42.85% Key of Light(New) / Chapter 18: Arc 1 - Chapter 18: Just Speechless

章 18: Arc 1 - Chapter 18: Just Speechless

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Chapter 18: Just Speechless

Momoyo took Chikao's dick into her mouth and starts sucking on it while moving her head back before moving her head in to swallow the hot and hard dick down her throat. Then, try her best to look up and directly at her boyfriend's eyes, to watch her give him a blowjob. Much better compared to the first time yesterday's night and in a matter of minutes. Her cheeks puff up due to a large amount of semen releasing in her mouth and down her throat, which Momoyo quickly swallow fast before taking her boyfriend's dick out of her mouth and lick the drops of semen from the corner of her mouth. Then, Momoyo smirk at Nyx.

"The first one is mine." Momoyo said in a way, that pissed Nyx off.

"Let me show you how it's done." Nyx grabs Chikao's dick, which is still hard and begins stroking it in a way, that made it harder than ever before putting it into her own mouth. In a matter of minutes, just a minute earlier than Momoyo's, Nyx's cheeks also puff out, and a large amount of semen released inside her mouth and throat. "Geez, if I didn't see it yesterday. I would be surprised that you can cum this much."

Chikao stays silent, not wanting to reveal to either Momoyo or Nyx about how he can thank the [Refresh Spell]. He is literally cheating into lasting longer than possible.

"Now, let's get to the main course." Nyx took this chance to get a head start, much to Momoyo's annoyance, but let Nyx do it before she takes her turn.

Nyx pushes Chikao back a little before turning around to sit down on Chikao's lap while putting his dick insider her vagina the same time, then to her surprise, the length of Chikao's dick is barely enough to reach her womb, something she didn't expect and very few of the men she had sex with would be able to touch her womb entrance. But, that didn't matter since the thickness is just the right size for her enjoyment.

Nyx begins moving her hips while her upper body leans forward to balance herself without making an embarrassment of herself for moving forward too much and end up on her face. Something that happens once and once is enough, and she made sure no one found out about this.

By the time she picks up the pace, Nyx let out a moan, "Come on, tell Momoyo here how great my pussy feel. I bet it's much better than hers. Not to mention, you're literally fucking a Goddess while Momoyo over there isn't one." Nyx turns her head to see the look on Chikao's face, only to see it blank, much to her confusion and with a hint of frustration that she wasn't getting much of a reaction out of him. In fact, the bastard wasn't even bothered to move with her, making Nyx doing all the work. Well, she will show him and Momoyo, that she wasn't someone to look down on.

The next day*

"Um, who this?" Asia asks both Chikao and Momoyo at the unknown lady to eat with them for breakfast.

"I'm Nyx." Nyx said to Asia, trying her best not to scoff at her for still having faith in a God that kicked her out of a church, then again, she can't really say much. Since she has done much worse for many little reasons.

"Nyx?" Asia tilts her head.

"Yeah, the Primordial Goddess of the Night." Nyx look at Asia, curious to find out what her reaction to finding out who she is.

"Wow, your parents must really love you, to name you after a Goddess!" Asia smile at Nyx, with pure happiness. Though, Asia does wonder why Miss Nyx is giving her such a baffled look.

"HAHA!" Momoyo laughs at the way Asia literally confused Nyx for being a human who is named after herself, that just brings tears to her eyes, and loves the look on Nyx's face more than she should.

"Was there something I said wrong?" Asia looks at Momoyo with a confused look, for suddenly laughing for no reason.

"Nope." Chikao said to Asia, smirking in Nyx's direction, who scowls at him for not telling the truth.

"Let me repeat myself, I'm Nyx, the Greek Primordial Goddess of the Night. Not a human." Nyx stares down at Asia, who still confused until she begins to shiver and pale with fear, for she finally registers Nyx's words and quickly got on her knees, or tried to before Momoyo pushes her back into her seat.

"You don't need to kneel for her." Momoyo quickly explains how Nyx here is a friend, and just a friend, as she glares at Nyx, who glares back.

"Don't you mean, I'm Chikao's lover?" Nyx may have tied with Momoyo this morning in the sex battle, but that doesn't change the fact that she not leaving one bit. Heck, she even pushes nearly all her responsibility to her brother and bid her time for Chikao's return as for some reason, it became impossible to find him until he returned back to the haunted house, much to her joy before it turn into a rage when he brought along a woman, two to be exact, but the nun wasn't in a relationship with Chikao at least.

"Lover my ass. We both know, that Chikao didn't accept you and the only reason why you're still here is that we all know the moment we fight. We will have the world's attention on us before we could even finish fighting." Momoyo snort in disgust at Nyx.

"Says you." Nyx didn't want the other pantheons to get on her case, especially the Shinto pantheon will throw a hissy fit upon finding out she in their territory, no matter how those Devils say Kuoh Town is their territory. Even this haunted house was something she had to give something in exchange to get it from those Shinto Gods privately.

"By the way, I'm a bit curious, but why are you in this town, Nyx?" Chikao asks Nyx while putting the finishing touch before completing the [Magic Circle] for [Thought Acceleration]. He has already finished the [Memory Partition] an hour ago. Once again, Chikao is baffled at how fast he comes up with the equations to recreate these two.

"To wait for your return." Nyx raises an eyebrow at Chikao for asking such a thing.

"No, I mean in Kuoh Town in the first place when I first met you." Chikao explains what he meant.

"Oh, I was bored and decided to check the place out. There this famous restaurant was having this once in a year event, for special types of food being sold and with only limited seats available at the time. Got my food and left satisfied. You were just a bonus at the time." Nyx shrugs, for her visit to Kuoh Town, was mainly for food. "There weren't many things for me to do as a Goddess other than my job of making sure the night show up every day."

"Huh... I kind of expected it to be something more important..." Chikao honestly didn't think food would be the reason why someone like Nyx would be in Kuoh Town. "Anyway, I'm going to train a bit. Momoyo, you can take Asia to do whatever. If you need me, I'll be in the backyard. Nyx. Eh, I have nothing to say to you other than stop trying to find a way to kidnap me." Chikao manages to get his [Numeromancy] barely back to working with Momoyo involved. Barely, thanks to both [Thought Acceleration] and [Memory Partition], but still wasn't enough to be on the same number of routes he had in the beginning.

"Really? Why would you think I would do that?" Nyx looks at Chikao with an offended look but drops it after seeing her act wasn't working. "Now, I really wished I took my chance to take you forcibly." Nyx clicks her teeth, for she missed the best time to take Chikao for her own.

"Uh, huh." Chikao looks at Nyx with a dull look before getting up from his seat and head to the backyard.

"I'm going to train too. Plus, with you around, Chikao. I won't have to worry about my safety with you around and including Asia; well, she also gets some training out of it from both of us. In case you too focused at the time to help me out." Momoyo can recall many lucky times, that her boyfriend manages to snap out of his trance and quickly help her out.

"I'll do my best!" Asia snaps out of her fear and quickly put on a determined face, to help the two in their training to heal them with her [Sacred Gear].

Once everyone heads to the backyard, including Nyx, who curious about what kind of training Chikao and Momoyo go through. Especially with Momoyo.

Chikao raises both hands, palm facing to the sky, then a red [Magic Circle] appear on his left hand that produces red color flames while on the right hand is a blue [Magic Circle] and produce blue color flames. Slowly, he brings the two together, where it merges together to form a magatama-like green energy pod. Chikao's aim for using the [Creation of All Things Technique] wasn't to make a new lifeform since he got a better idea of using it.

However, instead of completing the [Creation of All Things Technique]. Chikao slows the process and stares at the magatama-like green energy pod with [Numerical Precision] to learn more formulas and potentially new equations to use for the future. But, what Chikao is aiming for is to see if he can produce the equation for the [Light Element] with this [Creation of All Things Technique].

20 minutes later*

Chikao is frustrated for only partially manage to get half the equation to the [Light Element]. Something he has been trying to get his hands for a long time now, mainly at first to help him face against dark creatures, but now at this point, Chikao realized that he has this urge to get it or else he will never be safe. This baffled him for a while, but guess it's something important and so, Chikao continues on his quest to get the perfect equation for the [Light Element].

However, as Chikao continued with his study. Something caught his attention, forcing him to cancel the [Creation of All Things Technique] and look to see what made his [Danger Intuition] trigger, but the [Precognition] didn't trigger at all. Making it confusing for him.

Only to see Momoyo and Nyx was about to fight each other, with Asia panicking on the side and look ready to cry too.

Chikao snaps his fingers twice to dispel the heatwave being produced by Momoyo and the shadow gathering around Nyx, then something clicks in Chikao's head.

"That's it!" Chikao shouts joyfully, causing the girls to snap out of whatever they were mad about and look at Chikao, who use the [Creation of All Things Technique], then in his right hand contain black fog that seems so black that it's absorbing the light around it while in his left hand is contain a white fog that seems to get brighter by the second, but is contained inside a small white flame that is very visible and makes people's eyes hurt if they continue to stare at it.

"What the..." Nyx looks at the black fog that seems to contain her own essence as well as her brother's. While the white fog just made it her want to hold it and never let go, she can tell that it equally matches the black fog in essence and she just realized why she felt the urge to hold it. This is the same essence belong to Hemera.

"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." Chikao gazes at the black fog before looking at the white fog. "Darkness is not merely the absence of light. It is also the bearer of light. We know light because we have known its absence in the darkness. but, we also discover light in the darkness." Chikao feels a connection with the [Light Element] with the [Darkness Element], which was the missing key to completing the perfect equation to using the [Light Element].

Once again, Chikao wonders if this is how it feels to have plot armor on their side and felt very happy to have the [Fortune] ability more than ever.

"Seriously, Chikao? You made another branch of [Magic]?" Momoyo looks at her boyfriend and can easily sense that the black fog and white fog in his hands are not normal and wonder how in the world does her boyfriend does this.

"Wait, what?!" Nyx looks at Momoyo, then back at Chikao in shock, to find out this something he created?! And to contain the [Darkness Element] and [Light Element] that on the same level as her own, and it's [Magic] he just created?!

"Yeah, if you're planning to stick around, then be prepared to have your mind blown with Chikao doing whatever that's should be beyond impossible for everyone to do. If you haven't noticed, but I think he just uses [Chakra] to make those black fog and white fog right there." Momoyo sensed Chikao's unique [Chakra] that's completely different from the Youkai used that she has sensed in the past.

"A human using [Chakra]?" Nyx's shock disappears and a disturbing sadist smile appears on her face, for this is great news! Making her more eager to claim Chikao than ever before, but the only thing stopping her is Momoyo, even then, she can tell if Chikao wasn't willing to go with her. Then, it will be impossible to fully claim him as she desires.

"I feel a bit disappointed and at the same time happy, that I finally am able to get what I wanted all this time." Chikao thought out, wondering how many years it would have taken to reach this point if he had stayed at [Low Sequence 9: Monster] and didn't level up.

"Why disappointed?" Momoyo asks out of curiosity.

"Disappointed that this won't be used that often and after all those times I was being frustrated for not being able to get it. Only to get it sooner than I expected. I've even imagined it would take me a year or even decades before reaching my goal." Chikao shook his head, then dismiss the newly formed two [Magic Circles] created for the [Light Element] and [Darkness Element], with the help of [Creation of All Things Technique].

"Wait, you're not planning to put more works into using those two elements?" Nyx looks at Chikao in disbelief, for choosing his original set of [Magic] over what he has just obtained that many people would die to use. Including certain lesser-Gods.

"I'll just place it on hold while I continue working on what I have so far. It's just lucky for me to figure out the perfect equations to get these two elements and freely use them. The [Darkness Element] was a bonus really. All thanks to you, Nyx. I've already got half the equations done and was missing the other part." Chikao explains how it was thanks to Nyx manipulating the shadow that helped him big time just now.

"Are you even human?" Nyx look at Chikao with furrow eyebrows, because no human should ever be able to use the [Light Element] nor the [Darkness Element] together unless they were born with either, with a very rare few with both and they would be mediocre at best.

"Last I check. Yes. I am 100% human." Chikao finds it amusing that Nyx's mind finally came with an idea that he wasn't human at all. Then again, he can't quite really think he is a normal human either. After all, this weird system of him is just plain weird and give him abilities that would have for sure be way weaker in different worlds, but in Highschool DxD. They shine brightly, that it became very overpowered.

"That can't be true." Nyx continues to look at Chikao, trying to see anything about that wasn't human other than possessing a [Mana Core] and [Ki Reserve] like other humans. Yet, there is still nothing out of the ordinary about Chikao, that Nyx sensing that doesn't belong to a human. In fact, she can say for sure Chikao doesn't even have a [Sacred Gear] either, making this even more confusing for Nyx. "How about your family's history? Maybe you're a descendant from a powerful family?" At this point, Nyx is grasping straws, because she honestly can't see a human, like Chikao, to do all this with just [Human Magic]. Even Merlin in the past wasn't this powerful with [Human Magic] and he created that [Magic System] in the first place! And to make it more shocking, Chikao doesn't possess a [Sacred Gear]!

"Nope, I've checked. Trust me, I was curious about my background too being an orphan and all. Came with nothing. I'm the last line of my bloodline and all of my ancestors were common folks." Chikao replied.

"Really now." Nyx looks at Chikao, checking if he is lying or not, but seems to be the truth.

"Well, you don't have to worry about being the last, because I'm willing to help you repopulate your bloodline." Momoyo moves right next to Chikao and hugs his left arm, giving him a smile that shows she willing to bear many children for him if that's what he desires.

"Thanks for offering." Chikao said dully and can tell that Momoyo is being completely serious, then look at Nyx, who still continues to stare at him without blinking this entire time. Looking at Asia, who seems to pray for some reason, which made Chikao a little confused about why the former Holy Maiden would doing a prayer right now.

"Done. I've prayed for Chikao to have a life filled with love and a big family with Momoyo." Asia mumbles to herself as she looks happy for finishing her pray after hearing that Chikao is the last of his bloodline, making her feel sorry for him.

Chikao looks at Asia speechless.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


