4.76% Key of Light(New) / Chapter 2: Arc 1 - Chapter 2: That's A Mistake

章 2: Arc 1 - Chapter 2: That's A Mistake

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Chapter 2: That's A Mistake

Chikao carefully moves further away from the warehouse, with Freed inside, and kept a good grip on his gun. For this is the only thing that would help him face against Freed if he doesn't snap it out soon. However, Chikao knew that with each time Freed enter his episode, the longer it takes for him to snap out of it. At some point before the plot began. Chikao knew that Freed would be too dangerous to be nearby. Forcing Chikao having to find a new Stray Exorcist to be able to bless all his bullets and making [Holy Water].

Of course, Chikao got a few backup plans to replace Freed, but those plans are set at certain times for them to work.

The idea of killing Freed had come and goes often for Chikao, but Chikao knew he was no match for Freed. Not even with all the training he has done over the years. He knows his limits and Chikao's current limits are way below the level of Freed's fighting capability. Where the odds of Chikao beating Freed is 1-10, with the odds in Freed's favors.

That's how weak Chikao is compared to someone like Freed.

Chikao scowl when his [Danger Intuition] acting up, making him stop moving right away as he got another glimpse of the future. It was not pretty one bit.

Slowing down in breathing, from inhaling to exhaling, which took even longer than normal. All to calm down his racing heart. Chikao grit his teeth as he quickly timed every step he could move after making a rough guess on when he can after seeing part of the endless possible futures.

Overall, Chikao knew how dangerous it is, but he had to put himself into a dangerous situation in order to improve himself faster than normal. This is one of the many reasons why he keeps sticking around with Freed before he leaves for a new place and Chikao is thinking that today is the last time he sees Freed. Since the count of how many future deaths of his had long surpassed the last time.

Very unhealthy to keep track of one's future deaths, where Chikao can see it and hear the sound of his painful death didn't help either. Nonetheless, Chikao needed to do this in order to check on Freed's mental state in case he went into the deep end. As much as Chikao wanted this whole partnership to last a bit longer, but it looks like Freed wasn't planning to come back to his senses.

In all the possible futures that Chikao has seen and heard. Not once had he found one that actually allowed him to even hurt Freed, let alone kill the guy, making Chikao feel helpless that he can't do much alone and needs to rely on a crazy Priest to get things done. And it looks like Chikao will have to be on his own again, but at least he got enough [Light Bullets] to rely on. Hopefully, he doesn't come across any powerful Stray Devils that specializes in speed or could tank it enough before killing him by the time he runs out of bullets.

Chikao suppresses down all these random thoughts, for he needs to have an absolute focus on getting the fuck out of this place. Luckily, he didn't need to pack anything since he long had planned this out and has stored up supply to bring along to leave town without the need to take the efforts to pack up before leaving. No need to come across a surprised appearance of Freed at his apartment. Something he already experienced and nearly died from a heart attack to see Freed in his apartment one day when he woke up.

Worse. Day. Ever.

It's a good thing Freed only did it once, but that was enough for him to prepare for his escape.

A few hours later*

Alright, it took more time than it should, but Chikao can actually sigh out loud in relief instead of doing it mentally.


Chikao shook his head and quickly got inside a worn-down car filled with a few boxes filled with enough [Light Bullets], medical supplies, food, and a mountain backpack filled with clothes. These will last Chikao for a while until he finds another place to stay for some time. It's a good thing today was his last day before having to pay rent at the apartment and it's already packed clean, leaving only the bare few things that are easily replaceable.

For now, Chikao's main priority as of right now is to get the fuck out of town and be on the road.

3 days later*

Chikao let out a sigh, for he didn't get much sleep for these past few days. But, at least he finally made it into a town closest to the one he was in before. Taking this time to check on his acting process while waiting for the gas to finish filling the car's gas tank.

Name: Chikao Fukui

Pathway: Wheel of Fortune - Low Sequence 9: Monster

Acting Process: 53%

Abilities: [Danger Intuition - Rank: Low] and [Precognition - Rank: Low]

Chikao sighs in relief, that he manages to raise the acting process up by 10%. Chikao didn't think he would be able to gain double digits since he is used to it being below 10%. Sometimes nothing at all.

Shaking his head, Chikao decides to think about this later and focus more on getting further away since he has no idea how Freed moves in between locations. For all he could know, Freed might have a car of his own or something and drive straight towards Kuoh Town right now in his crazy mode.

Thinking about it for a moment, Chikao wasn't too sure about that, but he needs to get to Kuoh Town too since one of the backup plans involves Asia. She can easily be work together with and still a Holy Maiden that could bless things. Hopefully, he can meet her before meeting Issei and the Fallen Angels, especially the Fallen Angels. Because Chikao is still not ready for the plot and someone like Issei, who was just reincarnated into a Devil would kick his ass no problem due to having a boost in physical aspects.

10 minutes later*

Chikao walks out of the gas station with a recently purchased a hot cheeseburger, since he thought it over and rather not go into his box of food just yet.

Getting into the driving seat, Chikao starts up the car and begins driving away while beginning to eat his cheeseburger with one hand and the other holding the steering wheel. Something many people shouldn't do due to safety reasons, but Chikao didn't really care since his [Danger Intuition] didn't trigger. Therefore, this was fine for him.

Hopefully by the time he makes it to Kuoh Town. It would be before canon since Freed still hasn't joined the Fallen Angels yet.

Taking a turn on the right.

Chikao begins to think about the previous topic if he should find a safer way of acting like a monster before people.

For one thing, up to now, he has been acting like a monster around Freed and the so-called sinners. Sadly, trying to out monster a monster didn't do too good. I only get laughed at by Freed in the end. Calling me stupid for doing something so foolish and idiotic.

Either way, Chikao needs to act more in front of people, humans, because he has already tried acting like a monster privately. Did not work one bit at all. Not even a single percentage increase. It's a good thing no one was nearby to see that embarrassing moment.

Anyway, Chikao just needs to think of anything he could do that won't end up with him dead during the time of him acting. Actually, now that Chikao thinks about it carefully. He can even play live performance to scare the people into temporarily believing he is a monster while at the same time earning money on the side.

Hell, he could go into an acting career to make it easier on himself, but he has no idea if those companies would run by some supernatural beings and the moment they find something off with him. It would be more of mercy to die than go through whatever sick ideas those monsters could use on him.

The next day*

Chikao carefully drives on the road. Finally making it to Kuoh Town. Thanks to whoever made GPS a thing, because it would have been a hassle finding the place with just a map. Chikao can see it already, taking the wrong turn more than once and getting lost in no time. Yeah, Chikao has already experienced that once with Freed during one of the jobs to hunt down a vampire causing problems to the local village.

Yet, Chikao is still low on cash. Due to how expensive it was to drive for days, Chikao forcing himself to sleep in the car. Not wanting to risk the chance of someone trying to raid his card while he in a motel sleeping for the night. Wouldn't be a surprise if Chikao comes back to see his car missing. In a world filled with boobs and butts of girls that could easily become models back on Earth. There are sure lots of dark related things in this world. Even if it wasn't shown in the anime, but it has been mentioned more than enough for many that pay attention, that Highschool DxD is considered a dark world if one wasn't part of the 'good guys' and even then, Chikao doesn't know if it would be the same in this world. Freed is a good example of someone still below decent for a while before going in the deep end.

Plus, Chikao has long come to the term that he doesn't care about canon since it might as well not be it due to his existence. In fact, Chikao would be somewhat surprised if there some parts of canon stick around in order to keep moving the plot or something. Therefore, Chikao will do his best to get this acting process to hit 100% soon before things hit the fan. Because of the way he is right now. Chikao would for sure be one of those random mobs that would be killed due to stray attacks from a big battle.

Parking at an unknown restaurant to get something to eat. Since it's lunchtime by now and Chikao didn't get to eat breakfast today. More enough reason to take a quick stop for lunch before finding a place to stay at. Maybe another apartment if he is lucky.

A few hours later*

Chikao tries to suppress the urge to smile, because it looks like the plot hasn't begun yet. Seeing how he just saw Issei hanging out with his two perverted friends entering a store, that most likely to sell porn or anything related to porn. Something Chikao recall how Issei would distance himself from those two in time due to being a Reincarnated Devil. However, that doesn't mean the plot won't start sooner or later, so Chikao will have to quickly prepare himself, including his acting career of being a monster.

In fact, Chikao just came up with a great idea to do it, thanks to the help of a few Devils in town. He just has to be careful of Freed showing up out of the blue and hunt him down for becoming a sinner aka using the flyers handed out by the local Devils; well, their familiars would be the one that handing out the flyers really if he remembers how Issei got his at the beginning of the anime.

Heck, Chikao manages to get his hand on one on the way to finding an apartment to stay at. Though, Chikao doesn't know if he should use it since it's blue, not red like the one Issei used. So, there is a high chance of Chikao summoning either Sona herself or one of her peerage. Unlike Rias' peerage. He can somewhat be casual around with them, but Sona's peerage might be more on the strict side. But, Chikao rather not push his luck for being greedy. At least he has a flyer to summon a Devil without any problem.

Now, there is a 50-50 in getting a decent Devil, then his plan of being to raise the acting process to hit 100% soon than having to wait for months. Worse, an entire year. He can't wait that long. Unless those other people who were reborn into their own personal dream or nightmare worlds. They easily find out their plot armors or something to keep them on the same level as the main characters of those worlds. While Chikao here took his sweet ass time before finding out what it was and would have long reached 100% in the acting process.

Well, Chikao can still be relieved that he didn't figure it out by the time he close to his time of death in this world.

Chikao bring up his status window, to see if any changes, maybe a 1% increase without him knowing it.

Name: Chikao Fukui

Pathway: Wheel of Fortune - Low Sequence 9: Monster

Acting Process: 53%

Abilities: [Danger Intuition - Rank: Low] and [Precognition - Rank: Low]

Yup, nothing changes much.

Chikao let out a sigh, as he closes the status window.

Looking around the living room of the small room of the motel he managed to find, that's cheap in rent. With a single bed and a bathroom, with a decent size flat-screen TV.

Of course, he would have the curtain open to keep an eye on his car, but he needs them close to stop others from looking in when he summon the Devil.

However, Chikao wasn't going to keep himself unarmed and held the [Exorcist Gun] just in case this flyer he obtained has been messed with, leading to summoning a Stray Devil or something instead of Sona herself or her peerage member.

Following the instruction on the back of the flyer, then place the flyer on the ground, which begins to glow in bright blue light. This is the sign of Chikao leaping over the bed and hide behind it, where Chikao only allows just the top part of his head out in the open as he watches which Devil he has summoned with the flyer. On the side, there is a bottle of [Holy Water] placed there beforehand for Chikao to grab right away and use in the case of the Devil summoned turn out not friendly.

Once the light dies out. Chikao got a good look at the Devil he has summoned, which will determine if he should shoot the Devil to death and even splash with [Holy Water] just in case the Devil was faking its death.

Much to Chikao's disappointment, and somewhat relieved with a side of disguise, to see it's a Stray Devil. A half humanoid, half serpent. With the sides exposed bones of its ribcage. Doesn't have a head; well, more like it's has a face on its chest.

Chikao didn't even think twice and throw the bottle in his right hand at the Stray Devil before it could even look in his direction. Smacking the at the chest, breaking the bottle, and splashing the [Holy Water] all over the Stray Devil's face/chest.

The Stray Devil tried to let out a screech only to forced to close its mouth in pain due to the [Holy Water] drip inside, making it roll onto the ground, thrashing in pain. Along with breaking lots of things around the place in the process, even whipping its tail everywhere. Hoping to cause any harm to whoever summoned it and instead of being greeted. It got a [Holy Water] splash all over its face, pissing the Stray Devil off big time.

Chikao sweatdrop at this and made sure not to get too close to the Stray Devil, but seeing how this room wasn't that large while the Stray Devil pretty much took 20% of the entire room. Kinda made it hard for Chikao and if that wasn't enough. Someone got to pay for all the damage, making Chikao feel stupid for summoning a Devil in a motel instead of somewhere else.

Still, nothing to change about it. Chikao just has to deal with the aftermath once he deals with the Stray Devil still thrashing everywhere in pain.

If there was anyone staying in one of the motel's rooms right now, then they would clearly hear all the noises. So, Chikao is on a deadline and must end this quick, then get the fuck out of here before the cops come. It's a good thing Chikao took a shower before this whole mess began.

With a quick shot with the [Exorcist Gun]. Chikao ends the Stray Devil's life to the forehead on the chest; well, he hopes it's where the brain is, but the [Light Bullet] did its job.

Now, that's done. Chikao quickly grabs his hat to hide his face partial before rushing out of the room and into his car, then drive off and decide to risk it by heading to the haunted house he learned on the way to finding a place to stay. A place that Chikao has no idea if a Stray Devil or a Youkai have taken over for their base.

But, better than the abandoned church, where the Fallen Angels or any random Stray Exorcists have taken over the place for shelter by now. Maybe not. But, Chikao is more willing to take the risk with the haunted house. Since Chikao doesn't have the equipment nor the skills to deal with Stray Exorcists nor the Fallen Angels.

First day in Kuoh Town and it's plain shitty. Making Chikao want nothing more to smack his past self, for thinking it was a good idea to summon a Devil in a motel. But, there is no pill for regret. He just has to deal with it and hope for the best.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


