lee Moon Young?" Momoyo continues to gently rub Asia's head, who had stopped sobbing after a minute or two ago and is almost finished with her meal.

"I'd be stupid not to stick around. I'm staying as long you guys allow it." Lee Moon Young snort at this but is delighted that she will become stronger and if just a single week could make her reach this point of being a strong Martial Artist. Then, where would she be at later, if another week, or even a month from now under Momoyo's training? Just the thought alone made Lee Moon Young eager for training even more.

"Great!" Momoyo can't wait to train these two up and beyond the rank of Real Master Martial Artists to fight with. Though, she is still waiting on Jang So-Sul and Shi-Woon Yi, since those two have a special body disease that needed to be cured, leading to them reborn into powerful Martial Artists compared to everyone else. "Oh, yeah! Chikao! I need your help with something that I forgot about this entire time!" Momoyo feels a little embarrassed after noticing how the clothes Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young wearing would be destroyed today like the previous time whenever Momoyo decided to have a small training spar with herself against these two by herself, leading to an embarrassing result of their clothes destroyed and it was only lucky for Chikao to be gone at the time. Otherwise, Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young would have a bigger reaction upon having their clothes destroyed in the spars.

"What is it?" Chikao asks while handing Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young two pills he finished making through trial and errors for the week with [Creation of All Things Technique] and [Spirit Medicine]. To make the [Body Refinement Pill], that would gently and slowly refine the consumer's body to become stronger and remove impurities out of their body. Therefore, the consumers will require to take this pill in the bathroom or somewhere with access water to have an easy time to clean off the filth on their body after purging the impurity out.

"Mind making it so Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young's clothes are resistant towards heat like you did with my clothes? Their clothes have been being melted away by more time than I wanted to and kept on forgetting to ask you it after it happens." Momoyo looks at Chikao with a sheepish smile.

Both Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young blush madly upon hearing this from Momoyo, avoiding looking in Chikao's direction straight away.

Asia nearly chokes on her last bite upon hearing this and blush madly as well. Temporarily forgetting about everything else, but at least in everyone's eyes, she reacting normally again. Instead of just staring off into space without changing her facial expression or lack of one.

"I'm going to be honest. Nice." Chikao gives everyone a thumb up for a few seconds before putting his hand down. "That's what a normal male would say right about now, right?" Chikao looks at Momoyo for confirmation since this is the best to dispel any wrath coming from any of the girls here.

Momoyo let out a sigh, "Yeah. A normal male would say something like that." Momoyo seriously wonders if it wasn't for her in his life. Chikao might never even have sex or even be in any relationship whatsoever.

"Um." Lee Moon Young knew that Chikao wasn't normal, but to think he would ask this kind of question, making her wonder how in the world he is in a relationship with Momoyo.

Ingui Yoon is starting to think that Chikao might be very different from other males she met in the past, then again, unlike those in the past. Chikao is a Magician and someone who is a powerful Martial Artist, yet not as the main focus. Sadly, he is taken...

"Anyway, I'll work on this right now. Give me a few minutes and I should have something ready." Chikao head upstairs to work on coming up with a spell or something to applies the heat resistance on everyone's clothes, where he just use [Runes] to be engraved into Momoyo's clothes, which took a bit more time than it should at first but he became fast working after a few works on other clothes.

20 minutes later*

After giving Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young a small stack of card stickers that could be just placed onto their clothes and it will merge into the fabric, turning it completely into heat resistant. Then, Chikao took this time to make sure the [Runes] sealing the [True Longinus] and [Dimension Lost] is still intact, even though [Numeromancy] would help him in case it break or something bad would happen. Better to check it personally just to satisfy his paranoia.

Afterward, Chikao checks with [Numeromancy] to see if anyone tracking Cao Cao and Georg down after he killed them, erase their bodies from the world, and making sure no evidence of them being around the campsite would be found by anyone. Luckily, the [Numeromancy] calm his nerve a bit, but Chikao kept his guard up no matter what. By placing down a few traps around the areas that potential spots of where people would teleport at with the help of his [Numeromancy].

Frowning, that thing will become a bit problematic if they don't return within a week from now. Chikao can see many routes with bad endings just keep popping up due to Cao Cao and Georg went to the afterlife. Furthermore, people in Japan are now spreading their range of search outside the country. Chikao didn't like how it was the Angel Faction that planning to do their absolute best to capture him and process into brainwashing him straight away, without caring for any side-effects bound to occur. The only thing matter to these Angels is to have a weapon to go against other factions, include the ones outside the Christianity pantheon.

Fallen Angel Faction still wants him dead for killing Kokabiel after someone manages to find out it was Chikao who did the deed.

Oh, joy.

As for the Devil Faction, not much different other than Rias' life became a bit more difficult due to being Chikao's student for a short period and even her handguns were taken away to study, to be recreated only destroyed straight away on its own the moment some other than Rias had injected any source of energy. Even just scanning it with [Magic] would cause it to blow up, making Rias become somewhat weaker or back to her original strength of power. After all, without the handguns specialized made to control Rias' [Power of Destruction], then she is back to her normal methods, which made Rias become sad and frustrated with her faction.

Overall, Chikao is relieved, that this part worked, even though he already cut his tie with Rias. That doesn't mean, that Chikao didn't leave behind a route or few, to work with Rias in case he ever wanted to use Rias in the future.

Nonetheless, Chikao has even more worries, where other pantheons are now involved in hunting him down. Once they realized that Momoyo, after finding her identity and background, is together with him. Making many wanting to take this chance to grab both of them with a single sweep.

Well, it looks like it's better off Chikao to use the two [Sacred Gears] for his own group. Since giving it away to others outside of his group would just make the opposite side to become stronger and having another powerful weapon to use against this group. Something Chikao found many routes of that happens once he inputs this idea into the [Numeromancy].

"Ah, fuck it. I guess I'll just use the [True Longinus] to make Asia be more than just a healer." Chikao mumbles himself, where he got an idea who to give the [Dimension Lost] to and maybe turn it into something else that almost everyone could use in the group. No point in him keeping it locked away and gather dust.

So, after doing his daily checkups around the area and [Numeromancy]. Chikao heads back via [Flying Thunder God] to have a small chat with everyone to push the time for the end of the training trip to an early date, for things will become complicated after a week pass.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C38
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


