21.42% Key of Light(New) / Chapter 9: Arc 1 - Chapter 9: Hello Partner!

章 9: Arc 1 - Chapter 9: Hello Partner!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Chapter 9: Hello Partner!

A week later*

Okay, through an entire week of trials and errors.

Chikao thinks too big and overestimated the [Human Magic] and [Numeromancy]. For one thing, Chikao discovered that he CAN'T replicates the [Light Element], nor the [Power of Destruction]; well, he kinda could replicate the [Power of Destruction] through different methods and have similar effects or surpass the [Power of Destruction] used by the Devils. Nevertheless, the [Light Element] wasn't going to happen.

Somehow or maybe it was someone who thought of this ahead of time in the past. Had somehow created some kind of hidden formula that blocks people from seeing the equations that make the [Light Element] and could be recreated through [Human Magic]. Any other methods of using the [Light Element] are fine. [Human Magic] not fine.

It like someone has something against Magicians to not use the [Light Element] at its purest form. Chikao found the equations to replicate the blessing effects somewhat, but it would barely have any [Light Element] in it. Instead, Chikao found out the formula for the blessing effects thanks to watching future Asia making [Holy Water] before she turned into a Reincarnated Devil. Where the blessing effects were just a method to draw in the raw essence of the elements and stored it into vessels aka water become [Holy Water] via [Light Element] merged into the said water. Bullet contain the [Light Element] become [Light Bullet].

Either way, Chikao is a bit pissed that he can't use the [Light Element]. Even though he could produce a flash of light with [Longsword of Light], which is just pure bullshit that it doesn't contain the [Light Element].

Or maybe there is something wrong with him, that made it impossible for him to use the equations of the [Light Element]?

Would be fucked if that was the case. Where nearly everyone can use the [Light Element] while he can't just other people couldn't.

Anyway, after a week of experiments. Chikao can say he got a massive boost in combat and even improved the [Bairong Style] even further. Making Chikao wonder if he would make so much progress if he was in other worlds without [Human Magic] or not. Either way, there is no point in thinking about it. Since he is in this world and he has made a massive improvement and shouldn't worry too much if either Rias or Sona discover about his status as a powerful Magician or whatever they want to call him.

Actually, now that Chikao thinks about it carefully. There is no point in him staying in Kuoh Town any longer. Hell, he didn't even want to meet with the main characters at all. For all Chikao know. He is just bringing major headaches dealing with these people and their weird bullshit.

Chikao pause for a moment to use the [Numeromancy] to see if that was the case and quickly shut it down, where he got a headache just from seeing a couple of routes with those guesses literally happening. Many of them lead to Rias trying to persuade him aka bribes him into joining her peerage only to find out it was impossible, then this leads to Sona trying her luck. Same result.

Because of this, Chikao watched how their older siblings came in a day after to recruit him too, which was more of a demand to join to die before causing any harm to the Devil Faction. Talk about crazy, so he shut down those routes right away. So with that out of the way. Chikao decides to move out of Kuoh Town to see what else he could find in this world, that [Numeromancy] couldn't predict due to lacking variables and numbers to include in the predictions.

So right now, Chikao is driving in the very same car he used to travel and safely parked it behind the haunted house he stayed. Not to mention, thanks to [17th Period Math Time Magic]. He never has to buy gas for this car nor have to pay for repairs. [Magic] is just plain bullshit and Chikao is happy to have it. And he can see why most Magicians would eager to form a contract with Devils.

Not a care in the world, where he heading. Chikao just let the wind take him wherever it needs to take him. Chikao didn't bother to use [Numeromancy] too much for this trip, or else this entire travel would be pointless and boring. Something Chikao can see why all those overpowered people with foresight won't lift a finger most of them. There was no point if they can see all the outcomes and it only lucky for Chikao that his [Numeromancy] isn't perfect due to the lack of many factors to make it perfect.

Plus, Chikao only did all these kind of training and what not, to gain the power to protect himself against others. Though, not enough if he can't deal with either or both of Rias and Sona's older siblings. Especially Rias' older brother and his hack [Power of Destruction]. In all the routes Chikao sees in [Numeromancy]. 99% of anything he could do against Rias' older brother has zero effects. That 1% is mainly Chikao getting the fuck away from Rias' older brother and won't be killed.

Chikao does wonder if this is just Highschool DxD universe or it a crossover. If it's the latter, then Chikao will have a better time enjoying his second life.


If it's the former, then Chikao will have to figure out how to get even stronger, because those people on the top 10 strongest existences would easily wipe Chikao from existence. However, leveling up the next sequence of his weird system might potentially cause him harm before enough time has passed before he could safely level up.

Now, if only things were going normal for his trip on the road. Chikao steers the car to the left, avoiding having his car slam against by this wild dog, that is for sure part of the supernatural world. For one thing, this wild dog is brown in color and being able to run at the same speed as Chikao's car going at. Which is beyond fast than what a normal dog could go at.

"Piss off." Chikao growl, as he shot the wild dog in the head, turning it entirely into ashes. Then, another familiar wild dog appears behind the car, chasing after Chikao.

So far, this is the 5th one to appear after Chikao shot the last 4 to death via to the head. So yeah, it's either the same wild dog, maybe a spirit, or there is a bunch of invisible supernatural dogs chasing after him. If it's the former, then things got complicated while the latter would be a bit easier to deal with.

Chikao use [Numeromancy] to find out the reason why this wild dog is after him, but couldn't find much in the past other than this wild dog is the same one thanks to seeing the same formulas wrapping around this wild dog. And he learned this wild dog is in fact a Yama-inu. A dog-like mountain spirit, that may appear to travels on mountain roads; may be friendly, or may attack and kill the traveler, depending on the tale.

Well, it looks like this Yama-inu is aiming to kill Chikao and he can't figure out why. Other than it can and must hate Chikao enough to kill him with the way it continues to growl at him and trying to stop Chikao from continue driving before leaving the mountain roads by slamming against the car itself.

Chikao narrows his eyes at the Yama-inu and uses [17th Period Math Time: Yama-inu + Frozen], where the dark red [Magic Circle] appears in front of the Yama-inu and instantly frozen in midair. Unable to move as long the [Magic Circle] stick around to keep the effects active. Then, speed up to drive even faster, for Chikao saw many routes in dealing with that Yama-inu would be the best. For if he tries to kill it, then a large amount of Yama-inu will begin chasing after him whenever he on the mountain roads.

Therefore, it's best to just stop it from chasing after him. Plus, most of the routes Chikao saw him killing the Yama-inu have led to some kind of curse that would be placed on him, to always encounter unlucky events whenever he on the mountain roads. So yeah, no killing the Yama-inu for Chikao.

40 minutes later*

Chikao made another mistake, thinking that he would be safe outside of Kuoh Town and just enjoy the road trip without the usage of [Numeromancy]. Talk about unlucky. So, Chikao now has it up and running for the past over half an hour now. Just to avoid being attacked by any type of monsters on the road while driving to the nearest town.

In hindsight, Chikao should have realized, that things would be more complicated with possessing a weird system. Still not ready to level up, though. After all, it has only been a day of being attacked while he had 6 days before encountering anything remotely dangerous to him.

"Now, where the fuck am I?" Chikao got out of his car and look around. [Numeromancy] would be a great help, but he is using it to make sure he doesn't end up getting attacked by anyone from the supernatural world.

"You! The one with the wavery short brown hair and red eyes!" A female shout at Chikao, who look in the direction to see who called for his attention. Since he is pretty sure no one else has wavery short brown hair and red eyes around him.

Chikao starting to think that this world only has beautiful women with only very, very rare cases of average looking girls.

A beautiful woman with waist-length black-brown hair, red eyes, and large breasts. She wears some sort of black with red pattern theme kimono and having the sleeves rolled up. With pink flower patterns at the edges. A pair of black gloves. Wearing black knee-high pantyhose. With red sandals to finish it off.

"Me?" Chikao asks the woman, who looks like one of those tomboyish girls with the way she rolled her sleeves up.

"Yeah, you! Fight me!" The woman throws a right straight punch at Chikao, where the wind picks up.

"Whoa there!" Chikao didn't predict him happening with [Numeromancy] and use [17th Period Math Time: You - Momentum], placing a [Magic Circle] on the back of the woman's right hand, then the wind slowly forming a vortex disappear instantly and Chikao felt only a small touch from the woman's punch.

Going by the look on the woman's face of shock. Chikao can say, that this must have never happened to her before and weirdly enough. The moment Chikao includes this woman into the [Numeromancy]. He found this woman's name is Momoyo Kawakami, which he found out is someone from an anime world, but that's just it. The memory of this anime with Momoyo in it is barely even 1%, with a few info of the appearance of Momoyo and her name, along with a few others that might not be too important. But, that info is enough to let Chikao know this is a crossover universe of other series than just Highschool DxD or just certain characters in this world that could randomly be in the background, ready to show up when their time to shine.

Momoyo did a small back jump and bring her fists in front of her, with a serious look on her face, but just glance at the weird glowing circle on the back of her right hand. Then, look back at the person, who seems to have a big [Ki Reserve] compare to the other people in her area.

"So, are you going to tell me why you attack me out of the blue?" Chikao asks Momoyo while a little confused about his future partner. Yeah, Momoyo seems to be his partner in traveling everywhere, experience facing the supernatural world together. 99% involved with Momoyo saving his butt most of the time and him sometimes doing the same. Making Chikao if it was fate for him to meet Momoyo here in Kyoto, which he did not know he was heading to in the first place.

"I can detect you have a big [Ki Reserve] and must be someone strong. That is all the reason for me, so fight me!" Momoyo charge right at Chikao with her left fist pull back a little, to prepare for a strong straight punch. However, to Momoyo's disbelief, she only took a single step and her [Ki] went out of control and moving very slowly, to the point of just freezing in place. "What the-?!"

"Yeah, you won't be able to fight with that on you." Chikao points at the [17th Period Math Time Magic Circle] on Momoyo.

Momoyo scowl, "Fight me like a man and not through tricks!" She can't believe a stupid little circle of something would be able to mess up her [Ki Control]. Something that shouldn't be possible unless someone uses special [Ki-Blocking Techniques].

"Yeah, not going to happen. Plus, I rather not fight you at all, if I'm going, to be honest. There is no point in my opinion." Chikao truly didn't see any point, because in all the routes with Momoyo involved in it. Most of them would lead to damage to the surrounding, making either Momoyo having to pay for the damage, with Momoyo most of the time, and neither Chikao nor Momoyo would win in a fight; well, unless Chikao aims to kill, then that's a different story.

However, there is a small percentage of Momoyo going crazy if she doesn't get a good fight once in a while, with most of them having to be Chikao.

"Doesn't matter, the thrill of fighting strong opponents is what makes it worth it!" Momoyo grit her teeth, manipulating her [Ki] even whether control over it is currently unstable. "[Kawakami Style: Human Bomb]!" Something that is considered a suicide technique, a technique in which one lets his or her body explode on contact with the use of [Ki]. The damage done to the opponent is really high, but the damage to the ones who used the technique is even higher, which is why it is a really risky technique.

"Nope." Chikao saw many routes with Momoyo using this move and use [17th Period Math Time: Momoyo - Explosion] just the very moment Momoyo was about to release her suicide technique. Canceling it out directly with Chikao's [Human Magic] by placing the [Magic Circle] under Momoyo's feet. "Nice try, though."

"How are you doing this?!" Momoyo can't even sense any [Ki] from these two weird looking circles on her.

"[Magic]." Chikao spoke the truth, for Momoyo is literally represents honesty and one of the seven virtues of martial arts. That is the most important thing he knows about Momoyo; well, at least her canon, no idea about the Momoyo in the Highschool DxD world.

Momoyo blankly stares at Chikao, checking if he was lying or not, but only to see the serious look on his face. Momoyo trusts her gut feeling and it telling her to trust Chikao's words. "Okay, I have faced Magicians before and they never this powerful."

Chikao snap his fingers, releasing Momoyo from his [Magic]. "I'm different." This is true, because unlike those Magicians. They don't have [Numerical Precision] that make them very powerful with [Human Magic] and the [Numeromancy]. That one is also a very powerful ability. However, these two are below of value compare to the weird system he has, which gave him these two abilities.

"I can tell." Momoyo frown as she flexes her fingers and finds them fine, including her [Ki] going back to normal. No longer chaotic and very unstable, that it felt like she was about to use the [Kawakami Style: Human Bomb] at any moment. "But, you have access to your [Ki Reserve] and it incredibly big, not the same size as mine, but compared to the others, it's bigger. I can feel it. So why are you fighting as a Magician and not as a Martial Artist?" Momoyo can't wrap her head around this, for as long she knows about the supernatural world.

Either you be a Martial Artist or a Magician. With only, a very rare would go both paths.

Even then, they were very weak compared to their specialized counterpart. Yet, this man before her should be more of a Magician than a Martial Artis with how easy he defeated her, yes she counts it as her loss, which gave her mixed feeling. Anyway, the size of his [Ki Reserve] can only be gained by those who have trained in martial arts throughout their entire life, with genius reaching the same level in a short time. Like herself. Or those born with large [Ki Reserve] that have the talent for martial arts.

"Would you believe me that I'm just beginning to train in martial arts?" Chikao technically is speaking the truth, since the [Bairong Style] is a martial art really. Even if he does include [Magic] into it. "Furthermore, I can only use it to the full potential with the help of [Magic]. So yeah..."

"Fight me, but without [Magic]." Momoyo said in a serious voice. Not caring about how she is forcing the man before her to fight her when she doesn't even know his name nor gave her own to him. Plus, she wants to see how strong his martial art is without the usage of [Magic]. Then, will challenge him afterward, to see how powerful it is when including [Magic]. Just thoughts alone about how exciting this fight would make her blood boil.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


