70.83% The Road to the EGOT / Chapter 34: Chapter 34 - Blackballed (2)

章 34: Chapter 34 - Blackballed (2)

"You're welcome. You'll do great tomorrow. Make sure to let me know how it goes okay?"

"I will! Goodnight" We kissed before she jumped in her red convertible and drove off. I stood outside and watched her drive away until she turned the corner.

I nodded at James before heading back into my apartment and lying in bed to get some sleep. A few minutes later my phone buzzed. It was Gary!

"Hey. Everything okay?"

"Yeah can you meet me at the usual spot in about 15 minutes?"

"Sure see you there!"

I jumped out of bed and headed to the garage. I got in my car and drove down to the garage where Gary and I usually met.

He was already parked and waiting. I locked my car and walked over to his.

"Whats up?" I asked him with anticipation.

"Have you ever heard of someone called Connor Jennings?"

"Nope, never!"

"You are new to this town! He was a big agent back in the day. Affleck, Damon a couple of cast members from friends.

He was a heavy hitter and on the path to being one of the most powerful agents in the business."

"What happened to him?"

"Well rumours began spreading that he was shorting his clients of their money. That ruined his reputation and his partner took over his clients."

"Three guesses who the partner was!" I finished his thought.

"Yup. Stamp took over and never looked back, After all you've seen from him it wouldn't surprise me Stamp set up Connor."

"Any idea where we can find him?"

"I already did. But he won't talk to me. You might have better luck."

"What makes you say that?"

"Just a hunch."

"Where can i find him?"

"He hangs out most nights at this bar downtown. I gave my card to the bartender and promised him a $100 if he called me the next time he showed. So when i hear from him, i'll give you a call."

"Great. Do you think he has anything really?" I asked him.

"He might. Can't hurt to check it out."

"Alright Gary. Good work. Anything new on the money side?"

"Still looking into it. It takes times. Stamp is a smart one. Won't be easy bringing him down."

"I know! Can't let him get away with all this bull." I said before leaving his car and heading to mine. I headed home and hit my pillow hard.


The next day i met with Marty for lunch. We met at one of our prefered low key haunts. It fell on a pretty good day because Marty was having a pretty crappy one.

"I can't do this anymore Duncan." He announced.

"What's going on?"

"Do you know Anna Sophia Robb?"

"The girl from "The Carrie Diaries"?"

"Yeah her. Well she's been looking for new representation and came into the office today. We passed on her because she refused to give my boss a blowjob."

"Are you serious?" I asked both pissed and incredulously.

"Yeah. I found her in the garage near her car in tears. I did my best to make her feel better but it's still a hard sell. You know how degraded she must have felt?"

"I can only imagine." I said commiserating.

"I'm so sick of this shit Duncan. She's a pretty girl and has quite a bit of talent. She can be a big star in a few years.

Why turn that away because she didn't want to sleep with you?" He said putting his face in his hands. "I'm really thinking about saying fuck all of this and moving back to Chicago and joining a law firm."

"You can't do that." I told him.

"Why the hell not? What's the point of all this?"

"You love it! You love this business. This is what you've always talked about and always worked for. I know it's not what you expected it to be.

But that's not why you give up, You gotta keep pushing and eventually you'll be in a position where you can make some real change."

"What makes you so damn sure?"

"I know you Marty. Just look at what you did today. You didn't have to stop and try to make her feel better. But you took the time and in the long run i'm sure it'll make a difference."

"Thanks for saying that man. Just this town is full of assholes and jerks."

"Which is why guys like you who aren't, need to work hard and get their jobs." He laughed.

"You're right. I'm starving."

"Hey you know about a guy called Connor Jennings?"

"Oh yeah, he was big in the early 90's. He and Derek Stamp came up together. It ended pretty badly apparently."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's two folds. Apparently Connor was stealing money from his clients. That ruined his reputation which means no one would touch him. Also you know Stamp's wife?"

"Yeah Ayelet Zurer. The Israeli actress!"

"Well she used to be with Connor."

"What do you think about all this?" I asked him with a big ball in my throat.

"I don't know. I always believed that Jennings was crooked. But the stories i've heard about Stamp.

The guy is a sociopath. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out that he turned on Jennings."

"You're right. This town man." I shook my head.

"I told you. Can't trust anyone."

"Hey as long as you're here, i've got at least one person." We laughed and enjoyed our lunch.


After my lunch with Marty i drove down to CBS. I still kept in touch with the people i met during my stint on Supergirl.

I wanted to surprise Jennette and see how her meeting went. I ran into Travis who was one of the writers on Supergirl.

"What you doing around here man? You got another hit show coming? Loving MADD DOGG."

"Thanks man i appreciate it. But no not at all. A friend of mine is pitching a show i came down to see how it went."

"Who we talking about?"

"Jennette Mccurdy. She has this awesome script about this girl..." I stopped talking because the look on his face was saying more than i ever could. "What's wrong Travis?"

"Oh man i'm sorry to tell you. But she's been Blackballed!"

"What? Why?" I asked but a feeling in the pit of my stomach told me exactly who was behind this.

"Derek Stamp the manager. He doesn't want any studios touching her. And you know Stamp has so many clients. What he wants he gets."

"So why even take the fucking meeting Travis? Why bring her down here just to tell her no?"

"I don't know."

I turned my back and saw Jennette coming towards me. She looked very disappointed and a little shell shocked. I went over to her and gave her a hug.

"You okay?" I asked her my voice full of concern.

"Yeah they just said no. That it wasn't anywhere near good enough. I worked so damn hard."

"I know. How about we go back to my place and talk about it and figure out a gameplan?"

"Thanks but i just want to be alone. I'm sorry. I have to go."

She walked towards the elevator without saying another word.


I was home and more than a little ticked. Stamp just continued to prove to me that he was a piece of shit. Why go after Jennette? What could he possibly gain?

Was he doing this to make sure that the feud between Ariana and her would no longer be talked about?

Or was this just in order to punish her a little more? I could not understand for the life of me what he was up to. My phone rang.

"Duncan it's Gary! He's at Hank Bar on Grand."

"On it!" I replied before hanging up and getting dressed. I got in my car and drove down. I stepped inside the bar and went straight to the bartender.

I slipped him $100 and he pointed to a man sitting in the corner. He had long dark hair and a beard that hadn't been taken care of in ages. He looked much older than he probably was, mostly due to a lot of heavy drinking.

"Connor Jennings?" I asked him as i stood by his booth. He looked up at me looking amused.

"Depends on who's asking? And if the person asking is planning on buying me a drink." I sat across from him and signaled to the waitress.

"I'm Duncan Bryant."

"Is that suppose to mean something to me kid?"

"I'm a writer, I work on TV."

"Ah and you want me to represent you? Sorry haven't been in that game for quite some time." He said chuckling before taking a large gulp from his drink.

"I know."

"Ah so you probably also know that i'm a liar, a cheater and a fraud."

"Actually i'm pretty sure you're none of those things. That's why i'm here."

"Why don't you tell me what the hell you want?"

"I want Stamp. I want him gone. Stripped of everything and thrown in a jail cell where he can't even stretch his legs."

"You'll fail." He told me humorlessly.


"Cuz you don't even know who you're fighting."

"What do you mean?"

"This town, it's full of people who are egomaniacs. Who don't care who they hurt or who they have to step on to get their way. Stamp is worse.

He's conniving, selfish and sometimes you would think he sold his soul to the devil."

"That's why he needs to be gone."

"That's exactly the reason why he never will be. He's too smart, too charming, too disarming. That's how he got me."

"What the hell happened between the two of you?" I saw it in his eyes right then. That need to tell his side of the story to someone who would actually believe him.

The need to feel as though he wasn't crazy. I got him another drink and let him open up.

"Derek and I met in College. He was one of the most beloved students. The teachers loved him, the girls all wanted him and the guys were dying to be part of his circle.

He was the kind of guy you thought you knew but no one really does. It's like an iceberg. Most of him is never on the surface. I was one of his closest friends but i had no idea about his background or where he came from.

And i'm damn sure that P.I you hired to find me doesn't have a damn clue either. Am i right?" I just nodded. Not wanting to interrupt his story.

"He's an orphan. Never had two nickels to rub together his entire life. Everything he's ever gotten, he had to scrape and fight for. That's who you're fighting Mr Writer.

A man so caught up in the belief of his own destiny that he would destroy whoever stands in his way. Even the only real friend he's ever had."

"What happened with the rumours?"

"After we finished college we both moved to L.A in hopes of running Hollywood one day. We worked together very well for awhile. Until Ayelet came into the picture. She was beautiful and incredibly talented.

I loved her so much, We started seeing each other and i immediately cut off all of the girls i was seeing at the time. I didn't want anyone else. You know that feeling you get when everything is right with the world? That even if you were given the power, you wouldn't change a single thing?" I nodded.

Thinking about the time i had with Victoria. No matter how badly things had turned out; i wouldn't have traded any of it for the world. "Well that's how i felt every time i looked at her. Problem was that Derek wanted her too, He was used to always getting his way.

When he saw that he didn't stand a chance to get between us, he turned on me and ruined me. Telling her lies that i was cheating on her and going to strip clubs. She left me no matter how hard i tried to convince her. That wasn't enough for Stamp.

He then destroyed my name and kicked me out of the company that i had helped him build. And now he practically runs this town. And i have nothing."

He fell silent. Just staring at his drink hoping to find the answers to why his life had turned out so cruel. He was another victim of Stamp's megalomania.

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve what happened to you. No one deserves to have so much taken away from them in one swoop. But Stamp can't be allowed to continue operating the way he has."

"What do you want from me?" He finally asked.

"I know you never stole a dime from your clients, but did Derek?"

"Yeah he did. He would tell his clients that the deal would be 6 millions when it was actually closer to 8."

"How does he get away with that?"

"Studio heads hate to admit it, but what really runs this town is the talent. Whoever controls the talent, controls the business. Stamp's roster is the envy of any manager or agent.

He has actors, writers, directors, you name em he's got em. Stamp can do whatever he does because he owns all the talent."

"Do you have any proof of this?"

"I know he keeps a secret bank account in Switzerland."

"We looked nothing under his name."

"Look for the name Jacob Aldan."

"Who's that?"

"Stamp's real name before he legally had it changed."

"Wait so he had a chance to change his name and choose Derek Stamp?"

"I said the same thing when I found out,"

At that moment my phone rang. It was Jennette. I excused myself to go answer the phone.

"Hello? You okay?"

"Hey is this Duncan?" Some male voice i didn't recognise asked.

"Yeah this is he. Who's speaking?"

"I'm the bartender over at Jet Strip. The blonde is really messed up and asked to call you."

"Alright i'll be right there. Just keep an eye on her." I ran over back to Connor. "I gotta go." I told him as i dropped a $50 on the table.

"Alright Kid.Just remember if you're going after Stamp, make sure it's worth it. You may lose it all in the process." I nodded and ran out of the bar towards my car to go pick up Jennette.


I got to the club and ran inside. I found Jennette drunk as hell at the bar. I nodded at the bartender thanked and tipped him before grabbing Jennette from her stool.

"Oh hey Duncan! Want a drink?" She drunkenly asked me.

"I'm good sweetie. I think we should get you home."

"No, no i want to drink and i want to party! Come on Party with me Duncan." she said seductively as she wrapped her arms around me.

"How bout i take you back to my place so that we can party just the two of us?" I said hoping she would fall for it.

"Even better idea." She got up and stumbled a little, clearly not able to walk by herself. I grabbed her waist and held her against me. "Are we starting the party early?"

"Just making sure you don't fall." I finally got her in the passenger seat of my car, and we quickly drove off. I was just glad there was no paparazzi around.

It took only a few minutes for Jennette to fall asleep. I looked over at the pretty girl sitting in my car and couldn't help but feel bad for her. She had lost the person she loved and her career was now in jeopardy.

We got in the garage to my building and i had to wake her up to get her upstairs. I carried her to my apartment and laid her down on my bed.

I took off her shoes and her jeans. I covered her up and let her sleep. I was on my way out of the room when i heard her talking in her sleep.

"Ari!" I shook my head and went to the balcony and called Gary.

"Hey Gary. I spoke to Connor."

"Anything new?"

"He told me that Stamp changed his name. He used to be called Jason Aldan."

"Got it. I'm going to run a background check on him first thing."

"Apparently he would steal money from his clients. He would stash it in some account in Switzerland"

"Makes sense. I'll keep you posted. Anything else?"

"That's all i got."

"Good work Duncan." He hung up and i changed and got into bed with Jennette. I held her close to me and listened to her breathing as she slept. I fell asleep soon after.


I woke up the next morning with a feeling of warmth all over my groin. I looked down and there was Jennette sucking away at my dick. The blonde was topless and only had the panties from last night covering her sexy ass as it poked in the air.

She had her mouth full of cock and i couldn't help but smile as i felt her take more and more of my cock down her throat. I ran my hand through her hair and just lay back enjoying the awesome work she was performing on me. Her head was bobbing up and down on my dick as her hand was playing with my balls.

She popped off my dick and stood up. She quickly dropped her panties and lowered her wet pussy onto my dick.

"Morning! I thought this would be a good way of waking you up." She said as she raised and lowered herself on my hard dick. I grabbed her breasts and squeezed her nipples.

"You thought right Mccurdy. There's no better way to start the day."

She placed her hands on my chest for leverage and sped up her pace. I lay back simply admiring her beautiful tits as they bounced up and down with her movements.

Her juices were pouring out of her cunt making it even easier to slide in and out of her tight confines. "Ohh shit!! I'm so damn close!" She screamed out. I grabbed her hips and started to pump her body even faster.

I pumped my hips into her just as hard hitting her G spot and sending her spiraling into an orgasm. "AHHHHHH FUUUUUUUCCKKKKKKK!!" She screamed out as she came and buckets of cum dropped into my lap.

She lifted herself off my cock, lay on her back and spread her legs wide. "Fuck me!" She said flirtatiously.

I didn't wait another second before jumping in between her legs and sinking my dick in her. God it felt good to fuck her. I lifted her legs on my shoulders and drove my cock into her as hard as i could. "MHMMM YEA FUCK ME!" I continued to do just that.

I was close to cumming and i knew that it wouldn't be much longer. I grabbed on tight to her legs and let go as my dick began spewing all of my cum right into the depths of the blonde.

Feeling my cum running inside her pushed her over the edge and she quickly followed me on the orgasm road. We both moaned as we came together and rode the waves of orgasm.

"Damn, you're welcome to stay with me anytime if that's how you're planning on waking me." I said as i cradled her body in my arms. She laughed.

"Thanks for taking care of me last night."

"Anytime. You okay?" I asked as i kissed her forehead.

"I'm fine. I just feel a little silly for getting drunk like that."

"It happens. You had a tough day."

"Just i really wanted this badly."

"We will figure it out. Just give it time."

"Thanks. What are you up to today?" She asked me as she cradled her head against my chest. She then placed a soft kiss on me.

"I have to start packing. I have a trip to Vancouver. Going to work on the flash for a few days."

"That sounds fun."

"Its work! It's all it is. Take a shower and i'll start breakfast."

"Okay." She kissed me and got out of bed. I watched her walk into the bathroom and felt bad for her. Maybe i should tell her she had been blackballed.

I heard her singing in the shower and couldn't help but smile. She still had her Netflix show. It should keep her busy for awhile, maybe by the time it's all said and done Stamp will be put down. We actually had a lead. Hopefully it'll take us to Stamp's downfall.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C34
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


