Flore was reading a book in the bedroom. Gordon was sleeping in the room next door. Earlier, Zaizen had call him to see if he was okay and Gordon whined about his huge belly and his craving for caramel potatoes and peanuts butter with yogurts. Flore couldn't help but smile.
He never thought that one day, his own male beta friend will be pregnant and now an omega. Gordon was still new in the process. He might have knowledges about Omegas but it was his first time experimented being one.
Gordon's features started to change gradually. Maybe because he finally accepted his gender, his skin was more glowing and he seemed younger. Even before his belly was growing, his hips was getting wider and he had a fine ass that London found amusing to joke about it. Fortunately, Gordon was so proud of his round ass and his nice legs that he joined London on his dirty jokes.
Flore put the book on the nightstand and sighed.
These past weeks, Arnold and him were distant.
Last month, after so many months without doing anything more than touching each other body, Flore wanted to have sex. And to his greatest delight, his alpha was excited too. Most of the time Arnold would tried to contain his arousal, but that night, maybe because his rut was near, he finally succumbed to Flore's advances.
Everything went well until Arnold tried to enter Flore and the latter's body rejected him violently. Flore's body was hurting so much that he threw up.
Feeling distress, Arnold stopped everything and of course he wanted to call a doctor but Flore was against it. Many nights later, Flore asked Arnold to try again but the results was the same.
Flore already knew that the problem was because he was claimed by Hassan by the past, but he thought that because his bond with Arnold was stronger, he might be able to pass that. But it was really impossible.
This reality check made Flore depressed and Arnold became distant even though he didn't know anything about Hassan's bite on his omega's nape.
Flore was about to leave the room when Arnold came inside. Flore froze up.
Arnold's face seemed gloom. But he came to sit next to Flore.
The omega stayed silent, while playing with his fingers. On the other hand, Arnold was deep in his thoughts.
" - You never really told me everything about that night," Arnold started.
Flore frowned.
" - What night ?" The omega questioned.
" - That night… six years ago."
Flore clenched his jaw.
" - You're fucking kidding me !!" He shouted as he left the bed. " You don't even talk to me these past few weeks as if I didn't even exist and the first thing you ask is about that damn and horrible night ?! What do you want to know Arnold ?! How they fucked me while I was crying ?!! How they didn't even cared that I was bleeding and begging for them to stop !!!!? How…"
" - Karen came to me earlier. " Arnold interrupted him.
" - So what ?!?" Flore yelled.
" - Did Hassan bite you that night ?"
Flore went immediately silent as he paled. His heart was pounding loudly.
" - Did he ?" Arnold asked in a whisper as he struggled to stay calm.
Flore opened his mouth to say something, but his tears started to fell on his cheeks.
" - You don't have a bite mark… You pushed him away… You…"
" - I erased the bite mark but his pheromones are still inside me," Flore confessed in small voice. " I was afraid you couldn't find me if I took out my omega's gland. "
Arnold burried his face in his palm, not saying anything.
" - Arnold, I…"
" - I'm going to stay out tonight," Arnold interrupted him as he stood up and started to put some clothes in a bag.
" - If you're going to stay out just tonight why are packing so much clothes ?" Flore asked with a trembling voice.
" - I'll call you." Arnold said.
He opened the door when Flore said in tears :
" - Promise me… Promise me you will call…"
Arnold bite his lips, trying to contain his own tears. Eventually, he didn't reply and left the house, leaving behind him a crying Flore.
Akihito froze in front of his computer after he stopped the footage.
A camera footage from two hours ago was showing an ambulance, stationing on the corner of the road and two man dragging Haru inside.
Heart beating fast, Akihito zoomed on the license plate and sent it to Zaizen sitting next him. His friend skillfully traced the ambulance license plate and said :
" - It stopped at the Lagoon Hospital three hours ago."
" - Let's go ! " Akihito said.
As they drove there, Zaizen sent the location to Debby, Thomas and the police.
Akihito was driving fast, praying to be there in time.
When they arrived, it was already dark. Akihito ran inside the hospital. Omegas' pheromones were everywhere. To the man's surprise, though he found it difficult to breath, he could still manage to walk and talk. He reached the receptionist and asked for a little omega who was there since the beginning of the afternoon. But the receptionist told him there were a lots of omegas who came today.
" - A blond omega ?" An old woman asked as she passed next to Akihito. " I saw a beautiful one earlier. He shared my daughter room for a couple of hours before he went in labor. Since then he didn't come back." She explained.
Akihito exchanged an anxious look with Zaizen and they started to search the hospital but couldn't find him.
Akihito was about to give up when he heard someone calling his name.
He stood up and went outside, in the parking lot at the back.
Two men where forcefully dragging a weak and bloody Haru toward a black car.
" - LEAVE HIM ALONE !!!!" Akihito roared as he unfurled his pheromones.
Both men fell down, leaving Haru on the floor.
One of them managed to take out a knife, he stood up and ran towards Akihito while screaming, but Akihito kicked him violently in the stomachs and punched him in the face.
He then ran towards Haru and embraced him without waiting.
" - Our babies ! Reinz took our babies ! Find our babies !!!" Haru was crying.
Akihito lifted the omega in his arms when Zaizen, Debby and the police arrived.
" - Reinz is here !" Akihito growled.
Zaizen understood the assignment. Akihito let Debby took care of Haru and they went back to the hospital.
They searched all the rooms, until Akihito find Reinz in a room with two babies.
He was holding a needle. He smiled when he saw Akihito.
" - I knew you were here," Reinz said. " Haru started to scream your name suddenly. I supposed he smelt your disgusting scent. "
Akihito clenched his fist.
" - One step and I kill one of them," Reinz menaced him.
Akihito didn't move. His mind was trying to figure out a way to save his children.
" - Maybe because you're a extreme dominant alpha, one of your baby is already emitting omega pheromone. Isn't it funny ? But thinking about it, I can't have Haru, but waiting for his child to mature and fuck…"
A loud bang reasoned on the room. Blood splattered the wall and the babies started to cry.
Thomas put down the gun he was holding and growled :
" - This kind a psycho deserves to died. I'm so tired to deal with those trashs."
" - You…" Reinz growled in pain while holding his stomach.
He fell down and soon he didn't move.
Akihito ran to take both his crying babies.
" - Oh God…" Luke, Thomas' friend officer said.
" - He's not dead. Though I'm not denying that I intended to kill him." Thomas said as he gave back the gun.
" - When you stole my gun, I knew you were going to be a dick…" Luke said.
" - We'll take care of the rest," Thomas said to Akihito. " Go. Compared to me, you're not to late."
Akihito didn't waste one more second and ran to joined his wife.
The hospital was in turmoil. Police already arrested the men who came with Haru and the nurses and doctors who where working with Reinz.
Haru was unconscious. Akihito drove them to Pam's hospital where they were already ready to received the babies and Haru.
Zaizen had already called Pam to inform her. Alicia, Ren and Katsuki where already there with a bunch of police officers to protect the omega.
After some hours of stressed, Haru was moved to the most private room of the hospital with the babies.
Akihito spent the night with him. His parents had already brought Haru's clothes and some stuffs they had bought for the baby, not knowing they were twins.
Haru woke up in sweat. The room was plunged in dim light and his breathing was loud. He couldn't recognized where he was. He was panicking when he felt Akihito's smell and seconds later, the man buried his face on his neck, wrapping his arms around his wife small waist.
" - I… Am I dreaming ?" Haru asked in a whisper.
" - No… I'm here with you. I am really here." Akihito said in a weak voice.
As soon as he replied that, Haru turned around to face him and he burst in tears, making Akihito cry too.
They both hugged each other while crying for a while. In tears, Haru told Aki how much he prayed for him to come, how much he was scared and how thankful he was to be still alive. He also talked about the cruel Lee, what he did to others innocent people who where there and what he learned about this awful man.
" - I'm sorry… I should have come to you that day. I should have stay with you…" Akihito cried, making Haru more sad.
They both chuckled in front of their running nose and wet eyes.
" - I missed you so much," Aki said as he pecked Haru's lips. " I missed your warm, your voice, your scent, you whole existence… "
He explained as he kissed Haru on his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, his neck and his small hands.
Haru let out a small laugh.
" - I love you Aki… " He said, making the alpha's heart jump faster.
Akihito softly brought Haru's lips to his and they shared a passionate kiss, enough to make Haru moan in his husband's mouth.
He sat on Akihito's lap, savoring the kiss, ignoring the pain in his back and down his stomach.
" - We can't do it," Akihito chuckled when Haru started to unbutton his shirt.
" - But… I missed you," Haru was pouting.
Akihito couldn't help but laugh.
" - Believe me, I want to make love to you. So much that I almost jump you when you were sleeping earlier, but… first you need to rest and second… we are not alone."
Haru turned his head to discover the tiny cradles next to the bed. He got off Akihito and practically ran to see his babies.
Both babies were sleeping soundly. They were so lovely with their round cheeks and their thin hands.
" - Did you already name them ?" Haru asked when Akihito embraced him from behind.
" - No. I was waiting for you."
" - When… When I was there. There were two kids who were serving me foods. Two betas. They seemed to be around sixteen years old… I think this man already sold them off or… maybe he killed them. They were gentle. Though one of them always looked angry, he was kind enough to bring me snacks when this man wasn't around. "
" - You want to gave the babies their name ?" Akihito asked.
" - No… They choose two names for my babies… Ruka for the girl and Rory for the boy… Do you like it ?"
" - I love everything you like Love. Whatever you decide I'll follow you. I'm just happy that the three of you came back to me safe and sound. Thank you for protected our babies," Akihito said before he kissed Haru's nape.
Haru smiled before he turned around to kiss his husband.
" - Can we go home soon… I want to go back home."
" - Just bear it three more nights and we will go. And I promise you to never leave your side again."
Hello ! How are you guys ? I’m so sorry for the late chapter T-T I’m not going to lie, I was a bit tired because of many things in my life. So tonight, thanks to my insomnia, I thought « Oh Yeah ! I didn’t update BF for a while now » XD
Hope you like this chapter :3
PS : I apologize for the mistakes T-T