

Meeting Venator's expectations, Stes quickly finished his first bow within a day.

"Normally I'd teach you how to make arrows, but there are plenty available at weapons shops, so it's pointless."

They then headed to a weapon shop to get hunting equipment for Stes, specifically a quiver, arrow, and perhaps a coat if Stes wants one.

The weapon store was fairly close to their inn, so it wasn't much of a journey there, and when they arrived and stepped inside, Venator looked around for the aforementioned equipment needed.

The equipment was (quite obviously) in the hunting section, and Venator allowed Stes to select what he wanted there.

Stes brought up a question to Venator, "Won't you need them as well?", referring to the equipment.

"No. I have another way of producing arrow."

Venator ended the conversation with that, and Stes respected his decision of keeping whatever method he had to himself.

"I understand."

After a few minutes of silence, Stes was done selecting whatever he wanted.

The duo headed to the counter and Stes put a quiver, some arrows, and a grey coat, which reminded Venator of his own.

Venator paid for the equipment, then the two headed back to the inn to retire for the night.


"Adjust your posture."

Early in the morning, Venator brought Stes out back to the forest to teach him the ways of the bow.

"No, that's not how you do it."

Although Stes had a talent in creating the bow, his talent clearly wasn't in posture.

"Your feet is too slanted. Your body isn't straight enough..."

Venator spent the morning helping Stes with his posture, and finally when Stes attained a perfect one, Venator handed him an arrow.

"Now, shoot the leaf," Venator pointed to a leaf dangling from a tree, approximately 15m away, "off that tree."

Stes raised the bow and aimed for the leave, then he pulled the string back and released it in a swift motion.

"That was close. Nice try. Now, try again."

Venator lent him more arrows, and sat against a tree, watching Stes' every movement.

"That was a bit better."

"Use more strength."


The arrow hit the leaf after a few tries, and Venator nodded.

"Well done. You certainly are more talented than my older siblings. They took two whole days to do that."

"What about you?", Stes asked.

Venator gave him a smirk, "Don't compare me to you, it'll only be disheartening."

In truth, Venator did worse than Stes. He was just trying to cover it up.

"I see. What will we do now?"

"You're free to do what you wish for the next 3 hours. Then, we'll get on the boat headed for the Marine H.Q."

"What will you do?"

"I have businesses to attend to. Go play and meet me back at the inn in 3 hours."

Stes nodded in confirmation, and headed for a playground in the town.

Venator watched Stes leave and he headed to do his 'business.'


Venator entered a pub and many were eyeing him, specifically the folded bow on his back.

Venator ignored the look and headed for the bartender, discreetly slipping him some money.

'This is how it's like in books.'

The bartender accepted and asked, "What kind of 'services' would you like?"


The bartender nodded, as information was one of the more common services that people required of him.

"Have you heard of 'Erobus Sova'?"

"The super rookie? Of course. Everyone's heard of him. It's more weird how you DON'T know him?"

Venator's eyes glinted, "Tell me more."

The bartender replied as he was making a drink for Venator, "Well, he popped up outta no where and destroyed a Marine base somewhere in the West Blue, then he went on a killing spree in the North Blue not long after that."

Venator nodded, and accepted the drink that the bartender slid to him, although he didn't drink it.

"Then, he headed to the Grand Line and killed a buncha Marines there, to the point that a Rear Admiral was sent after him, although of course, he killed that dude too."

Venator nodded again.

"Here, I have a wanted poster of him," The bartender grabbed something from under the table, "Ya want it?"

"I'll take it. Thank you."

Venator accepted the poster handed to him, and got up to leave the bar.

On his way out, he looked at the bounty poster.




'Erobus 'Predator' Sova'

Below those words was a picture of his brother.

His brother drenched in blood, and holding their ancestor's bow.

"I'll find you, brother. I swear it."

Venator then let the wanted poster out of his hand, and it was being carried by the wind.


Three hours later, Stes and Venator met back at the inn, and they began packing up to go on the Marine ship.

After packing up, they headed to the Marine base, and was received by the receptionist.

"This way."

The receptionist led them through the base into the Marine designated dock, and there was a ship waiting there.

A line was formed, made up of new recruits to go on the ship.

"Well, good luck."



Venator and Stes said goodbye to the receptionist, and headed to wait in the line.

When they finally boarded the ship, they were given a room to stay in for the journey, and they headed there almost immediately.

Fortunately, they were the only ones assigned that room, and they unpacked their belongings there, as it would be a 3 days journey to Marineford.


"Yes, they are on the ship from North Blue heading to Marineford. They should arrive within 3 days."

A silhouette was seen talking to a Den Den Mushi.

"What are their accomplishments?"

The other party asked the man in the shadows.

"They were able to kill the criminal who was responsible for the slaughter of 3 towns, and a Marine captain."

"I see. I'll keep an eye on them at the training camp. Is that all?"

"That is all. Thank you for your time, Rear Admiral."

"Keep doing what you're doing, Cautum."

"Of course, sir."

The Rear Admiral hung up on the man known as Cautum, Cautum walked out of the dark room.

The bright hallway lit up his face, showing the receptionist.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


