42.23% Realistic Tower of God: The Martial Way / Chapter 85: Chapter 85- Poor Mirotic Guardian

章 85: Chapter 85- Poor Mirotic Guardian

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The red tiny bits and pieces splattered on the ground turned into glowing clouds of dust and flew away, gathering into a small ball that kept getting bigger and bigger until they combined to become the Mirotic guardian again in just a couple of seconds.

Looking at what the Mirotic guardian had become just after being a red gooey mess a few seconds earlier, Liu Guanyi couldn't help to appreciate its ability.

"It's really a novel to see its restoration ability to reset everything back. He can even recover from being destroyed to such state with the same amount of time needed from being killed normally."

Adori walked and decapacitated the newly restored Mirotic guardian with her sword. In just a few seconds before the guardian awakened again, he was quickly cut into tiny pieces by Adori's beautiful swordsmanship.

Yet again, the guardian recovered without a hitch.

Seeing this, Adori commented. "Not bad, but he is too weak to even put any resistance to prevent the device that controlled him from being destroyed. Rather than fighting against him, I'm more interested to fight you. You seem to have improved a lot in these five years."

Liu Guanyi laughed a little. "We can always fight later, princess Adori. I'm also interested to spar with you and seeing your improvement as well. I wonder if can force you to use your true sword this time."

"However, the Mirotic guardian isn't actually that bad."

"Considering the Mirotic guardian is only created to combat D-ranked regulars, I'd say that his power is more than enough to handle even the best direct descendants of the ten great families."

"Even Xin, who is already quite better than some direct descendants of the ten great families, couldn't defeat him even once or make him use all of his power."

Liu Guanyi stopped talking for a moment to punch a hole in the guardian's chest to keep it from disturbing their conversation. "With his ability to recover from death in just a few seconds, even if the most outstanding D-ranked regulars team up together and manage to kill him, he would simply return to live in an instant, wasting their energy and stamina."

"To put it simply, he is an invincible existence among the D-ranked regulars." Liu Guanyi smiled. "At least he should be, that is before he met us, regulars who are way different than the norm and surpassed beyond the limits of what D-ranked regulars can do."

"With our far superior speed and power, the guardian can't resist us and we can dispatch him in a single strike which only makes his resurrection power seems like an annoyance than an incredible power."

Liu Guanyi shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "Well… it can't be helped. We are just too powerful on these low-ranked floors. Hopefully, the train will be much more interesting and challenging."

Adori stared at him with a cute, amused face. "Weren't you the one who said to keep improving ceaselessly and not becoming conceited with our progress or slacking off as it gets into our heads."

"Well, I'm obviously merely joking. Look, aren't I training right now?" Liu Guanyi said as he kept punching his newly renewed "punching bag" quickly into poor condition.

It didn't matter though, even if he broke it, they would renew it again rapidly for free. What an establishment the Train City was, to give such a nice feature for free.

"Anyway, why did you train Xin so much? It's almost like you want to prepare him for something, and from your characters, it's impossible for you to do something meaningless that won't be beneficial for you in any form." Adori asked Liu Guanyi, ignoring the poor guy who kept being abused as he was beaten black and blue.

"You have understood me well, princess Adori." Liu Guanyi said as he gave his last punch at the punching bag and stopped until it would be renewed.

"As a princess of Zahard, I'm certain that you will be called to work in the Zahard family. With your talents, it's natural for you to get a high position in the family after you become a ranker, especially if you get one of the thirteen months."

Liu Guanyi looked at her with a smile. "I have known you for quite a while. I know that king Zahard himself would be interested see your exquisite swordsmanship and amazing talents, and recognize them to personally grant you with one of the thirteen months."

"I didn't know that you have such a high evaluation of me." Adori's cheeks reddened, she wasn't used to getting such a straightforward compliment from Liu Guanyi even though she was used to being praised so many times by other people.

When it came from him, somehow it just felt way different than those empty praises thrown at her regularly.

Liu Guanyi smirked amusedly at her reaction. "Well, princess, now you know that I have a very high opinion of you, though it was unbefitting of you for not realizing it beforehand."

"I know… it's just that I didn't think your evaluation of me would be so high." Adori cleared her throat to fix her composure. However, it was clear that she was still embarrassed by his praise.

"Isn't that should be obvious, princess Adori? Even though you aren't a real princess in terms of bloodline just like all of the princesses of Zahard, your status is still a true legitimate princess of a great empire."

"Compared to someone without any background like me, you are far nobler, hell, even Xin still has better status than me."

Smiling, Liu Guanyi continued. "However, you never let your status clouds your judgment and treat Xin and me without prejudice, unlike most of the descendants of the ten great families do nor you ever act overbearing toward us."

"Instead, you are always being reasonable and often discuss things together whenever any problem pops up. Oh, I also respect your determination and hard work in bettering yourself in sword arts. Your passion in the sword is very commendable."

Adori couldn't take it anymore as she spoke out embarrassedly. "Alright, please stop it, I understand. Rather than changing the conversation, why don't you answer my previous question?"

Heavenly_Raven Heavenly_Raven

Your powerstones, please?

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C85
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


