16.21% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 8: Ch. 8 House Azaroth

章 8: Ch. 8 House Azaroth

-Capital city of Lucifaad, House Lucifuge Manor.

"What are your opinions on this attack against the Phenex?" A middle-aged man with short silver hair and goatee, red eyes and wearing exquisite black and gold robes.

The man was the current Lord Lucifuge, Alkor Lucifuge.

"Our forces will no doubt crush those rebel scum." A handsome young man with similar features to the lord, long silver hair tied in a braided hairstyle, red eyes, wearing a silver robe with detailed accessories.

Euclid Lucifuge, current heir to Extra House Lucifuge and a known devotee of the Satans.

"*Sigh* And you Grayfia?" The Lord Lucifuge asked as he looked at his eldest child following the disappointing answer of his heir.

The eldest child was Grayfia Lucifuge, a breathtakingly beautiful young woman with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids, red eyes, a perfect body, wearing a black shirt covered an open silver robe, with black pant and leather boots.

"If the forces sent cannot take the Phenex forces down quickly then the situation may escalate should the Satans take action personally." She carefully answered as she kept her expression completely neutral.

"But Elder sister, there's no chance that those weaklings could stand up to us." Euclid said as his gaze wondered over his beloved sister.

"Elaborate Grayfia." Lord Lucifuge simply stated.

"The Phenex are famous exactly for being difficult to put down and since neither I nor Euclid are to be deployed, while the Satans deem the situation below them, I believe that their allies may intervene should things take too long." She explained while the two basically ignored Euclid.

"Ah, you believe the rumors regarding the power of the Sitri heir or maybe the ones pertaining Sirzechs." Her father said as he realized what his daughter was omitting.

Meanwhile Euclid's jaw and fists clenched at the thought of his beloved sister meeting with another man.

"Yes. Should Sirzechs appear none will be able to stand in his way." She coldly stated as if it was an absolute fact.

"Then let us hope for a quick victory." Hummed the Lord Lucifuge as he agreed with her statement.

There is a reason he had Grayfia observe the man during the last few decades after all. He was far too powerful to be left unmonitored and any other would be detected far too easily.

The meeting between the three main members of House Lucifuge ended as the three retired to their own rooms.

'Euclid refuses to grow beyond his blind loyalty to the Satans while Grayfia closed her heart due to her duties as my daughter. I worry for them.' Lord Lucifuge thought as he made his way to his study.

'That Damn insect buzzing around my beloved sister. I will take care to squash him so she never gets besmirched.' Euclid thought as his obsession ran wild.

'Sirzechs… I am sorry.' Grayfia sadly thought as she stamped out the sadness she felt when thinking of the red haired man she had come to know.

-House Phenex border defenses.

"Is everything ready?" The Lord Phenex asked as he went over the plans they had come up with once their spies and informants confirmed the Satans would attack this night.

"Yes my lord! All the defenses are activated and the troops ready!" The general of the Phenex answered through his fully armored body.

"Good, now they have to take down the Fortress to get through. This is the best money can buy after all." Lord Phenex said as he thought about how expensive these forts had been way back when his Grandfather had them built. "How about our supplies?"

"Fully stocked with supply routes prepared. Our cache of Phoenix Tears has also been properly secure." The general answered dutifully.

"Excellent. Now what about our request for reinforcements?" The Lord then asked as he knew he couldn't take on two houses indefinitely. Hold them off for a very long time yes, but they didn't have enough top tier fighters to truly win.

But if they brought some real power houses, then they would fall quickly. A few days at most. Ultimates were called that for a reason after all.

"It isn't optimal my Lord." The general answered with some dissatisfaction, "they've stated that reinforcements would take at least five days to properly reach us and that the aces are in their own lands preparing their armies for the offensive."

"That's not ideal." The Lord Phenex said as he frowned in thought. "Any new on which Houses will be attacking?"

"We managed to purchase information indicating that Houses Fleurety and Balam will be there, but some have said they are not the true leaders this time. We haven't been able to confirm if this is simply a rumor or not." The general answered as best he could.

"Damn. Had to be Balam. Let's hope their Lord doesn't come or we might not last long." Lord Phenex responded as he swept his hand through his blonde hair in anxiety.

He was confident and proud of his House, but sometimes one has to be realistic. The Phenex have become far more mercantile in nature than during the Great War, with this affecting the priorities they held as a House. As a result, the personal might of himself and those under him has focused more on protecting their interests than growing stronger, leaving House Phenex without any sort of powerhouses.

Sure they had plenty of soldiers and guards, but they would only serve to slow down a truly strong opponent or become sacrifices to hopefully take one down.

"We can only hope my lord. House Balam's natural strength is perfect for breaking through defenses and we can only prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

House Fleurety on the other hand is much more manageable. Although their ability to manipulate the weather is annoying, it is a lot easier to counter." The general laid out as he spoke from experience.

"Then let's get to it." Lord Phenex simply said as the general saluted and took his leave.

-Three Days later.






"KLEA!! NO!!!!"


"Damn. Take command while I keep them busy!" Ordered Lord Phenex as he flew towards the charging party of Balam descendants, which included the heir.

Luckily for him it seemed like the Lord Balam hadn't been spotted yet, but his heir was certainly proving annoying to deal with himself.

"Stand aside Lord Phenex! We must break through no matter what." Said the Balam heir, Dorandun Balam, as he saw the Lord Phenex in his path once again.

Dorandun was like most Balams, a large muscular young man with almost rock-like grey skin, light grey eyes and without any hair. He was also naked from the waist up due to his skin being a form of natural armor.

"And I can't let you do that. You're a good kid, why are you fighting for them?" The Lord Phenex responded as he saw that the young Balam heir was reluctant to fight him and his house, but seemed to be cornered into doing so.

"Because I have to." He grimly answered as he started his attack.

The fight between the two was one of endurance. It had not been the first time they fought, but the Lord Phenex's experience allowed him to maintain his advantage when faced with the Balam heir, even while neither could truly harm his opponent. Phenex had their immortality and Balam had their natural defenses.

Lord Phenex would try to breach his skin using his flames while Dorandun struck his foe only for any injury to heal in moments.

While the two fought, the Fleurety army struck towards the Phenex defenses as lightning bolts crashed down from the sky, taking down surprised defenders as a new charge began.

"Damn!" The frustrated Lord Phenex muttered as he was helpless to assist his people and could only watch as the invaders gained a decisive advantage with that move.

"I do not wish for you or yours to be harmed Lord Phenex. The Satans will certainly keep you alive due to your tears, so please surrender." The Balam heir stoically said.

"If I surrendered then I wouldn't be much of a lord. And a Phenex's pride is not to be trampled upon!" Was the response as the Lord's flames rose up and struck his opponent with even more vigor.

During their fight however, a massive portal suddenly opened from behind the invading forces, causing the defenders to fear the worst, only to find two figures flying out of it.

Every devil could easily see them thanks to their race having much better senses than humans.

The first was a figure any Balam House member would instantly recognize: the current Lord Balam, Torock Balam. One of, if not the largest Lord in underworld, respected for his immense physical strength and his power as an Ultimate-Class devil. Like his son, he had rocky grey skin but bluish eyes, and most shockingly he was missing his left leg and arm.

Accompanying him was an almost equally large figure with translucent wings and wearing a set of black plate mail armor with purple accents and deep purple cape. (Think Ainz armor from Overlord when he was being an adventurer, but with purple.)

Looking around the battlefield, Lord Balam spotted his son mid-combat with Lord Phenex.

"DORANDUN YOU LITTLE SHIT, I TOLD YOU TO NOT BE A COWARD!!!" A seemingly enraged Lord Balam roared out as his voice travelled the entire battlefield, making the fighting actually stop to look at the source.

"F-father!? Arg?!" The Balam heir immediately stopped when he heard his father, unfortunately he had been exchanging blows with Lord Phenex and his opponent hadn't really noticed and blasted him with fire.

"Sorry about that kid." Lord Phenex said as he realized the situation was about to change.

"Don't be! That fool deserved a good smack! I'll give him a few more once this fight is over!" The very loud Lord Balam said as he floated above the two.

"What in the world happened to you Lord Balam?" The Phenex asked as he realized the very sturdy man he had feared would invade his home, was in fact missing two of his limbs.

"Those bastards who call themselves Satans happened. Ordered me to come and pledge to their cause, told them their cause was stupid, they didn't like that so they cut of my arm and leg, then blackmailed that little shit to join them after I told him to not listen." He casually answered as if losing an arm and leg was no big deal.

Admittedly they could be healed, but it would take time and a very good healer.

"ALL TROOPS OF HOUSE BALAM!!! CRUSH THOSE SATAN LOVING BASTARDS!!!" Torock shouted, causing the tide to instantly turn around for the Phenex after the Balam troops overheard their lord's explanation as to why he had disappeared and returned wounded.

"And who's your friend?" Lord Phenex asked curiously as he noted the still open portal and the black armored devil above them.

"My benefactor and soon yours as well." Lord Balam answered with a vicious smile.

It was at that moment a voice rang out throughout the battlefield, but unlike the Lord Balam it wasn't a loud roar or shout, it was calm but heavy.

"All troops… advance." The black devil said.

At that moment thousands of armor clad devils rushed out of the portal in as ground troops charged in a wedge formation and began slaughtering the Fleurety troops, while the aerial ones began casting spells in teams and crushing any resistance in their paths through teamwork and power. The final group was in fact specialized in long-range combat and support as they formed shields and barriers to protect their comrades, acted as combat medics and artillery.

All of them were also clad in black and purple, with a House symbol neither lord could actually recognize. (Black and Purple because those are the colors I mainly associate with space.)

(Image here) (This but purple)

"What are you idiots waiting for?! Drive those Fleurety bastards out of our lands!" The Lord Phenex ordered his stunned troops, causing them to roar out for bloody revenge for their fallen comrades.

The battle became completely one-sided as the combined forces of two Pillar houses and their mysterious reinforcements were crushing the Fleurety army.

The two lords decided to join their benefactor up in the sky as he watched the slaughter impassively.

"I thank you for your timely arrival." Lord Phenex said as he approached the armored devil.

"Aye. I thank you for letting me handle my stupid son as well as saving me." Lord Balam followed up with.

"If one wishes for devils to continue living has a race, much less as a faction, then standing with those against those arrogant fools is the obvious Lord Phenex, of course I would help when I could.

As for you Lord Balam, I actually have a soft spot for a House who knows the value of physical strength.

No offense intended Lord Phenex." The armored devil said casually.

"None taken. But I do find myself at a disadvantage over what to call my own benefactor. I would ask if you are from the Abaddon House, but you seem to have a different symbol." Lord Phenex responded as he curiously looked at the man.

"I agree with Phenex. I'd like to at least know who I'm going to thank for getting me out of that shit hole." Lord Balam gruffly added.

"A simple thing to fix. In all honesty I'm mostly wearing this thing for appearance and because it helps moral." The man said in a surprisingly laid back manner compared to the almost oppressive vibe he had been giving out since his arrival.

Taking off his helmet, he revealed a strikingly handsome young man with chocolate colored skin, wavy shoulder length plum hair tied in a ponytail, and eye catching green eyes which seemed to glow.

"Although a bit late, I am Lith Azaroth, Head and Founder of House Azaroth. A pleasure to officially meet two distinguished lords such as yourselves." The young man politely greeted to the surprise of the two lords.

While devils do not age much after maturing physically, their lifespans naturally being 10'000 years long, it was easy enough to tell how old a devil is, and they both felt the young man truly was as young as he actually appeared.

"Ha! To think I got my ass saved by a young'un like you! I must be getting old!" The Lord Balam heartily responded.

"And to think a Phenex was pulled out of the fire by an upstart. Dear me." Lord Phenex almost playfully said as he dramatically passed his hand through his messy blond hair.

"The new must surpass the old eventually after all." Lith responded with a shrug.

"I can still pound you young ones in the dirt even with one arm and leg!" Was the elder Balam's response as he shook his one fist.

"Whatever you say old man, but it's going to have to wait until a fly thinking it's a king is dealt with." Lith replied as he put on his helmet and looked towards an approaching devil.

He could have killed it any time since Lith's [Space] had already encompassed the entire battlefield. He had actually been making sure his men didn't die and were instead teleported to the healers once they were about to die. He could do it so why not? This way they are getting experience without dying, improving for the times he would have to focus all his power on his opponent, which really isn't the case here.

"How dare you useless brutes betray the great Satans!?" Shouted the fly in Lith's point of view.

He was flying, buzzing around, from an annoying family and never stopped loving bullshit.

"Your heads are so far up your own asses that you would kill us all for a war no one wants besides you! Then the so-called Satans attack me by surprise and force my House to fight their battles for them!" Retorted a clearly angry Lord Balam.

"You should be honored to be used by true devils and serving your purpose. And tools who do not listen to their owners should be disposed of." The Beelzebub descendant said as of this was an absolute fact for him.

"Why are you even talking to this fool?" Lith casually said.

"How dare you speak to me!? You are not even a so-called noble, even less than a tool made for us true devils to use, but you dare speak to me like that!?" The completely offended(triggered) devil said as he glared murderously at Lith.

To which Lith simply flicked his index towards the devil, creating a massive hole in his chest instantly.

"At least I am not a bug to be squashed with but a finger." Lith replied with contempt in his voice as the two lords beside him broke out in cold sweat at what they just saw.

Although the devil in front of them was at sill only High-class, he was a descendant of a Satan, meaning even the Lord Balam would find it somewhat annoying to deal with him as an Ultimate-Class, while Lord Phenex would eventually lose to him.

To not even understand how the young man beside them instantly killed him was an indication of the power he wielded even if he never showed off his demonic power itself.

"Hm, it would seem the Fleurety forces are hastily retreating. A clear victory is in sight." Lith said as he did not care about the fool he had killed. "Will you require any additional assistance to rebuild, take care of wounded or in case they return? I know you have Phoenix tears but it would be better to keep your limited stock for a true emergency."

"Ah yes. Some help to treat the wound and make some emergency repairs while I hire the appropriate people would be most welcomed Lord Azaroth." The Lord Phenex said as he snapped out of the daze he had been seen the death of someone matching his strength seeming so easy.

'Truly the strong are the respected.' Thought Lith as Lord Phenex addressed respectfully for the first time.

"I'll take some of that help too if you're offering kid." The Lord Balam said in a much more polite manner than before, "My boys and that stupid son of mine probably hurt themselves during this foolishness."

"What happened to your spirit old man? Of course I'll help you out. We need you for when we'll tear the Satans a new one so they can have another hole to shove their heads up after all." Lith responded as he teased the older man.

"Bwahaha!! You're right kid! Gotta learn how to do that one handed for now too!" Lord Balam said as he went back to being boisterous.

An hour later the fighting was completely done, with a turn-around victory for Phenex. The Fleurety army which had fought was almost decimated after Balam and Azaroth forces joined the fighting, with the only negative being House Fleurety's descendants being allowed to escape by Lith. The others didn't need to know he could have killed pretty much everyone once he had his domain established, but he wished to make the word spread about a new player in the game.

What came next was the treating of the injured and celebration of victory, especially for the Phenex army which had gone through a grueling fight, not even caring that part of those who had attacked were with them.

There was also an epic beat down done by a one legged and armed man of his son which was funny to watch.

Lord Phenex also put on a display about exactly how one uses money and connections by having builders and healers arriving a day after the fighting was over.

By the time Lith had left for his lands the same way he had arrived, the entire Underworld had heard about this new House which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.



First off, Lord Phenex and his entire family were all said to be High-class even 500 years from now, so I feel no shame writing him being matched by the heir of an ultimate-class lord ,who became that way because of his combat experience and natural power, since they are both high-class and their natural advantages kinda cancelling each other.

The Fleurety weather Manipulation was added in because I was trying to figure a family trait for them and during some research there was a version of Fleurety the demon with the ability.

Next up, my vision of supernatural battles would be 3-d, with ground and aerial forces competing using both magic and melee combat. I also believe that the territorial defenses would have stuff set up to prevent teleportation (up to a certain level), barriers to stop magical bombardments and something which would stop devils from just flying by it. If they couldn't then anyone could just wander into your land during war and that would be stupid.

Now about the Balam, like I said in my previous extra author notes, they were forced to participate on the sides of the Satans and I just felt like having those interactions for fun. So that's what happened. Easy way for Lith to get an ally.

Next, the reason none of the aces teleported nearby and went to help is because it could have just made things worse by forcing the Satans to go there too and everything would just cause a ton of deaths, while mass teleportation is impossible due to teleporting usually needing a relatively high level of skills in magic to use and Lith being a very big exception to that rule. From what I know the few means of Mass teleportation involve Dimension lost and maybe a top ten member with powers related to it. So armies would have to travel through flight or some other mean of transportation.

As far where we are chronologically in the war, the first major battle of the war and main offensive from the anti-Satan faction is currently being prepared so about 5 months into the conflict.

Also, I'm making most names up as I go along simply because all the wiki has on most of these people is just Lord this or Lady that.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey


So this here would be kinda how is see supernatural conflicts happening, but in very little detail since having a lot of details would take forever to get done.

I decided to have fun with the Balams just because I could, making them less stiff than most Pillar families because they’re more physical fighters and have more of a warrior mindset.

I think I did Lith’s first appearance in the eyes of the Underworld in a pretty striking manner.

Hope you enjoy.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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