23.82% Hentai Verse / Chapter 61: All Girls For One Deku: Classroom Special Exam | Part - 4 | Finale

章 61: All Girls For One Deku: Classroom Special Exam | Part - 4 | Finale

Kinoko Komori I

Reiko Yanagi I

Yui Kodai I

Kashiko Sekigai II

Ibara Shiozaki I


Somewhere outside of Yuuei Academy…

"A Hero….! I'm holding out for a hero 'till the end of the night. He's got to be strong, and he's gotta be fast, and he's gotta be fresh from the fight.~' Mmm mmm mmhmmm!~ " Nana Shimura hummed to herself joyfully as she casually trotted through the hallways of Yuuei academy feeling in a chipper mood.

Her butt swayed side to side nicely causing her cheeks to jiggle noticeably inside of her tight-fitting outfit. She had decided to wear a size smaller version of her costume just for the sake of stimulating Izuku more each time she sees him. It made her Nana's breasts look fuller and brought out the smooth curvatures of her ass and legs leaving her arms uncovered like always. They remained ever-so-robust in feminine muscle and volume yet retained their femininity just like her legs no matter how toned she intended to be. Nana was,like always, in her prime state and right now she currently was taking her sweet time in making her way over to Class 1A to see how her precious Izuku was doing. Underneath her right arm the woman carried a steel case housing a collection of valuable 'Assets' she felt would be needed for all the girls inside of Izuku's classroom right now,

'If my hunch is correct those little darlings are definitely going to be needing these right around the time that I show up. I'm just glad I thought of it sooner than later and had support department whip them up without having to ask too many questions on why they were necessary. Given my darling Izu-kun's tendency to do it raw it's only natural to be prepared, these special tablets will be very helpful indeed unless the girls want to end their superhero career early by becoming moms. I'm pretty sure most of the female pro heroes only want that now that I think about it. I know I certainly want it ...hehehe.' She thought while wearing a cheeky smile on her face.

Nana was feeling very optimistic for Izuku's future considering how much potential she saw in the boy. Having been hyped up for his rise to prestige after seeing how well he performed at the entrance exam today she believed in Izuku now more than ever and considered him her one and only prospect for marriage in the future. Looking down at her robust voluptuous body Nana hugged her belly affectionately wondering what it would be like to be a mother after her time in the spotlight is done. A warm blush coated her face at the mere thought of it..

'Now, back to earlier today at the entrance exam. Izuku really wrecked those robots like a pro and showed off his stuff to the other teachers watching it go down. I don't have a doubt in my mind that Nemuri and Recovery Girl probably wet their panties when seeing him in action. At least I know Midnight probably really did anyway.' She thought to herself with a finger to chin remembering how Recovery Girl also reacted to seeing Izuku pummel robots with his bare fists.

Chiyo Shuzenji, AKA Recovery Girl, was a gorgeous flirty young woman with three Phds and a slender sexy body hidden behind her tight-fitting basic costume with lab coat. It wouldn't bother Nana if she infatuated with Izuku right away and would likely be calling him to the nurse's office for very personal check-ups.

Now that he was attending a classroom filled with girls, at Nana's request no less, the woman suspected he'd be balls deep inside each and every one of them in a back-to-back romp that might still be going on. Izuku couldn't really help himself around his highly flirtatious neighbor and he even screwed his own mother according to him, Shimura figured this was the best course of action given his second Quirk's unpredictable nature. She hoped this would all better help him control it and teach him proper discipline no matter how thirsty he made the girls, aside for fine-tuning the raw power of One For All Nana believed Izuku will one day tame that Quirk that AFO likely installed inside of his body when she met him. After all, if he didn't he'd wind up screwing half of Japan's populace if it went too crazy and she certainly didn't want that no matter how open-minded she was about sharing him with other women.

'It does seem like he mastered a good percentage of that power already and really used it well today. Even tapping into twenty percent alone would be extremely difficult given the strain it would put on his young body. No matter how fit Izuku makes himself one must always exert a level of precise control over OFA, this makes me glad I told him to work out at my personal Gym to improve that physique of his. It's certainly helped in more ways than one alright. Heh.~' She thought with a blush and looked to the side memorizing how filled out her boyfriend became at the end of it all. Nana wondered how often they will break the bed with their lovemaking considering how toned both of their bodies are right now.

'I'm going to help in taking care of that sexual appetite of his, he is a hormonal teenager after all. Hmm, now that I think about it I remember at least a few students got selected to be in 1A like the rest but couldn't make it to attendance today for one reason or another….' She considered with a furrowed brow when trying to remember who got selected to in his class.

Nana remembered overseeing them all before the filing and knew one of them to be a high-IQ girl named Saiko Intelli, the other ones...she couldn't exactly remember due to thinking about Midoriya's muscled body. Shrugging to herself and figuring they'll appear sooner or later she simply kept trucking on forward to the Class 1A location clutching the steel case tightly underneath her arm and wondering what kind of scene she'll be walking into when she arrives. She'll be surprised if Izuku didn't fuck every single one of them, including Kayama who is likely bent over the teacher's desk wearing a goofy smile on her face.

`That woman is thirst incarnate and I can't think of a better person to screw her passionately other than Izuku. I do wonder if I should maybe give a call to Pixiebob, Mandalay, and Ragdoll of the Pussycats team. I'm already talking to Miruko, Ryukyu, and Endeavour's sidekick named 'Burnin' about meeting Izuku himself later on. At least once they heard from Mount Lady how great of a lay he was, mention a strapping young powerhouse of a lad and suddenly every Pro Hero without a Y chromosome wants to go see him. Not that I wasn't planning on inviting them anyway, but still….' She pondered then considered how bad of a Dry Spell a lot of them went through due to being single and career-focused, particularly Miruko whose muscular feminine body and hot-blooded attitude chased men off despite the chocolate Bunny fetish she inspires in them.

"Oh ho I have a good feeling about later once Izuku meets those women, he'll have to be popular among his fellow heroes somewhere down the line. Why not now? I just hope he reels it in before he gets in over his head and winds up pissing off a lot of wannabe boyfriends to those girls. Nah, he'll be fine." Nana said to herself waving it off with a blush and started skipping excitedly over to the classroom eager to see Izuku and dispense the enhanced Birth Control pills for the girls.

She knows her boyfriend well enough to know he never wears a condom.


Meanwhile, within Classroom 1A….

"Hmmmmh, Izu-kun.~" Kashiko Sekigai mewled blissfully as she gently let go of Izuku's lips relishing in the dazzled look on his young face after making out with him passionately for the past several minutes. Pulling back enough from his mouth she saw a sliver of saliva bridging between their lips as they each breathed out hot breaths. her lips off of dazzled Izuku's face after making out romantically with him. She had pulled back from his lips leaving his cheeks flushed with a bridge of saliva connecting between their lips.

"*Huff….huff* Haaaah ...Sekigai-chan. I missed that.~" He blissfully sighed when eyeballing her with an affectionate look in his eyes noticing she shared the same with a slight blush on her cheeks. The night at Mount Lady's apartment really bonded the two in ways neither thought possible, it's what made Sekigai transfer over to UA in the first place instead of going to Isamu Academy.

Sekigai wrapped her arms lightly around his Izuku's board neck leaning in closely and wiggling her nose against his own with a smile. while blushing up a storm. Izuku ran his right hand down around her backside cupping one side of her ample buttocks tightly while keeping her close to his naked body. She was as nude as the rest of them and sat comfortably on his right thigh straddling it and pressing her chest up to his chest like a loving girlfriend.

"I did too, Just so you know Yu-san really misses you and says to call her back as soon as you ace the exam. Hehehe." She giggled cutely making Izuku's face fluster for he knew how insatiable that giant woman could be.

"Well I guess I-aaagghhh….! Ooohhh...man!~" He was cut off in mid-sentence when feeling the moistness of several hungry tongues lather around the surface of his meaty throbbing dick down below.

Izuku was really feeling the spongy sensation of several of the girl's open mouths slobbering all over his dick. Namely Yui Kodai, the ever-stoic brunette with a prim and proper attitude and an enigma of a personality. Reiko Yanagi, the ghostly pale-skinned girl with succulent full lips and an alluring pair of dreary eyes often gazing at him through her long platinum bangs. Kinoko Komori, the voluptuous shortstack brunette with a curvy womanly figure and playful personality as shown in her dark star crossed eyes. And lastly Ibara Shiozaki, the highly pious-themed girl who appeared to Izuku as a soft spoken gentle maiden. She was underneath him lathering her tongue along the surface of his member's underside while the others went about sucking off various parts of his long throbbing dick.

*Sllprrpp sshshpp! Slllprrpp ssllhp sshpppp!*

"Mmmhmmm ...!~" Each girl collectively moaned with blissful sighs of elation as they ran their soft slimy tongues all over Izuku's prick making him clench a fist tightly as he endured it all without having to burst and cum.

Just then, Shiozaki removed herself from running her tongue along the underside of his shaft and got out from underneath his chair to stand up at his side. She held her hands together solemnly as though offering prayer and spoke.

"Oh, heavenly father ...bless us for allowing this union to take place inside of our wayward classroom, and bless this room for being able to contain all of the noises were making that our love will, and has, entailed. Midoriya-kun I,for one, cannot wait for us to consummate our union together very soon. It'll be a holy union under the stars.~" She stated soothingly while her tendrils slithered about all over his broad shoulders massaging him while Sekigai kept her hands around his chest feeling him up. It surprised Izuku to see the girl licking her lips seductively at him with dark eyes focusing on his face with a smile.

"Heh, she really doesn't mince words, does she, huh?" Sekigai spoke as Ibara clung to Izuku's side mirroring her actions and running her hands along his chest fondly as he stayed seated between them. "I'm just as eager to enjoy you again soon too, you know. But I can wait, I want our alone time to be uninterrupted, Izuku. Speaking of which, who are you going to help make into a woman right now anyway?"

"That...nnghh…..is up for debate ...gahh!~" Izuku grunted pleasurably when the girls all hungrily suckle on his balls with Yui Kodai staying at the tip of his dick swallowing it into her mouth. The ever-mysterious girl focused on bobbing her head back and forth into his meat slurping her lips around it constantly while swallowing a few thick throbbing inches down into her throat.

"Ssllrrppp!~ Mmhmm.~" She moaned quietly as the head went far past her lips with the girl stretching her jawline a bit while she gobbled it all down.Even like this she barely showed any emotion at all on her face.

'Seriously, what is she; a robot? I swear I've never seen someone so...nghh...composed in all my life.' Izuku thought as he felt her lips tightly suckle on his meat with eyes staring impassively at them whenever they opened back up. Yui kept both of her soft hands around the neck of his cock pumping him with gusto while she sucked him off with plenty of energy. Despite her enigmatic nature the girl was an amazing dicksucker.

"He he he hehe, your balls are so stuffy and big, Midoriya. They're like oranges! I love tasting oranges, heheheh.~" Komori gushed while she busied herself by lapping up his right throbbing testicle with an exuberant smile on her cute round face.

Izuku moaned as he felt both her and Reiko mirror each other in tasting his balls by sucking on them into their mouths. Their tongues ran sensually all over the surface with Komori being more enthusiastic while Reiko simply pumped her hand around the base-end of his dick. She could barely even get her hand around it no less, that's how hard and throbbing Izuku's member was right now. Between OFA making his appendage surge with energy and strength and his other Quirk stimulating their sex drives via the connection to him, Izuku felt ready to explode like a volcano inside someone right now. Thankfully one of the girls ceased their dick-sucking and stood up ready to be ridden first. Komori, the Mushroom Girl.

"I want to be first, Midoriya-kun. Shroom shroom!~" She gushed excitedly with lovestruck eyes staring at him as she showed off her voluptuous body with a smile.

Kinoko Komori-

The giggling Mushroom girl got up from between his legs, winked cutely at Izuku and whipped her body around in a twirl showing off her ample curves and features in a cute flirtatious way. Her buttocks was wide and supple, perfect in curvature and shape making Izuku want to fuck it more than rawwing her pussy. Komori stuck out her tongue in a cute manner before going over to a random unoccupied desk then placing her hands along the surface while wiggling her hips side-to-side. This little mushroom pixie certainly had curves in all the right places making her adorable as she is sexy. She spread her legs wide apart showing off her buttocks and sopping pussy just aching to be filled up with Izuku's meat until she lowered her chest onto the desk entirely squishing her breasts into the surface while looking at him ready for action.

"Come and get it, Midoriya-kun. I can't wait for it anymore! Shroom!~" She called out with a manic smile on her face and wriggled her booty some more causing her cheeks to jiggle.

"Ggghhkk! I can't ...control myself when I see someone act that way….! Alright then ...let's do this!" He said as he gestured for the other girls to pull off from their licking of his genitals and spread apart giving him room to get up. Izuku was feeling the bonfire that was Absolute Devotion surge inside of his body making him hunger for Komori's virgin sex and causing his erection to surge with the crackling power of OFA. Part of him worried that he might hurt or break the Mushroom-themed girl if he wasn't careful, but another part of him was so far gone into Lust mode to consider giving it a second thought.

Izuku walked up to her noticing her velvet tightness throb and moisten up even more as he approached. He made his decision to fuck the girl's snatch senseless and make her keel over as he did with everyone else, including Midnight sensei nearby. He cast a quick look at the unconscious woman noticing she was now dripping from her lips as she slept soundly with a delirious smile on her face. Izuku chuckled to himself just a little bit and turned back to see Komori reaching down underneath her own body with her right hand. She used her fingers to spread open the lips of her vulva exposing her entire sex to him with a sultry smile. He saw everything throb readily for him to enter her with cervix visible in sight, she was clearly very horny right now.

Admiring her plump round ass he started running his fingers along the surface of her cheeks kneading her skin like dough and making her shudder with excitement as well as utmost arousal. Komori giggled playfully and kicked her legs about in giddiness until he grabbed ahold of each one by the ankle and kept them spread open for him. Izuku's thick member now rose up between the valley of her ass rubbing sensually along the surface making her shiver even more until she felt his engorged prick begin sliding down to her exposed vulva.

"M-Midoriya-kun ...please don't tease this girl anymore. I've been waiting for this ever since seeing you claim Midnight-sensei like an animal and leave her in a drooling mess. I want that done to me right now!~" She called out to him with a salivating smile on her face. Her bangs leaving her forehead entirely showing off her starstruck eyes at Izuku, practically breathing loudly with excitement as she felt the head of his penis begin slipping into her cunt.

"Aright, Komori-san, as you ...wish….!" He grunted and grabbed each of her buttcheeks firmly before guiding the head of his erection into her exposed pussy!


"Eeeaaaghhh! Ohhhh yessss! M-Midoriya-kun!~" Komori squealed loudly with hearts popping up in her eyes in place of her usual starcross irises.

She felt her folds stretch out widely squeezing apart with her cunt muscles wrapping around Izuku's meat the more he shoved into her vaginal space. Her body trembled shakily as she felt him plunge nearly half of his member into her folds making her toes wriggle and feet kick about with exhilaration. Izuku himself winced as he felt the sheer tightness of her pussy squeezing him tightly as she began to swallow him up into the depths of her personal space. His hands grabbed onto her doughy buttcheeks again, this time with fingers digging in deeply to allow him a sturdy hold in which to push himself to the hilt of Komori's tight juicy snatch. He pressed himself to the point a protrusion appeared from within the surface of the girl's flat stomachm aking her shiver uncontrollably as he began fucking her raw.

"Aaahh...aahh...aaahh...aaahhhh!~ Midoriya-kuuuun!~" Komori cried out in ecstasy while having her tongue roll out of her mouth. Izuku steadily plowed into her from behind making a raucous collection of flesh-slapping noises echo throughout the room itself. His waist was slapping into Komori's ample ass nicely making her cheeks squish up against his groin as he felt her sex churn his gargantuan member right up into her cervix.

"Hghh! She's just so ...small and tight! Ughh!" Midoriya cried out as he began pumping into the girl's petite body even faster with the sensations of her pussy squeezing his meat into her sensitive depths. He dug his fingers into the doughy flesh of her ass savoring the feeling of Komori wrapped around his prick as he bottomed out of her. The desk they were on top of shifted back and forth making scratching noises along the floor while the other girls watched with hands down their legs.

Kashiko had a lip-bitten smile on her face as she fingered herself to the sight of Izuku fucking Komori raw with savage passion. Yui simply cupped her own ample tits into her fingers squeezing them to the rhythm of her friend's loud moaning now filling up the room, Reiko simply visualized herself in Komori's place and Ibara took to using one other vine-like hair tentacles to grind gingerly between the folds of her lips mentally praying for forgiveness for indulging in such debauchery before the appointed taking of her virginity by Izuku.

Komori had a manic grin on her face as he squished against the side of the desk oozing saliva as she was being ridden hard by Izuku's body. She felt the weight of his pelvis sending her to Nirvana and beyond with how amazing his member felt when churning out her insides like he was doing. She clutched the edges of the desk tightly with her fingers digging into the frame, she was feeling him pushing into her body so deeply that he was repeatedly making her folds gush out all over his rock hard member. Her buttocks jiggled and her insides became tighter every second with Izuku drilling her space sensitively by having his member pump into her utter depths. The loud squelching noises of sex and coitus came out in constant while all four girls watched the scene play out completely engrossed..They witnessed Midoriya's dick cleaving into Komori's sex over and over again with her body trembling in the process due to his precise hard fucks. He was pounding her so hard that it was causing her ass to raise high into the air with feet lifting up off the ground in the process. Her little legs dangled out from his sides kicking about cutely as he fucked Komori raw with unbridled passion making her squeal constantly and moan loudly in ecstasy.

"Aaahh aah ah aah aaah aaaaghh! Midoriyaaaa!~" She cried out in bliss forming a large oval with her mouth having her tongue remain spilled out in a spastic-looking ahegao-styled expression.

Her cervix had been prodded relentlessly to the point it opened up allowing him full entry into her womb. Izuku started to feel even more pleasure from this sensation and drove into her cervix even more feeling it contracting around his length.

The short mushroom-haired girl stuffed a hand into her mouth biting down on it, she was stifling her moaning just a bit while feeling her insides spread apart thanks to his member. Izuku's gentle thrusting reached a point where she started hopping up and down along the desk with buttocks jiggling even more in front of his waist.

"Ahhhh! I'm getting close…!" Izuku cried out as he felt a surge of Absolute Devotion kick into full force. This made him give in to his more frenzied side allowing him to pound Komori's supple ass raw in thunderous pelvic collisions that made the desk rock and rattle.

"Eeeaaaaghhhh! M-Midoriyaaaaa! Shroom!~" She cried out in ecstasy as their rutting became much more passionate.

The loud raucous noises of their bodies slapping together continued unabated until both Yui and Ibara noticed that his balls were beginning to bloat largely after eyeballing them from nearby. That was the signal telling them that he was about to cum hard inside of the girl's body and leave her stuffed full of his seed. Izuku started growling loudly in hard grunts of pleasure as he ground his waist into her assfucking her so wildly that she was basically picked up off the desk with her chest hovering an inch above the surface shaking. Komori's eyes went crossed and the delirious smile on her face stayed on as she felt her insides beginning to coil tightly around Izuku's meat for her impending climax. He delivered one hard push right into her cervix and felt himself beginning to cum beginning by feeling his shaft throb intensely and stiffen up inside of the petite girl's womb!

"Komori-san! I'm c-cumming!" Izuku announced with head tossing back and clutching Komori's ample hips tightly in orgasmic euphoria. He was able to draw his pelvis back a bit just before slamming himself back into her pussy feeling his balls swell up before ejaculating directly inside of her unguarded womb!

"Ggyaaaaaghhh!~" Komori squealed loudly and flung her head back as she felt the thick molten goo of Izuku's sperm flowing into her body like a tsunami.

Her cervix contracted and sucked all the semen out of his member in a frenzy of sexual bliss. Her body twitched wildly and shuddered multiple times while her fingers clutched the edges of the desk. Izuku came nonstop inside of her for about a minute and a half before eventually slowing down to a grand finish.

"Uuh ...!Uuuuh!.....Uuaaaghh…...Shrooom….!~ S-so...good.~" She cooed blissfully with eyes drifting closed. Her body went slack and she fell forward onto the desk surface releasing his penis from her gaping snatch then oozing a thick amount of cum in the process.


Izuku's member pulled out of it not long after remaining utterly intact in terms of hardness. The boy leaned back a little allowing for Yui, Sekigai, Ibara, and Reiko to get behind him and hold him up. They were each running their hands around his backside and giving themselves a chance to feel him. Reiko and Ibara both hugged his shoulders tightly and held Izuku there in a loving manner waiting for him to catch his breath.

"*Huff...huff….huff*...So ...who's next?" He asked with a cheeky smile noticing his member was still hard and surging with the power of OFA.

"I am.~" Reiko said shyly with a hand raised volunteering herself and blushing smile showing a bashful smile on her face.


Reiko Yanagi-


"Aaahh ...ooohhh Midoriya!~" Reiko gasped loudly as she sat herself atop of Izuku's lap sheathing his member directly into her tight sopping cunt from above. Reiko shivered blissfully when feeling him push all the way inside of her with one swift thrust. She had mounted him in a seated upright position resting her ample creamy buttocks directly onto his thighs with legs wrapping around his waist through the chair and arms wrapping around his neck.

Breathing loudly with a blushing face up close to Izuku's own Reiko made sure to curl her chest forward pressing her breasts into his chest lovingly embracing him fully. Her tits were slightly perky yet full in volume despite being only barely C-cup sized, they jiggled with every slight movement she made as she began riding herself atop of his length feeling it churn her insides nicely with gusto. Izuku had his hands around her body with fingers cupping her supple asscheeks into his palms, he made sure to keep her bouncing up and down onto his lap creating a series of body-slapping noises while the others watched from nearby.

Kashiko was now feeling a little impatient and puffed her cheeks cutely as she crawled over to Izuku's backside from behind the chair he was seated on. Ibara had the same idea and clutched her chest in prayer asking for forgiveness for her impatient action she was about to take, the vine-haired girl crept over to the boy alongside Kashiko and the two of them wound up stationed behind his shoulders watching Reiko bounce herself enthusiastically along his length feeling it push into her pussy in languid hot fashion.

"Ahhh ahhh aaaahhhh ...aaahhhhhh!~ Midoriyaaaa…..!~' She breathed out with face maintaining her euphoric expression. Her mouth hung in a circle remaining agape as she bounced and ground atop of her lover's body.

"Mnnghhh!....Reiko-san! You f-feel so amazing….!" Izuku commented as he began pushing himself upwards bucking his pelvis into her waist meeting her body's own bounces with hard fleshy smacks of pelvis pumping female body from below. The loud raucous love making became more rampant until Izuku noticed that Kashiko stood up at his right side with face leaning in closely to his own, Ibara was on his left and both girls reached their hands around his shoulders telling him to kiss them while he fucked the ghost girl.

"Izu-kun...please kiss me!~" Kashiko begged with a loving smile on her face while Ibara simply began kissing up to the side of his neck from her end.

"Mmmmm.~" She moaned and saw with dark eyes noticing that Izuku cupped Sekigai's head with his right hand keeping her fixated on his position from an angle while their lips met in a languid passionate embrace. The girl was over the moon with happiness once again as she felt her boyfriend'slips suckle and tongue out her own like an expert.

"Hhmmmm! *Izuku!*" She moaned with eyes closed behind her glasses while Reiko continued to bounce fantastically along his waist feeling her insides beginning to churn with her first orgasm now impending.

Reiko had made sure to allow his monstrous member to burrow in deeply to the point she felt him in her cervix, the girl felt nothing like this before and wound up bouncing her ass up and down on top of his thighs in rapid-fire coitus. She became frenzied with lust and love as she held her hands against his chest steadying herself so that each bounce of her slightly petite body was accurate to where she felt his member pushing into her cervix.

"Aaahh aaahh aaahh aaahhhhh!~" She breathed out with head tilting back moaning in euphoria, Izuku continued making out with Sekigai and Ibara in turns while feeling the squelching spasms of Reiko's pussy beginning to convulse.

He winced at the sensation and felt her body shudder intensely with climax making her folds squeeze in around his length gushing all over his cock in a rush of orgasm. Reiko ground herself into his waist thoroughly with hips swaying around swiveling as she felt her insides contract around his member in nonstop euphoria. She came and shuddered for all of half a minute until she settled feeling her breathe leave her body. Groaning at the sensation of her pussy squeezing his member Izuku held out as he grabbed Reiko's buttocks tightly and picked himself up from the seat. The girls watched as he launched them both up to fuck the ghostly girl in a stand-n-carry position keeping her hoisted on his member with body slapping itself fervently against his waist with feet dangling out of his sides.

She was breathing raggedly and clinging onto Izuku's neck with her hands huffing loudly with a euphoric expression on her face. Izuku felt her pussy slide onto his member and squeeze around him some more pushing him ever closer to blissful release. There was just such a sensitive pleasant sensation to touching Reiko Yanagi's cool skin that Izuku found refreshing and addiction. He whiffed her scent feeling chills up his spine as he drove himself into her from the waist at an even faster pace.

smacking noises of their bodies reverberated throughout the room while Ibara and Kodai watched together and feeling frisky from the sight.

"Uuuuhhhh! Aaaghhh….Midoriyaaaaa!~" Reiko cried out as she hung back her head panting loudly as she felt locked her legs tight around Izuku's pelvis bringing them both to the apex of climax!

"Nnghhhh…..! Here it comes...Reiko-san!" Izuku groaned loudly and felt the presence of the girl's face come close to his with supple lips parting open ready to receive yet another kiss.

"Mmmhm.~" She engaged Izuku in a steamy lip-sucking kiss while feeling her end hit her like a brick wall. Her body spastically shuddered with insides convulsing tightly around his length bringing Izuku to the end and beyond with balls pumping loudly in climax.

"Nnnghhhhhhh!" he cried out between her succulent lips and drove his pelvis back only to drive himself to the hilt inside of Yanagi's tight juicy snatch releasing himself in climax. He let out a blissful growl of ecstasy feeling his testicles pump like balloons with shaft swelling inside of Reiko's cunt, the ghostly girl's eyes went wide with delight as she felt the thick molten warmth of Izuku's seed pouring into her cervix.


"Hhgnhhhaa…...aaahhhha…...M-Midoriya-kun…!~" Reiko breathed out loudly once she broke off from his lips with a blissful smile on her dreary face. Her body twitched numerous times with her insides throbbing around the boy's pulsating member repeatedly. She was sucking up every last thick blast of sperm Izuku had to offer not even caring if she somehow wound up pregnant. "Uuughhh…..ahhh..!~"

Izuku growled with clenched teeth again and wound up cumming for as long as half a minute until he was finished, once Reiko went ragdoll in his hands he gently carried the girl over to the nearest desk and gently rested her on top of one noticing she was now resting with a peaceful smile on her face. With another splotch of semen gushing out of her quim with a sloppy noise Izuku unsheathed himself from Reiko's body with a sigh then noticed the crackling surge of energy traversing his mammoth of a member dwindling just a bit.

'I'm actually almost at my limit right now…there was so much ...need to finish off the other three girls right away.' Izuku realized when he turned around to see all three girls themselves standing up right in front of him.

Each one had stood together in a row as though telling him to take care of their needs all at the same time, Izuku had no objection to that and wondered if he could bring a girl off with just his fingers. His member, despite being powered by OFA was starting to feel sore even though it was still throbbing firmly in its erect state. Kashiko was blushing brightly as she held her forearms around her breasts squishing them together and making them appear bigger for his amusement. Yui fiddled with a lock of her dark hair while eyeballing his member with a fixated stare, the girl obviously looked hungry enough to taste it finally dropping her impassive stare earlier. It seemed the thirst was real with her and now she was openly displaying it for his throbbing erection bucking her legs inwardly while doing so Lastly there was Ibara holding out her hands like a divine figure accepting someone into their grace for comfort and support, Izuku simply eyeballed her boobs slightly jiggling and the dark patch of pubic hair above her moistened mound telling him she was ready for him to 'Consummate' their union.

"Midoriya-kun….please just take care of all three of us together at once I, no...we cannot wait any longer….! Our bodies burn for you, O holy savior." She breathed out soothing with a blushing face and eyes pleadingly staring at him with the others pretty much telling Izuku to just fuck them all at once already.

'S-she's just so cute!' Izuku thought to himself as all three remaining girls came closer to him ready to push him down or have him wrap his hands around their naked bodies ready for him to fuck them raw. He gulped down whatever nervousness he had and held out his arms readily feeling them close into his body in a sweet embrace, he could feel the warm skin of each girl's soft frame pressing into his waist and chest with hands running along his face and shoulders softly with smiles.

Izuku decided to reach around both Yui and Kashiko with his hands strongly grabbing onto each girl's rear causing them both to mewl.

"Uuuggghhh…! Izu-kun…..!" Sekigai breathed out with head tossing back a little while Yui Kodai did the same except silently. They felt his hands grab tightly onto their asses pulling them in closer while Ibara squished into his front running her naked body along Izuku's waist feeling his member hot dog her sexually smooth thighs nicely.

"Hhaaghh….it feels so warm ...the Divine Rod of Midoriya-kun.~" Ibara moaned while she felt Izuku begin sawing it out between her legs making her melt while he grabbed the other two girls tightly pulling them in closer .

"Midoriya…." Yui breathed out with a slightly flustered look on her face, she and the others were as close as humanly possible ready to begin giving their virginities to the boy of their dreams while everyone else remained soundly unconscious oozing semen from their bodies.

'Alright, you can do this, give each girl a great time!' Izuku said to himself mentally then squeezed his fingers into each of their rumps causing a collective sigh of relief to escape their lips respectively while they moaned. Kashiko went first by puckering her soft lips, taking off her glasses, then honing in on Izuku's face ready to receive him for another steamy sweet kiss.

Izuku returned the kiss in full force, he was now sharing in on Sekigai's taste as they exchanged saliva with tongues curling over each other in languid passionate embrace. The girl refused to let go of Izuku and locked her fingers around his curly hair relishing the feeling of him making out with her once again. Meanwhile Yui tended to one of his nipples by kissing around his right pec and sucking on it into her cute mouth making Izuku whimpered inside of Sekigai's face. Ibara simply ran her gentle smooth hands along his neck massaging him while she nibbled at his collarbone in gentle bites of his flesh.

"Mmhmmm." She mewled while tasting him and gently squeezing her teeth and lips around each pocket of skin she could wrap her lips around.

All three girls continued this sensual romantic foreplay of three against one for a staunch few minutes while Izuku fondled their butts sensually with his hands making them wetter than a drenched napkin at this point. Not that they weren't already.

Kashiko Sekigai, Yui Kodai, Ibara Shiozaki-


After exchanging a saucy threeway kiss between all three girls, one in which Izuku hungrily tongued out the mouths of each one right after sharing in on a three-way kiss he decided to to tend to Ibara first and foremost. The other girls kept themselves glued to his sides turning themselves around and presenting their asses to him ready for him to have fun with them any way he wanted. Both Yui and Kashiko planted their hands flat on the surfaces of a few desks parting their legs as they felt Izuku's hands reach down underneath each one ready to fingerbang them to completion. His right hand dug into Kodai's with a pair of fingers gingerly stroking her moistened sex causing the once stoic enigma of a girl to shudder loudly and begin rocking her pelvis into his hand. She let out many delirious moans and started breathing loudly feeling Izuku pump those strong OFA-powered digits into her pussy making her stature crumble as she clutched the edge of the desk.

While he did this with her his left hand tended to Sekigai's tight moist sex spreading open her vaginal lips then spearing a pair of fingers into her folds making her squeal out loudly as he began fucking them into her slit in hard gentle thrusts. Kashiklo closed her eyes and started moaning loudly with mouth remaining ever agape, her snowflake-colored hair started tossing back and forth along with her shoulders as she felt Izuku's finger breach into her more sensitive space. Her cunt gushes all over his hand constantly while he kept multitasking by doing the same to Yui and feeling Ibara hoist herself up with her vines to plant herself on his meat.

The pious vine-haired girl grabbed onto his shoulders tightly with her hands and vines wrapping around Izuku's legs while keeping her waist hoisted upward ready to impale herself onto his dick and ride him in mid-air. Inching ever closer to his prick she impaled herself slowly onto his member feeling it spread apart her lips and sheathing such a thickness into space that the girl felt like she was dying and going to heaven. She tossed back her head let out a mighty wail of delirious ecstasy as she felt her sensitive hymen give away to Izuku's meat. With a loud *Shhllppp* sound she gave her cherry a nice pop of pain before feeling Izuku's length push into her pussy resting at halfway. Ibara let out a mighty scream as she blushed up a dark color of red on her face feeling Izuku stretch her out indefinitely while she ground her pussy on his waist the same time he continued finger-fucking the other girls.

Once she settled down the pain quickly went away, thanks to Absolute Devotion nullifying it for her, leading to the girl to begin fucking herself languidly onto Izuku's waist creating a raucous of loud flesh-slapping noises that filled the entire room. Her legs stuck out of his sides dangling helplessly while her thick mane of vine hair kept her mounted upward onto his dick pushing her nimble maiden body onto him again and again in nonstop sexual bliss. She yelled his name, howled to the heavens in prayer and thanks while she feels the 'Divine Rod' pummeling her sex relentlessly giving her 'Heaven'. Izuku felt himself beginning to lose his load already after ten minutes of hardcore fucking feeling the pious vine-haired girl's snatch wrap tightly around his dick. Ibara came two or three times while riding him vertically eventually leading Izuku to cum directly inside of her. With a hard grunt and a fierce shove of his waist pushing into the girl's tight pussy he let out another thick deluge of sperm directly into her unprotected uterus filling her up and making her dark eyes go wide with euphoric delight.

Around the same time both Yui and Sekigai came hard around his fingers squeezing them in tightly and splashing much of their personal nectar onto his hands. They shuddered and thrashed about for nearly a minute after seeing Ibara slowly descend to the ground via her mane of Vine hair tendrils, they saw the girl collapsed into a blissful state of euphoric bliss looking peacefully asleep with her hands around her chest in a prayer gesture. Izuku found it cute if not a little weird why she considers herself a mother Mary, but then he turned his attention to Kodai who got on top of a random desk surface planting her hands against the wall wriggling her rear enticingly at Izuku with a slight blush on her face.


Steadying his hands around her waist and guiding his sensitive cum-dripping erection over to her moistened slit Izuku pushed the head of his member directly into Yui Kodai's snatch slowly from behind. The girl clutched at the wall surface scrunching her face tightly as she pursed her lips and blush even harder at being penetrated this way. Her maidenhood was slowly giving way to Izuku's impending length pushing its way through her insides until it arrived at her hymen. Thankfully for her, it was softened up for the same reasons everyone else's was, intensive physical training to be applicable for class 1A and usage of her Quirk. Yui may not have had a very physical one but it was impressive nonetheless and she needed to be agile and flexible to always be on the move when using it.

Feeling Izuku's fingers dig into the soft doughy tissue of her creamy porcelain skin Yui felt the boy of class push himself inside with a sharp thrust making a loud squelching sound and taking away her virginity to be given away to him. She lunged her head backward letting out a fierce low volume moan and started breathing laboriously as she felt over half of Izuku's dick plunged straight up into her pussy like so. She felt the bulbous head nudging against her cervix practically forcing it open as he rested his waist against her buttocks from behind. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes while breathing tiredly in trying to adjust to it, the feeling was too intense for her, almost too much to bear, but she found herself gyrating her buttocks around Izuku's waist nonetheless relishing the feeling of being joined with him at long last. She let out another blissful wail of ecstasy as he began gently pumping himself into her in sturdy subsequent thrusting, skin-smacking sounds now filled the room once again as Yui was feeling Izuku fuck her gently making her mouth hang agape in silent moaning euphoria.

Sekigai, meanwhile, got on top of Yui's body from above planting her feet carefully on the desk surface currently shaking underneath the girl's writhing body. She looked down at Izuku Midoriya grunting warmly as he slammed away into the brunette's tight pussy making her claw at the wall with hard ragged breaths escaping her lips. Sekigai cupped Izuku's chin into her right hand lifting him up to see that she was pressing her sex closer to his face suggestively. He was breathing strong hot gasps of air that caressed her sensitive pubic region making her shudder blissfully until she pressed her mound into his soft hot lips. Izuku launched his attack on Sekigai's pussy immediately and gently nibbling her sensitive folds apart so that he could drive his tongue inside of her folds causing her no end of sensitive stimulation making her lurch herself back with pelvis grinding along his face. She was heaving loudly with delirious moans escaping her lips, Sekigai's face was contorted into one of pure elation as she felt Izuku run his tongue around slowly inside of her sex like so. He was still bucking into Yui's pussy fucking her harder as time went by, minutes had passed until his waist had began slamming into the girl's body making her bounce and rock along the desk surface while he sucked on Sekigai's slit leading to his tongue flicking up her clitoris.

The girl came hard and lurched her body around in the air with pussy grinding itself along the boy's face as she clutched his head tightly and rode out her climax. Splashes of semen spritzed his jawline and tongue allowing Izuku to taste Sekigai lavishly while swirling his tongue around the inside of her sex. She wailed happily in nirvana while Kodai simply stuffed a fist into her mouth to keep from screaming out in looming ecstasy. The girl felt her sex throb the more Izuku pushed into her cervix, again and again, making her body begin to shudder in an oncoming explosive climax. The same can be said for Midoriya himself as he began pistoning in and out of her tight demure body feeling her pussy beginning to contract. He howled in ecstasy right lips sucking open Sekigai's pussy while feeling his member beginning to throb, both Yui and Kashiko together felt their orgasms happen around the same time leading to a dual chorus of girls screaming out in orgasmic relief bringing Izuku along with him as he came!

Grunting hard and rolling his mouth around the top girl's pussy Izuku felt his member expand and launch a semi-final volley of seed straight into Kodai's depths making the girl shudder spastically as a goofy smile formed on her once-unreadable face. She shuddered and ground herself into Izuku's pelvis feeling spurt after spurt of thick viscous semen cascade into her babymaker filling her womb up to the very brim for as long as a minute and a half. Once he was done pumping her he saw the girl slump over the desk with her face nudging against the wall surface behind. She now had a goofy expression on her face, one that was comparable to Midnight herself while a thick splurge of cum oozed out of her gaping womanhood.

With a soft squelch of moisture and sperm gushing out Izuku pulled himself free from Kodai's snatch then looked at his final 'Opponent' Kashiko now setting on her ass atop of one of the last clean desks in the entire room. The girl looked happily at him with eyes visibly lovestruck and legs modestly parted showing him her moistened pussy ready to be plowed all over again like she had wanted since the beginning of this class.

"Please come and get me, Izu-kun. I'm waiting for my hero now. Fu fu fu fu.~" Sekigai said with a purr in her voice and love in her heart as she watched Izuku saunter over to her ready to make love to her all over again without the inclusion of others.


"You look beautiful, Sekigai-chan.~" Izuku breathed as he got in front of the desk grabbing her legs gently then prying them apart so that he could guide his slick throbbing member over to her pink moist folds.

Her right foot now dangled over his left shoulder while the other one was simply held in his strong right hand. Sekigai leaned back onto the desk comfortably while propping herself up on one of her elbows gladly showing off her smooth perky tits to Izuku with a loving smile. She felt her heart beating rapidly inside of her chest, she was finally alone with him without having to include anyone else like they did the first night at Mount Lady's. Now, Kashiko wouldn't trade that night for anything in the world and she was glad the older woman was there to really show her the ropes on how to please her man as well as greatly enjoy being pleased by him.

Now however, she finally had Izuku to herself just like she wanted ever since that night, having thinking about the boy constantly since then Kashiko fantasized how their more intimate and romantic solo encore would go. Seeing his youthful and determined face come closely she brought her hands around the back of his neck and his head pulling Izuku up to her face just as he lined himself up to push into her folds.. Sekigai's right leg now dangled up high above her right shoulder while he placed his right knee cap just below her thigh keeping her their positioned joined so he could prepare to mount her from above readily.

"T-thank you, Izu-kun, I ...truly adore you and have been waiting for this ever since that day.. Now, please ...take me. Right now it's all about us with no one else getting included, at least for a while anyway ...heheheh..~" She purred confidently with eyes glistening with utter happiness.

'She's just so perfect right now, so prim, and proper and demure...like a real angel.' Izuku commented feeling the throbbing pulse of AD make his body take the next step. His member throbbed in utter arousal as he sunk himself down onto Sekigai's body sheathing his length into her sopping tight pussy causing her to moan loudly until he wrapped his lips around hers unleashing a bout of passionate fury within them.

"Mmmmnngghhhh!~ Hhhmmmhn!~" Sekigai moaned loudly while he languidly meshed her mouth and lips in with Izuku's, together they made out passionately with tongues pushing back and forth into each other while Iuzkuy pressed himself further onto her body sheathing his length into her tight teenage folds making Kashko scream out in ecstasy inside of his face.

Their tongues continued whirling over each other languidly in sensual romantic bliss, with Sekigai wrapping her arms tightly around Isuku's face smothering the boy in her embrace as they began fucking right there on the surface of the desk. Izuku kept his position steady as he hammered himself back and forth into her body leisurely with member driving into her tightening folds with a hard squelch. The girl mewled and moaned inside of his mouth as she felt him strongly suckle on her tongue leading her to begin curling up her backside as she embraced him entirely.

This lovemaking at its finest in Sekigai's eyes as they started taking things slowly with Izuku pushing into her sensitive sex with swift and gentle ease. He pressed himself firmly into her waist feeling her body shudder and her legs shake with one curling around his backside tightly. Together their pelvises started grinding into each other with intensifying pace, Sekigai's mouth opened up after breaking apart from Izuku to let constant gasps of elated breath escape them. The heat in the room was picking up and the boy was pushing into the girl with increasing pace feeling her insides slide moistly around his length coiling its muscles over his shaft as he plunged into her again and again. Izuku had taken to kissing up her neck treating her with respect and gently nibbling at her skin while making her feel the grip of his right hand cup her buttocks from above pulling her higher into his frame. By this point Sekigai's legs came free and wrapped tightly around Izuku's hips keeping him joined her as they started bucking against each other with intensifying passion. The trembling noises of the desk started to creak even louder as Izuku felt the drive of AD and OFA compel him to give this girl all the energy he had remaining inside of himself.

"Nnngnghhhh! Ahhh....Seki-chan!" He grunted as he pistoned in and out of her body languidly with cock embedding itself into her sopping folds over and over again making Sekigai chomp down on her left fist stifling her screams.

She squeezed her eyes shut embellishing the blissful sensation of Izuku railing her raw with his member sawing in and out of her folds in rapid-fire coitus.

"Uuhh uh uh uh uuh aaaah aaahhhhh…..! Izukuuuuu!~" She cried out finally letting go of her fist and reached back behind her head holding it with her hands like she feeling too much pleasure go into her body at the same time.

Izuku's entire body lit up in a gentle red and green glow, his member was cackling with energy making it's shape throb and swell up as he drove into Sekigai's snatch with hard pelvic thrusts. He held the girls waist into his arms taking her in a slightly elevated missionary position right now, Izuku was feeling her buttocks bounce up and down against his waist while his balls rapidly slapped into her crack at the same time. Her mouth fell open and her eyes closed tight in euphoric delight, she ran her fingers through her hair when she' feeling Izuku scramble her insides with his dick making her cervix open up for him to drive his mammoth member right into. Izuku had unknowingly drove himself into a very sensitive spot making Sekigai's body writhe spastically along the desk surface, her legs shot up into the air with feet curling down, her arms clenched tightly around the back of his neck holding onto him for dear life as he lets the primal drive of his lust take care of the rest.

Izuku's body became more incensed with lust as he began pummeling faster into Sekigai from above feeling her insides coil tightly around it as she felt wave after wave of impact ripple across her cheeks from below. She felt Izuku pick her up off the surface of the desk keeping her hoisted like he had Ibara and several others earlier, Kashiok remained hung off of his body and his dick feeling the latter pummel into her sex at full force making her wail like a banshee as she started coming.

"Aaahh aaahh aaahh ahhh....Izukuuuuu!~" She screeched out unknowingly disturbing a certain sexed-up teacher from slumber atop of her desk. Midnight, AKA Nemuri Kayama, awoke with groggy blue eyes and saw the entirety of her class laying naked all over the classroom messy with cum and reeking of sex.

Her eyes went wide for a bit till she saw that Izuku was currently railing the very last girl who was consciously making her scream and wail as she felt his mammoth of a member pile into her sopping pussy nonstop as though Izuku were an animal in human flesh. She howled and kept her arms locked tight around his neck feeling every inch of her vaginal surface expand to accommodate the thickness of the boy's meat pushing inside her.

'Oh my…..I think I'm getting turned on already, again, but ...crap...what time is it right now? It had to have been over an hour since this bang-a-thon started…' Midnight struggled to collect her thoughts while hearing the distracting noises of Sekigai wailing loudly for another half minute until she felt Izuku's length slam into her G-spot again leading to her achieving climax!

"Eeeeaaaagghhhhhh!~" She cried out in ecstasy with eyes closed and mouth breathing hotly as she hung off of his built-frame. Izuku grunted as he felt her insides coiling tightly around his member causing him to succumb to his last orgasm for the day .

"Gghnnkk! Seki-chan!....Here I come!" He cried out and felt his buttocks clench as his balls throbbed and his shaft swelled up inside of her sex filling it with load after load of thick dense semen now painting the insides of the girl's womb! Kashiko clung tightly to Izuku Midoriya's body feeling the wave of blissful climax wash off over her as she shuddered constantly with legs straightened out.

The girl's face started screwed up into one of ecstasy making an ahegao expression just like Komori did earlier, Nemuri could hear the thick pumping noises of Izuku's semen splashing into the young girl's taint literally bloating up her stomach a bit while it went on for another whole minute.

"Uuuuhhhh! Ohhh….yeah…..Izu-kun...my Izu-kun...mmmhhm." She shuddered until the girl placed her lips on his kissing him passionately one final time before she went ragdoll in his arms. Sekigai finally started shuddering madly in orgasmic coitus feeling her insides stuffed with sperm as she was then carefully laid down onto an empty chair resting peacefully as Izuku stumbled back.

His member had finally went flaccid, the glowing surge of OFA faded from his body leaving him fatigued as can be with the ever glowing fire of Absolute Devotion remaining kindled inside of the boy's body.

"*Huff...huff…..huff….* Oohh ...I am about to pass out right now." He let out in a winded manner hearing the gentle giggling of one other voice in the room directing him to see Midnight Sensei sitting naked atop her desk with legs crossed and glasses on her smiling face.

"You may as well, Midoriya-kun, I do believe you earned a rest with coaching the 'Orientation' of the girls here. Hope you have more in you on a daily basis, not necessarily for the class, but for this thirsty teacher right he--"

"I…..AM…..ARRIVING AT THE CLASS DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" A familiar womanly voice boomed into the area and suddenly the door to class 1A slid open nearly tearing itself off of its hinges leading to the appearance of Nana Shimura, Gal-Might, arriving in a bombastic fashion.

'Nana-chan!?' Izuku thought to himself feeling both excited and worried what she might say when seeing the entire classroom of naked school girls oozing his semen.

"Howdy, everyone! How'd the orientation go-Oh ...my goodness! Izuku Midoriya ...what have you done?" She mockingly asked with a barely visible giggle making the boy sigh loudly before falling back onto a random naked girl before passing out. "Hehehehe, I knew he'd pass out, just had to time it is all."

Nana looked over to Midnight with a questioning gaze and a coy cocky smile before bringing up the steel case from under her arms to present them to her.

"So ...Nana-san, what brings you here?" Midnight questioned with a flummoxed face and hoped she would close the door before somebody else sees the classroom this way. "C-c-couuld you please hurry and close that door before the Principal or somebody else sees us?!"

Nana chuckled and did just that before walking over to Midnight's desk carrying the case then placing it on the surface before opening it up.

"Don't worry, it's just me here. Besides, the reason I came was to bring these for all the girls here ...looks like I was right in assuming Izu-kun wouldn't be able to unleash his 'Pent-up' manliness anywhere other than inside each girl. These are specially made Birth control tablets I had support whip up, figured none of these promising future heroines want to be a mother this early." Nana explained while Midnight simply took a small diaphragm of tablets for herself and hugged her belly feeling stuffed full of Izuku's sperm from earlier.

"So….how was he by the way?" Nana asked before turning around to look at all the girls resting peacefully in post-coital slumber, each of them wearing a tired smile on their face and oozing semen from their gaping pussies with Izuku resting atop of the rear of a naked Ochako Uraraka. His hands were accidentally on each of Yaoyorozu and Itsuka breasts being used as makeshift pillows of comfort.

"I'd say he's…..a total darling! Aside from having god-like stamina, durability, and sexual aptitude from exploring a girl's weakness I'd say he's well on his way to whatever it is you had in mind when you sent him here. But, on top of everything else it seems like Izuku has a great control over that powerful Quirk of his. Despite having all these thirsty really frisky girls over him he didn't go wild and take them roughly like one would think. He was a gentleman to the end apparently with Sekigai-san there to prove it, being his last partner and all."

Nana nodded at her assessment and surveyed the chaotic scene with an intrigued smile before looking over at Izuku's tired body sleeping soundly atop of those naked girls.

"Well ...I did see promise in him after all, but he still has a ways to go before controlling this 'Powerful' Quirk of his own free will. Otherwise half of Japan is in danger from him and I really would rather not have my darling Izuku deprived his dream of becoming a Hero. That being said, did you know that you have a few missing on your roster, Nemuri-san?" Nana asked looking over to Midnight with a playful smile and eventually waited with her for the students to be waking up so that they could give each girl their respective Birth Control tablets.


Back at Izuku's house….


Steam was coming out from the boy's pants as he held it open for himself to keep pouring small cubes of ice onto his smoking penis. Izuku wore a pained yet exhausted smile on his face while he leaned back into the couch surface continuing this treatment for what felt like five minutes.

"Nnghhh.....so painful…..but ...it was worth it to give them all a great time." He sighed to himself while his mother Inko watched from afar with mouth agape in shock seeing that steam was literally coming out of her son's sweatpants.

'T-that shouldn't even be physically possible!' Inko gasped in shock as his 'Treatment' continued for another twenty or so minutes.

'I'm not doing something that big ever again…..maybe….Nnghhh!' He thought to himself as he thought about all the special girls he 'met' in his new class at UA. He was still riding the high of surprise that he got into his dream school and at top class no less, but the girls that Izuku 'Connected' with were formost on his mind and he hoped to really get to know them better one by one without turning things into mindless casual sex.

Shouko Todoroki, Ochako Uraraka, Kyouka Jirou, Tooru Hagakure, Mina Ashido, Camie Utsushimi, Kashiko Sekigai, Kendo Itsuka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Setsuna Tokage, Yui Kodai, Ibara Shiozaki, Kinoko Komori, Reiko Yanagi, Pony Tsunotori, and lastly the teacher herself Nemuri Kayama.

All of them were on Izuku's mind now as he wondered the rest of his first year at UA Academy will go, his hopes, his dreams, and his many loves all went into the future in this place. He wouldn't let Nana down and become the top hero, the best one this world has ever seen after All-Might, and he'll do it without letting Absolute Devotion control him or steer him down the wrong path.

He loved these girls and he would do anything to protect them, like a good hero should.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C61
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


