97.46% The Reluctant Hero / Chapter 77: Ultimate Lap (4)

章 77: Ultimate Lap (4)

"I've made my peace with myself." – Broderick Crawford

This is a mess.

[It's not like it could have been any different. The Queen is… lashing out.]

That sounded like the best way to describe the situation I was looking at. The preparation time has passed, most of the Kingdoms had amassed a large multi-ethnic army to start pushing into the lands formerly infested Grimm. A good part of those forces were provided to support the big push into the central spot of the Grimmlands, where Salem had her main base set. It was a bit complicated to get everyone to move at the same time and not 'bump' into each other. It took some uneasy diplomatic effort to not cause any dividing factor and delay the march but… we were there.

I was far from nervous, but the tension here was deadly to even stop and consider. So much pressure, so much interest in dealing with this big problem once and for all and… a large recruitment campaign that saw some known criminals actually taking part in this. Rejects of society that, in their mind, saw this as a way to redeem themselves. Either that, or finally make this their 'goodest action' moment compared to the many crimes they committed. James was unease at this, but willing to spare some effort to make sure that most of them could serve.

Those that weren't the worst. And soon we were all ready for the greatest battle ever fought in Remnant. The predisposition before the main and, perhaps, final fight was quite impressive. It was the largest military force fielded by an alliance of kingdoms, even greater than any armies formed during the Great War, with the sole target of it being Grimm. A large contingent of it. I heard a few veterans grumbling at the size we were facing. The biggest army could only be matched by the largest concentration of Grimm in modern history. I could already tell back then that it wasn't going to be a walk in the park as I had hoped to.

Before hell broke loose, I closed my eyes, remembering the worry on Sienna's face, but also on those all around me, for myself and the others joining this war and… prayed. It was quiet, not even Ozma and Sallie felt it. It was just me and my own doubts. I prayed not to a god, but to hope for itself. This was going to be it, the day I put an end to this and… conquered one last peace. Then… then it would all be easy. I hoped and I prayed for it to be as such. Then, the last hours of the war ensued. And those were brutal.

I wasn't exactly in the first line to see the bloodshed caused by the large horde of Grimm putting a desperate effort to hold the assault, but I helped around the third and fourth as some of the monsters got through and were trying to sow chaos behind the first few rows. Not alone, never alone, Atlas was providing specialists to keep track of me until it was time to storm the castle. Effective troops that helped granting some relief to the men and women, soldiers, huntsmen and militias. It was a ferocious brawl, guns and melee weapons tearing into Grimm as claws, beaks, steel-like feathers and other monstrous elements returned the violence back to us.

It was quite tedious, especially when I realized that the Grimm also had an extra order to them which forced them to prioritize specific targets. And I was in that list as I saw many of the beasts turn their attention on me and try to kill me. Very unpleasant, but nonetheless a bad move on Salem considering that I wasn't exactly away from others' reach. The Grimm were genuinely rushing towards me, trying to get to me without being destroyed by the cross-fires between the lines I stood between.

The battle's heat was still particularly strong, my hands twitching with a mix of unease and eagerness that I almost dropped some pellets as I reloaded the shotgun. The armor I got from Pietro was as optimal as I had planned it to be. Watts put his hands on it before I left. He claimed he had an update to the HUD as the main goal, but I could tell it wasn't just a way to give me a quick access to James' comms. The entire suit felt lighter to move around with, and I knew that something within the main software allowing for easier mobility had been updated to fit better with my specific body.

Still, I couldn't help but huff as I rolled out of the way the very moment I saw a dark shadow loom over my head diving for me. Beowolf Alpha, the beast landed down, growling as it failed to get its target, but it soon had bigger troubles when I softened his natural armor off with some of my magic and made it vulnerable to conventional firepower. The wolf-like creature growled, yelping as it was barraged by bullets and projectiles of various kinds. It fell quickly, but its demise saw the arrival of another Grimm.

Larger shadows appeared, these ones keeping aerial as a contingent of large Nevermores protected the Wyverns trying to produce more Grimm and keep up with the line. Surprisingly enough, they weren't going fast enough and they soon had other problems to worry about. Between Atlas' ships tearing into their guards and experienced Huntsmen opening a way for fellow Hunters and soldiers with heavy-grade weaponry to deal with the Wyverns. The overall strategy brought some much-needed results, and the production of Grimm lessened to a point where we were killing ten times of what they could make.

We are almost there. The defense is faltering.

I nodded, seeing that the road was being paved for one last rush into the fortress. The way to the castle's entrance was finally open and soon the army was pouring in and consolidating around the perimeter. Before I could advance any further, I felt someone suddenly grasp from behind. I looked and saw an arm coming from… a familiar red portal.

Oh well.

Raven pulled me inside, and I landed in front of her. She kept the rift open as the 'babysitters' Ironwood gave me jumped through and took position. Team STRQ, two other Huntsmen teams, and most of the Maidens. Cinder looked… tense, but it looked more guarded than outright unease, the opposite was true for Amber as she looked really fidgety with her looking around for any threat around them. We were right atop one of the towers, ready to storm inside and rush into the castle while the army took care of limiting Salem's chance of running away. It was there, we were almost done with this big issue for good.

"How are you?" Raven's voice pierced through the thin layer of tension. "Ammo? Magic-"

"I'm fine, not even winded," I replied curtly, nodding as I looked at the others. "What about you all?"

I saw many nods. No one looked wounded to the point of worry and they all looked ready for this last fight. There was a brief moment of hesitation, just a second, and then we all marched inside the castle. More Grimm were waiting inside, but those weren't the usual cannon fodders. Geists trying to use furniture and a combination of other objects to create bulky bodies stood between us and their Queen. There were just too few to make a difference, and there wasn't enough space to make a big enough body for it to be troublesome for us to deal with. It was a slow but steady breach into the depths of this building.

The throne room lacked the same kind of 'hospitality', and we were welcomed by a silent Salem as she had already mustered her magic and looked ready to fight. She said something, an unheard whisper, and the fight soon ensued. It was much different than before. My body was moved by an intense instinct-to-thought-to-muscle kind of reaction. My brain felt numb, not in pain or anything, but in unwillingness to linger too deeply into my thoughts. No distraction, there was no room for any of that. I sharply dodged, I returned magic with my own. One would expect this to be easy. After all, Salem was unable to withstand me at the arena. But there was a solid difference that rendered the whole process much more different. Salem wasn't playing around. If before I was a hurdle to her main goal, now I was her greatest threat and something she couldn't allow to live any longer. In her eyes, I was worse than anything her former husband represented to her perspective. Where their hatred was justified by their past together, ours was one driven by an interchanging nature of predator-prey. Her superiority no longer existed, her greatness was shattered, and her immortality not so eternal as she once prided herself of as having advantages.

Salem had nothing but her own dread to keep her moving. Fear, anger, despair, unwillingness to die. Where once she was keen to not care for deadly instances, now she had a genuine reason to worry about it. Which is why she saw us all as the ultimate threat to not only her plans, but also her whole existence. No matter the quality and the numbers put forth, the woman put a solid effort in stopping us as much as we could. Experience was mustered and each attack, mustered in combinations and as a team, didn't seem to get much out of it. Minutes passed, I felt the sweat, the labor, the frustration and the pain. As much prepared as I was, the attacks got difficult to dodge within my own capacities. Salem's full power was in complete display and she was lashing out with prejudiced ferocity and mercilessness. After what felt like an eternity, we were facing a slow defeat. Two of the hunters from the other teams got killed, five got knocked out, and we were all sporting a degree of bruises and injuries due to how deadly this fight was turning into.

But while it was so difficult to get a proper opening to finally strike at Salem, we finally got the chance. Cinder had been tearing on the castle's ground through her powers, her own Semblance aiding her personal defense while she mustered roots to reach Salem and restrain her. Most were vaporized, but a few managed to limit her right arm and left leg. Anger exploded at this attempt, but it couldn't be dealt with properly. Fire tore onto the Queen's back as Amber managed to land a shot at the exposed monster, while Raven stunned Salem with a thunder shock.

Nothing that really dealt the damage needed to see me get close enough for that last bet, but then Summer intervened herself. A blinding light flashed and struck the Queen. Salem screamed in pain, her body weakened by the Silver Eyes, and leaving her incapacitated for me to finally reach her. She recovered just as I got within reach and she roared, trying to use her magic to push me away, but failed as my armor sponged the damage while I pressed my advantage. It wouldn't take long for my palms to grasp tightly at the woman's face and her whole body started to decay as it did back in that arena. It looked like this was the end but…

Something felt wrong. The body collapsed with the same screech and I had finally taken hold of the orb which represented Salem's corrupted soul but… something felt incorrect. The orb was shaking, white cracks opening over its surface and I felt something powerful was being channeled within it. It was unfocused, and yet centered. It was growing unstable by the second and I realized what it was. A bomb. Salem was trying to get one last victory, that was her last gamble, her way to get back to us. To me.

It would be enough to wipe out everyone in the room- no, the whole castle.

It would be a massacre, and there was just a way to do it. While the magical purge was draining on me, I could still make an effort of putting what was left of it to form a multi-layered cover around the orb. A way to dull the explosion and limit its radius. I couldn't fully suppress it, but I should be able to limit its reach to just engulf me. My lips formed a thin line, a strange silence drowning all the noises around except a single voice. A single frightened voice owned by a very brave girl.


Shock, confusion, fear and… worry. I smiled sadly, she couldn't see what was really going on, but she could feel something was off as I started to squeeze the orb closer. The other huntsmen realized what was going on as they recognized the gesture. Raven looked ready to jump closer and pull me away, to stop me, but Qrow held her back. She yelled angrily, almost threatening to zap me to back away from it but… it was too late.

Another blinding light ensued, but instead of hope, I felt pain. My entire body burned as the explosion covered my entire being in powerful magic that devoured my whole being. I felt dread, I felt panic, and then I felt nothing but silence. My brain went fully numb, this time all thoughts vanished as I couldn't hear Ozma and Sallie. I heard nothing, but I could imagine the shock, the horror and the somber acceptance of what was going on.

So, this is how it ends? I guess it's quite… sad. I think. Or fitting… who knows for real...

「It is not.」

Everything was fine… and yet this didn't feel like Heaven.

It took me a moment to realize that this place, within the context I was in, was… familiar. Ozma told me of this, he told me of how this kind of special dimension looked like. Between life and death, a place of uncertainty born for common grounds… between two brothers. And they were there, looking from above upon me. Silence reigned within that judgment, and I worried that this was going to be the real end.

「As I said, human. It is not.」

The God of Darkness 'spoke', his voice echoing through my ears but… he had no lips to speak with. A violet humanoid with horns, the sight was enough to leave me slightly distressed.

"Why not?"

My brother is rightfully holding onto the reasons you are here… but alas, the truth is simple. You three are here for a very simple reason.


I glanced around and just now noticed that beside me were standing both Ozma and Sallie. They looked as surprised as I was and… yet their attention was aimed tensely at the two Gods. The Brothers spared us a long look and then the God of Light spoke once more.

We had time to contemplate our previous work before departing what now is called 'Remnant' and we have ultimately decided on a 'resolution' to it.

「A resolution that clear our responsibilities to fix what humans are responsible for. Its chaos, its instability… it doesn't matter. The cycle is a damning one that only creates headaches to us and can't ever be fixed.」

Too broken to be solved by minor interventions… it has to be kept going and not be repeated.

I remained quiet, I tried to listen up to what I was listening to and… then I realized what was going on. It was impossible for me not to and I had to speak about it.

"What you two are saying is that… you are no longer interested in intervening in our affairs. Not because we did anything special, but because we are not reliable even with multiple resets."

That's a… very unusual way to put it.

「And yet a correct one. Yes, we are no longer interested in dealing with you mortals. It's frustrating, and it ruins our chances of having our much needed rest between our fights.」

"But something like this- who would keep a look over… us," Ozma intervened, almost worried. "We lost so much due to a lack of divine interventions at times and-"

And nothing. We will not return and deal with your problems, Ozma. But… you raise a point that connects to our resolution on what to do with the lack of our own intervention on the matter.

"And… that is?" The blonde asked, the God of Darkness chuckled.

「Since you have been responsible for the most resets when it comes to humanity, we decided that you two shall 'take our place' as our agents on Remnant.」


Of course, such a role shall not be without limitations. You shan't be our replacement as Gods, but our messenger, our 'guardians' for when it concerns this world. You shall be our eyes and intervene only due to extreme reasons. You shall not misuse the role you are granted, and you shall not take sides within the affairs of humanity.

"Does that mean that we will no longer remain within John's mind."

That role has ceased, yes. In fact, this decision was mostly granted by my Brother's will. John was brought here by his own demand.

And I frowned deeply at it as I stared at the God of Darkness. I was brought here because… he specifically wanted me? Why?

「I was given a sound advice, and I decided you would have fit well within this world, Bukharin. A friend of mine spoke highly about you, and he assured you would have done the job differently from the endless 'heroes' my Brother had in mind to pick instead of you.」

"A 'friend'?"

「Nothing you should concern yourself about, Bukharin. You gained his interest, in multiple ways. He is constantly watching, and he knows what you represent in the great scheme of things.」

What was going on? Great scheme of things? Someone was watching me even before I left for Remnant? I had so much to ask, but the Gods didn't leave space for much dialogue. They sounded to be in a hurry or something.

Probably to get back to something cooler and less troublesome than this world…

Alas, we can't dispense more information without providing some unnecessary details. Your new roles have been granted. Well, all except you, John.

I slowly nodded. "What about me?"

「Admittedly, you were a favorite of mine. And my Brother had to bite back his previous comments about your inability to go through it all. Still, beyond the amusement you granted you, you shall be relieved of any duty.」


Live your life as you wish. We no longer see a reason to give you any duty beyond giving the rights you already own. Live with your family, foster your happiness and the one for those around you and change the world for… either the better or the worst.

「Don't feel shy from ruining Remnant more~.」

Be quiet, you chaotic fool.

Instead of irritation, the God of Darkness looked amused as he chuckled at the rebuttal.

Now, this is the closure of this discussion. You will soon wake up, the three of you, and you shall be granted the chance, if still on duty, to know of your full roles through our messengers. So, we shall leave you a few moments. This is a departure.

The Brothers didn't remain for long, their frames disappearing into the whiteness and leaving me, Sallie and Ozma alone and on our own. One last goodbye, Sallie moved quickly to hug me as tightly as she could, while Ozma was restrained with the embrace, still shaken by this new status quo and the world collapsed as I started to slowly shake and…

I woke up.

A blink, then two. My nostrils were instantly hit by the sterile smell burning my nose and pushing me further into a greater awareness of the situation. Hospital, I was restrained into the bed as various machines handled my survival for how long I have been stuck in here. I had bandages covering most of my body, with my eyes and mouth being the only thing left untouched from the looks of it. Coma? Half-dead? Definitely both and… I saw a camera standing right over my head on the opposite wall. And as I moved my head, it followed my face.


A few minutes later, I was swarmed by doctors and nurses that checked my conditions, put me through a couple hundreds of tests and… I felt incredibly confused. After what felt like an eternity, I was finally visited by James. He looked tired, but less so than he had been before the last fight.

The war was over. It had been for a full week since Salem died.


I was in a coma for a full week.


I asked my family, how were they? If they were worried and… let's just say I was surprised when, as I was storming the general with questions, the only doors to the room opened to reveal a couple of familiar faces. Nora rushed quickly to my side, followed by Ren and Cinder.

"D-Dad? You- you are alright… right?"

I smiled weakly. "As fine as I could be from a week-long coma. By the way, did you smuggle in any good food? I'm starving..."

Nora giggled, but still cried happily at the good news. Sienna moved closer, poor Damian wanted to jump onto my chest and latched onto me but couldn't move out of his mother's hold and… yep, this was a sudden and yet powerful reunion. Everything was alright, I conquered my own peace and it sure felt so quiet now in my head. No Ozma, no Sallie, only me. I still had magic, I still had everything checked for except now I would have to deal with some missing pieces of hair that would force me to wear a hat for a while but… I was fine. Everyone was fine.

And now, what was left to do was to comply with what the Gods told me. Live the life I was given the chance to live and enjoy the fruits of this ending.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C77
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


