18.18% Marvel: Darkclaw Origins / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

章 3: Chapter 3

"L-Logan?" Jada asked in disbelief, stumbling back slightly. Never did she suspect to ever see her estranged lover and child's father ever again.

"H-hey there, Jade. Long no see.." said Logan, scratching the back of his head.

Jada was stunned and grew increasingly more upset. But, before she could say anything, Jax already beat her to the punch.

"Seriously, the first thing you say to the supposed love of your life who you ended up leaving pregnant, is 'long time no see'? I pray that I don't get my social skills from you." Jax joke, lightening the tense situation.

Though she was angry, Jada let out a dry chuckle to her son's joking attitude, slightly relieved. If he was okay enough to joke around, then he was going to be okay.

Hearing his mom break and let out a chuckle, Jax knew that he was nearly successful in calming his mother down. It wasn't that he particularly cared about Logan and Jada's relationship, he just didn't this situation to blow up even more than it already was. Needless to say, Jax was tired from the abuse he suffered earlier and wanted to just take a nice long shower and stay asleep for a long time.

"It's okay mom, he didn't hurt me. If anything he helped me and made sure I got home safe. I ran into a few thugs earlier, but I'm fine now, okay?" Jax reassured, but Jada looked at him suspiciously.

Jada raised Jax by herself, so she knew when he was lying. But, she could also tell that he has experienced something horrible and wasn't ready the surely emotional explosion conversation that was going to be the two past lovers conversation.

"Oh, okay baby. I know you are probably tired from your long day, so go ahead and get washed up. I'll bring you some food later, okay?" Jada asked sweetly.

Too tired to care about the conversation between his too parents, as that was a ball of complications that he did not have the energy to start unraveling. And so, taking his mother's offer, Jax gave a short nod to Logan, and headed straight for his shower.

With Jax in the house, the tension between the two parents rose quickly. Before Jada could blow up at Logan, he said something that poured cold water over her entire world view.

"He's a mutant now, Jade. He's downplaying it not to worry you, but he was definitely dead when I stumbled upon him in a back alley. Then right before my eyes, his X gene activated and my Healing Factor and claws kicked in. I know how you feel about everything, but for better or worse, this is his life now." Logan said, as he forced himself to calm down. Jada always had the power to bring out unusual feelings in him.

Hearing that her said was beaten to death and only came back thanks to her ex lover's genetics kicking in, putting an eternal target on his back sent her through a flurry of emotions. She wanted to tear through the city to slaughter those who nearly took her baby from her.

The whole reason Jada got into genetics was the hope to one day find a cure to being a mutant. While some may see it as a gift, Jada has always seen it as a burden, as mutants were commonly persecuted by humans throughout history.

"When he didn't unlock his X-gene as a baby, I thought he was just a late bloomer, but even as an older child, he still hadn't awoken his X gene, but he did appear to be more resilient than the other children. I had feared him becoming a mutant one day, which is my I went back to school to finish my degree and study genetics. I hope to one day cure the X gene for those mutants who no longer wish to be persecuted. And now, my baby must deal with it too." Jada said, saddened from the trouble that will now be apart of her son's life.

"It'll be fine. He seems to only have awoken my abilities surprisingly, but his seems to be an improved version. He has five claws instead of three, and was naturally born with Adamantium, so he shouldn't suffer from it's poisonous nature like I have to, easily making him an Alpha Class. Though he would've been luckier unlock your Omega genes instead. I still think about the good 'ol days of us in the X-Men, and you causing hell with your dual set of powers as Jade/Dark Jade." Logan said, wearing a small smile as he thought back on his ex lovers powers.

"Yeah, but they weren't good enough to get you to stay with me. Plus, that chapter in my life is long since over now, Logan. After you left me, without even saying a word or leaving me a damn letter, I was forced to leave school and my life behind. But after I had Jax, I realized that I didn't want to put my life in danger anymore as Dark Jade, nor did I even want him remotely near that life, so I hid in Georgia, and did what I have to do to support us. Now, when our life has finally taken a turn for the better, you pop up, my son nearly dies, and his dormant X gene was awakened." Jada said, her eyes flashed with a dark light as she looked at Logan before her.

Though he knew it was coming, Logan still wasn't prepared for her to call him out for leaving. "Jade, look, I know I fucked up, I do! Had I known that there was even a remote chance that you were pregnant, I would've never left! If you don't believe me, I'll even open my mind to you." Logan said as he took down any mental restraints that he always keeps up. Years of working next to Charles Xavier has taught him to always have a mental barrier up.

Jada was hesitant, as she hadn't used her powers since Jax was born, but a big part of her did want to know the pure, unadulterated truth of why the man she loved and hoped to marry left her. And so, thanks to the privacy of her porch area, Jada activated the dark side of her powers in over a decade and used telepathy and looked into Logan's mind, delving deep.

Jada saw Jax and Logan's meeting in the bar and she also saw Logan's perspective of walking into the dark alley and seeing her son, Jax, cold and dead on a pile of garbage, and her heart broke. She stopped their, and nearly vomited at the scene no mother should be forced to witness.

Since it was an allowed intrusion on his mind, Logan saw exactly what Jada saw, and immediately understood what she felt at the scene of their son dead. Though he didn't raise Jax and didn't know the existed until a few hours earlier, Logan was still his father and was feeling the parental connection more and more as time went on. So as the images went through his mind again, it stroked a primal sense in him to run through the city and kill all of those who abused his son.

Seeing Jada on the floor, sobbing, fighting to keep the bike from her throat, Logan reached down and helped her to get feet. "Jade, I know the scene if rough. When I saw him like that, I wanted to run and slaughter the thugs I smelled on him, but I couldn't just leave him alone there, not like that..." Logan said, and was surprised when he felt Jada wrap her arms around him and sob into his chest.

"I know, and thank you so much for going to look for him! I-I went back and saw the day you left me. You truly are an idiot, you know that? Where did you get that stupid notion that you weren't good enough for me? I loved you! And all the drinking and pain you put yourself through all of these years.. Logan, you're not immortal, just a too stubborn to die sometimes. You can't keep living your life like this, not if you want to be apart of me and Jax's life from now on." Jada said, her face still buried in Logan's chest, but her sobbing has stopped, ending in sniffles.

Hearing this, Logan felt like his brain just went through an 404 Error Code. 'Did I just hear that right?' Logan asked himself and he looked brown at the silent Jada, who only held him a little tighter, telling him all he needed to know. Logan felt as though bthe mountain that weighed on him for years was finally lifted, as he hugged Jada back. "I'll do better, Jade. I promise!" Logan answered with all of his heart as few stray tears trailed down his face.

"I know you won't, because if you leave your son again, I've already placed a Mark on you, so I'll find you and send you to live your life in the shadow dimension." Jada said, looking up at Logan with a sweet smile that sent a chill down Logan's spine. For better or worse, he was now on the path to repair his broken family life, and now his life was at stake.

Back with Jax, he currently wasn't having the best of times. Now that his X gene was activated and his adrenaline has calmed down, Jax was bombarded with an overload of information. His smell, hearing, and all of his other senses were on max at the moment, causing a splitting headache from all of the voices and sounds he heard from the city. On top of that, he was hearing random people's rambling in his head, and he couldn't get it to stop.

Out of desperation, Jax hoped in the shower, and did his best to only focus on the water raining down. Eventually, he was able to get a rein on his overloaded senses and keeping them from going haywire again, but felt as though his level of control was flimsy and he could slip and be overloaded at any second.

Not wanting to risk losing control again, Jax sat in the still running shower and trained meditating, using the shower water as a medium while he continued to strengthen the hold on his senses. Jax continued to slowly increase his control, until he heard a knock at the door, which startled him and broke him out of his meditation abruptly. Thanks to his "new ears", the light knocked sounded as if a drum line just did a performance in his ear canal.

Before he could get angry at the interruption, a powerfully familiar scent entered his nose, and he calmed down, as the person knocking was none other than his mother.

"Baby, are you okay? You've been in there an awfully long time. I know this is all probably a big shock to you, but if you can come out, I'll be right here to explain everything." Jada calmed out softly, heeding Logan's advice that Jax's senses were probably super sensitive at the moment.

'Explain things? What could she possibly explain to me unless she was... no way..' Jax thought to himself in disbelief. Then Logan mentioning that he knew his mother from the old days struck his mind like a chord. Could he have truly been born to two different mutants?

Wanting to get to the answers as soon as possible, Jax quickly got dressed and met his mother in the living room. Walking in the living room, Jax saw his mother sitting patiently on the couch. As he scent entered his senses, the scent if Logan was heavy on her, making Jax raise an eyebrow. He had no idea how Logan was able to talk his way back in his mother's good graces.

Sitting next to his mom on the couch, Jax eyed her suspiciously, wondering if she were really a mutant or not, and if she was ever going to tell him.

As if sensing Jax's inner thoughts, Jada let out a heavy sigh. "Sweetie, I think it's time we have a very important talk. As you already know, you and your father aren't quite normal. You are now what we call, a Mutant. I... am a mutant as well. I didn't tell you because I thought that you were born normal and didn't have to be apart of this life. The whole reason I study genetics is to study the X gene and find a way to cure it one day." Jada said, dropping a bombshell on Jax.

Though he already suspected it, he was still genuinely surprised that his mother was a Mutant as well, as he had never seen her in the MCU nor has he even seen her do anything unusual. He was also surprised that she viewed it as something that needed to be cured, as to him, unless you have a physical deformity, you were blessed!

Nodding his head, Jax digested and accepted everything. If he were in his mother's position, he might've done the same thing. But there was one more important thing he had to know.

"I understand mom, I would've done the same thing. But, now that the truth is out, what are your powers? Are they cool? And what are the chances of me getting them too?!" Jax asked excitedly, rapid-firing his questions.

Jada was shocked that Jax accepted and took everything so well, and wore a sad smile when she saw how excited he was. She felt bad hiding the truth from him for all of those years, and was glad he was having a positive outlook on what would now be his new life.

"Well, I actually had two power sets, which went along with two of my aliases, Jade and Dark Jade. As Jade, I wore green and had the power of healing, flight, and had an infectious aura that made those around me feel loved and at peace and bring other Good Luck. This form did have any attacks besides a weak Energy Blast and my skill of Good Fortune, which made me extremely lucky. But I did have a high defense,as I was able to form my body out of Jade, or even make a Jade shield around others. But, my Dark Jade form was vastly different." Jada said, taking on a different tone.

"As Dark Jade, I had an aura that could make those I chose to feel dark, chaotic and make them unlucky. I held dominion of Darkness and had many attacks related to it. I could even teleport with darkness. But a big thing was Telepathy. With Telepathy, no mind was safe from me, even allowing me to plant suggestions and even fully take over a weak mind. My Dark Form was definitely more powerful than my original Jade form. I was even classified as an Omega Class, that's to my control over darkness. Meanwhile, your father was only a Beta Class, yet always felt as though he could beat me in our sparring match, something he has yet to do by the way." Jada said, mildly boasting about how strong she was.

Hearing how powerful his mother was, Jax was beyond shocked. The only Omega Class he could think of was Jean Grey, Storm, and Professor X, which meant his mother was at the level of these legendary figures!

Hearing how amazing his mother was, Jax silently wished he could've gotten her genes instead, and become a God of Darkness. But when he thought of his mother's listed abilities, the voices he heard in his head earlier came to mind, and he wore a large grin on his face. If what he thought was true, he was about to become way more powerful than he initially thought.

Lord_Bell Lord_Bell

Jada was a mutant too, and a strong one at that! Again, this is my own unique Marvel universe, so many things won't be the some, and some characters may act differently.

I'm giving you a fresh new story in a familiar universe, so let's just enjoy this adventure!

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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