25.92% Roses Multiverse Power Unlocking System / Chapter 7: New Friends

章 7: New Friends

It has been about an hour since we got on the Orca and we are now preparing to land. The pilot has just announced the landing sequence. Looking outside you could see multiple anti air defenses forming a barrier, stopping anyone who isn't supposed to be here from getting in.

'Wow, this honestly just looks like a really nice museum' I thought as I stared out onto the base that we were hovering over.

The base was not like normal military bases, but was instead a very modern headquarters. Giant glass domed buildings, what seems like an airfield, a statue of Jack Morrison, and a nice path heading to the front of the headquarters lined by nicely trimmed grass and hedges.

'This somewhat reminds me of my first time going to Beacon.'

With that thought I smiled melancholily as I remembered my first time going to Beacon. Yang saying I would be the Bee's Knees as we both dodged Jaunes vomit.

"Really nice innit Red?" Tracer asked as she brought out the nickname that Roman gave me.

Shaking myself out of my stupor I smiled and said "Yeah, it really brings back memories of my time at school."

Tracer not knowing what I meant decided to not ask any questions. We both stared out the window as we slowly descended onto a landing pad on the airfield. Looking away from the window I decided to ask Tracer a question I had when we first flew over the base.

"So why does it look less like a base and more like a museum? Doesn't Overwatch have a lot of enemies that could just fly in if they wanted?" I asked while being slightly concerned.

Tracer seemed to smirk as she had gained a cheerful demeanor due to my question.

"Well, we passed by some Anti Air defenses, but that's the things above the ground. If we are ever under attack everything pops out from the ground like an angry gnome. Add on to the fact that the smartest and strongest people are here defending the place then this is the safest place on Earth." Tracer said in a cheerful British accent.


The sound of the Orca landing on the launch pad could be heard throughout the ship. Shortly after the pilot still in the cockpit shouted "Alright, we are here! Hope you enjoyed your flight!"

Tracer nodded towards the cockpits direction and stood up. Me following suit stood up as well as we began to make our way off the ship.

With the moon glinting over head we made our way off the ship and onto the airfield.

"Oh yeah love, make sure you follow me. I am going to take you to Winston and Anna Amari."

Tracer had a self revelation after saying Anna Amari and added on to her sentence.

"I just forgot! You haven't talked to Anna yet, she is a really sweet person I tell ya. She is the one who was put in charge of finding out more info on you, even if it didn't go too well."

Smiling due to how happy Tracer was I decided to say "Well what are we waiting for? Let's get to it!"

Tracer hearing my happy attitude, beamed towards me and nodded her head. With that I followed Tracer as we left the airfield and came across a door leading inside. Tracer quickly swiped a card on the doors scanner and we entered the base.

Upon entering I guess I expected more people, but it was nearly barren as the few people who walked around was the occasional scientist and security guards.

"Wow, not that many people." I said as we walked down a large hall that was decorated with the occasional plant or chair.

"Yeah most of the people are either gone right now or asleep. It is sorta late." Tracer responded with as we continued our walk in a random direction.

Pulling out my Scroll I checked and saw that the time was actually nearly midnight. Widening my eyes I thought 'Huh it really got late fast, maybe it was all that messing around with Tracer?'

Midway through our walk Tracer and I began small talk such as where I learned to fight, or why she wanted to be a pilot. Just something to pass the time as we walked down the near endless amount of hallways.

A couple minutes later the scenery changed from hallway to a more scientific look. Rooms with glass walls as the insides were all filled with beakers or science experiments of some sort. Each room had a name plate until we reached a much bigger room. Looking above the sliding door was the nameplate that said Winston.

"Andddd we are here! I honestly hate these long hallways. I used to use my Accelerator to get through them faster but I may or may not have gotten in trouble for it." Tracer said as we knocked on the door while scratching her head.

"Yeah, I would have probably done something similar" I said as I nodded towards Tracer.

Waiting for a moment we heard a muffled "Come in! The door is unlocked." Winston yelled from his lab.

Entering the double sliding doors we entered a gorilla sized room full of different science experiments. Looking on one of the tables I saw a Chronal Accelerator and a few other watch like contraptions that were all broken in some way.

'Wow this guy is really busy...' I thought as I stared at the sheer amount of failures on the table.

Noticing that Tracer was walking towards where a sparking sound could be heard, I quickly followed and came across Winston.

"Winston! I brought Ruby!" Tracer shouted as she blinked across the room to greet Winston.

Winston pulled from his work, lifted up a welding mask and put on his glasses. Winston quickly turned around and greeted me.

"Oh hello there, I am sorry I was slightly preoccupied with my work." Winston said apologetically while holding out his hand to greet me.

'Wow I knew Winston was a big monkey, but I never thought he was the size of a Beringel!' I thought as my eyes opened comically large.

Tracer watched my response and began to laugh like a mad man as Winston began to chuckel.

"Hahaha! I told you love he was a little different!" Tracer said in-between laughs while falling on the floor.

Ignoring Tracer I took Winston's hand and shook it and said "Wow, you are really big. Guess I now know why the room is so large."

Winston shaking my small hand chuckled while the other hand fixed his glasses on his face.

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you as well Ruby, and yes I am quite big aren't I?" Winston said in a deep voice while slightly chuckling.

Winston towered over me. Considering that both Tracer and I are about the same height, give or take a few inches of her being taller, our size difference was massive.

Tracer finally stopped laughing and got up from the floor. Wiping some tears from her eyes she said "Wow, I never thought you would blank out like that after seeing Winston."

Pouting slightly I glared towards Tracer. Getting my message Tracer decided to shut up as she remembered how scary I could be with my Crescent Rose.

Winston decided to stop our petty staring contest by clearing his throat. Remembering why I was here I stopped messing around and got slightly serious.

"Ruby Rose was it? It is nice to meet you, especially after all I have seen from your prowess. Its amazing how you can move as such high speeds and even more law defying as you have the ability to turn into rose petals." Winston seemingly got lost in his thoughts about my abilities but shook himself out of it and got to the main reason on why I was here.

"We haven't called you here to join Overwatch just due to your law defying abilities, but because from our accounts of Tracer and Anna Amari saying you are a good person trying to clean up London."

Tracer getting bored of Winston's heroic speech pulled out her phone and began to play a game that made a loud opening sound. Decidedly choosing to ignore Tracer I went back to listening to Winston.

"We don't really know how you do what you do, but if you allow us we would love to see how. But before all of that let us iron out the details on you joining Overwatch. I would call Anna right now but she is quiet bogged down with work right now and is unavailable." Winston said as he tiredly sighed and murmured something about how he too had too much work.

Deciding to spare both Winston and Anna from the troubles I said "Well, we can continue this tomorrow. I feel like we are all tired right now so..."

As I waited for a reply it seemed Tracer yawning in the corner was enough of an answer.

"Well I believe that continuing this tomorrow would be a good idea. Anna should have enough time to listen to your requirements and then we could solve any issue you might have with joining. Also tomorrow if you are available I would love to test your capabilities using your powers, that is if it is okay with you."

Listening to Winston I smiled at how considerate he was and thought 'Wow I feel like I'm really lucky here. Not only is he a nice guy, but almost everyone I have met so far has been really nice.'

"You know I think that would be great. I would really like to talk to you as well so how about after I iron out the details about joining Overwatch we do that?" I asked as I too yawned from how sleepy I was.

Winston smiled and pushed up his glasses. "Well Ruby, I believe that would be a great plan."

Rubbing my eyes I was about to say more to Winston until Tracer grabbed me and said "Great! Everything is solved now, let's go to sleep! Goodnight Winston!"


Eeeping after Tracer grabbed me mid blink, I regained my composure but was quickly pulled out of the lab by Tracer as she was holding my hand.

"Wait! What about my clothes or where I will sleep?" I said hurriedly as I flung my hands in protest while Tracer was dragging me away from Winston's lab.

"Oh don't worry about that love, I already sent a message for your clothes to be sent here. Also about where you will be sleeping, well of course it is with me! Can't have you wandering around headquarters without someone watching you just yet, so we will be bunking together!" Tracer said cheekily while hiding a smirk.

'Know what, lets just go with the flow I'm tired.' I thought as I yawned and allowed Tracer to drag me towards the rooming area.

After some time of Tracer dragging me, we exited the Science Building and entered a building that gave off a more homey feeling. Upon walking up to an automatic door, we entered what seemed like a giant dormitory.

On one side of the room was a small bar and kitchen combo while on the other side was a couch and tv. In the back of the room was a couple of chairs and a bookshelf as a pool table stood in the center of the room.

Quickly walking past it I was dragged by tracer further into the room. Making a turn we entered a hallway with 4 different doors.

"Alright Red, the door on the far right is going to be our room. The one across from it is the bathroom incase you want to take a quick shower and brush your teeth. There should be spare toothbrushes under the sink." Tracer said as she pointed towards her room.

"And on the left is Reinhardt's room. You will love him, he has this big shield and hammer, like a knight from a story tale!" Tracer said in a hurriedly fashion as she pointed to the other room and bathroom.

"Ok thank you, I will meet you in your room in a minute, is it okay if I take first shower?" I asked as I wanted to quickly get done with my nightly routine which became much more difficult than it was when I was just Mason.

"Sure love, it just gives me some more time to clean up the room!" Tracer said as she finally let go of my hand and entered her room.

'Well, let's quickly get showered and ready.' I thought as I used a short petal burst to quickly get into the bathroom.

*One Bathroom Montage Later*

After a short while of figuring out how to use the shower, and freezing myself nearly when I pressed the wrong button, I finished my nightly routine. Drying my hair with a blow dryer that I found on the counter, I quickly brushed my teeth and combed my hair with my hands.

Looking in the mirror to see the ever messy hair of mine I smiled slightly and exited the bathroom. Not having any sleep wear I was just dressed in my under shorts that I wore under my skirt, and my under shirt which was tight sleeveless shirt with a heart on the front of it.

Upon leaving the bathroom I knocked on the door to Tracers room and entered it while looking down at the ground. Looking up I noticed Tracer, or Lena because she was now off duty, was trying to hide her clothes under her bed.

'Heh, this is like our Beacon dorm but just for two people.' I thought as I was watching Lena finish her "cleaning".

"Oh, there you are Red. I am going to take a quick shower and brush my teeth and meet you back in ere." Lena said in a tired voice.

Nodding I smiled at her and said "Alright see you in a couple minutes."

Turning off the lights to the room so only the table light was on, I plopped down on the bed that was next to hers and began to get lost in my thoughts.

'This really brings back memories.' I thought as I began to remember all the fun times I had with team RWBY in our Beacon dorm. Pulling out my Scroll I stared at a picture of me and team RWBY all posing in front of Beacon.

Not hearing the door open as I was still lost in thought, I sadly stared at the photo while reminiscing about team RWBY. Suddenly I was pulled from my thoughts as Lena plopped down right next to me so we were touching shoulders.

"Who are they? Are they you're friends?" She asked in a quiet but curious tone.

Smiling slightly I said "Yeah, they were my best friends." Pointing towards Weiss first I said "This is Weiss, she is somewhat prickly if you know what I mean, but she always cared deeply for our team and tried her best no matter what we faced."

Then pointing towards Yang I said "This is Yang, my sister. She was always there for me and was the best big sister you could've wished for." and finally I pointed towards Blake and said "Right here is Blake. She was very quiet and enjoyed reading a lot, but while she had a mysterious personality she was always there for the team."

Lena nodded while staring at the photo and asked the question that I was dreading.

"So what happened to them?" Lena asked, but quickly said "You don't need to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable though, alright?"

Smiling at Lena's considerate attitude I answered her question in a quiet voice. "Well, from what I know they are still alright. I hope. It's just that right now we are separated and it might take some time to get back to them."

Lena smiled while wrapping me in a hug and said "Well then there is nothing to worry about, if you want I will even help you look for them, if you will allow me to?"

Leaning into the hug I chuckled slightly and said "Heh, well maybe. I think I would like that, but for now I kinda just want to enjoy this."

Nodding Lena just hugged me tighter without saying anything. There were no words that had to be spoken as it seemed that Both of us needed a hug.

After awhile we broke the hug and decided to go to bed. Lena stood up and turned off the table light and laid down in her bed. Before we could drift to sleep I decided to say just a short something for Lena.

"Hey Lena."


"Thank you." I said as I was thanking her for comforting me.

"No problem Red, I think I needed that just as much as you did." Lena replied as we both began to drift to sleep.

With one last murmur I said "Goodnight" and went to sleep, thus letting myself drift into a pleasant dream of being back at Patch with Yang and Tai while team RWBY were all messing around outside.

GaZe_Zero GaZe_Zero

That is the chapter for the day! Hope you enjoy it. There might be some mistakes in grammar so sorry if there is. Other than that what do you think so far? I think the scene of Tracer and Ruby helping eachother ended this chapter nicely.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


