The floor was pristine clean and even if the officers wanted to investigate the infirmary, there was nothing to examine. Seeing this Captain Lei sighed and then remarked coldly, "The crime scene had been tampered with already, what is the point of looking at this place? We should go and take a look at the forest maybe we will find something?"
Wu Jin did not say anything while looking at Song Yan who did not utter a word and was staring at the bed which was at the corner of the room.
"That's where we left Zeng Yang to take a small nap," Teacher He told Song Yan. He did not know why but something about Song Yan made him feel revered. It was inexplicable as the woman had acted like a dumb woman in front of them, however, he still could not help but relay everything to Song Yan. "He was fine when we left him alone but then he started to bang his head on the headrest after a few hours."