
Chapter 2 - The Genderbend

Kakashi Hatake's POV

「You're an Uzumaki...」 I said.

「and you're a Hatake」 he replied flatly.

The situation is awkward...

I don't know how to start a conversation.

Uzumakis has been wiped out ages ago, it's kinda hard to believe one of them appeared suddenly in Konoha...

I tried asking whether he knows about his clan but his answer is no.

He's an orphan?

How does he keep a stoic expressionless face in front of the third?




_Flash back_




I was going home from a mission with gai until we sensed a huge amount of chakra from a direction.

We followed it and we found him.

Red hair? This amount of chakra...

There's no way...

The boy has red hair with a mask sticking on his head and suspiciously gold-ish eyes.

He also wears a red scarf and a glowing blue stone pinned to his waist.

「Hey there! you like stalking??? Me too!!」

The boy suddenly exclaimed.

A sensor?

But even if he is, he is supposed to find it difficult to find an ex-anbu captain like me.

And it's been only 10 minutes.

That smile is fake.

It is like he is telling me "I know everything about you".

I came out from my bushes while gesturing gai not to follow.

「state your name and business in Konoha!」 I warned.




HI? What do you mean 'Hi'?

His face is almost expressionless.

He is too calm...

Gai appeared and other stuff happened but that's a story for another day...

_End flashback_




This kid's face has not changed at all, he's always calm, and he didn't even retort when I commanded him to follow us.

Hokage-sama tasked me with taking care of him for a week, and we will buy and prepare for ninja academy tomorrow.

Karma Uzumaki...

This boy truly is an enigma.




Karma Uzumaki's POV

After I woke up this morning, I get myself ready to prepare for the academy.

With Kakashi as my "wallet", I trail off shops and buy stuff, so now I'm wearing a plain Black shirt and plain black shorts, I like monotone the best alright.

I still have my vision, delusion, and my mask at the same place, I also bought leather black fingerless gloves.

At noon, we ate and go back home, I told Kakashi I want to go training for a bit which he agreed and left me alone, I managed to find a clearing to train but I feel like someone is watching me, it was probably Kakashi.

Well, I don't mind, this will make it easy to explain later.

I mean, I won't have to explain my power, but Kakashi will explain it for me.

Showing Electro Delusion right now is a bad idea, so let's practice Hydro Vision and use my <amos bow>.

I felt Kakashi jolted a bit after I draw a bow out of thin air, probably surprised.

I pointed it to a nearby tree and pulled the strings, an arrow appeared, I activate the hydro vision and the arrow started glows blue, I release the arrow and it travels to the target a noise of loud splash can be heard afterward.

I realized; I don't need CP to activate it.

Though, it used MP, a different case for the delusion.

After some more shots, I proceed to do the next thing, I've always wanted to do.

Creating a water sword out of thin air!

I exclaimed that on my mind, as the sword of water manifested itself on my hand.





It seems that I still get backlash when using the delusion.

Well, you could only use delusion if you have many hatreds to the world around you, but abyssal gospel allows you to use vision and delusions at the same time as you like it.

But of course, only for a short amount of time, before the backlash.

Well, that's according to the wiki I read in my past life…

After training all day, I got bored in the end so I go stroll around the villages.

I sensed Kakashi's chakra disappeared this afternoon while I was playing around and eating food, being a kid is not that bad, I thought.




Kakashi Hatake's POV

This kid...

I thought while my left eye twitched, he knows I'm here already and purposely showing off his abilities in front of me...

Controlling water creating weapons like that... and pulling a bow out of thin air?

Is he trying to make me report this to sandaime...

But what's his intention in telling the Hokage?

No matter, I need to report this first.

After that, I followed karma a bit more, but he's only playing around and eating until the afternoon, so I left to report this.


I called the third form the window.

「Kakashi, the door exists for a reason you know?」

Hokage-sama asked.

I rubbed my head sheepishly before starting my report...




「I see....」 Hokage-sama mumbled.

「what is it Hokage-sama??」 I asked.

「it's not possible to use chakra before 5 years old, and casting ninjutsu could potentially damage his coils,

Their body just doesn't have enough chakra, Not to mention, for someone who is "supposedly" uneducated in ninjutsu looking by his age and nationality.

He's an Uzumaki that's for sure, but molding chakra into shape needs lifetime practice and you need high chakra controls over it.

From what you are saying, he does it like it he had done it many times.... 」

Hiruzen pauses before starting to speak again.

「except, it is not chakra at all」


「what could you possibly mean Hokage-sama?」

I asked a bit surprised.

「A new bloodline, or another type of chakra.

Kakashi, next time you watch him training, use your Sharingan to find out what it is...

If my suspicion is correct...」 The Third replied.

「suspicion, Hokage-sama?」





「It is the power of the mind, a psychic to be precise. It was researched by Nidaime-sama in the past, but he didn't quite give us an explanation before his passing.」


Is Hokage-sama is joking right now???

「Only a little part of the world knows about this as it only appears in legends and such, but It's only my speculation.

That's why I asked you to use your SHARINGAN.

Is that the only thing you want to report Kakashi 」

「Hai, I shall take my leave now, Hokage sama.」

I said before leaving, again via the window.

The sun has almost set soon after I finished my reports, right now I'm trying to find karma and take him home.

On the way, I saw a downed sad Iruka sitting on a bench.

Curious as I am, I brought my icha-icha and call out to him from a tree I've been sitting on.

「hey」 I called.

Iruka jolted before turning his head upwards...

「That's my special seat. If everyone were to take a deep breath this close to me, I'd be interested, and then I won't be able to read my book now, will I? 」 I told him.




Now that I've finished with Iruka's ordeal I should probably find karma before it gets dark.

I found him on the playground.

Finally, the kid did something normal... or not.

He's just staring at Naruto who is leaving after the other kids playing with him, just left with their parents....

Wait? does he know???

No, I'm overthinking things, this child is mysterious but that doesn't mean he's a genius.

For now, let's take him home.

「Yo! Karma-kun, isn't it about time you get home??」

I ask while appearing suddenly behind him, he's not surprised???

That's not normal...

Rather, he looks at me calmly.

「so you've done your reports? I hope you've told Hokage-sama good things about me... 」

This kid...

「you knew?」 I asked.


「let's discuss this at home」


That's surprisingly easy....




Karma Uzumaki's POV

After I stroll around the village, I looked at my status a bit more and found something interesting...

Skill points, I never used it before and I only have 20 of them so I'm guessing it's hard to obtain.

Let's keep that for now...

I also tried making Create I.D as Jihan did in the manhwa.

So now I can make protected space just like The gamer...


≪Due to continuous action, a skill Create I.D and Escape I.D has been created≫


≪Due to continuous action, a skill Create I.D has leveled up by 1≫

『Create ID』 (Active) lv 2

Used to create instant dungeons. A stronger instant dungeon may be created in higher levels.

Currently available ID list:

1. Empty ID

2. Zombie ID

3. Ghost ID

『Escape ID』 (Active) lv MAX

Use to get out of the instant dungeon.

'Now we're talking I thought while grinning.

I used Create ID and choose the zombie dungeon.

I managed to kill until a Legion zombie appeared, just as I predicted from the manhwa.

I managed to kill it and the Legion zombie dropped some items.

Just like the manhwa, it gave me money (in ryo), Potions, and a skill book.

Oh! And by the way, I managed to get the skill Archery after my practice with my <amos bow>. I managed to level up 2 levels which are great!

I'll try learning this skill book later, now let's get out of this dungeon....

『Escape ID』!

Before I knew it, I'm in a kid's playground... hn?

Isn't that Naruto!

I saw him staring at chibi shikamaru and chibi chouji who is holding shikaku nara's hand.

...I see, this is Iruka's flashback after Naruto got accused of stealing a mask and he used it for pranks on hibachi.

This means the scene where he and Iruka met waterfall-nin is tomorrow, I'll definitely watch it.

Oh right! I had never used that Observation skill before! Let's try to use that on naruto,

Crossdresser, Prankster

Naruko Uzumaki

Lv 4

Age- 10

Species - Human

Gender - Female

Hp - 400

MP - 100

CP - 126009891

Debuff: Death demon consuming seal, Absolute body transformation seal.

≪A student of Konoha ninja academy. Her father, made her a jinchuriki the day she was born, hoping the village will see her as a hero. But it backfires and the villagers demand the child to be executed instead. For her safety, her godfather, Jiraiya the toad sage, placed a seal that would change her body from genitals, organs, and features to males≫.


What the f###??!!









-Please stand by-




This is ridiculous, not that I'm complaining but it's just too ridiculous DEAR KAMI-SAMA!!!




After I finished cursing, I noticed that 'naruto' has already left, I felt a new chakra presence and a new voice came out from behind me.

「Yo! Karma-kun, isn't it about time you get home?」

I was too tired of kami-sama's bullshit, so I'll go give Kakashi behind me MY bullshit instead.

I don't know what I'm doing, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway!!

「so you've done your reports? I hope you're telling Hokage-sama good things about me...」

I said with a smile before I realized my mistake.

「you knew?」 he asked.


I completely let the gamer's mind take over after that.

「let's discuss this at home」 he said.

「sure」 I replied.




Kakashi Hatake's Pov

We are currently facing each other, in my living room.

「so, aren't you going to explain?」 I asked.

「which one?」

He replied before answering again.

「about my abilities, how I know your stalking habit, or how you like to read your porn for the 8th times today?」

My what?

he's talking about my icha-icha paradise? Wha-

snap out of it!

How is he so calm about this?!

I was sure I did my best glare at him right now…

This brat…

There's no point, I'll just get to it.

「you can use magic?」

I asked, getting tired of his bullshit.




「yes」 he replied.

So Hokage sama wasn't kidding, but just to be sure I'll need to see him with the Sharingan.

I lifted my hitai-ate and revealed my teammate's left eye, then I ask him.

「can you show me again?」

To which he responded with...


He lifted his right hand and formed a blue sword from a liquid substance.

Did he manipulate water vapors in the air?

No, there's no trace of chakra at all.

This is not possible.

「why don't you say this at your first time meeting the Hokage?」

「I don't trust him.


Do you think I would directly trust someone with multiple presences near them, and a speech clearly hinting of ulterior motives? 」

That statement makes the atmosphere tense; I unconsciously placed my hands on my pouch.

「...you, said you don't have any intentions to harm Konoha...」

I asked after regaining my calm, this kid is too unpredictable...

He ponders a bit before opening his mouth.

「I did, and it's true.

I just don't trust him, but that doesn't mean I have ill intent towards him or the village.

I was planning to give back the money I got and then escape this village after giving Hokage-sama a warning...」

He said before pausing.

「But now though... I have found a new another reason to be in this village.

And I think you know who am I talking about. 」

He finished.

From that statement, a word came inside my mind.


Unconsciously I said it out loud...

Karma nodded and he calmly proceed to his temporary room.




Karma Uzumaki's POV

「so, aren't you going to explain?」 He asked.

「which one?」

I replied before answering again.

「about my abilities, how I know your stalking habit, or how you like to read your porn for the 8th times today?」

I joked around a bit.

Well that was a bad move, as I can see his glare hardened

「you can use magic?」


But all I did is a vision....

It did consume MP so it's technically magic but... well, honesty is the best policy.




「yes」 I replied.

His eyes widened a bit before lifting his hitai-ate, his Sharingan spinning before asking me

「can you show me again?」


I showed you, my vision!

Not magic!

I don't have a magic skill yet!

How am I supposed to show you!??

Did he confuse my vision with magic?

How do you even know magic existed!?

But again… this is the universe where naruto is a female so…

There's a possibility...

Well, again, honesty is the best policy....

「Sure」 I replied.

I activated Hydro Vision to create Foul Legacy: Raging Tide which was Tartaglia's water sword if you're asking....

「why don't you say this at your first time meeting the Hokage?」

He asked me curiously.

「I just don't trust him.

What? You think I would directly trust someone with multiple presences near them, and a speech clearly hinting of ulterior motives? 」

Suddenly the atmosphere became tense, I saw Kakashi unconsciously take a kunai from his pouch, shit.

He's going to kill me!

「you said you don't have any intentions to harm Konoha?」

He asked in a calm expression, still having his hand inside his kunai pouch and giving me a death glare.

「I did, and it's true.

I don't trust him, but that doesn't mean I have ill intent towards him or the village.

I was planning to give back the money I got and then escape this village after giving Hokage-sama a warning...」

I said before pausing.

「But now though.... I have found a new another reason to be in this village.

And I think you know who am I talking about. 」

I finished, remembering the image of "Naruto", she is still a family even if this is a different world.

From that statement, Kakashi's eyes narrowed and unconsciously mumbled.


I nodded and calmly proceed to my room.

The tension is killing me even though I managed my poker face via Gamer's mind.

Well, let's leave this for tomorrow, grinding zombies every day really beat the shit out of me.




To be continued.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


