70.58% Ichigo Awakens / Chapter 132: The First Test of Dun Scaith

章 132: The First Test of Dun Scaith

(Gateway to the Shadowlands)

"Yes, I did agree to take you under my wing." The warrior queen said as the lush celtic countryside dissolved away into a dark realm of stone and shadow. The towering mountain was revealed as a tall tower on a giant floating land mass with other lesser towers around it, a massive stone and iron gate blocking the way beyond. "I also said to not keep me waiting." Ichigo felt himself start to sweat as Scathach gave him a sweet smile with an aura that promised a slow and painful punishment. "I was expecting... maybe half a year at the earliest, little bit more than that considering how possessive I hear Amaterasu is. But the end result is, I was kept waiting. Do you think I like to be kept waiting?" Ichigo felt himself step back in fear, being harshly reminded of when his deceased master Yamamoto decided to punish him harshly or devised a new training method that would make him cry tears of blood.

"Uh, Lady Scathach-" and that was all Ichigo managed to get out before Scathach snapped her fingers and dozens of crimson spears manifested around Ichigo and pinned him to the ground, several stabbing through his arms and legs to discourage any struggling as he lay flat on his stomach, groaning in discomfort. He was used to such pains already.

"I agreed to take you in as my student as a favor to my dear friend Genryusai." She said sweetly while marching over to Ichigo with a spear in hand. "And I was given permission to be as rough as I want." She then stabbed Ichigo in the back and proceed to carve a series of runes into him. "So I thought of this." After she tore the spear from his back, Ichigo felt his power drain from his being. As if he was swimming through syrup with a heavy pressure threatening to crush the air out of his lungs. "This will be your conditioning." Scathach said before snapping her fingers and making the spears disappear, freeing the hybrid. "I've carved a series of runes into your body, limiting the Reiryoku you can use, reducing you to the strength of a normal human, locking you inside your body, even your healing has been limited. I want you to prove you can handle my training, so consider this your first test." She then summoned a staff with a heavily bandaged head and a small book.

"You can't use your Zanpakutos or Kido spells while you're here. Instead, I want you to learn how to use the spear and study the rune magic in that journal that I prepared for you. I want you to reach my castle at the summit of this mountain in three days." She waved her spear and creating a portal. "Start moving." She then walked through the portal, leaving Ichigo alone and groaning in pain as the holes in his body throbbed and were healing at a snail's pace.

(Later that day)

A scant few hours passed while Ichigo healed and was able to push through the large gate doors keeping him from the mountain path to Scathach's castle. It was taking him longer than he'd like to get used to his weakened state, believing that he would be like that for a long while, but he quickly found out that time was not a luxury he was given. Not even a mile away from the gate he was attacked by a group of large and lanky green skinned men with short sharp horns and large tusk like teeth wearing crude leather armor and wielding brutish blades, axes, and clubs. Ichigo was tempted to try and flee before they surrounded him.

'Aw crap.' He thought as one came in to attack. He successfully blocked the club but felt his body rattle from the amount of force behind the attack, forcing him back and into another monster's ax. Ichigo narrowly dodged, getting a gash on his shoulder in the process, and whacked the creature in the head with his practice spear. The weapon held and stunned the beast... but only for a few seconds before it turned a glare at the hybrid with all the other green creatures jumping at him. Ichigo tensed his body in the hope that it'd defend against the attack coming from all around him, getting a familiar feeling throughout his being as the weapons struck him. He felt the pounding of every club, ax, and a few blades, but the sounds of metal and wood cracking and breaking confused both the monsters and the hybrid himself.

'What the?' Ichigo thought as he looked at his body, seeing his veins glowing a pale blue. 'My Blut? But how?' He wondered as the monsters tossed away their broken gear in favor of attempting to pummel the hybrid with their bare hands. 'Questions for later.' His veins went from blue to red as he attacked again, letting loose a slightly feral smile. His first move was to thrust his spear into the gut of the first green creature in front of him, slamming into the thing's gut and throwing it back from the force of the attack before shifting into a spinning sweep. The shaft struck a few shins and ankles before some of the others jumped over the spear and onto his body, effectively burying him in their group before punching, kicking, and biting at Ichigo. The hybrid felt a sharp tearing as some of the attacks caused a few fractures in his ribs, arms, and legs, as well a fangs piercing through his flesh and tearing before he shifted his Blut back to defense, breaking a few monster teeth in the process before some of them attempted to rip him apart limb by limb. As they attempted this, Ichigo took the chance to shift his defense back to offense. With his enhanced strength, he threw the creatures grasping his arms into each other before kicking off the rest. Once freed, he summoned enough Reishi to his hand to replicate the Khyber blade of Zangetsu's old form before he got his real Zanpakuto, scaring the beasts with the sudden appearance of the sword before five of them were instantly decapitated.

"Wanna start running... crap." Ichigo was saying before realizing he was using a sword. A hasty visualization allowed him to change it into a spear similar to the Zanpakuto of one of his allies, Ikkaku Madarame's Hozukimaru. The shaft was black steel with a single edge khyber blade at the end. "There we g- and they're gone." The hybrid groaned as he relaxed, letting the aches and fatigue finally register as he dropped to his knees in pain. As he did a red light shot above him, cutting the blade from his spear. He glanced over to where the light landed and found one of Scathach's red spears with a note attached. Slowly, he forced himself to the polearm, grunting with pain as his slow healing undid the damage, before reaching the note.

"Spears only. Last warning." It read, making Ichigo look up to the castle tower Scathach said was his destination, realizing that she was watching him the entire time. Both his Reishi spear and Scathach's own dissipated soon after that, leaving Ichigo with just the practice spear and Rune Magic book. Knowing that it'll take him a while to get back into fighting shape, he took out the book and started to study its contents.

(Hours Later)

Whether it was night or not mattered little to the hybrid, he only cared about sating his hunger now. He spent hours researching the book, working to memorize the contents but as straightforward as Rune Magic seemed, it quickly revealed itself to be something far more complicated. Scathach was thorough in her notes about how the runes had to be written and what they could end up doing if any mistake was made, creating a new Kido spell was easier than Rune Magic. He spent so much time studying that he was only aware of his hunger when his stomach started making a loud rumble and the sharp pain of an empty stomach, prompting him to go out and hunt for his first meal in the Shadowlands.

Fortunately having embraced his Hollow side meant he also embraced his instincts as a predator, those instincts being his main tool in tracking down his prey along with managing to use his ability as a Quincy to manipulate Reishi to give him a psuedo Pesquisa, acting as a sonar to search for viable prey. With that he found some beast of great size and quickly but carefully stalked his way after it until he found his quarry. He was shocked when he found his target, expecting the beasts of the Shadowlands to be horrific and nightmarish. While the boar ahead of him was certainly a demonic sight; fur like shadow and fire, skin like plate armor, a mouth full of sharp yellow teeth and two massive curved metallic tusks jutting from its bottom jaw, standing about as tall as a bus, the boar itself was downright normal compared to most Hollows he had fought. That said, he could still sense that the boar itself was still a powerful beast and the strength Ichigo could rely on at the time was very limited.

The hybrid took cover behind a large boulder once the beast seemed to notice something was off and began studying the beast as much as he could before attempting to create a spear to hunt it with. The metallic skin would be the biggest obstacle, but he hoped he could surround the resulting pole arm with enough highly dense vibrating Reishi to cut through it. As he visualized this, he created another katana, causing the hybrid to curse at the set-back. Looking down at the sword the thought of a naginata popped into his head. As he reached for the katana hilt it began to extend until it was five feet long with the curved blade becoming slightly thicker as the whole weapon became seven feet in length. Ichigo didn't have much more time to study his newly constructed naginata as the boar let out this demonic squeal before the ground started shaking.

"Shit!" The hybrid cursed as he flashed away with Hirenkyaku, just as the boar smashed through the boulder Ichigo was hiding behind. Ichigo circled around the boar, causing the beast to try and look for him, and charged in with a swipe at the creature's hindquarters. Ichigo had trained for much of his life to master the way of the sword and the bow, treating both weapons as an extension of his own being. This, coupled with honed instincts, allowed him to make sure he didn't accidentally cut or stab himself with his Reishi naginata. There was a big difference between the sword and the pole arm and Ichigo wasn't going to be automatically proficient at it. His best moves at this point were swings and thrusts, anything more advanced was beyond his current skill. The naginata blade slammed into the back of the boar's right hind knee, causing it to buckle but failing to cut through the metal skin.

'Damn, the blade's too dull.' Ichigo thought, Cursing the fact he hadn't practiced Reishi construction after getting his actual Zanpakuto, while the boar quickly turned around and slammed its head into the hybrid. Ichigo was sent flying and landed on his back while the boar turned to directly face him before charging again. Ichigo got to his feet just as the boar closed the distance, only having enough time to brace himself with Blut Vene and tanking the beast's charge, catching both tusks and tearing a trench in the ground as he was forced back. The hybrid shifted his defense to offense and began to slowly push back against the monster, right as a flash of red hit the boar in the side. The boar shuddered for a moment and then dropped dead with Ichigo watching the life drain from its eyes.

"It's been a while. Hasn't it, Ichigo?" The hybrid turned to his side, finding a blue haired man with a ponytail and crimson red eyes wearing rough hunting armor that covered his left arm in heavy armor and pauldrons on his shoulders. "Since the Quincy War, right?" Ichigo smiled at seeing his fellow disciple and comrade.

"It's good to see you again Cu Chulainn." Hours passed as the two made camp, Ichigo making the fire with Rune magic and Cu preparing the boar for cooking. Ichigo drew a circle and drew a Kenaz Rune(ᚲ) in the center. The Rune itself meant 'torch' and represented knowledge or controlled fire. Without any wood in this desolate land of death, the Rune was their only source of fire and only after much trial and error did the hybrid manage to get it to a steady cooking heat. "At least I can make a fire." Ichigo sighed as he dropped to his haunches, stretching out his tight and aching muscles. A rather unfamiliar feeling for his physical body but the weakness Rune and seal Scathach had carved into him brought it back in force.

"Having trouble with Runes huh?" Cu asked as he came over with the boar's two hindquarters, both free of hair and skin to reveal the tender meat beneath the armor. "I know what that's like. My advice is to keep it as simple as you can for now, more Runes just means more room for error." He said before taking out a long metal pole and tying the legs to it with an enchanted thread. "Also, that wasn't the weapon master left you with."

"I know, but thought something with a blade would be more useful." The hybrid answered, pulling out the spear Scathach left him with. Cu gestured for Ichigo to hand it over, which he did. Cu then untied the cloth bandages around the head to reveal a gleaming silver colored blade about a foot long and three inches wide. Ichigo was startled that he didn't bother looking any further than an initial glance at the spear Scathach gave him.

"She's a brutal task master Ichigo, not merciless." The more experienced spearman said as he returned Ichigo's weapon. "Looks like the meat won't be done for a while."

"I know, but a slow heat is better for co-" Ichigo was saying, studying the spear and wondering how he missed the fact that it was a proper weapon, when Cu suddenly attacked. Ichigo never dropped his guard anymore though which allowed him to dodge the sudden thrust from Chulainn. If Ichigo had to reference his past, Cu's sudden presence felt very similar to when Yamamoto gave every captain in the Gotei the all-clear to attack Ichigo in any way they saw fit. Often it was a straightforward affair, testing their skills with the blade and martial arts, but there was the occasional attempt at assassination just to keep him on his toes. Frankly, Ichigo was expecting something like this to happen.

"You never relaxed even once." Chulainn accused before Ichigo slammed his foot into the Irishman's chest, sending him flying back with a Blut enhanced kick. Cu Chulainn landed on his feet and donned a savage smile as he pulled out another spear of crimson red, though this one was lacking the bloodthirsty aura of his usual Gae Bolg. "Master encouraged me to attack you whenever I wanted, and I've been itching for a rematch. Though, I would prefer fighting you at your best." Ichigo reached out and thousands of Reishi threads manifested and connected to his spear, pulling it to the hybrid who took what felt to be the most natural stance with the spear. As an experienced lancer Cu thought it was a decent copy of another spearman but lacking in the ease of experience; holding the shaft too tightly to allow for quick and seamless changes to the way he used it and still a bit stiff in his stance, almost like Ichigo was trying to get used to a new limb he just discovered. But the Hound was still familiar with Ichigo's ability as a warrior and what he lacked in skill, he made up for in speed and strength. Cu Chulainn was overjoyed to find Ichigo retained some of his abilities despite what Scathach did.

"So, any rules or advice?" Ichigo asked while Cu got back on his feet.

"Well, your stance-" he started before raising his spear to block Ichigo's swing when the hybrid disappeared in a burst of speed, "COULD USE A LITTLE WORK!" He managed to get out before the force of the blow sent him flying again, but he quickly regained his footing just as Ichigo flashed in front of him again with his spear poised to strike. The thrusts were fast but sloppy, something Cu was easily able to parry and then twist the Shinigami's spear out of his hands. As Ichigo felt the spear leave his hands, he coated his body in Blut Vene and reached out as Cu's spear aimed for his throat. The blade sparked against his hand before he took a firm hold at the base of the blade, moving it just enough to graze against his neck before throwing his free hand into Cu's face. The Hound's response was to throw his head against Ichigo's knuckles, letting out a loud crack as the hybrid's knuckles broke against the Cu's head.

"That... was dumb." He groaned out before throwing his own punch into Ichigo's face, getting the hybrid to release his spear and thus freed up the weapon to swing at Ichigo again. Ichigo flashed over to his spear, kicking it up and catching it in midair, ready for the next clash and finding Cu Chulainn next to the fire, studying the meat. "Looks like another five before they're done, but they should be flipped over. Ichigo, can you do that? I'm gonna sleep this off." He said before falling back with blood leaking from his forehead. Ichigo walked over to the unconscious spearman, looking over the sleeping Cu, flipped over the cooking boar meat, and then pulled out the book of Rune magic Scathach gave him.

"Let's see... I think the Uruz Rune(ᚢ) would work best here." Ichigo decided, using his own broken hand as a test subject and drew the Rune. The Uruz was a Rune for healing and physical health as well as courage and endurance. Ichigo watched as his healing accelerated in response to the Rune's power and when his knuckles were restored, he could do the same for Cu. Five minutes later, he let the Hound continue his nap and enjoyed the roasted boar legs by himself.

(Summit: Three days later)

The rest of the climb up the mountain continued in much the same manner; Ichigo would spend hours practicing thrusts and slashes with his spear until it felt more natural in his hands and less like he was fumbling about with a pointy stick, another set of hours reading and studying up on the book of Runes he had, occasionally fighting off monsters like goblins, demonic boars, these floating eyeball things, and occasionally Cu Chulainn himself. The last one he didn't mind so much since, after they fought, Cu would then tutor Ichigo in more advanced spells and spear techniques. Eventually he ended up taking so much time practicing and studying that he was only halfway up the mountain by the final day of Scathach's deadline, the Shadow Queen nearly impaling his leg with a spear with a reminder that he was running out of time.

He would've gotten there sooner but when he tried using Hirenkyaku to rush the rest of the way up the mountain, Scathach would respond with a barrage of spells and large spears aiming to either disable or outright kill him. It was getting hard to tell the difference at this point. So after three days of fighting monsters, studying Runes, practicing with the spear, and getting a total of six hours of sleep in those three days, Ichigo made it to the top where the Queen of Dun Scaith waited with almost no time to spare. As such, the very first thing he did upon reaching the top was to nearly pass out before widening his stance and stabbing himself in the foot for an adrenaline boost. Ready to battle among the black iron and stone courtyard of the dark castle of Dun Scaith, surrounded by the black walls and grand towers.

"Ready for my test," Ichigo panted out, steely resolve set in his eyes, "Master Scathach." The Shadow Queen smiled at her latest student, responding with-

"Five minute break. Get a drink or something." She said as she walked away, leaving Ichigo to gawk in shock and annoyance before falling flat on his face and falling asleep. Four minutes later, Scathach returned with a mug of ale in one hand with a spear in the other, finding Ichigo still resting. He still had some time, so she threw a spear into the back of his knee, making him cry out in pain. "Time's up. Draw me Fehu(ᚠ) and explain its meaning." Ichigo glared at the woman but obliged, drawing the Rune in the dirt.

"Fehu(ᚠ)... that pertains to cattle, meaning property and wealth." The answer seemed to please the ancient warrior maiden, but this test was not over.

"Uruz(ᚢ)." She ordered and again, Ichigo drew the symbol from memory. This time on his injured leg.

"Aurochs, used to symbol structure, health, and solidarity." The hybrid explained as his healing accelerated.

"That's one you've become quite familiar with. Kenaz(ᚲ)."

"Torch, wisdom, illumination, hearth, I used it to light up the nights and cook my meals." Scathach nodded in approval.


"Giants, meant to invoke strength and power akin to Thor's hammer.


"Order, to bring order or to restore order. Like destroying something and starting anew."


"Symbolizes a wagon, meaning traveling and freedom."

"Gebu(ᚷ )."

"It means 'gift' but can imply sacrifice or fair exchange."


"Joy and harmony, I can use that to fix what's broken."


"Embodies hail and means destruction and catastrophe."


"Necessity, can be used to hold something together."


"Ice, embodies stillness and serenity."


"Year, or yearly cycles like the seasons and harvest."


"Yew, connected to the tree Yggdrasil, and pertains to timelessness or immortality. Definitely a preservation or longevity asset.


"The unknown, used to interpret fate and fortunates."


"Means Elk and can be often used as a defensive spell against hidden dangers like poison or assassins."

"Sowilo(ᛊ, there's another version, but it refuses to work with me)."

"The sun, a stronger fire Rune than I needed at the time." That said, he did think about how he might use it with Kagutsuchi.


"Justice, named after the Nordic god Tyr. I can see it being used to judge a person's crimes.


"Connected to the birch tree and goddess, following the cycle of life and death. Cu mentioned he used it for tracking."


"Horse, the contrast of mind and body, can strengthen objects.


"Mankind, embodying all aspects of humanity."


"It means water but refers to the subconscious and imagination."


"Seeds, separation and isolation."


"The day, meaning awakenings and enlightenment.


"Inheritance, drawing power from one's home and ancestry." Having gone through the entire Runic alphabet, Scathach applauded Ichigo's study of the letters and their meaning.

"Very good. You've managed to keep track of each Rune." Ichigo felt a sense of pride, completing the hard part of his test. "Now, are you ready?" Ichigo grabbed his spear and got ready for battle.

"Yes master." Scathach looked surprised before laughing. "Is... is this not the next test?"

"I didn't say I was giving you another test Ichigo." She answered, doubling over while laughing some more.

"I'm guessing it's been a while?" The hybrid asked, feeling a little uncomfortable while Scathach got up and stood in front of him.

"Yes. Yes it has. Now, what I want is for you to do it again." She said while smiling.

"Do whaOPH!" He said before receiving an empowered kick to the stomach from Scathach, briefly seeing the Thurisaz(ᚦ) and Ehwaz(ᛖ) on her shoe before being sent flying off the mountain summit.

"YOU HAVE THREE DAYS! CLIMB BACK UP!" She shouted as Ichigo disappeared into the distance. "That was enjoyable." The Shadow Queen said, walking back to her castle and passing Cu Chulainn along the way.

"Don't you think that was a bit harsh master?" The Hound asked as Scathach kept walking.

"This is just the conditioning." She said in a darker tone. "If he can survive this, then he may survive what I'll personally put him through."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C132
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


