
Chapter 5

Despite, the fact i had summoned the Bifrost i had actually never used it before, for obvious reasons, one it takes a ton of divine energy and pretty much everyone from Gaea to Tartarus can feel the pulse of divine energy. But also because it's a massive beam of energy that if left active to long can destroy worlds. And also the fact it's too flashy and would capture too much attention. Especially when compared to flashing which cost much less divinity nd is much less scarring on the surroundings. However, in my defense i wasn't really thinking strait at the time all i could think about was the angry lord of time and his posy of angry titans of sea, earth and sky who would happily crush me and my siblings under boot. moreover the Bifrost is a much more fun way of traveling i mean i literally get to see all the realms of Chaos creation from the underworld, seas and sky, I even got to see Aether and Hermera in the upper heavens.

After an awkward five minuets of travel we finally landed up rooting most trees and earth surrounding our landing site. As the light finally died down i gulped nervously when a wrathful Amalthea storming towards us "Zeus what in the world is this! what were you thinkin!?" i managed a definitely not nervous smile as i managed to mutter quick apologies, whilst silently praying to chaos that she wouldn't whack me over the head with her stick. After she had calmed down i turned to my siblings and managed a hopefully bright smile before striding forward with my hand out and stating "Hi im Zeus, your youngest brother" they finally managed to get over the fact they were no longer in father's stomach and that we just teleported to the over sided of the planet in under five minuets, as they finally registered what i said, i pressed on knowing withholding any information may cause distrust or even cause us to fall out "Mother brought me to Amalthea when i was born to save me from kronos so that i could one day over throw him and free you it was me and Metis who fed him the potion that freed you" i finished with a calming smile.

Then one of them finally stood forward "Hi, im Hestia your older sister " She had the form of a young girl with a cute round face, that was dotted with freckles, she had curly red fair and eyes that where lit with red fire but held a comforting warmth. She stepped forward ignoring my hand and hugged me around the waist with a giddy squeal, because from what i assume was gaining another sibling as i knew canon Hestia was a goddess of family and hearth and basically a kind Hera.

After that they all seemed to be spurned into action "i am the eldest son of Kronos and Rhea called Hades, your elder brother" he said it with barely hidden contempt and indifference. he had volcanic black eyes that were calculating and held none of the warmth Hestia's had, he was fairly lanky when compared to me and Poseidon but i knew underneath that body was pulsating with hidden power waiting to be used at a moments notice, as i looked around at my siblings i realize that most of them were looking at Hades with disgust and fear, except Hestia i don't believe she was capable of such emotions especially with family. As i wondered in my head why he was acting like this in PJO Hades came off more like a lonely and abandoned brother rather than the evil deity most media portrayed him as, it was then i remembered i also asked to be in the Dc universe and Hades in Dc was evil and an antagonist of wonder woman, so i assume this must be ROBs way of paying me back with all my OP wishes by having one of my most powerful vassals hate me whilst holding immense power, i would have to look out for him as in some media the abduction of Persephone isn't as romantic as some Fanfics make it out to be, and thanks to my wishes i was guaranteed to have her as my daughter so i would be watchful.

The next of my siblings was easily recognizable with his untamed black hair and twinkling sea green eyes that sparkled with gratitude and reverence. I had a feeling that despite the fact i was the youngest i would have to act like the eldest sibling with many of my siblings. Anyway he had a surfers tan and a swimmers body he had yet to gain a beard like the PJO version and the only way i could describe him is as a more well built Percy Jackson he like Hades was filled with power but where as Hades' was contained and refined, Poseidon's was wild and untamed like the violent waves or a raging storm it was equal if not greater than the power Hades held, yet unlike Hades he seemed much more tamed yet i knew that no matter what Poseidon this was Dc or PJO i knew he would be fearsome and wrathful when angered. "My name is Poseidon and for saving us you have my eternal gratitude" i know knew where Percy's fatal flaw came from as i knew deep within that Poseidon meant his other his very aura pretty much confirmed it with the way it shrilled in allegiance.

Next of my siblings was Demeter she had green eyes like grass, wavy blonde hair and a body that was bountiful, i now realized why both original Poseidon and Zeus attempted to woo Demeter she was beautiful not as much as Hera in my opinion yet she still held an almost ethereal beauty that would be unmatched by any mortal. "Hello! My names Demeter and i have just got to ask do you eat cereal Because you should know that only through eating grain can ones body truly mature..."

As she appeared to be about to continue spitting wheat and cereal facts the woman to left gave her arm a reprimanding squeeze. Now i know this may sound cheesy and honestly even i think it is but when i gazed at my finale sibling it was like Kronos froze time i couldn't help but quickly identify all of her features from her warm brown eyes that were filled with confidence and intelligence, the way her way cascading black hair seemed to weave around her figure and wrap around her wide child birthing hips, how well endowed she seemed to be and despite her renditions i could tell instinctively that unlike my previous sisters Hera had power near equaling me and my brothers i could tell as hers was similar to mine it was free like the breeze, yet strangely strict and accurate like lightning and i knew that just like mine hers could at any moment turn into a raging storm. And strangely she also seemed to have hidden muscles the closest i could compare her to is a wonder woman type build with a graceful elegance and a queenly aura i could tell that even though we weren't yet married my domain already had accepted her as queen of the heavens. Which would make sense as she in most mythos was already before marring Zeus. I watched as she strode forward with unmatched confidence as she stood merely a foot apart from me as she stared into my eyes with a hidden invitation "Hello im Hera the youngest daughter and your youngest sister"

As i began to think of a response without looking stupid, i was saved by a over excited mother who picked each of us up with embarrassing ease even if she was in her Titanic form and held us against her chest as she released relived sobs upon us tears the size of heads fell upon us yet none of us even Hades dared to speak out or complain as or mother held us even me for the first time. After leaving me with Amalthea you would think Rhea would visit but nope it was too dangerous and as much as she wanted to see me, she valued my life more. So for the first time we all kind of gave an awkward hug back whilst allowing our mother to release her sorrows.

When Rhea had finally finished she continued to stand close by us, as if at any moment we would disappear. Not that any of us minded she was the Titaness of Motherhood and held a kind and inviting aura that overpowered even Hestia's. I finally managed to gather my senses enough to inform my siblings off my plan to free the elder cyclopes and the Hekatonkires from Tartarus in order to gain their aid as well as have them forge us weapons even greater than Kronos' scythe. They were in agreement even Hades although he did roll his eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which for me it was as thats how i know the original Olympians won the war. But for him it shouldn't as he shouldn't even know who they are but whatever maybe it's some underworld power i know nothing off.

Anyway i actually couldn't wait to get the master bolt as although im already insanely powerful it always fun to have all your powers and abilities multiplied that and similarly to a wand in harry potter the master bolt will allow me to gain better control over my domains. As although i have the power of Ouranos i still have to learn how to use it without accidently sending my siblings to Tartarus because i made too strong a storm.

Anyways, for now i suppose I'll wait and enjoy family time as tomorrow the trip to Tartarus begin and after that the Titanomchy and then i wont have much time to enjoy this as i will be fighting against some of the most powerful beings in the universe including my own murderous father.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


