44.18% Milf Princess / Chapter 57: Triad's fall

章 57: Triad's fall

Boom! Boom! Explosions were occurring on the ground and in the sky.

"Divine Punishment!" Mirium shouted and her blonde hair elongated speedily and like numerous arrows, struck at Renshu.

Clang-clang-clang! Renshu parried them with his trident but the hair could move in any direction at Mirium's will. Most of them went around and stabbed Renshu from other sides.

Showk-shwok-shwok-puchi! As the spiked hair stabbed Renshu, his blood splattered.

"Hmph, little bitch, you're digging your own grave!" Renshu scowled and grabbed a handful of blonde hair and pulled on them hard. At once, Mirium was pulled along with a jolt and as she arrived, Renshu aimed his trident at her.

Pew! A chi beam flew at incredible speed, striking her.

Boom! As a chi explosion occurred, Mirium was flung far away. Renshu flew towards her, taking advantage of this chance.


Clang! Clang! Clang! Shyaren was fighting Wanming fiercely. She clawed at him with her elongated nails while Wanming defended with his greatsword. Sparks flew with each strike of theirs.

"Grating Hills!" Wanming shouted and suddenly swirled around at great speed. His greatsword cut through Shyaren's defences, carving a red line on her abdomen and forcing her back. As she winced and growled, Wanming leapt at her, attacking with full strength.

Clang! Clang! Shew! Both of them fought and moved speedily. Even though Shyaren had a brute force technique, Wanming had one too and he had integrated it into his weapon-based technique, enhancing his prowess greatly. Only those with talent in cultivation could achieve things like this. Xiao had integrated almost all of her techniques together and thus could mix their moves and use them with different weapons or even with her bare fists or legs. Her talent was like heavens while Wanming's could only be called a star. But Shyaren wasn't lacking in talent either.

"Blackshell Knight!" She roared and a black tar-like liquid seeped out of her pores, quickly covering her entire body and solidifying like a rock.

Swoosh- clang! Wanming's greatword struck her but could not injure her. Blackshell Knight was apparently an Empyrean level defence type technique.

"Hmph, eat this!" Shyaren exclaimed and the black shell on her right hand morphed & elongated, taking a pickaxe shape.

Clang! Clang! Bam! Her arm struck the greatsword. Wanming felt an incredible force and was pushed back. His eyes then widened for a moment as he noticed a crack on his greatsword's blade. Shyaren was using a defence type technique as an Assault type technique. This was talent in its own league.

"…" Wanming still fought on fiercely.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Crack! The greatsword broke after a few strikes but was replaced by another greatsword. Wanming had no lack of weapons in his spatial ring. He did not want to give Shyaren a mental lead.

While they fought, Renshu had grabbed Mirium by the hair and pinned her on the ground. They were at the centre of a deep crater formed from their landing.

"I've got you now, bitch." Renshu sneered. "Aren't you a virgin? Heheh, it will be great fun to deflower you before killing you off. Of course you can submit to me right now and I'll spare your life and keep you as my concubine."

Shink! Mirium's hair suddenly spread out in form of spider-like long claws. They quickly closed in, attacking Renshu speedily.

Boom! Chi rippled out of Renshu's body in a burst and didn't allow the claws to attack him. Then he grabbed Mirium's dress and tore it open from the lower back, revealing her round fluffy white hips.

"Hehehe, I'm going to enjoy breaking your ass." Renshu said. His body morphed and he started getting chummier. He did not regain his original fat form as much of the fat had been burnt off in the battle by now. He then kept Mirium pinned down and whipped out his massive thick penis that slide between the two round soft hips.

"You bastard, fight like a warrior! Is this what your honour amounts to!?" Mirium shouted.

"Heh, women have no right to question men's actions." Renshu said, adjusting his penis on Mirium's pink round asshole.

Bwoosh! Mirium's chi burst out of her body, trying to push Renshu away.

"Hahahaha! Fuck you bitch!" Renshu laughed and pushed. Mirium's face turned red with shame, anger and fear throbbed in her heart. She the pure virgin warrior was going to be raped?

Boom! A spear struck Renshu's head and caused his entire body to be flung away in a straight line for several meters before he collapsed into a destroyed building with a loud boom.

"…Huff-huff." Deodomus was panting from afar while lying on the ground. The spear was thrown by him with all the chi he could muster. Since Renshu was completely focused on Mirium, he was easily struck away.

"You…" Mirium uttered with gratitude. Deodomus smiled wearily before fainting. He had gone beyond his limits.

"YAAAAA!!!" Renshu came right back, flying in rage. His body had returned to its muscular form. His target was not Mirium but Deodomus instead.

"Rise of the virgin!" Mirium exclaimed and her dantian started to overflow with energy. She became powerful all of a sudden. This was Mirium's trump card. It doubled her prowess for a period of time.

Boom! She leapt at Renshu at sonic speed.

Boom! They collided and shockwaves pushed everything around them away. Xiao and Deodomus were also pushed away.

Higher up in the sky, Wanming and Shyaren were still fighting. Blades and swords kept falling down in pieces. Wanming's efforts seemed futile as none of his weapons could cut through Shyaren's Blackshell Knight form; nor could they resist more than a few strikes from her.

However, after a few minutes of stalemate, Shyaren retreated. Her shell armour was crumbling and falling down in small pieces.

"Hmph." Wanming sneered. This was what he was betting on. There was bound to be some time limit to every technique or trump card move. If he had retreated, Shyaren would have felt more encouraged and perhaps would manage to harm him. But Wanming fought tooth and nail and now that Shyaren's technique had ended, Wanming was still there, close to her. He flew swiftly and attacked. Shyaren finally summoned a weapon. It was a small mace with irregular crude shape with several metal spikes and nails on it.

Bang! Bam! Clang-clang-clang! The two of them exchanged moves swiftly. Their arms were blurry and their movements could not be seen through by anyone below Sage realm.


Boom! Mirium fell down on the ground. Renshu landed on her back forcefully.

Bam! "Ohok!" Mirium coughed out blood as she suffered internal injuries. Currently there was still large amounts of energy squirming through her meridians but she was unable to use it.

"Heh, My Killing Pentagram move locks all energy nodes. You cannot release your chi for a good while and hence cannot fight me." Renshu said while sneering. "Now, let's resume what we were doing." His smile was vicious and anger was flickering on his face. He grabbed Mirium's clothes and tore them apart, turning her fully naked. Then he grabbed her hips, pulled them upwards and shoved his thick and hard penis all the way to the hilt inside her tight virgin asshole.


"Ahhhhghh!!" Mirium screamed in pain as her asshole was stretched wide. Blood trickled down her hole but Renshu showed no mercy. He began to thrust his penis inside her repeatedly.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap-clap!

"Hahaha! Such a good tight ass! You indeed have been a virgin." Renshu said happily and then slapped Mirium's round hips loudly.

Sstak! Sstak!!

"Ahh! Ahhn! Let go of me ahh!!" Mirium screamed as she was raped brutally. Her followers were watching this from afar but they dared not make a move. No one came to her rescue.

Renshu grabbed her blonde hair and yanked them, making her back arch beautifully. Then he picked up the pace and fucked her faster and harder.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Loud thunderous sounds echoed. The thrusts of a Sage realm warrior were naturally full of strength. If this much force was used by him in fucking an ordinary woman, she'd die within a minute.

"Ahh! Ahh! No! This can't be happening!" Mirium cried aloud in agony.

"Ahh take this, bitch!" Renshu exclaimed and ejaculated a thick load of semen inside Mirium's ass, flooding her guts with the potent yang chi filled potion.

"Guh!" Mirium's eyes rolled up as blood spurt out of her eyes, ears and nose. She had just suffered a strong chi deviation. Her body was already overflowing with energy but there was no exit for it. Then Renshu forcefully inserted more yang chi inside her. All of it recoiled into her dantian which was still producing energy and was full of it. With a light crack, energy had rippled everywhere, finally bursting out of her meridians, ripping many of them apart and injuring her internal organs too. She had been defeated.

"Haah…that's some good ass." Renshu sneered, not caring about Mirium's state. He then pulled out his still hard penis and adjust it on her vagina.

Boom! At this moment Shyaren fell nearby. Wanming descended. His entire body was riddled in injuries and blood. Apparently, he had been on the losing end. But with his remaining chi, he used the Doom Whistle move on Shyaren, succeeding in injuring her internally and rendering her unconscious.

"Hahahaha! We won!" Renshu cackled.

"Hmm!" Wanming nodded victoriously. At the moment, he was out of chi. Renshu was no better. If they had not managed to subdue the two women with their unique moves, Triad faction would have fallen today.

"Huff…now to celebrate our victory." Wanming smiled and ripped off Shyaren's clothes, rendering her naked. Now the two women were lying naked on the ground at the mercy of the two men. Mercy; they were not going to get any.

Fwop! Fwop! Two thick penises were shoved inside two tight vaginas. Mirium finally lost her virginity and Shyaren, well…

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap-clap-clap-clap! For a long time, meaty sounds echoed in the destruction zone. Triad members finally strode over to congratulate their elders and celebrate their victory!

But just as they were about to open their mouths, multiple figures landed on the ground, surrounding Renshu, Wanming, Shyaren and Mirium.

"You…what is the meaning of this?" Wanming asked frowning as he stared at these unwelcomed visitors. These were all from the elite teams of the Consulate. One of these teams was none other than the Trinity!

"The consulate's elder council has given its verdict." Uriel said arrogantly.

"Triad faction has broken multiple rules and misused their powers. Triad's fall has thus been decided." Chen said coldly.

"Please die." Ganza said with a smile.

"BULLSHIT! They dare stab us when we are exhausted?" Renshu shouted.

"We'll take you down with us!" Wanming roared.

Boom! An huge fiery explosion occurred, followed by many other explosions and chi blasts. Smoke & flames engulfed a large area. It was unknown how the fight was going on. Within minutes, the sounds died down though. As the smoke cleared away, only dead bodies could be seen on the ground. The entire Triad faction had been slayed! Renshu and Wanming's headless corpses were lying on the ground too. Shyaren, Mirium, Xiao, Deodomus and the Valkyries were nowhere to be seen. The elite teams had seemingly taken them all away.



Late in the night, Xiao woke up. She was feeling lethargic. She looked around and found herself in a room. There were a dozen few people in it. In the dimly lit room, Xiao recognized these people. They were the Maiden clan survivors along with few unknown others.

"Xiao, you've finally awoken." Lyra said weakly. She had been sitting next to Xiao all this while.

"Lyra…" Xiao exclaimed before the dark brown muscular beauty hugged her tightly.

"Oh Xiao! I was so worried!" Lyra exclaimed before bursting into tears. She was very emotional.

"…." At once, Xiao was stumped, not knowing what to say. She had never seen Lyra cry. Lyra was the strongest woman she had known. Rowdy, callous, savage & sexy. Xiao sighed and caressed her back softly.

"Well, at least we're all still alive." Inez said from side. "And you Xiao have awoken too. This isn't so bad. We had expected much worse."

"…What happened?" Xiao asked. "The triad elders…"

"They are dead." Ankita chimed in. She was leaning against a wall, sitting on the floor, hugging her knees. Her face looked pale as though she was in constant fear.

"My faction elder Shyaren and the Dove faction's leader Mirium fought the Triad elders when you and your friend had been defeated…" Ankita began.



"I see, so that's what happened." Xiao muttered. Ankita and Inez had told her everything that transpired after Xiao had lost consciousness in the battle. Mirium and Shyaren were defeated and raped. Then the elite forces appeared and killed the Triad faction which was already at its last leg. Afterwards, all the survivor victims were placed together in this room after some treatment. They were treated like convicts actually. Since they all had fought Consulate or broken their rules, they were to seemingly await elder council's judgment.

At this same time, Shyaren was in a meeting with other elders of the Consulate. Ankita was sent here by her as her envoy to make conversation and forge allegiance with the Maiden clan and Xiao.

"Where is Deodomus though? That male friend of mine." Xiao asked.

"We don't know. He has seemingly been taken away for interrogation." Ankita said.

"…." Xiao found it strange. Much was unclear at this point.


Suddenly the door was opened and a familiar person walked in.

"Ming Sheng!" Xiao exclaimed seeing him.

"Hello Princess. We meet again." Ming Sheng said smilingly. Xiao got up and approached him, hugging him tightly right away. Her humongous breasts pressed against his chest and Ming Sheng too took advantage and started caressing and fondling Xiao's huge hips brazenly.

"…" All the women watched this with stiff lips.

"Oh, I've missed you, old man! How have you been!? How are the others?" Xiao asked smilingly, looking at him while hugging his neck. Nobody expected Xiao to become so chirrupy all of a sudden. They deduced that Ming Sheng must be a close friend of hers.

"I've been well. I joined Trinity as a proper member not long ago; having proved my worth." Ming Sheng said. "Princess Yana is still a wingwoman though. Her training continues. She and Uriel got married though and Yana is even pregnant. Ever since this gathering began, we looked for you after our daily duties but could not find you and thus could not meet you before now. We were then surprised to suddenly see you as a naked giantess rampaging around in the city haha. You sure have learned amazing techniques." Ming Sheng said with a sneer.

"Oh shush." Xiao blushed. Ming Sheng's grip tightened on her hips. Xiao's expression turned heated.

"I've picked up some good techniques too. How about I show them to you?" Ming Sheng asked. He apparently wanted to have sex.

"T-this might not be a good place and time." Xiao whispered.

Sstak! A crisp slap landed on Xiao's big hips, making them jiggle. Xiao drew in a sharp breath.

"What are you talking about? You've literally fucked in the middle of the city with numerous men. I've heard all about it. I don't think you are a woman who need a proper place and time for it." Ming Sheng said smilingly and pulled up Xiao's gown. Within a few moves Xiao was standing butt naked in the room full of people.

"You sure have gotten dominant, doctor." Xiao said with a beating heart. Her face flushing red. Nobody intervened.

"Oh, you've seen nothing yet." Ming Sheng said and summoned a pill. "Want to try my new invention?"

"Yes." Xiao said readily and picked the pill with her mouth, swallowing it immediately.

"…Hahaha." Ming Sheng chuckled. Xiao's vision spun.

A minute later-

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap-clap! Ming Sheng was fucking Xiao heatedly.

"Ahhh! Ahhn! Ahhn! Fuck!" Xiao moaned and screamed. Intense lust had clouded her mind. She felt as if she was in heaven. Her legs were folded up and resting on Ming Sheng's shoulders. Her vagina was gushing wet, here eyes rolling up and her breasts lactating.

"Hehehe, this unnamed pill makes a woman breedable within a few seconds. All her chi gets recovered, her eggs ready to be fertilized and her vagina tight and wet, ready for a good fuck." Ming Sheng said. "Not to mention the unique aphrodisiac I've added in it. Its effect will linger for a whole month hehehe."

As the two of them had heated sex, all the women watched with rough breathing. They had just survived a deadly battle. They had lost their comrades and sisters. Some of them received mental trauma. And yet, they were all feeling erotic.

Squelch-squelch-squelch! Spurt! Xiao's vagina kept ejaculating yin fluids. At the same time, many women were rubbing their private parts and pressing their own breasts. Ankita too was feeling heated.


Outside the room a group of men was watching this scene through ocular techniques.

"Nothing heals people better than sex." A man said. "But it can also harm them. It thus must be done properly. The iron must be struck when it's hot."

Inside the room a fragrant aroma wafted out of Ming Sheng and spread everywhere, intoxicating all the women. Before long, their lust increased by many folds and they started masturbating and moaning erotically. Apparently, Ming Sheng had released an aphrodisiac secretly.

"Hey-hey, old bastard, fuck me too!" Lyra said, grabbing Ming Sheng's collar.

"Oh, you're here too Lyra? Long time no see. Please wait for your turn." Ming Sheng teased.

"You have some nerve, old man." Lyra narrowed her eyes and kissed him forcefully. She wrestled with him, forcing him off of Xiao and climbing up on his erect penis.

"Oh no, fuck me! Fuck me!" Xiao shouted and pushed Lyra away, trying to climb on the Ming Sheng.


The door opened once again and about 50 naked men walked in.

"No need to fight, ladies. There're plenty penises for all of you." A man said smilingly. The women looked at this group of muscular sexy men and their wombs began to quiver for their seeds.

Within moments an orgy unfolded. Women forgot about their pride and spread their legs shamelessly. The men pounced on them and started fucking them vigorously! Screams, moans, slaps and clapping sounds echoed everywhere.


Outside the room, the man who was observing all this, turned around to face Shyaren.

"Are you content now?" He asked.

"Yes. Thank you for your help Damian." Shyaren said.

"You're welcome. This is the least I can do to show my sincerity." Damian said.

Shyaren nodded and glanced at him. Damian was a tall and handsome man with whitish skin, appealing stubble, sleek brown hair, brown eyes and he was wearing a noble attire with an ornate sheath of a blade hung on his waist.

Opposite to him, Shyaren looked a mess. She was wearing a messy wet black dress. There were eyebags under her eyes and she reeked of semen.

"You're a real saviour." Damian said. "After getting rescued by Trinity and other elite teams, you quickly took steps to save your comrades and allies. Since Mirium was in shock after getting raped, you represented both of your factions and also advocated Maiden clan and Xiao. You convinced the elders by offering your body, resources and assets to make them forgive Maiden clan survivors in exchange and also managed to pull strings to ensure these women's safety behind your back. It was not easy for a lone woman in this organization ruled by men."

"Hmm, I could not have done it without your help. You are the one who presented evidences against Triad faction and convinced the elder council to punish Triad faction. Otherwise they wouldn't have sent the elite teams and Mirin and I would have been ruined or killed by Triad elders." Shyaren said.

"It was hardly anything. I'm sure you're aware of the political bullshit that has transpired." Damian said. "The council has its eyes on the exploration expedition. They have all been restricting each other and pressuring each other through underhanded means in order to gain lead over each other. The whole matter of Xiao and Triad was merely a timely accident. They took advantage of it right away. Even if no evidences were presented, they would have forged some and taken steps anyway. But you do realize how close a shave it was?"

"Yes." Shyaren said and nodded. "The Consulate stood by while Xiao and Triad fought. Then when I and Mirium fought them, Consulate still waited till the last moment. They were calculating, which faction's elimination will be more profitable. They might have killed me and Mirium instead or Renshu and Wanming."

"Yes. But they are all cunning bastards. Kill the strong and dominate the weak. This is a simple strategy. You turned out to be weaker. Thus, they killed the Triad faction and then pressured you into submission. In order to save your allies, you had to bow down."

"Yes, sigh. But it's alright. As long as there is life, there is hope. So what if we lost a few benefits? We can gather more resources and build strength over time again." Shyaren said with hope.

"Hmm. What will be your next move?" Damian asked.

"I will wait until everyone recovers mentally." Shyaren said. "Mirium is yet to experience the wonders of sex. Her openness to it is crucial for her to recover from the r@pe trauma. Have you arranged things for her?"

"Of course." Damian said, looking in a direction. His gaze seeing through walls and observing Mirium who was currently getting pounded hardcore by many men. "We're going to thoroughly break her first. Then mould her mind into that of a submissive cumslut. Then according to your plan, a saviour will arrive to rescue her and then fuck her lovingly while giving her hope. She should have recovered by the end of it. That saviour named Deodomus is on stand-by, resting in our secret chamber while cultivating."

"Thank you. It's a lot of work. You and your men have provided us great support. What can we do for you in return?" Shyaren asked.

"…Let's join forces during the exploration and afterwards too." Damian said.

"I agree. Let's do so." Shyaren replied.

"Additionally, I want you to be my woman." Damian added.

"…I am in no position to refuse." Shyaren said smiling begrudgingly.

"A few days of nonstop sex and you'll accept me from the bottom of your heart." Damian said confidently.

"Hah, there has never been any man who could tame me." Shyaren sneered.

"Challenge accepted." Damian sneered back and grabbed her head, kissing her forcefully.

"Mmm!!" Shyaren struggled a bit but Damian summoned a special dart and stabbed it in her left hip. Shyaren's eyes rolled up immediately and her resistance faded. Damian smiled and pushed her against the wall.

Bwoosh! A gust of chi disintegrated both their clothes and Damian's big white penis was shoved deeply inside Shyaren' black vagina.

"Hnnng!" Shyaren grunted while Damian began to fuck her forcefully, clapping his crotch against her bubbly hips speedily.



At the same time, in a secret room, Mirium was being raped by dozens of men.

"Hahaha, come here you slut! Women are all born to be men's playthings. How dare you break the norm and be a warrior?" One of these men growled and yanked Mirium's hair.

"We will fuck you endlessly and turn you into a cumdump. This is your punishment for not spreading your legs for men and acting all high and mighty." Another man shouted.

Mirium was grabbed, groped, yanked and slapped. Her asshole and vagina were constantly being drilled by thick and long penises. Her breasts had been squeezed and scratched too much. Her face was swollen with all the slaps and her hips had turned red from nonstop pounding.


"Ahh! Ahhn! Oh! Ahh! Let me go! Ahhn! Please!" Mirium begged and struggled to no avail. She was fucked hardcore nonstop.

"Hmph, drink this, you slut. Open your mouth." Someone shoved a bottle of aphrodisiac into her mouth and unloaded the liquid. Mirium's eyes rolled up and her face turned red in lust as soon as she drank it.

Fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap! Intense pounding followed.

"Ahhn! Ahhh! Oh yes! Oh fuck!" Her tone changed dramatically as she began to lose herself in pleasure. This was part of her treatment. Her own friend Shyaren had orchestrated it with help of Damian. Since Mirium had always been pious, she was traumatized when Renshu raped her. Shyaren didn't want her to become like Ankita who was unable to fight anymore. Thus, she decided to break her. Only when Mirium had been broken and turned into a cumslut, could she accept sex as something rewarding and not something to be traumatized over. Afterwards, she'd be 'rescued' and allowed to heal.

While all of this was happening, the Consulate was making its move. Several legions were marching towards a certain hill where there was a mystical door. This was the door to the large hidden strategy that Consulate had discovered a year ago. It belonged to a late-stage Sage realm cultivator from olden times. It was bound to contain riches and cultivation techniques and resources. The door had been locked all this time and required certain ingredients and resources to open. Thus, Consulate had issues mission to all its bishops to procure the rare resources. Their grand plan had caused many changes in the world.

Xiao's life changed because of Consulate's ambition. If not for this strategy that they desired, they would not have sent bishop Han and Lyra on the expedition which brought them to Vrime city where they battled Xiao. Xiao was defeated and fucked and eventually turned into a sex-craving whore who had been mind-broken too many times; impregnated and used by countless men. Like her there were many people whose lives had changed. Many perished in the wars fought for ingredients, many common-folks had to relocate, many women were widowed, raped and sold. Many children were orphaned. Some of them became slaves, some joined bandits while some vowed for vengeance. Consulate cared nothing about anyone. In front of resources and untold treasures, they could spill a river of blood. It was a military organization after all. War and killing were their expertise.

This strategy that they found, was vast with many riches but also had traps inside it. To claim the most of the riches, the Consulate factions had been competing since long. Now that the door had been unlocked, legions had been moving in steadily and securing land inside the strategy. Shyaren and Mirium's factions had been left in the dust while Triad had entirely perished. There was going to be more infighting for sure. But not caring about it, for now, these women fully indulged in sex. Sex was one thing that had changed their lives in many ways.

Xiao had her womb filled to the brim and her vagina was still getting pounded by hard penises. Ankita, Lyra, Inez and all the survivors were having the time of their lives. Their minds clouded by lust, their holes filled with semen and Shyaren was getting dominated by Damian who fucked her hardcore as if she were a cheap whore. Shyaren struggled, not giving in to lust but the more she resisted, the harder she was pounded and slapped around. She was stabbed with powerful aphrodisiacs over and over again. Even her Sage realm cultivation base could not save her. Mirium had lost her will by now, becoming a fuckdoll to all the men of Damian's faction.


Bang! Suddenly a door was kicked open and Deodomus strode in, brimming with energy.

"Mirium! I've come to save you!" He exclaimed dramatically.

"You…" Mirium's eyes dilated at once, remembering Deodomus' handsome face. This was the same person who had saved her once from getting raped by Renshu. He had come again to save her!

Bam! Bam! Boom! A speedy fight ensued and the villains were all defeated. Deodomus then strode over to Mirium and sighed.

"Oh no, you've been fed some unique aphrodisiac. Your body urgently requires yang chi to overcome it." Deodomus said with concern.

"…." Mirium panted silently while rubbing her own vagina. She was in complete heat and unable to stop herself.

"If you don't mind…let me help you." Deodomus said looking at Mirium.

"Hyanhh…" Mirium sighed erotically and closed her eyes while raising her face towards Deodomus. Their lips met in a sweet kiss while Deodomus' hands began to fondle Mirium's plump breasts. Her healing had begun.


Author's note:

&...the consulate arc ends here. Two more arcs remain before the story ends. :D Lots of adventure, fighting, backstabbing and sex awaits. Xiao will go through some sexy transformations hoho.

//PS I'm working hard on making my own website with a colleague. We should be able to launch it soon. I hope you will all visit it when it goes live and support us. Unfortunately we cannot provide eroticas there but there will be a variety of clean stories of many genres, blogs, audiobooks and hopefully comics too. I'll have to quit my job for it lol. Let's see how it turns out. I just wanted to share :D


& here's the discord server link. It's bland and silent but hopefully it will liven up someday when we all gather there, converse and share ideas.



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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C57
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


