80.21% Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic) / Chapter 146: 145. Xylene

章 146: 145. Xylene

- I have to admit, your idea was brilliant. I was able to release all the tension and suddenly became interested in history. And the final battle versus Saren was hard, but exciting. - Gwen said with a smile as she took a bite of her pizza.

A few hours passed and we got to St. Louis. After I finished training Ashley, I brought back Gwen, who had been over a week in the world of the Danger Room and seemed to have sorted out her feelings. The method of venting one's frustrations on one's opponents by brutally destroying them has once again shown its effectiveness.

Grandpa took us to the park they loved to visit with grandma when they were young, and now we were all enjoying a great day eating delicious pizza from a nearby store along the way and listening to Gwen's adventure story.

- I'm glad I could help you. - I said with a smile.

- Yes thanks a lot. - Gwen said sincerely, looking at me the way she looked at me when we first started dating.

It seems that we still managed to survive the hard times, and soon everything will return to normal...

- It's all good, of course, but what happened to Grandpa? - Ashley said, pointing to Max, who was sitting prostrate and looking at the sky.

- Oh, don't pay attention. Melancholy overwhelmed him. He just misses grandmother. This happens to him every time he visits places that are memorable for them. - Waving my hand, I said.

- Are you sure? - Gwen asked worriedly, looking at the sad Max, who was completely oblivious to us.

- Yes, let the old man be alone and sort out his feelings on his own. - I said confidently, handing a couple of pieces of pepperoni to Nebula, who was disguised as a dog, since she had already outgrown the size of any cat.

- Still, I feel sorry for him. He looks so lost. - Ashley said sympathetically.

- Well, you can understand him. His beloved wife left him and flew into space, for unknown reasons, and has not been in touch for almost 20 years. In his place, I would have gone for her long ago, but Grandfather is too responsible and simply cannot leave us. - I said, making sure that Grandfather would not hear what we were talking about, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

- It turns out, Is it because of us that Grandpa can't reunite with Grandma? - Gwen asked in surprise, who obviously didn't think about it that way.

- Well, yes, although most of it is my fault. After all, he has been looking after me since I was 5 years old. Although, I think that Grandpa is redeeming himself for not paying enough attention to our fathers in the past, due to working as a Plumber. - I expressed my thoughts on this matter, which have been in my head for a very long time.

- Hmm… How complicated it is… - Gwen said doomedly, laying her head on the table.

- That's adult life. - I said, shaking the ovens, having finished eating.

- Maybe then you'll try to find Verdona? You're going into space with Tetrax soon. - Ashley suggested.

- I thought about that too, but I don't even know where to start. Anodites have always been isolated and rebuilt, so even a random representative of this race will be difficult to find, what can we say about a specific person.

Although, of course, I will try to find her and bring her to Earth, especially since she will be able to teach Gwen and me to be Anodites, but the chance of success is incredibly small. - I said, noticing that my grandfather had gone somewhere. Probably went looking for the tree where he and Verdona had carved their love symbols.

- Ihope you succeed, otherwise it's unbearable for me to look at such a grandfather. I got used to the fact that he is always cheerful. - Gwen said, and Ashley nodded her head, agreeing with her friend's words.

- Yes, me too…. - I started to say, but stopped abruptly when I felt the attack on me.

- Give me back the Omnitrix! - a green-skinned woman with three eyes and two tentacles instead of hair and the same tail screamed furiously, trying to envelop me with her telekinesis.

True, she didn't succeed, because a telekinetic barrier formed around me, which protected me, and I looked at this insane woman who, without hesitation, attacks, in fact, a child (I'm only 16) in the middle of the day, also scaring away vacationers people with their alien physiognomy.

- Will not give it back. - I said with a smirk, looking at Xylene, who was the courier who brought the Omnitrix to Earth.

- It's not meant for some boy! - Xylene shouted and attacked me even more violently, throwing the nearest things at me with telekinesis.

- I'll take care of it myself. - I said calmly, stopping the girls who were ready to rush into battle.

Since Xylene pissed me off with her mere appearance and what I know about her, I decided to show her that you should not rashly attack the owner of the Omnitrix.

Transformed into Anti-Gravitesla, I changed my gravity and pushed off the ground in the direction of Xylene, faster than a cannonball. Easily pushing away all the objects thrown at me by gravity, I quickly reached Xylene and, having scanned her DNA, immediately turned into the male version of Uxorite.

Uxorites are natural telekinetics who have mastered this ability very well. But, unlike Squid, who has very strong telekinesis, but no control, only naked power, the Uxorites do not have such strong telekinesis, but filigree control, just what I have always lacked.

Given my own telekinesis, this alien becomes incredibly strong, almost on par with Squid, but with great control, I don't have to worry that I'll overdo it and accidentally dislodge the moon from its orbit. And as Squid, I can actually do this quite by accident.

Well, and among other things, Ksilen, as I called my Uxorite, due to his physiology is stronger than a person and more flexible, which is also a plus.

Now let's get back to the fight. Although, this is just a mockery of the weak, but Xylene deserved it, for her behavior... Probably...

Obviously not expecting such agility and such skillful use of the Omnitrix from me, Xylene only widened her eyes when I pushed her with telekinesis, and she flew into the air.

Telekinesis picking up everything that Xylene wanted to throw at me, I sent it to her and knocked her down, causing her to fall to the ground, although not badly hurt.

Deciding to end this, I took off and jumped straight at Xylene, knocking her out with a strong blow along the way. And immediately began to use telepathy on her to find what I had arranged this 'battle' for.

Of course, I could not fight Xylene, but I needed a reason, to knock her out and get inside her head and get the access codes to the Omnitrix. As the courier entrusted with the delivery of the Omnitrix, Xylene received several access codes that would allow them to open several aliens, in a pinch, lock the Omnitrix permanently, and most importantly disable the security system.

I've been trying to completely hack and subdue the Omnitrix for a long time and even thought that the shake-up arranged because of Ben's connection to the Ultimatrix would help me, but everything turned out to be not as simple as I thought.

Azmuth worked so hard to create a defense that even I can't break if I don't want to lose the Omnitrix. And the problem is, even my aliens can't help me.

Azmuth foresaw the possibility of this and left only the ability to unlock master control and a few other features that I have been using for a long time.

Eventually, the only working option left for me is Xylene. Of course, I could take the watch apart and start studying it so I wouldn't have any problem being able to completely hack it, but I don't want to lose my main weapon now. When the era of calm comes, then I will deal with it.

- Lex, stop! She is not an enemy, I know her. - shouted the returned Max when I got everything I needed.

- Then why did she attack? - Gwen asked as she walked over to us.

- She does not know how to think about her actions in advance and always does what comes into her head. - said Grandfather, picking up the unconscious Xylene in his arms when I became a man.

- Okay, let's get out of here first, we've already attracted attention. And then we'll deal with our guest. - I said, restoring everything that Xylene had destroyed.

- Okay, let's get on the bus. - said Grandpa and quickly ran to the parking lot.

After taking Nebula, we went after him, after which we boarded the bus, we quickly drove away so as not to run into Lieutenant Steel, who was in the city with his team and already knew about Xylene's rampage.


- Means, have you known each other for many years? - Gwen asked curiously, shortly after Xylene woke up and Max was able to talk to her and calm her down.

- Yes, I was an Honorary Plumber and helped Max on missions several times until I had to leave to take care of protecting the Omnitrix. - said Xylene, looking at Grandfather with a loving look, while her third eye looked angrily at me.

- Ah, now I remember. I read about you in the Plumbers'' files. - I said with a defiant smile to irritate Xylene even more. I don't like her...

- And what was there? - Ashley asked with a smile.

-A real scandal. Xylene, you fought with Anodite and destroyed the base. You were suspended from work for this, after which you disappeared somewhere. - I told what Morgana had found.

- With Anodite? So… -Gwen immediately guessed everything and now looked at Xylene in a different way.

- Yes, it was grandma Grandpa, and you turn out to be that womanizer. I respect. - I said with a big smile, giving Max a thumbs up.

- No, Lex wasn't like that… - Max tried to justify himself, while holding back the angry Xylen, who could not do anything, since I had already proved that I could easily twist her into a ram's horn.

- Everything is clear here. This is a woman who tried to take you away from Grandma, and when she found out about it, she gave her such a thrashing that she flew away for a long time. - Gwen said, looking at Xylene with an unkind look.

- No, Gwen, when I met Xylene, we were not yet in a relationship with Verdona. This was before we met for the second time. Just…. - justified the grandfather of his girlfriend.

- It's just that grandma decided to show who you really belong to and decided to drive away all rivals. All clear. I respect her even more. - I said, watching Xylene with a smirk, who is now going to get mad, because we discussed her, in front of her.

- You don't know anything, you're just a stupid child!!! - Xylene screamed at me, flashing her telekinesis again, but I quickly overpowered her and sat her back down.

- Calm down, Xylene, these are things of bygone days. Better explain what you're doing on Earth. - Max said, trying to defuse the situation.

- I was going to deliver the Omnitrix to you, but I was shot down by Vilgax's ship and, as a result, I dropped a capsule with a clock on the planet, and my escape pod crashed somewhere in the wilderness, and only now I was able to get to you. - Xylene said.

- Wow, so the Omnitrix was originally meant for you, Grandpa. - Impressed by this information, Ashley said.

- Yes, but you, nasty boy, intercepted him. You weren't supposed to be the owner of the Omnitrix you are not worthy of it. - Xylene said furiously, poking her fingers at me.

- That's what you think, but the truth is that in all the universes I know, the grandson or granddaughter of Max Tennyson becomes the owner of the Omnitrix, this is our original destiny. And certainly not for some courier to decide who is worthy of wearing this watch, especially since I have already shown what I am capable of. - I said, and for intimidation, magic flashed in my eyes.

- Lex, don't be rude. And Xylene, you really shouldn't say that. I'm sure I couldn't have done what Lex did with the Omnitrix. He is a much better owner of this watch than I would ever be. - shaming me, Max said softly.

- But… - Xylene wanted to protest something, but stopped when she felt the attack.

It was another Vilgax drone that was stuck in the wilderness with Xylene, and now she brought it to me. Unfortunately, this drone was waiting for a sad end, since I just destroyed it with a magic attack, and after looking at the alien, I said: - So, where did we stop?

- ….Not important. It's time for me to fly away, I need to report on the result of the delivery to the creator of the watch. And rest assured, he will know about everything I saw here today. - Xylene said angrily, summoning the coral, which had been in orbit for ten hours already.

Of course, Xilen sent a signal for help in advance and her ship has been waiting for her for a long time, but she wanted to spend more time with Max and lied about the fact that the ship would not arrive soon.

In general, Xilen herself is a two-faced person who lies and pretends a lot. That's why I don't like her as much as the girls, in general. True, Grandpa does not seem to notice this.

- I was glad to see you, Xylene. - Still trying to bring this meeting to a good end, Max said.

- Me too, Max. But I can't say that about your grandchildren. I'll be back and get the Omnitrix from you. - shouting viciously at the end, Xylene got into her ship and, finally, flew away.

- Bitch. - Ashley couldn't resist.

- Ashley. - Max said reproachfully, although he himself was not going to dispute it much.

- But, Grandpa, she's just awful. How could you date her? - Ashley asked angrily.

- Eh, it was a long time ago, I was young and naive. - Grandfather said with nostalgia, and after looking at us seriously, he said: - And yet, your attitude was not acceptable. All next week you will be cleaning RV, without using abilities.

- Okey. - we all three said, deciding not to anger Max.

- Fine, let's go to dinner. - Grandfather said in the end, and went to cook.

- Well, At least he's not sad anymore. - Ashley said enthusiastically.

- And we were able to get that bitch out who wanted to interfere with grandma and grandpa. - Gwen added.

- We probably shouldn't have gotten into this, but it's okay, you can't take back what's been done. Come on, let's make sure he doesn't cook any worms. - I said, and picking up Nebula, who was walking nearby, we went to the RV.

Zeckyll11 Zeckyll11



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The next chapter will be on Thursday.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C146
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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