41.66% The Road to the EGOT / Chapter 20: Chapter 20 - Goodbyes

章 20: Chapter 20 - Goodbyes

I was walking away, anger had taken over everything. I was almost at the exit to the building when Victoria caught up to me.

"Duncan what the hell was that all about? What's gotten into you?" She asked me, surprise written all over her face.

"What's gotten into me? What's gotten into you?" She took a step back, looking even more shocked than before. "I'm your boyfriend, we live together and again and again you continue to side with that piece of shit. You saw how he treated me, how he treats everyone on this set and you ask me what's gotten into me when I've punched him."

"You don't understand Duncan. You don't know what he's been through."

"I couldn't give less of a shit. That is no excuse for treating people the way he does."

"Okay maybe he went overboard but he's really not like that."

"Dammit Victoria. Do you like him? Is there something that I'm missing? Did something happen between the two of you?" I was angry. My blood was boiling over. I was scared of the answer I knew I was, but I was sick and tired of this messed up situation. She took a beat too long and looked around. We were in the lobby and people were slowly beginning to pay more and more attention

"How could you even ask me that?" She asked me with pain in her eyes where tears had begun to form.

"How could I not? The way you've been acting as of late I can't help but think you're hiding things from me."

Pain quickly turned to anger I saw the shift in her almost instantly.

"I'm hiding things? What about you Duncan? You don't think I know you have a bunch of shit building up? You won't even talk to me about anything; you just form a god damn wall and leave me out."

"I'm trying to protect you."

"Oh that excuse again. Just like with Derek. I'm not a little girl Duncan. I don't need you to protect me."

"Yes you do! You are so blinded that you can't even see that Strong and Stamp are garbage trying to take advantage of you and get between us."

"Why would they even care who I'm seeing?"

"Stamp told me to my face, at that elevator right behind you that he would do all he could to break us up."

"I don't believe you. You're just mad that I won an Emmy and you didn't. That my career is blowing up and the network doesn't' even trust you."

"Is that really what you think?" I asked her with tears forming in my eyes now. "The only reason I'm still here is because of you. The only reason I put up with all the shit at this piece of shit network is for you. The only reason I fucken stayed I should say. I'm done! Done with all of it."

With that said I turned and walked out of the building. I looked up at the sky and the weather reflected the storm rumbling inside of me. There was thunder; lightning and the rain had begun to fall. I was soaked before I got to the end of the block. There was a bar I knew not too far away and I ducked inside to dry off. It was a small bar nothing special, just a place to hang after work to drink and wish your troubles away. There was nowhere better for me to be than here at this moment. I sat at a booth all the way out in the back. I took a few deep breaths, closed my eyes and rested my head against the booth. I tried to calm my heart beat which hadn't stopped ever since I punched Eric.

The waitress, a very cute redhead took my order and gave me a sympathetic smile. I had more than likely just lost my job and my girlfriend all in the space of 4 minutes. That had to be some kind of new world record. My drink arrived and I took a huge gulp right off the bat; just wanting to numb the anger and the pain for a little while.

"Hey Superstar!" I looked up to find Kiersay by the table. I had told her before that I liked to come here to get some silence. "Thought I would find you here." I lifted my glass to her.

"Well you were right." She sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Are you okay? " I looked into her brown eyes and thought about it for a second.

"No I'm not. I'm really not. I haven't been alright in so long."

"I've noticed. You're always trying to make it seem like everything is okay, but if anyone pays attention they can see the cracks. "

"I thought I was making all the right moves. Protecting my relationship and doing what was best for both her and I. People warned me. That this is how it would end. That she wouldn't make the same sacrifices for me."

"I'm sure she would. She's just a little confused right now."

"No Kiersay. It's over. It's all over." She held me for what felt like hours. I enjoyed being near her; smelling her perfume and the softness of her skin. We continued to share drinks as I caught her up on the past few months and all that had happened.

"Eric told me that Victoria could have visited me more often, but chose not to."

"What makes you think he's telling the truth?"

"He may be lying, but before I would have never believed him. When he said it to me it felt as though it was something that would be true; that her career was more important than what we had. Maybe I was too naïve to think that it couldn't happen."

"Victoria knows what she has in you. You've always been good to her. You're really a special guy Duncan, I know deep down she knows that too."

"Maybe it's not enough. Maybe the fame, the glamour, the attention is all more important than whatever I can give her."

"Well being an actress myself, I have to admit that all those perks are pretty nice. But I'd trade that any day to have someone like you to come home to every night."

I looked at her and smiled. She was attractive, I had always thought so. I pulled her into me and brought my lips over to hers. Our lips met it was hesitant at first, just a quick peck. The moment I had tasted her lips I knew I had to have more. I held her tightly and brought our lips together once more. This time we were more in tune with one another and shared a kiss that was hot and sexy. I decided in that moment I had to have her. I continued kissing her and ran my hands up and down her back. I hadn't been with anyone else but Victoria and Ariana in quite some time and this felt so good, so fresh and new.

Her tongue slipped its way into my mouth snaked around until hers and mine connected. The moment our tongues met for the first time I felt a jolt course through my body and my mind shut down. She got up and headed towards the bathroom calling me with a finger to follow her.

I followed her into the woman's bathroom where we quickly picked up where we had left off. Our mouths met hungry for each other. I grabbed her ass through her tight blue jeans and it felt just as good as it has always looked to me. I felt myself getting hard and grinded my thickening erection against her body. Feeling it she looked up at me and gave me a sly smile before pushing me back against the door and dropping down to her knees. She unbuckled my belt and dropped my pants.

"Oh wow, I always wondered how big you were. This is a really nice cock Mr. Bryant. I'll treat it gently." The next thing I felt were those gorgeous lips of hers as she kissed the head of my dick. Pre Cum was already leaking from the tip, as quickly as it was forming she was licking and sucking it away. Her lips that I had always admired were so full and soft, and were currently running up and down each side of my dick sending me into a frenzy and she hadn't even put my head in her mouth as of yet. She continued trailing down my dick until she reached my balls and took turn sucking each of them in turn. I was panting and breathing heavily.

She finally, blissfully took the head of my dick into her warm and wet mouth and I couldn't help but groan. I looked down and she was staring right back at me with those big beautiful eyes of hers, as her wonderful lips stretched around my cockhead. Her cheeks sunk into her mouth as she sucked on my cock as though it were her favorite treat. She pushed her head down further and further down my cock, letting her wicked tongue move along all my veins at the same time. She slowly took me deeper and deeper down her throat driving me even more insane. I put my hand through her soft hair as she started bobbing her head up and down on my cock, her right hand was pumping whatever part of my dick was left out of her mouth, while her left was gently stroking my balls.

She was incredibly sexy and I was glad to be sharing this moment with her. Our eyes met once more right before she took me all the way down her throat in one gulp. I was shocked and had to put a fist in my mouth to keep from screaming. She grabbed my butt cheeks with both hands and started fucking her mouth with my dick at a much faster clip than the soft sucking she had begun with. Both my hands were now in her hair as I had to hold on as her sucking picked up.

She pulled off my dick and placed soft kisses on the head once more before returning her mouth to mine and kissing me taking my breath away in the process. She took a couple of steps away from me and all I could do was stare as she took off her pants and pulled them down her long slim legs. My mouth went dry as I saw her standing before me in her black lace thong. She turned around and showed me her succulent ass and my dick could do nothing else but jump. She noticed and had the cutest grin on her face at that moment. She pulled off her thong and threw them on top of her jeans. She resumed kissing me launching her tongue in my mouth with no hesitation. My hands made their way to her ass, squeezing the soft flesh. I spun her around and put her against the door; my hands gripped her ass cheeks and lifted her off the ground. She spread her legs and I settled in between them. I pushed my hard dick through the folds of her pussy and was instantly gripped by her tight and moist pussy. We both groaned as my dick buried itself in her depths.

I held her up from her ass and drove my dick in and out of her. She was so tight I had to go slowly so I wouldn't hurt her or myself in the process. I looked at her face and noticed how her eyes were closed tightly; her mouth was wide open in a constant moan. She was definitely enjoying this fuck as much as I was. I threw my head and placed soft kisses on her neck and heard her moan and her pussy grip me even tighter.

I gripped her teasing ass and started bucking harder and harder against her. My arms were getting tired so I had to put her down. Kiersay quickly turned around and bent over giving me another glimpse of her beautiful ass. My hands reached for her hips as my dick guided itself right back into her warm tunnel. I fucked her hard and fast loving the sound that our flesh made whenever it connected. Kiersay was biting her lip keeping herself from shouting out loud. I wanted to do the same but resigned myself to simply groping her tits underneath her shirt. Each hand cupped a breast and I used them to throw her back against my dick. Kiersay reached down and began playing with her clit. She could tell I was close to cumming and wanted to make sure she wasn't left behind. I could feel the cum building up in my balls and lost control of my hips as they continued going haywire in and out of Kiersay's incredibly tight and fit body. I pushed my dick as deep into her as I could go and let loose my canon on the depth of her pussy. Kiersay was fast behind me moaning louder than she had up until that point and her juices shot all over my crotch.

I was spent, and my thighs were on fire from the rigorous fucking we had just performed. I pulled out of Kiersay who was breathing just as heavily as I was.

"Oh god Duncan. That was incredible!" She said breathlessly.

"It sure was." I responded. I turned her towards me and held her body in my arms as she went limp. She seemed so satisfied in that moment I couldn't help but feel a little pride. Especially with all the bullshit I had been dealing with. Being able to make a gorgeous woman cum so hard was just the pick me up my ego needed.

"Thank you so much." I finally said to her.

"You don't have to thank me. I wanted it too. I've always liked you. You just never paid me any mind because of Victoria."

"I like you too. You're gorgeous, and have always been a good friend to me. "

"Don't say anymore. There's no need. I didn't think this would lead to something between us. It was something we both needed. You have a lot of difficult decisions to make ahead. Just know whatever happens I'll always be here as your friend."

I was left speechless so I just held her tighter hoping that it would be enough for her to realize how much her words had just touched me and warmed my heart.

"Go home talk to Victoria, keep me in the loop. I'm here if you need any advice." We finally pulled away from each other got cleaned up and were on our way out of the bar. The rain had calmed outside. It was still coming down but not as hard. I realized at that moment that I was already beginning to feel a little calmer. Kiersay gave me one last hug and a quick kiss on the cheek before heading home. A cab was passing by and I caught it. I sat low on the backseat. Looking out the window I took in the city. I loved this city. Taking it in I remembered the day I had been offered the job on Eye Candy; it felt like a lifetime ago. The fear that had gripped me at the thought of running the show, of leaving the life I had made for myself in L.A was almost overwhelming. Yet I took the chance and went on an adventure and was able to accomplish quite a bit. Maybe I hadn't reached the heights that I had hoped, but I knew I wouldn't look at this as a failure. When I made that realization I knew what had to done. The decision was made.

I arrived at my building and made my way to our apartment. I opened the door and Victoria was there waiting for me. When she saw me she rushed over to me and held me in a bear hug; effectively knocking the wind out of me.

"I'm so sorry Duncan. I'm so so so sorry. You were right about everything." I held her tightly. She was crying and wet from the rain.

"I went out looking for you everywhere. I was worried you wouldn't come back." She held my face in her hand and kissed me hard.

"Victoria." She wouldn't let me talk.

"It's okay babe, everything will be okay I promise. I'm sorry I was wrong. There's nothing more important than you. Not even my career. You made all these sacrifices for me. You turned down CBS for me. I should do the same."

"Victoria..." again she cut me off.

"It's okay. I'll fix things. I'll fix everything." She kept raining kisses all over my face and I couldn't help but smile. Knowing deep down that this would be one of the hardest things I would ever have to do.

"Victoria. I can't let you do that." Her beautiful brown eyes stared right at me in horror and surprise.

"Do what?"

"I can't let you sacrifice your career." I grabbed her hand and led her to the couch. We sat down and I held her hands in mine. "I made mistakes. I didn't let you all the way in when things got bad. I kept things from you thinking it was for your best interest. Truth is that it's not entirely true."

"What do you mean?"

"I think a part of me kept Stamp away from you because I was afraid that your career would grow and I would be left behind. Especially after you won an Emmy and I lost. I turned down jobs and invested everything into Eye Candy and your career. If you continued to grow and I stayed behind I would have nothing left.

"Okay but now we're going to be more honest with each other. We can stop this from happening. We can make this work." She said holding my hands so tight; her eyes filling with fresh tears, hurting my heart so deeply.

"Our careers are going in different directions. I'm definitely going to lose my job; they've been looking for a reason to let me go, punching your co-star should do it. Meanwhile your popularity will only continue to grow. If we get in each other's way, hold each other back we may look back on all this and begin resenting one another."

She threw herself in my arms. She was crying fully now. I had to admit I was on the border as well. I knew this was the right thing to do; that this was the only path to take. But I had no idea that it would be so damn hard.

"I don't want this to end. I don't want to lose you. I love you. I would never be where I am today if not for you." She said through her tears.

"And I wouldn't be half the man I am today without you. You're as close to the angels as I'll ever get."

We sat on that couch together for quite some time. We held each other neither one of us saying a word. It was almost as if we knew that the moment this embrace was over so would everything that we had built together up until that point. It was quiet in our apartment; the only sounds being made were the rain outside and the beating of our hearts. Victoria looked into my eyes and I couldn't help but smile. She brought her lips to mine and we kissed softly lovingly. The longer the kiss the faster our hearts rose. My hands were caressing her back, going up and down and feeling the smooth skin underneath her wet shirt. Victoria pushed her tongue into my mouth and I sent mine to meet hers. She pulled up and removed her shirt standing in front of me in her black bra; she jumped into my lap and kissed me again full of love and passion. She pulled my shirt off and threw it to the ground. I lifted her in my arms and carried her to the bedroom; we never stopped kissing the whole way through.

I laid her softly on the bed and took off my pants and boxers before lying on top of her and kissing her again. Our lips mashed together furiously; we both knew this would more than likely be the last time we would share in each other's bodies and had our hearts set on enjoying this as much as possible. I unhooked her bra and sent the garment flying across the room. I placed soft kisses down her jawline and throat. I unbuckled her jeans and kept kissing down her lovely body as she helped me pull them down her legs along with her matching thong. I held back for a second taking in her gorgeous body, and I had a flashback to the first time that I had seen her like this; In that hotel room a few miles away from where we had made our home; the place where I had decided to not only take the job but gave my heart to this beautiful creature that had brought so much joy in my life. I lay on top of her again and our mouths caught each other midway. My hands touched her body almost as though they were trying to remember every inch of it. Her arms; her hands; her legs. I had to remember it all.

I couldn't allow myself to ever forget how nearly flawless she was. My mouth made its way to her tits and sucked her nipple in. Enjoying the feel of the hard nub in my mouth. I heard her groan and moan above me; I had always loved the sounds she made during our love making. "Oh shit" I heard her say which made my heart beat faster wanting to hear her say it again I made my way down her flat stomach until I reached her smooth and wet pussy.

I took a beat to appreciate the folds and the erotic nature of her sex. I ran my tongue from the bottom of her sex to the top, adding a little pressure when I reached her clit. I performed this over and over again her juices were pouring out of her and she was panting and moaning hard. She was also squirming quite a bit so I had to hook her legs and keep her still so that I could have my way with her. I finally began to keep focus on her clit and sucked it into my mouth. Victoria nearly jumped off the bed as a jolt of pleasure ran through her body. I pushed two fingers into her wet cunt and began fucking her and bringing her to an orgasm. My lips went haywire on her clit as she bucked against my mouth as her orgasm overtook her body. I continued to lick and suck away at her until she pushed my head away when her clit had become too sensitive.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


