54.76% Key of Light(New) / Chapter 23: Arc 1 - Chapter 23: Never Like Ya!

章 23: Arc 1 - Chapter 23: Never Like Ya!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Chapter 23: Never Like Ya!

The next day*

"Are you not going to watch the Rating Game?" Nyx asks Chikao, where he is on his laptop doing his study on science. "It's about to start. Don't you want to see the result of your work with Rias?"

"Nah, just tell me when it's all over." Chikao said to Nyx while doing some last-minute studying before the calamitous event begin. For this is the small period of time for Chikao to do whatever without affecting the routes he is aiming for too much. Otherwise, he would have gladly watch Rias' Rating Game personally instead of watching it through [Numeromancy] where 80% of Rias winning by herself. 10% with the help of her peerage and the last 10% is due to Riser possessing something that would shock everyone, including Rias, leading to Rias' defeat.

Luckily, Chikao gave Rias all the help she needs for the match to never fall under that 10% of defeat. Otherwise, Rias' defeat would increase the number of calamitous events he will have to face.

"You sure, it's about to get interesting since Rias is now showing everyone that is watching the Rating Game, that she is fighting alone, much to her own peerage. Talk about being prideful when she should use everything she has available." Nyx said to Chikao, not taking her eyes off the TV screen.

"I'm good." Chikao shut down his laptop, finished learning about enough molecular that he can use [Molecular Manipulation] easier. Among what Chikao has learned about molecular is the ability to clean toxic or contaminated molecules. EX: Cleaning the poison out of water or the toxic molecules out of the air so one can breathe. Making it so Chikao will never have to worry about being poisoned via air carrier method. As well as cleaning anything bad in the water too. So, now Chikao can always have drinkable water.

"Hey, Chikao. How long would you think when Kokabiel will take before he shows up?" Momoyo asks Chikao from the side as she does some basic exercises with Asia, who is really struggling just from the basic alone and sweating like crazy after the 20-minute mark. While Momoyo, on the other hand, didn't even sweat a single drop yet. Showing the difference between the two.

"Maybe a week or two. A month at best." Chikao answered Momoyo's question. As he got up and begin to do some exercises as well, but not too intense like Momoyo, he needs to be at his peak condition, even if he has the [Refresh Spell] at hand to make sure he does. Doesn't change the fact, that he will be briefly exhausted though and that is plenty enough for a 50% chance of his death happening still. Even with [Danger Intuition] and [Precognition] at their present rank. It's still a 50% chance of Chikao's death today. Therefore, Chikao needs to stay near 90% if he wants to survive today.

"Again, where are you getting all these Intel?" Momoyo looks at her boyfriend as she is bemused by how this is possible when she 99% with Chikao of the time, even then, she still can't figure out how he gets his source of information about things that no one should know about outside of a certain set of people in their inner circle.

"Online." Chikao wasn't really lying, since in his memory of his first life. He read Highschool DxD online. Therefore, he wasn't really lying, but at the same time, he wasn't completely being honest with Momoyo. Something he won't be for years. There are no such things as a perfect relationship, just a somewhat stable relationship that requires lots of effort from both parties to keep it intact. After all, a relationship is a two-person job.

"Huh..." Momoyo honestly forgot that out of everyone here. Including Nyx, who look at Chikao with a surprised look on her face. Momoyo can say even Nyx forgot that Chikao is the only one here who uses the internet all the time. Even Asia here barely used the laptop for online studying. "I kinda expected it to be something, but this makes so much sense now." Momoyo always thought the internet was only used for politics and people that don't belong to the supernatural world.

"I don't blame you. Out of all of us here, who do you expect to use the internet when everyone else has something else to do? Furthermore, I am the only one who uses my brain more than anyone else." Chikao finished warming up and did a quick glance at the TV screen. Just in time for Rias to shoot Riser in the left eye in blank range.

Look like Rias had used [Gun Battle] aka fighting in close combat while using handguns to shoot near blank range to at blank range, if needed, but require extreme reflex, which Chikao made sure Rias has been training her reflex and accuracy the entire week mostly just so she can use [Gun Battle] 80% of the time without ending up killing herself for fighting at such a closed-range with firearms that are meant for long-distance combat.

"Besides, can anyone of you, excluding Asia would willing to sit down and stare at the laptop's screen more for hours without moving from one spot?" Chikao notices the look on Momoyo's face. "And no, Momoyo. Having sex technically doesn't count since we usually move around while the only thing you're moving in front of a PC is mainly your hands and eyes."

Momoyo clicks her teeth. Nyx snort in amused. Asia breathing heavily and sweating a lot now. Unable to pay attention to her surroundings and her sense of hearing is a bit affected by how both her body and mind are exhausted.

"Also, I'm thinking that after you deal with Kokabiel, we will leave Kuoh Town." Chikao said to Momoyo and Nyx, with Asia fall on the ground and about to faint, but just panting while trying to catch her breath. "But, right now, we just have to deal with the unwanted visitors coming out way in an hour or so." Chikao secure the [Modified Handgun] and sheathed [Modified Katana] on his person, ready for combat. While using [Refresh Spell] on himself, so now Chikao is back at 100%.

"Unwanted visitors?" Momoyo is now puzzled by this and intrigued by who would dare come here uninvited. Hopefully, it's someone strong, so Momoyo can get some warm-up.

"Yup. Also, how the Rating Game, Nyx?" Chikao asks Nyx while preparing for the first step of his plan in getting rid of Nyx. Since she is the first main problem of his future. Especially with her trying to still get her control over him. The sex is great and all, but that wasn't enough for him to give up his free-will over to Nyx. Momoyo would and have gladly offered herself to him and that's enough for Chikao to accept Momoyo fully. Furthermore, unlike Nyx who is always secretly planning something behind his back. Momoyo is an open book and wouldn't bother to think about all the complicated process of planning things out. Even if most of the routes lead to his deaths accidentally, and more than half of them, he was saved in the nick of time thanks to Momoyo while apology consistently.

However, for someone like Nyx. Yeah, Chikao wasn't trying to find all the faults with Nyx, but she has too many that the good parts of Nyx didn't balance out her bad side. So yeah, Chikao was not going to allow himself to forcibly just deal with Nyx's nonsense and her lack of care for nearly causing his deaths even more than Momoyo's accidents. At least Momoyo would try her best to earn Chikao's forgiveness. Nyx just shrugs and half-heartedly apologized for almost killing him and goes on her business without feeling an ounce of guilt for causing so much harm to Chikao.

Yup, Chikao would gladly kill Nyx, no matter how beautiful she looks and how she seems to care for him, but that's just temporary and once Nyx no longer finds Chikao interesting anymore. She will drop him without a single second of hesitation. Now, if only it was possible to kill Nyx, which is technically impossible in this world. Because in all the routes Chikao has seen. Nyx will always be alive, even if he teamed up with Momoyo and manage to destroy her body. Nyx will just come back in a few days to years at best and come back for vengeance. For as long as the concept of the night still exist and information on Nyx. She will never die. Killing her is possible, but she won't stay dead for long.

"Just about to be done. Rias managed to take down almost all the people on the enemy's side while the rest is taken down by her own peerage. Now, Rias is fighting the leader of the enemy's side. Riser, I think as his name." Nyx replied, not noticing the sharp glint looking at her by Chikao before it disappears before she notice it. "And she just blows his head off only for it regenerate back. But, not enough time before having his limbs blasted off too before Riser could fight back."

"Glad she is doing something and not getting her ass beat." Chikao continues using [Numeromancy] while preparing more [Flying Thunder God Magic Circle] around the room and checking the ones he has placed at the edge of Kuoh Town as one of his backup escape plans and they're still in good conditions. No one has detected them and still invisible from the naked eyes, nor could they be sensed no matter what. Unless someone specialized in space could feel something out of the ordinary.

"You know, for someone who sometimes speaks in such a foul language. I'm still surprised you do with that blank facial expression of yours that barely changes at all." Nyx said to Chikao, then blink as the match between Rias and Riser ended, with Rias winning. "Well, look like Rias has won her freedom."

"Congrats to her." Momoyo said mostly to herself, then look at her boyfriend and connected the dots and prepare herself for the incoming enemy on their way here. Not before looking at Nyx and furrow her eyebrows. Momoyo starting to think that she might have to deal with Nyx first since recalls how Nyx can listen to the conversations of others from the shadow. Yet, Nyx wasn't saying anything about potential enemies coming here. Furthermore, Nyx didn't even react to Chikao's words about unwanted visitors and just ignore his words, making Momoyo very suspect of Nyx that she might be on the enemy's side.

"So, now what?" Nyx looks at Chikao, ignoring the look she gets from Momoyo. As Nyx slowly got up from her own couch while keep looking at Chikao.

"Dealing with unwanted visitors." Chikao simply replied, as he calmly watches the scene produced by [Precognition], where Nyx uses her domain to create chains made out of darkness to bind him and allow multiple Devils from different Clans to attack Momoyo and Asia while Nyx watches everything, but made sure no Devils would touch him. All of this happening in the next 10 minutes from now.

"What unwanted visitors?" Nyx tilts her head to the side, grinning at Chikao and not bother the way Momoyo is staring at her with cold eyes.

"Oh, you know." Chikao triple check all the routes with the help of [Thought Acceleration] and [Memory Partition] before coming to a decision. "People coming here without permission and trying to do something without caring about what others think." Chikao quickly placing more [Magic Circles] all over his body without making them visible. Including the usage of [17th Period Math Time] to place a skin-layer defense of [Erasure Element]. Making it so anything harmful towards him will be destroyed.

If that wasn't enough; Chikao uses the [Darkness Element] and [Light Element] to counter Nyx's shadow and darkness effects along with affecting the Devils from coming too near him due to the [Light Element]'s presence alone. Making it near impossible for them to fight at 100%.

Then, a quick-thinking before going for [Chakra] instead of using [Ki] and [Mana] alone. Afterward, using [Vector Control], which has been merged into the [Arcane Science] since [Vector Contorl] fall under the [Fundamentl Force Manipulation]. This made it so [Vector Control] became more powerful once it's added into the [Arcane Science Magic Circle]. Leading to 12 totally different [Magic] reduced to 11 again due to this.

Once that's done. Chikao finally uses the [Calamity Inducement] for the first time and use it on the group of Devils about to teleport directly into this haunted house and onto Nyx as well. Making it so all those about to use [Teleportation Magic] to face a tragedy that will make sure they will never successfully come here and be sent to somewhere else. In which, the chance of them coming back alive is up for debate.

"Really now?" Nyx looks at Chikao with surprise, but almost everyone can see it is fake and Nyx wasn't even trying to stop grinning, for she is about to see a good show soon. "Are you sure about it? Maybe you're just being a bit paranoid?"

Chikao calmly watches Nyx as multiple chains made out of darkness wrap around his body, causing Nyx's grin turns into a sadist smile; however, that disappear a few seconds as the Chikao before Nyx's eyes fade from existence.

"Yeah, I'm sure about it." Chikao said to Nyx as he stands next to Momoyo, where he just uses the [Body Replacement Technique] with the [Afterimage Clone] he made near Momoyo. Preventing himself from being held captive by Nyx.

"I never did like you." Momoyo said to the shocked Nyx for failing to capture Chikao, then Momoyo charges right at Nyx. "[Kawakami Style: Forbidden Move - Fuji Smasher]!" A powerful punch covered with one's [Ki] to enhance its power and speed. With the force that broke the sound barrier and send Nyx flying through multiple walls with blood spilling everywhere while Nyx's body is heavily injured as she crashed outside of Kuoh Town. "Man, that felt good!"

Momoyo glare at the Devils appearing in the living room via [Teleportation Magic], where she did a quick count of around a dozen. Though Momoyo expected there would be more, but that's fine. This just makes her job much faster by taking down these small numbers of Devils.

"Good to hear that." Chikao said to Momoyo as he has already drawn out his handgun and katana, with the former in his left hand and the latter in his right hand. Indiscriminately shoots at the surrounding Devils, yet each shot is precise and highly fatal that a shot or two is enough to kill a Devil and preventing some from using their [Devil Magic] with the second shot. While on the move, Chikao would quickly stab at any nearby Devils multiple times with [Longsword of Light], and then shoots at them again just in case before delivering a lateral slash at the same time, sending the Devils flying. Where most of them have their heads chopped off and some disappear from existence due to [Erasure Element].

All of this happens within a minute and a large portion of the area is covered in blood and corpses of the Devils. As well as a good section of the wall destroyed.

"Grab Asia and let's get the hell out of here. We'll get Kokabiel on the way out of this town." Chikao said to Momoyo, who nods and picks up Asia from the ground, who is still too tired to move after just doing basic exercises. Then, follow after Chikao, who is running out of the haunted house, not bother to pack up. And if one was to check the living room, they would see the laptop that Chikao has been using this entire time has been destroyed or more like erased from existence via a bullet containing the effect of the [Erasure Element]. As Chikao had seen a few routes, where people managed to gain something from his laptop's hard drive; therefore, he made sure to destroy it while killing the Devils that luckily to appear in the haunted house via [Teleportation Magic] while most Devils didn't make it.

An hour later*

"Chikao, where are you taking us?" Momoyo asks Chikao as she continues to carrying Asia over her shoulder without any problem.

"To a factory. That is where Kokabiel should be at. We need to take him out before leaving town. Nyx is still recovering from your attack, but it won't be long before she comes after us. By then, I should have something to avoid her from finding us via the shadows." Chikao replied to Momoyo's question. As he leads them to an old factory north of Kuoh Town and just near the abandoned church.

"You know, I'm not that eager to fight Kokabiel. We can just leave Kuoh Town now if you want." Momoyo knew how important it is to avoid being surrounded by the enemy, no matter how powerful you are.

"No, we need to kill Kokabiel at all costs. Trust me, I'll explain after we escape from all this." Chikao said to Momoyo, for the 50% rate of his death happening today wasn't just because of Nyx and those Devils, but also Kokabiel, who is hiding in Kuoh Town this entire time.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


