47.91% The Road to the EGOT / Chapter 23: Chapter 23 - Premiere with Margot Robbie (2)

章 23: Chapter 23 - Premiere with Margot Robbie (2)

The following evening I had put on one of my favorite suits and looked great. I was pretty nervous as I had expected but knowing I would be spending the evening with Margot kind of made me feel better. There was of course no chance of there being anything serious between us, but maybe that is why I enjoyed her company so much. Romantic involvement was really the last thing on my mind at this point of my life.

I took the elevator down to the garage and entered my brand new BMW M9. There was no way in hell that I could even afford this car. Kanye had gifted it to me after we had wrapped the season. When I had picked up the script the year before I had no idea how much this project meant to him. The show was called M.A.D.D DOGG RECORDS and followed three childhood friends as they tried to build a music empire from the ground up. It was fascinating to write.

I had avoided seeing the final cut until tonight. Wanting to see it for the first time with an audience was something I wanted to experience.

I left the building and made my way towards Margot's hotel. The car was so great to drive and handled beautifully across the streets of L.A. It was a beautiful night as they often were. L.A truly did spoil you in that department as well as the beautiful women I thought as I saw two incredible beauties jogging in short spandex shorts. I smiled appreciatively.

Arriving at Margot's hotel I left the car with the valet and called her from my cellphone. She asked me to wait for her in the lobby that she was almost ready. I found a comfortable seat and waited near the elevators. They finally dinged and as the doors opened I realized that there are some joys in life. None more joyous than seeing a beautiful woman dressed to the nines and walking towards you.

Margot looked stunning. She was wearing a sleeveless knee length yellow dress with a plunging neck line. My mouth instantly went dry. She let her hair down and her smile simply perfected the vision that she was. She hugged me and her perfume was so sweet. I held out my hand and she grabbed it as I escorted her outside to the front of the hotel. I told the valet I wouldn't be long so the car showed up not long after.

"This is yours? Did you rob a BMW dealership or something?" She asked me laughing.

"Shhhh. These guys don't need to know. It was a clean getaway."

"How did you pull it off?"

"Well I had this team of plumbers and janitors set up the whole thing." She laughed her beautiful laugh. Throwing her head back and showing off her marvelous neck and pushing her breast out towards.

"The world's finest criminals are always right under our noses aren't they?"

"Better believe it Robbie!"

I opened up her door and sat behind the wheel. Margot loved music, she was practically always dancing. It didn't matter where she was. She turned on the radio hoping to hear something great. Luckily for her she did. Unlucky for me it was Victoria's new song. I quietly winced. Margot caught it and turned off the song right away with an apologetic look on her face.

"You alright dear?" she asked me.

"I'm fine. You know usually when you break up with someone you can get away from them?" Margot nodded. "Imagine breaking up with a girl who was everywhere. On TV, the radio, movies. Why the hell can't she be a massive failure?"

Margot laughed knowing I was joking. Well at least halfway.

"Have you two spoken?" I shook my head.

"Not since I left New York. I thought about calling after they had cancelled Eye Candy but just couldn't get around to it. Plus she's been dating Eric Strong."

"Duncan have you thought about maybe putting yourself out there again?"

"Are you asking me out Robbie? I knew it would only be a matter of time before you tried to lock this down." We both laughed.

"I tried to fight it as long as possible. But the car really did me in." She said running her hands across the leather seats and laughing her head off. "But seriously? Our arrangement is great I have to admit. But don't you want more?"

I thought about that for a second. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone there for me" To have someone to love and share my life with? The ups and the downs? The successes and failures? I mean isn't that what everyone wants? The thought had crossed my mind, but I couldn't do that. At least not yet.

"I do. I will. But I have some demons to fight before I can truly move on."

"I understand." Margot always knew just when to change the subject. "So what will you do now that the show is done and about to premiere?"

"Well I like taking breaks in between projects because I tend to lose myself in them. My best friend Mark is getting married soon. We are planning a bachelor party for him in Vegas."

"Oh wow that sounds like a great time. Almost like a break out comedy that just can't very well be left alone and made into a franchise that taints your memory of the original."

"HEY!!" I looked at her seriously. "The

Hangover is a natural treasure." We laughed.

We got to the El Ray Theater. It was usually used for concerts but also held screenings. HBO had premiered the second season of VICE here. We exited the car and a valet picked it up handing me a ticket. There was a red carpet and plenty of media there. The theater was littered with celebrities. Kanye had really gone through his rolodex and gotten everyone there.

Jay-Z and Beyonce were giving an interview. Margot gripped my hand tightly. She was a huge fan. Pharell Williams was there. He was the musical overseer on the show. He and I had worked closely together all year round. He was a great guy and was also close to Kiersay Clemons. She had worked with him not long ago.

"Sup Duncan how you doing? You excited?" He came over giving me one of those manly handshake hugs.

"I'm good man thanks. This is Margot. Margot this is Pharell Williams." They shook hands.

"Of course I know him. Happy is my favourite dancing in the shower song!" We all laughed.

We made our way through all of the madness; Margot not once letting go of my hand. I kept seeing many other famous people. The Rock was there as well as other members of the HBO family. A lot of cast members of Game of Thrones were also present. I finally spotted Kanye by the entrance to the screening room. He was with his wife Kim Kardashian and they were holding court.

Welcoming and thanking everyone for coming. When he saw me he brightened up and gave me a huge hug. We had become quite close. He really was nothing like the image he gave of himself. Don't get me wrong he was cocky and at times insufferable. But he was a good guy with the biggest heart you could imagine. Kim and I gave the Hollywood cheek kiss. She looked incredible. Kanye really had it all.

"You ready for this man?" He asked me.

"A year of work let's hope it was worth it." I responded.

"I'm sure it will be man. Hey Margot. Thanks for coming!" He said turning to my date.

"Hey Kanye. I can't wait to see what you guys have come up with." She said her smile beaming.

"You gonna love it." He pointed towards me.

"This man is a genius. None of this would have been possible without him. He ever tell you the story?"

"No he never has." Margot wrapped her arm around me. "You know this guy is so humble. He never talks about all the great things he does."

"Ain't that the truth? You have no clue how to sell yourself. How'd you even make it into this business?"

"I'm working on a show with you! You call that making it?" I joked at him and he laughed.

"Well I was pitching the show to CBS, and they rejected it badly. They basically said it was trash. Duncan here picked up the script and fixed it up without even asking for anything. Then when the networks came at us with offers he suggested we go with HBO and it was honestly the best thing ever. This is all on you bro!"

"Can we wait til people have seen it? I'll take all the glory if they like it. If not; this was your baby Kanye."

As we were laughing Micheal B Jordan who we had cast as the lead walked by. He was an alum of The Wire so HBO were glad when we asked him to come on. He was doing movies as well but we luckily found time in his schedule. He was a really strong actor and I had come to find him to be a really great guy. We had become friends on the set and played basketball together once a week.

"Sup D." He said as we did the handshake hug.

"You good MJ?" I asked him.

"Man these people are going to love this. They don't even know what's coming."

He entered the theater and right behind him were Mark and Maiara. They looked so happy together. The picture of a couple on the brink of marriage. Supergirl was doing amazing well and the studio had thrown cash at Mark to make the most of the series. I was proud of him. We hugged tightly.

"How the hell did you get Margot Robbie to come with you?" he asked me incredulously.

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises." We laughed and I introduced the happy couple to my date.

We finally went inside and everyone took their seats. Margot kissed me on the cheek as the lights dimmed and the HBO logo came on. The show looked amazing. The director had done an awesome job. As the hour went by I could feel the crowd getting into it.

Laughing when they were supposed to and enjoying themselves. That is the greatest feeling a writer can ask for. Margot was leaning against me and I had my arm around me. She was into as much as everyone else. When the episode ended the entire room exploded in applause and cheers. Kanye ran onto the stage followed by the cast. He grabbed the mic.

"Thank you all for coming, I'm glad you enjoyed the show. We all worked incredibly hard on the show but there's one dude that you all have to clap for the hardest. DUNCAN GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE." The lights turned onto me and the applause started up again.

Margot was smiling brightly at me. "GET UP THERE!" She had to yell over the applause. I got up and made my way down to the stage followed by all of the applause. I got on stage and Kanye hugged me followed by everyone else in the cast. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. And I will never forget it. A part of me though, felt that something was missing. Someone was missing.

It took us forever to get out of the theater. The congratulations kept on coming from everyone there. I was starting to believe that we may have a hit on our hands. Margot was the perfect companion. She allowed me to have my moment but was never too far away. We finally got in the car and drove back towards her hotel.

She had a flight in a few hours and I did not want her to miss it. We arrived at our destination and she asked me to come up to her room. Her bags were already packed and she seemed ready to go. She bent down at her bag and I admired and not for the first time that night her wonderful ass. She had to be wearing a thong there was absolutely no panty line. Margot was rummaging through her bag but still caught me staring. She smiled at me as she pulled a box out of it.

"Wondering what type of knickers I'm wearing Duncan?" She asked me naughtily.

"Me? No not at all. I was just wondering who made this dress." I poorly covered myself.

She handed me the box which I noticed was not only beautiful but felt incredibly expensive. I looked over at her quizzically. I flipped opened the box's lid and almost blew mine. Inside was one of the rarest most expensive watches in the world. A Vacheron Tour De L'ile. It was beautiful and I was left speechless. I looked over at Margot who was beaming at me.

"Margot I can't accept this!" I finally managed to say.

"Of course you can. This is a huge night for you. I wanted you to have something to remember it."

"Is that why you waited until after the screening to give it to me? "

"Yup in case it sucked. Then I would have saved it for your next success."

I pulled her in close to me and kissed her soft lips.

"Thank you so much. I don't even know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. Just know I'm proud of you and you will do great things. Just continue to trust your instincts."

I kissed her again and pulled her even tighter against me. I was overwhelmed. The watch had only been a caper to a perfect evening. My tongue met Margot's and a shock coursed through me. I moaned deeply enjoying this kiss. I moved my hands up and down the exposed portion of her back enjoying the softness of her skin.

She pulled away from the kiss and walked away towards the bed adding a sway to her hips. I couldn't help but set my gaze to her ass. Which I'm sure was her intention all along. She climbed onto the bed on all fours with her ass staring right at me.

"If you admit that you were trying to figure out my knickers situation, I will promise to show you." She looked back towards me with that fire in her eyes once again.

"Alright! I was thinking it had to be a thong. There are no panty lines." What else could I say? She laughed before beginning to lift the back of her dress. Inching it closer and closer over her bountiful behind. She revealed her smooth thighs and paused.

"You've got a good eye but you are so wrong." She informed to me before lifting the dress in one motion presenting me with her ass in all of its glory. She had gone commando. I kicked myself in being so caught up with everything else tonight to not even have ventured a hand up her dress tonight.

She spread her knees further apart spreading her pussy lips more and I could already see her juices glistening. I quickly removed my tie and my shirt. I walked over to the bed and kneeled down right by it. I had Margot's ass only inches in my face I only took a beat to admire the curves and softness of her skin before plunging my tongue in her pussy. "Oh SHIt!" she hollered already. I ran my hands across the flesh of her butt. I kneaded and squeezed each cheek as I ran my tongue up, down and all around her puffy pussy lips.

Margot took off her dress and was happily playing with her tits as my tongue continued to bring wonders to her nether regions. I loved her pussy. There really was no other way to describe it. It was so soft and pretty. She tasted so fruity I had no idea how she managed to pull that off. It didn't really matter to me as I sucked her clit into my mouth and dove two fingers into her hole. "Oh FUCK! JUST.. . LIKE...THAT" Panted Margot. She was humping back against my face, grinding her clit harder into my mouth with every bounce of her marvelous ass.

I used my free hand to unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants. It took all of me to pull away from Margot's pussy but I did knowing greater pleasures were still to come. I stood up and my pants fell away to the ground; quickly followed by my boxers.

"What? Why did you stop?"Margot pleaded soflty, lost in the throes of her near orgasm.

I didn't say a word. I grabbed her hip and lined my dick with her pussy and quickly thrust into her. "OHHHH FUCK. Nevermind!." She screamed out. I started slowly pumping into her, loving the feel of her tight walls around my dick, and the sight of her ass bouncing up and down. Margot put her face down and lifted her ass straight up so I could fuck her at a different angle. At this point I had a death grip on her hips as my dick plunged in and out of her continuously.

"God I'm going to miss your dick so much! AHHHH" Margot was so vocal, I loved it. Only drove my hips faster and harder. "Fuck me, OH GOD FUCK ME!!" Margot's hand began rubbing and pinching her clit driving her closer and closer to orgasm. I grabbed her pretty tits in my hands and began playing and rubbing her them gleefully. "OH SHIT I'm gonna cum so hard! Please make me cum!!" I used her tits to drive her on my dick harder, teaming it with the pumping of my hips.

I was sweating and panting myself. Margot's pussy was doing wonders to my dick making my head spin. I closed my eyes and just focused on all of the things that were running through my body. The tightness and slickness of her pussy as well as the softness of her skin and the suppleness of her movements. Margot's moans got louder as her pussy detonated around my dick and came loud and hard. Her moans and screams were so sexy that it made it so much harder for me to hold my own orgasm.

As her orgasm passed Margot crashed on the bed trying to catch her breath. I helped her lay down on her back and climbed atop of her. I caught her lips in mine and began kissing her softly. She had beads of sweat all across her forehead and around her breast. I set myself in between her legs and pushed my dick back in her. She moaned softly into my mouth as I penetrated her.

Believe it or not this was my favorite position to fuck Margot. She was so beautiful and her face so expressive that I enjoyed watching her while I ram my dick into her as hard as I could muster. Her big blue eyes were locked onto mine as I leveled myself on my forearms, running my hands through her hair. Meanwhile she locked those sexy legs of hers across my back and ass and met my dick pump for pump. I shut my eyes as I felt the cum building up inside of my dick just ready to fill her depths with my cum. I grabbed the sheets and yelled out as I exploded into the blonde beauty.

I collapsed atop of her body and took deep breaths to regain my composure. I opened my eyes to find Margot looking at me with a devilish smile on her face.

"Well you seem happy!" I threw at her.

"As happy as can be. Just love watching you cum dear. It's the only time you're ever fully relaxed. You tend to be tense. Almost as though you hold the weight of the world on your shoulders."

"Sometimes it does feel that way."

"You need to relax." She whispered in my ear right before kissing me on the cheek. "I wish I could stay longer and help you out with that."

"You do more than enough Robbie. I'm so grateful for having you around. Thank you for coming with me tonight."

"Anytime sweetheart! Now I have to get ready to go, the car will be here soon."

With that we had to separate. I put on my clothes while Margot got ready to take a shower.

"You're not joining me?" She asked me with a pout on her lips.

"Not this time. If I do you will miss your flight." We both laughed as we fell into each other's arms and kissed. "Have a safe flight Robbie. Come back to me soon."

"As soon as I can! Goodnight."

I left the hotel feeling both much better than I had as of late. I drove to my building and stopped to talk to James.

"How'd the premiere go?" He asked me jovially.

"It went great thanks. Everyone loved it, may have a hit."

"I'm glad to hear that sir. Was worried it would be a bomb and you would lose all your money and have to leave the building. I mean who else would I talk to at this time of night?" I laughed.

"Again thanks for the concern James."

"Will you be getting some sleep tonight?"

"In a bit I was thinking of going out for a run first. I'm a little wired."

James just shook his head as I quickly went up to my apartment and changed. A few minutes later I was running with the music full blast in my ear. About a mile up the road there was this parking garage that I ran through. I followed the signs and made my way to the very bottom floor. I stood and searched for the black SUV which I found tucked away in a corner as usual. I ran towards it and opened the passenger seat.

"I was wondering if you were going to make it." The man in the driver's seat said.

"Sorry about that. Got held up."

"I heard. You were at a big premiere with Margot Robbie. I would have been late as well. "

"Do you have anything for me?"

"Just some basic info, his bank accounts and some of his hidden assets." He said pulling a manila folder out of his glove compartment and handing it to me. "He's got quite a bit of money but the numbers aren't really adding up. Going to have to keep looking."

I started looking through the pages in the folder.

"May I ask you something?"

"What is it Gary?"

"Why are you so interested in this guy?"

I looked at the pictures of Stamp that he had taken coming out of his mansion. I looked back over to Gary.

"He's my demon."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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