73.8% Key of Light(New) / Chapter 31: Arc 2 - Chapter 6: Progress Being Made

章 31: Arc 2 - Chapter 6: Progress Being Made

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2 - Chapter 6: Progress Being Made

A few hours later*

Chikao let out a sigh of relief, for he nearly had to use 50% of his stored luck to use the [Probability] to make the whole ritual a success. Yet, not enough luck to have any remaining leftover materials for the next ritual. But, that's fine for him.

Picking up a crimson smooth oval stone. The size of a cashew nut. Feeling a bit like soft jelly.

Chikao was kind of hoping it bit bigger, but that's fine. This should be plenty enough for the next step.

So, creating another [Arcane Science Magic Circle], but this time, Chikao walk into the [Magic Circle] and throw the crimson smooth oval stone into his mouth and swallow it before sitting in the middle of the [Magic Circle].

With a single thought. The [Magic Circle] begins to light up. The sound of the voices Chikao has been hearing this whole time starting to disappear one by one. This continues going on until the last voice is gone. Afterward, Chikao now starting to hear the sound of his heart beating. Pulsing within and could 'feel' it throughout his entire body. The beating picks up the pace until it's pulsing rapidly, to the point it feels like Chikao's heart was about to burst. Yet, it didn't and the heart continues beating in a way it's impossible for humans to have such speed for a heartbeat.

Soon, the heartbeat slows down and returns back at a normal pace. No longer beating like crazy for a few minutes.

Chikao opens his eyes, using [17th Period Math Time] to remove the sweats off his body along with any soaked into his clothes.

Snapping his finger, Chikao destroys the [Magic Circle] and closes his eyes while using the [Numerical Precision] and [Numeromancy]. Sure enough, he reduced the chance of his body exploding by 20% if he dares level up to the next sequence. Yet, Chikao wasn't going to, even if he massive amount of luck to survive the ordeal of leveling up. Chikao has seen many routes as of right now, that after the successful level up process finished. Chikao's body becomes a time bomb and requires performing multiple rituals to refine the body to withstand the raw powers of all the abilities given to him by the weird system.

The materials can be anything, but depending on what it is. Chikao will have to gather a lot in order to make the ritual work at the minimum effects on his body. Yet, there is still the problem if his luck would be enough to make the ritual give the bare minimum result of completing it. Giving Chikao the tiniest bit of effect of the ritual, with a lot of side-effects popping up.

It's a good thing the first ritual is a success and no side-effects appear anywhere in the future. However, the number of Devils, no matter what type, Chikao will need to gather a lot more in order to make a large size of that crimson smooth oval stone. And Chikao has checked, it is not the [Philosopher's Stone]. But, something different that's meant for his body to become a stronger container to hold his abilities as well as the future ones too.

Besides increasing his body to hold his abilities. Chikao discovers his [Ki Reserve] has increased by twofold. So, that is an extra good bonus. But, it is no way near on the same level as Momoyo's [Ki Reserve]. Not even close after the ritual.

Erasing all pieces of evidence that were used for the two rituals. Chikao checks the time and has some time to spare before Momoyo and the others return; well, Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young went back to their own home. Well, Chikao could either go for one of the short routes that could help him somewhat later tomorrow or do something for the long term.

Thinking about it for a moment. The long term is better, so Chikao lay on the couch and close his eyes to take a nap while waiting for Momoyo, Asia, Ophis, and Jang So-Sul's returns.

An hour later*

Chikao opens his right eye only, to glance at the door on his right and close it again when he heard the sound of a key being inserted into the lock on the door. Yet, Chikao didn't get up, nor did he do anything and wait for the person behind the door to unlock the door to come in. Which usually took a few minutes before the sound of the door unlocked.

Slowly, the door is open and the person that unlocked the door carefully enters the apartment. Where this person instantly sees Chikao sleeping on the couch, making the person entering to pause in their step. Before resuming to enter the apartment completely as they quietly close the door behind them. Not once leaving their eyes off of Chikao.

However, before the person could even take a single step towards Chikao. Multiple chains made of darkness wrap around the person, even the mouth wasn't spare as a chain wrap around it too. Making it near impossible for the person to speak. Binding the person to the ground and unable to break free nor be able to escape.

The person begins thrashing around, trying to break free from the chains of darkness, yet it is futile.

"I must say. I would say I'm surprised for a random visit. But, I would be lying." Chikao looks at the person with his eyes open and already got up from the couch. Taking his time to walk over to the person. "It's nice to see you again Freed. Well, not really." Chikao stares at his former partner, who looks more worn out and crazy as he last saw the Stray Exorcist. "I can guess why you've been searching for me, but I don't really care." Chikao narrows his eyes, then a devilish grin appears on his face. Making Freed broke into cold sweats. "You've saved me a lot of time having to hunt you down later on. I'm glad you came to me first."

Chikao usually tries his best not to show many emotions, not because he is afraid of it having control over him, and also because it's not the best time to use it. Nonetheless, there have been times, many times, where people and things have tried to get a reaction out of him, with Momoyo coming in close many times.

And then there is Freed.

He is the main cause for this, causing Chikao to have to develop a harsh control over his emotions to not get it in the way of him doing something stupid.

Furthermore, Freed is the person that made Chikao's main goal of surviving become a thing.

Freed try to say something, but all it came was gibberish due to a chain preventing him from speaking correctly.

"I kinda envy you at first, Freed. All the ability to do things that most people can't in our race." Chikao begins a brief monologue, but really, he is just carefully forming a triple-layer [Arcane Science Magic Circle] invisible underneath Freed. "Especially your bloodline. Oh? You didn't think I wouldn't find out?" Chikao took in delight, to see the shock in Freed's eyes. "To think you were created as a test-tube baby from multiple genetic patterns at the Sigurd Institution, where people trying to create the so-called: True Descendant of Sigurd. The Greatest Hero of Northern Europe who possessed [Gram] in the Volsunga Saga. Similar in origin and legend to Siegfried. A legend of a knight equal to that of King Arthur. And honestly. I was surprised by this." Chikao speaks the truth after learning about Freed's birth origin via [Numeromancy].

Freed try to say something, but couldn't. Yet, Chikao could guess what he is trying to say, like how did he found this out. Too bad, Freed wasn't going to get an answer out of Chikao.

Chikao lost his grin. Instead, a cold blank expression replaces it. "It still doesn't change the fact that I had to deal with all your bullshits in the past. Nearly dying so many times, that I had to always have sleepless nights, afraid I would be stabbed by you in the middle of the night." Chikao did a quick use of [Numeromancy] to make sure everything is fine. "So, I put up with your shit, because I knew I wasn't a match for you. However, the moment I split off from you and gain things that no one could ever get their hands on throughout their lifetime. I have long surpassed you. That said. It's time for some debts to be paid."

Freed didn't even get a second to figure out what Chikao was about to do to him before his entire body feel like it's being boiled from within, and to make it worse for Freed, he couldn't fall unconscious from being overwhelmed with so much agony!

Analyzing composition. Identifying desired compounds. Hypothesizing restructuring process.

Chikao watch as Freed's body begins to break down, including everything on him and leaving only a floating red orb of the size of a green pea. This is the essence of the bloodline Sigurd. A legacy really, for one to gain the unimaginable power and the wisdom of the Gods for devouring the heart of a dragon. Yet, that wasn't what Chikao aiming for. He didn't want to become a legacy of Sigurd, nor does he wants to give this to someone to take advantage of.


What Chikao aiming for is the knowledge in the blood aka the history of Sigurd. So, using [Numerical Precision] and [Numeromancy] after setting up another [Arcane Science Magic Circle] to help speed up finding the desired part of the history in the blood. Ignoring the unwanted knowledge of anything else.

Chikao didn't care if he killed Freed, who technically helped him, but at the same time. If it wasn't for the weird system he gained. Chikao would have long been killed by Freed, just because of random reasons that Freed could come up with.

A few minutes later*

The moment Chikao got what he wanted. He didn't hesitate to destroy the very thing that the church has been trying to gain for years, yet Chikao did it in a single day. Not even an hour long.

What Chikao aimed for is the [Rune Element] deep within the history of Sigurd, where Brynhildr taught him the original [Runes] she had learned from her father, Odin. Enough knowledge, that allows Chikao to barely able to create the equation for the [Rune Element], but had to fill it up with different formulas. Making [Rune Element] different compared to the other elements Chikao own.

Usually using [Runestones], which is a type of raised stone with a [Runic Inscription], as a way to use [Rune Magic]. Simply, the [Rune Element] is more on the line of giving Chikao access to the universe's laws in writing forms and affecting reality in certain ways. Furthermore, Chikao knows for sure that Odin might have access to the [Runes] that was learned in his tale of life. Yet, it will never be on the same level as the [Rune Element] Chikao have. For there is no need such things as [Runestones] nor using a fixed [Runic Inscription] to cast [Rune Magic]. Not even limited to the original number of [Runes] Odin have. Allowing Chikao to create his original own [Runes] of his own knowledge.

The true usage of [Rune Element], in Chikao's opinion, is to channel the laws to be whatever forms, shape, etc. As long it contains the laws within them. Making it into a [Rune] of some sort for special effects. Furthermore, with the [Rune Element]. Chikao can now slowly discover the other elements without the need to find them on other sources aka people using something that contains these elements.

Honestly, Chikao was a minute away from using [Probability] to make Freed show up forcefully if he didn't show up while he was 'asleep' at the time. Furthermore, he only has a 1% chance of 'seeing' enough of the [Rune Element] through Freed's blood after going through the process of refinement. To remove unwanted things, making it a lot easier and faster to get what he wanted.

Checking with [Numeromancy], to see if there any other way to improve his body with the help of the [Rune Element] and there are some, but wasn't the best time to do it now.

However, there is one route that doesn't affect the rest no matter what. So, Chikao didn't hesitate to take this rare moment to do so and made many barriers around the apartment, mainly to prevent sound to come out. Once that's done.

Chikao took a deep breath before letting it out.


30 minutes later*

For the next half an hour. Chikao madly roars at the top of his lungs, cursing Freed, who is already dead and may or may not hear this. It didn't matter to Chikao, because of all this time. The buried emotions of rage, grief, stress, revulsion, etc. Chikao even had to be forced to become numb to killing another life thanks to Freed.

"Damn, lost my voice." Chikao mumbles to himself, with his voice back to normal after using a spell to recover it. Then, remove the barriers and afterward. Push one of his earliest routes into action by placing down multiple [Runes] onto the [Glove-Shaped CAD]. To make it even better than before. Including it repairing itself whenever it damage and always reappears in one of his pockets if he ever loses it. Something that seems to happen a bit too much somehow in many routes.

It's as if something is making it so Chikao won't have access to the [Glove-Shaped CAD] in a dire situation when Chikao can't use his [Magic].

Nonetheless, at least he finally has the means to make it work now that he has [Rune Elements]. Otherwise, Chikao will have to split his focus onto making sure not to lose the [Glove-Shaped CAD]. Since even the [Flying Thunder God] wouldn't have worked when it requires Chikao to cast said [Magic]. Now, Chikao doesn't have to worry about this. Nor does he need to worry about it not returning back to him. Since the [Runes] he used is enough to bypass any barriers that block any means of teleportation.

An hour later*

"Hey, Chikao, we're home!" Momoyo called out right in the middle of opening the door and coming in. Then, pause for a moment. Momoyo blinks a few times, before rubbing her eyes just for good measure. Yup, Momoyo she wasn't imagining it.

Asia holding Ophis' hand and walk into the apartment, where she too pause for a moment and stand next to Momoyo in shock.

"What is going... on..." Jang So-Soul was the last to come in and was confused why everyone standing at the front door and move to the side to see what caused everyone to stop and suddenly she saw why.

Standing in the middle of the room is Chikao, who is shirtless and has a towel over his neck, with his hair wet. Just wearing black dress pants and nothing else. Giving all the girls a good look at Chikao's tone abs and muscular upper body.

"Just took a shower and was about to get something to snack on. Why you ask?" Chikao knew exactly why the girls are acting like this; well, Ophis still expressionless and had no reaction.

"Give me a sec to process this." Momoyo didn't look away as she tries to burn the image of her half-dressed boyfriend, who is also giving her and the rest a sexy smile, that just made Momoyo feeling a bit hot.

Asia's face turns red and quickly covers Ophis' eyes, forgetting that Ophis is a lot older than her. Yet, Asia tried to look away but continue to glance back at Chikao.

"Wow..." Jang So-Sul starting to see why many females like handsome men. Making her looking forwards to getting into a relationship. Hopefully, Shi-Woon Yi isn't in a relationship when she gets back.

"So, did you girls had fun?" Chikao asks the girls as he walks to the other side of the living to pick up the skirt he 'forgot' to take with him. Then, took his time putting it on while the girls stay quiet and watching him. "Nothing bad happens, right?"

"Nope... Nothing bad happens." Momoyo replied while planning to have sex with Chikao tonight for making her aroused like this and mentally cursing that the walls are so thin, that others will for sure hear them having sex. Unlike back in the haunted house. Where Asia wouldn't hear them going at it like rabbits.

"I beg to differ." Jang So-Sul sweatdrops, for there were many injuries this day and making her realized how annoying it is sometimes when being in public with civilians looking in their group's direction for all of them being beautiful looking. Making many, many unwanted males coming to try their luck with them. Honestly, Jang So-Sul starting to think that the normal girl life might be impossible for her once she 'grows up' in physical appearance.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C31
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


