He laughed.
"This is not how I expected Direction to twist and turn, circling back to its definition from millennia ago."
He mused.
"How do tides manage to find each other and race back through traces of their origin, as if seeking the very fires of beginning? Is this how all things are designed?"
He thought.
"No matter. I have been given enough reason and time to watch it unfold."
He went back to visualising the very nature of the world with strumming in his hand.
A distance from him, a boisterous laughter, much like his echoed, mirroring the reality that was still times away from being realised as incomprehensible irony.
"Hahahahahahahaha!" Skullius chuckled while shaking his head. At some point he even covered his face with his hand as genuinely, he found this funny and had not seen it coming at all.
Please support my book: This Family is Full of Broken Psychos!