48.27% HYBRID IN TEEN WOLF (Rewriting) / Chapter 14: Chapter 17: Shape Shifted

章 14: Chapter 17: Shape Shifted

Over dinner, Isaac and his father talk about Isaac's grades. He has an A in French, a B-minus in Econ, and a D in Chemistry. Mr Lahey gets angry at the D in Chemistry but he doesn't show it on his face.

"Alright it's a D, I'm not angry. You know I'm going to have to find a way to punish you, though. I have my responsibility as a parent. So we'll start with something simple like – tell you what. You do the dishes and you clean up the kitchen, okay?" Lahey says giving Isaac a bit of hope that his father isn't angry.

"yeah," Isaac says hopefully.

"Good because I'd really like to see this place spotless," Lahey says before He throws his cup on the ground and smashes it along with Isaac's hope of this being a normal punishment for once. He starts chucking shit everywhere and a piece of glass cuts Isaac right below his eye.

"That was your fault," Lahey says emotionlessly as Isaac takes out the piece of glass from his skin.

"You could have blinded me," Isaac says angrily.

"Shut up. It's a scratch. It's hardly even—" Lahey says but stops as he sees the wound on Isaac's face healing at an abnormal rate surprising him, Isaac touches the wound to feel it completely healed and that his father saw it. He knew his father would ask questions and would not be nice about it so he ran out of the house, got on his bicycle and left his father following him in his car.

Jackson who apparently lives across the street from the Lahey's sees them as he takes out the trash.

"freaks," he says before he gets back inside.


As Lahey drives along, it suddenly starts raining really hard lowering his already impaired visibility. He drives down a street and sees Isaac's bike lying, abandoned, in an alley. He calls out but there's no answer. He gets out of the car and walks over to the bike, still calling out.

He can't see anything through his rain-soaked glasses so he takes them off. He sees something as he is putting his glasses back on. He runs back to his car and closes the door but the thing chasing him rips it off and kills him.


At the Argents Allison walks downstairs with combat gear on she's wearing a black coat to hide them and a bag. Chris who was also about to head out sees her.

"where are you going?" he asks

"to Astrid's" Allison answers since she doesn't have to lie to her father, Chris nods.

"what for"

"it's a secret," Allison says smiling.

"uhuh, does this secret have to do with the crossbow I saw you pack earlier," Chris says with an amused smile at how she thought she was being sneaky making Allison groan at how careless she was for not closing the door.

"sigh, Yes," she says

"sigh, alright just be careful," Chris says as he walks out 'I'm gonna have to thank Astrid for giving her a bit of training ' he thought but little does he know his daughter is strong enough to kick an alpha's a** with her bare hands.

Allison is surprised that her dad didn't ask any more questions but shrugs and heads to her car and drives to the reserve. She gets out of the car and starts jogging towards a clearing in the middle of the woods where Astrid trains her while keeping her guard up since Astrid could decide to test her vigilance.

The last time that happened she took a kick in the stomach 'jeez Astrid barely held back on that kick' she thought with a shiver since she had to run until she collapsed as a punishment for letting her guard down 'but I won't have been able to improve this much if she went easy on me'

When she got to the clearing she saw it was completely covered in thick fog. Allison didn't stop and entered it.

"I see you're finally here" she heard Astrid's voice but it was coming from all directions it's a neat little trick, Astrid found when she decided to see what else she can do other than creating and controlling fogs. she found out that she had a minor wind manipulation since she can create small breezes, make her voice like it's coming from all directions or cancel the sound and wind created when she vamp speeds.

"What are we doing today?" Allison asked.

"We're focusing on your senses today other than sight," Astrid said

"Can't you just teach me all of this after you change me?" Allison Asked

"Yes, but it will be a lot harder than now since if you were turned you'd be affected by the full moon not to mention the smell of blood that'll tempt you to lose control. If you finish this training, that's almost complete since controlling your senses is the last step, not only will you not be affected by the full moon but you'll be able to resist the temptation of human blood even if someone is bleeding in front of you" Astrid told her making Allison nod her head in understanding, " now I want you to close your eyes and concentrate on your other senses"

Allison followed her instructions and concentrated on her hearing, he heard something coming from her left and she moved backwards dodging it. It continued like that with Astrid increasing the number of balls whenever Allison started to adapt. At the end of the training, Allison was able to dodge up to 10 balls coming from different directions and she was exhausted.

"That will be all for tonight," Astrid said as she dispersed the fog before she sat next to Allison who put her head on her lap Astrid smiled at her as she started to run her fingers through Allison's hair who fell asleep right after.


The next day in the locker room, Scott tells Stiles that he feels way better than he did on the last full moon. He doesn't even feel like maiming or killing people. Stiles doesn't care and he's still locking Scott up tonight. Stiles opens up his locker to show Scott what he'll use to restrain him. As soon as Stiles opens his locker a long chain falls out making everyone in the room is watching in silence.

"part of me wants to ask the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I can ever imagine so I'm just gonna walk away" coach said as walks away.

"it's good it's a wise choice coach," stiles says as they both crouched down to pick up the chain when suddenly Scott lifts his head his eyes glow for a second as he senses another werewolf in the locker room he starts looking around but he couldn't tell who it was.

"You okay?" Stiles asks him

"There's another in here right now," Scott says still looking around.

"Another what?"

"Another werewolf" Scott tells him Isaac who was tying his shoes looks in their direction hearing their conversation.


Allison, Astrid and Lydia walk in to school. Lydia is fully clothed this time and looking fabulous as ever.

"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asks before yawning

"They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying, 'We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days.' But, personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds. By the way, why do you keep yawning every 5 minutes" Lydia said before asking.

"That's because someone decided to keep me up most of last night," Allison said giving Astrid an accusing look.

"well, not my fault that you have that low of stamina" Astrid teased knowing how Lydia would take that out of context.

"well Allison you're officially being promoted from snow white," Lydia said, "Now tell me the details"

"I'll be watching the lacrosse practise since it's a free period for me so see you later babe," Astrid said before walking away.

"Hey, wait don't leave with this misunderstanding you caused" Allison shouted but all she got was a distant chuckle.


When Astrid got to the lacrosse field practise already started and Scott who was in goal was tackling the players before the defence can. She walked over to Derek who was watching from the tree line.

"So are you gonna tell me why McCall is tackling and sniffing people," she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He's trying to catch Isaac's scent," Derek said

"uhuh, and why did he choose to be the goalie when he could have done all that if he switched with defence," Astrid asked, Derek, opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. "So he's an idiot then"

"Yeah," Derek said with a defeated sigh. we watched as Scott and Isaac tackled each other but then sheriff Stilinski and two deputies showed up and started talking to Isaac about his dead father before taking him.

"This isn't good if they think he's a suspect they will put him in a holding cell during the full moon," Astrid said

"Yeah, I'll go get Scott and take him to Isaac's basement before the cops can."

"And I'm gonna ask Allison to keep her ears open at home since I'm sure that the Argents got the news, " Astrid said getting a nod from Derek before they parted.


In Chemistry, Scott and Stiles talk freely about their supernatural problems because apparently, it's a class for the deaf. The police can't hold Isaac unless they have solid evidence or a witness. Suddenly, Stiles notices that Jackson isn't in class. Danny, who may or may not have been listening the whole time, tells them Jackson's in the principal's office and it's probably because he lives across the street from Isaac.

"We've got to get to the principal's office," Stiles says

"How?" Scott asks

Stiles throws something at Mr Harris's head making the whole class laugh.

"How the hell did that" Harris asks and Scott and Stiles point at each other. Harris sends them to the principles office.

They sit outside the principal's office and Scott listens in on Jackson's talk with the Sheriff.

"Are you telling me that you knew Isaac's father was hitting him?" Stilinski asked

"Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him." Jackson says

"Did you ever say anything to anyone? A teacher? Parents? Anyone?" Stilinski asked surprised

"Nope. It's not my problem." Jackson says rudely

"No. No. Of course not. You know, it's funny that the kids getting beaten up are always the ones that least deserve it." sheriff Stilinski says annoyed

" Yeah. Wait, what?" Jackson replies until it hits him what he meant.


At the Argents Allison makes use of her boosted hearing to listen in on Gerard and her father.

"I'm not interested in whether they locked up a 16-year-old kid, I'm interested in what's going to happen to that 16-year-old when the moon hits its peak tonight, do we have proof," Gerard asks

"is the next step killing him," Chris asks not liking the idea

"The next step is eliminating a threat," Gerard says as he takes some pills, "do we have proof"

"I haven't been to history class for a while but I'm pretty sure that straight-up genocide hasn't worked so well too often," Chris says trying to reason with him

"Do we have proof or not" Gerard insists

"Not irrefutable but not insignificant, the driver's side door of Lahey's car was pride off," Chris says

"Pride off?" Gerard asks

"Ripped off" Chris corrects himself.

Allison listens in a bit more as they call in a hunter who's dressed as a sheriff's deputy and gave him a wolfsbane injection. With a determined look, she went up to her room got her bow and arrows she jumped out the window.


"This is why he said yes to you," Scott asked Derek as they were in Isaac's basement Astrid was also with them.

"Everyone wants power," Derek said to him

"If we help you, you have to stop. You can't just go around turning people into werewolves" Scott said making Astrid roll her eyes.

"Yes, I can if they're willing," Derek said

"Did you tell Isaac about the Argents about being hunted?" Scott asked

"yes, and he still asked"

"then he's an idiot," Scott says

"Alright that's it I've had enough of your little heroes speech Scott, wake up this is real life, not a comic book. You don't speak for everyone if they want to become like us even after knowing the risks then it's their problem, not yours. You saw Gerard declare war on us just the other night and you want us to just sit around while he hunts us down like so animal is that what you want?. I don't know if you've noticed or you decided to

to be ignorant about it, but Gerard outnumbers us by a lot so if Derek wants to increase our power you have no say in it. if you think that ignoring your problems will be enough for you to live a normal life then I'm here to tell you that you are not normal." Astrid was panting when she finished as scores hero complex was annoying her to no end.

Scott looked down and thought about what Astrid just said while Derek was happy that Astrid was on his side before he left to get Isaac out of jail.


That fake deputy man is driving along when suddenly someone shoots an arrow into his tires. He gets out of the car to investigate. Allison shoots him in the leg with an arrow he screams in pain before he breaks the arrow leaving some inside him. He tries to get back to his car but Allison appears behind him hits him in the head knocking him out.

She places him back in his car and takes the box with the wolfsbane injection and heads to Astrid's house since Astrid agreed to watch over Scott this full moon while Derek and Stiles broke Isaac out.

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