42.85% In MHA as Rimuru Tempest with Archer Emiya's Power(Being Rewritten) / Chapter 6: The Mysterious Archer!

章 6: The Mysterious Archer!

(Toshinori POV)

Today was the tenth day of training my successor Izuku Midoriya. After cleaning up more parts of the beach, young Midoriya ended up on the floor of the beach panting and gasping. Giving him some advice on his training, we both suddenly heard a voice calling out to us.

Turning around to take a look at the person approaching, I was surprised to see a rather short blue haired individual wearing a mask approaching us. What I found strange was the feeling I'm getting from them. I thought the person approaching us was a veteran hero who worked in the underground hero business like Aizawa.

Approaching us, he introduced himself as Rimuru Tempest. But then his comment on the fact that he's not a bad slime really confused me. I then saw him look at young Midoriya as he spoke.

Rimuru: "Take this as my advice. The way your breathing is incorrect. I'd recommend you breathe through your nose and inhale slowly not to pant like a dog. Slow deep breaths through your nose till your lungs are full and then slowly exhale as well."

Toshinori watched as the individual known as Rimuru Tempest's words confused the young boy, to which he proceeded to ask a bunch of questions.

-(Scene Break)-

(Izuku Midoriya POV)

Today was my tenth day of training under All Might, after our training session ended, I was lying on the ground panting and gasping. All Might started giving me advice on my exercises and a bit later, we suddenly heard someone call out to us.

I was both surprised and confused at why the person was wearing a mask. Was it due to their quirk that requires them to wear a mask? Or are they hiding their face due to some sort of accident? After telling us that their name was Rimuru Tempest, I instantly began wondering if the Tempest part of their name had something to do with their quirk. After being lost in my thoughts for a bit, I heard All Might ask if the individual in front of us is male or female. And the response they gave us didn't help in the slightest.

Rimuru: "I could tell you, but where'd the fun in all that be? Consider my gender as one of the Seven wonders of the world."

Both All Might and myself were obviously confused, then they decided to give me advice on proper breathing. Saying that I should breathe through my nose rather than my mouth. I listened carefully to their advice, before I started asking a bunch of questions.

 Midoriya: "Why are you saying to breathe through my nose rather than my mouth? What would taking deep breaths do to help me? Why do I need to inhale and exhale slowly? Are there any benefits to doing what you said?"

And my questions were calmly answered by the strange individual named Rimuru Tempest.

Rimuru: "Simple. Nose breathing is more beneficial than mouth breathing. Breathing through your nose can help filter out dust and allergens, boost your oxygen uptake, and humidify the air you breathe in. Mouth breathing, on the other hand, can dry out your mouth. Then the answer to your next question is also fairly simple.

You should have already learnt this in school. The more oxygen one breathes in, the more blood will be pumped into the body. Breathing exercises will help strengthen the cardiovascular muscles and improve blood pressure. Regular breathing exercises can improve focus and concentration as well. The answer to the second question is you don't have to take deep breaths if you don't want to however, the benefits of longer and deeper breathing is most definitely more beneficial than inhaling and exhaling quickly.

Yes, as I have said before, the benefits are being a lot calmer in situations that need it, Improved stamina, strength, durability, and focus. You can also use breathing techniques to slow down poison and even increase pain tolerance. And the larger your lungs, the more oxygen you can breathe in. And the more you can increase your general health and exercise for longer periods.

I would say this, If you master Total Concentration breathing, you could reach superhuman levels of strength, agility, durability, but of course, you need to train as well to reach superhuman levels of power and in a dangerous situation, your breathing could very well save you."

Izuku watched as All Might pondered on Rimuru's words before facing the and asking questions of his own. 

Toshinori: "If you don't mind me asking, other than their benefits, how could breathing save someone who let's say got into a fight and is already out of stamina?"

Rimuru: "Great question! It's because the more blood that flow's throughout your body the faster your recovery time will be. So if you master your breathing as long as you are given even at the very least even 1 minute to recover the increased blood flow will help you with your stamina recovery."

Izuku: "Alright then Rimuru-San, I will try out what you just said."

Izuku then proceeded to slowly inhale as much air as his lungs could hold before slowly exhaling. He did it about 3 more times before slowly getting up.

Midoriya: "I definitely feel much better then before. Thank you for the advice Rimuru-San"

Rimuru: "That's great and all, but you seem to have forgotten about the fact that you should continue maintaining your breathing."

Izuku: "Why?"

This time, it wasn't Rimuru who spoke instead it was Toshinori. 

Toshinori: "It's basically to allow your body to adapt to breathing huge amounts of oxygen while standing as compared to when you are lying down and sitting. That way, your exercises should be easier to do compared to before."

Rimuru: "That's right. But understand that you should becareful when using breathing techniques. Afterall, for first timers having a sudden increase in blood flow causes slight dizziness."

Toshinori: "How interesting. Rimuru-San. May I ask rather you are a hero? And considering how I've never seen you before, are you perhaps a new hero? Or maybe your an underground hero?"

At the word underground hero, Izuku's eyes instantly brightened as he looked at Rimuru with anticipation. However, instead of getting a proper answer, Rimuru simply remained silent not answering the question. Something that Toshinori noticed but didn't comment on it. So Tanzo bow named Rimuru decided to do the most normal thing that he could think of. 

He looked Midoriya straight in the eye's and I lied.

Rimuru: "No I'm not an underground hero or even a brand new hero. I'm not a vigilante nor am I am ordinary citizen either so tell me my boy what do you think is my job?"

Izuku Midoriya thought about the words that the person in front of him just said, and a few seconds later he screamed whilst pointing a finger at Rimuru.

Izuku: "YOU'RE A VILLAIN?!!"

Rimuru: "Yes. I was bored and decided to see if I could find someone to talk to and then kill. And you two seem to be my new targets."

Rimuru said this all with a sarcastic tone of voice, but Midoriya took his words seriously. After hearing what he said, Midoriya instinctively grabbed All Might in his skinny form and stood protectively in front of him as he exclaimed.

Izuku: "If you want to hurt All Might you are going to have to go through me!"

Toshinori was beyond confused at the moment. Why the person in front of him didn't answer his question. However, he doesn't ask about it, and instead he paid attention to Rimuru's next action worried that he might be a villain.

He was ready to transform the moment he tried to do something however, Rimuru's words left me gobsmacked. Who the hell says they are a villain with such a sarcastic tone? More importantly, why does Midoriya seem to believe it?

However, before Toshinori could even do anything, Izuku grabbed him by the elbow, dragging Toshinori behind him, and said such heroic words. However, as proud as Toshinori was, he coughed out blood after hearing Midoriya calling him All Might. And just when you thought things couldn't get any stranger, they both saw Rimuru sigh in dissapointment, before walking away as if they were done chatting already.

Midoriya: "Where are you going?"

Rimuru: "I'm going home, you are way too stupid to kill today so I'm going home, taking a good nap, and come back tomorrow to kill you. So have a good evening."

Toshinori simply stared at Rimuru walking away from them in shock. Not only because of the words he just said, but also because he didn't seem shocked that his identity is All Might.

By the time Toshinori came out of his thoughts, Rimuru was already gone. Turning to Midoriya, Toshinori asked him where did Rimuru go to which he responded with

Izuku: "He disappeared. But that isn't the main point! He clearly said he was a villain, we should go stop him before he harms any of the innocent civilians!"

Toshinori: "Young Midoriya calm down! He was lying to you about him being a villain."

Izuku; "Eh?"

Toshinori: "Think it carefully, his words were full of sarcasm and dry humour. It's the tone of someone who was playing a joke."

Izuku: "Thinking of it, you are right! Oh My God, what if I offended him by thinking he was a villain?"

Izuku asked almost bursting into tears.

Toshinori: "Calm Down my boy, he clearly said he is coming tomorrow. So, why not just apologize to him tomorrow. Besides, you still have school to attend as well."

Izuku: "Your right! I completely forgot about school!"

After waving All Might goodbye, Izuku ran back to his house. With Toshinori being the only one there, he decided to call a close friend of his. Taking out his phone, he tapped the number on the screen and after a few seconds, a voice was heard from the other side of the phone.

???: "Toshinori? What can I do for you?" 

Toshinori: "I would like to ask if you can get me any information on an individual by the name of Rimuru Tempest?"

???: "Hrrm? Why the sudden interest in this individual?"

Toshinori: "Call it a hunch, but I feel like this person might have a great skill in teaching the next generation."

???: "Hrrm, to have such an opinion on this person you are making me curious. Very well then, I will look into this person, if they are interesting enough, I might just have to invite them to come and teach the next generation."

Toshinori: "Thank You principle Nezu, I will see you soon."

Hanging up the phone, Toshinori can't help but feel like he is being watched by someone. However, before he did anything else the feeling of being watched instantly disappeared

(On an apartment building 15 kilometres from the beach, Rimuru could be seen standing at the top of the building. Sighing to himself, Rimuru finally decided on the role he will take.)

Rimuru: "I mean, technically if I become a teacher at UA, I'd have more resources available to help me find a way back home... Right? So I guess I'm becoming a pro hero. Shouldn't be that hard if you can get a license at 15 years old. Just beat and capture alot of villains and I should be good. Guess I'm going home now huh? What's that?"

Turning his head, Rimuru suddenly notices a group of 3 wealthy-looking individuals in an alleyway being surrounded by a bunch of criminals. And their bodyguards seem to be dead. And both females are knocked out. He also takes notice that there are a few individuals with quirks among the criminal group.

Rimuru: "I still don't have a license, so attacking them from a distance is about my only option to not be sent to prison for using my quirk illegally. Wait, does magecraft even count as a Quirk? If it isn't the same as a quirk, technically I'm both Aizawa and All For One proof right? Well I can find that out later once I become a teacher. For now though."

Rimuru projected Archer's Black Bow, and drew on the bowstring as multiple blunt arrows appeared on the bowstring as Rimuru released his hold on the bowstring sending the multiple blunt arrows flying through the air and striking their targets true.

(Wealthy Family POV)

A rich looking family was cornered in an alleyway. Their guards were killed, and both the wife and daughter were knocked unconscious whilst the husband was frozen unable to move seemingly paralysed. They were the Yaoyorozu Family. A very big, rich, and powerful family and now they soon tether on the brink of being killed or worse. 

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "Dammit! A paralysis quirk?!"

Random Criminal1: "That's right! Our boss is the most powerful quirk user on our team. Just don't resist and your life will end quickly and painlessly. But of course, the same cant be said for both your wife and daughter though. We will take our time indulging in their bodies until they become our slaves!"

Random Criminal2:(Whack!)"Oi, you moron why are you spouting out our plans?!"

Random Criminal1:(Guh!)"Sorry!"

Criminal Boss: "It doesn't matter anyway. Kill the man and take his wife and daughter already and make sure there aren't any witnesses."

Random Criminal Group: "Yes Sir!"

Mr.Yaoyorozu: "You bastards! Don't think that you can escape from the heroes for so long! Before you can even lay a hand on my wife and daughter they will catch you and put you in prison!"

The Criminal Boss then walked towards Mr. Yaoyorozu, looked down at him sadistically, and then proceeded to tell him

CB: "While what you say may be true, all I have to do is simply escape prison. And I will be free once more to do as I please. You know what? I'm feeling extra generous today, I will let you die only after I indulge in the bodies of both your wife and daughter hahahahaha! Boys, bring me his daughter!"

It was at that moment that several arrows struck the criminals knocking several out as the criminal boss yelled. 

CB: "Dammit! A sniper?! Quick! Use the Yaoyorozu family as a hostage!" 

However, before they could even move an inch, it rained even more blunt arrows knocking the entire group out due to the speed of the arrows increasing the damage they caused. 

Mr. Yaoyorozu looked on perplexed at the situation of all the thugs being knocked by a hail of arrows. But none of them died as the arrows seemed blunt. Then what perplexed him even more was how the arrows turned into motes of light and air vanishing from the ground. Then he heard the sound of an explosion and looked up to see something had exploded in the sky. 

And soon emeough in a matter of minute's, the alleyway was surrounded by police and the underground hero Eraserhead appeared as well looking confused at the situation. 

Eraserhead: "Mr Yaoyorozu. It's good to see you safe and sound. Did your guards knock the villains out in exchange for their lives?" 

Mr Yaoyorozu shook his head as he answered. 

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "These scum were about to kill me and rape my wife and daughter. But before they could do anything, a volley of blunt arrows knocked them all out before something blew up in the sky that acted like a flare. Do you perhaps have any idea who the person that saved my family might be?"

Eraserhead: "No. I have no idea who it was that saved you. I don't think japan even has any heroes that uses bows and arrows. However, you said you were saved by arrows knocking them out, but I don't see any arrows."

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "Actually, after they fell to the ground, the arrows turned into motes of blue light and air before vanishing completely."

Eraserhead: 'An Archer that can shoot arrows and make them dissappear? Considering there has been no news regarding any new heroes that uses the bow, I'll have to assume that someone is playing vigilante. Tsk. Making my job even harder than it needs to be.'

Eraserhead assessed the situation as he questioned. 

Eraserhead: "Do you remember the direction in which these arrows came from?" 

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "I'm pretty sure it came from above."

Eraserhead: "I see. Thank you for your time. The police will escort yourself and your family back to your manor and the forensics team will deal with the dead bodies. I have to continue with my Hero work, so I'll be taking my leave now. Take care and I wish you a safe journey going back."

Mr. Yaoyorozu: "Thank you Eraserhead. I wish you safety on your patrol as well."

Eraserhead nodded his head in thanks before going to talk with one of the detective's he knew. He approached the detective and spoke. 

Eraserhead: "Detective Naomasa. Fancy seeing you here."

Naomasa is a tall man with short, black hair and somewhat rectangular black eyes. As a member of the Police Force, he is normally seen in his uniform, which consists of his signature tan overcoat and matching hat, underneath which he wears a black suit, a green tie at his neck with matching slacks, and dress shoes.

Naomasa: "It's work, what did you expect. But moving on, any info you can share about the situation?"

Eraserhead: "Criminals were about to kill the husband and rape the wife and daughter. The guards didn't die sacrificing themselves to protect the family but instead seemed to have been killed early on. The husband claims they were saved by a volley of arrows knocking out all the villains, and something exploded in the sky acting as a flare."

Naomasa: "Arrows huh?"

Eraserhead: "A similar case involving this mystery Archer I presume?"

Naomasa: "Yeah. Earlier today Kamui Woods fought against a man with a quirk that made him a minotaur in all senses. The man was built like All Might but on steroids, and almost sent Kamui Woods to the hospital if not for arrows coming out of nowhere and piercing the villains knees. After taking the villain to the hospital, the arrows disappeared into motes of blue light and air. What makes that fact even more increadible is that the man's muscles were about five times thicker and his bones denser than your average bull. But the arrows didn't seem to have any issues piercing his knees."

Eraserhead: "Any clues where the arrows came from?"

Naomasa's face became solemn as he showed Aizawa a video of an arrow flying past an apartment's rooftop security camera as he spoke seriously. 

Naomasa: "We traced the trajectory the arrows came from, and it took us to an apartment building twenty five kilometers from where the fight between the Minotaur Villain, and Kamui Woods happend."

Eraserhead looked incredulously at the detective as he spoke.

Eraserhead: "Naomasa your saying this mysterious Archer is capable of shooting arrows from fifteen miles away?!"

Naomasa: "I wished it was false, but the video matches with the timing the arrows struck minotaur man."

Eraserhead: "It took those arrows exactly five seconds to travel twenty five kilometers?! And based off the video, this Archer didn't just get lucky shooting from that distance. They can actually aim and shoot perfectly from that far away! Their skill with the bow far surpasses the likes of even snipe and Lady Nagant!"

Naomasa: "What we've discovered has baffled us as well. And I'm praying that this isn't a vigilante, and instead a brand new hero. If it's the former, then we're going to have alot of trouble finding them. If their eyes allows them to see up to twenty five kilometres extremely clearly, then capturing them might just become an impossible task. We don't even know how the mysterious archer looks like."

Eraserhead: "And by the off chance that they are indeed a hero, we shouldn't have much issue finding them. We can ask the heroes association for help identifying this person. Alright, I'm off to continue my work. If I notice anything strange, I'll report it to you."

Naomasa sighed tiredly and thanked Eraserhwad who left the crime scene to continue patrolling. Meanwhile Rimuru who was in his spirit form watched the Yaoyorozu family guided by the police all the way to the mansion, and once he made sure that they had returned without any issues, he left the scene returning home to retire for the day. He went to bed and spoke lazily.

Rimuru: "I'll take my options tomorrow. For now, I'll just rest for the night as there really isn't anything better to do."

Yet tomorrow, when Tanzo or now known as Rimuru wakes up, hell be in for the shock of his life.

-(Scene End)-

An: "Aight. I have this crazy idea. What if instead of either teacher of student, he becomes a Vigilante? He won't exist in the data files of the mha world so what do you think? If no vigilante mc then hell be a teacher."

Vigilante Mc? 

No Vigilante Mc? 

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


