The next morning came around pretty quickly and the cave began to get hot. With shiva still meditating and the old man sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, they both woke up at the same time. Shiva turned around to look at him while the old man just kept his eyes glued on shiva for some reason.. making shiva feel nervous and disgusted.
"Oyy, old man! stop looking at me like that! I don't swing that way, alright?!"
Shiva glared at the old man while standing, but the old man just kept his eyes on him like he's looking through him instead of at him. The old man stood up and walked toward shiva then looked him deep in his eyes and asked, "Who are you?"
They looked at each other for a minute then shiva answered as "honestly" as he could.
"My name is Chu Feng, and I'm a kid, obviously!" He sighed and answered the old mans question.
The old man glanced outside before looking at shiva then shaking his head and answering. "You have weird Qi flowing through you. Even though I'm not entirely sure what it is, it seems like a breath of fresh air and has seemingly endless flowing vitality." The old man sat down once again
Shiva glared at the old man angrily. "What's your problem? You come into my cave, eat my food, don't leave when I ask, then question who I am, If you want answers then you need to answer your own question first."
Just like when the "Lord God" got all snarky with him, this old man is acting the same way, except he couldn't do anything to god, but he can do something with this guy.
The old man just looked at the kid in surprise. No one has spoken to him like this since he was in his youth, and now a little boy is questioning him like he's some kind of child.
"Alright. My name is Ye Muchen and I'm an elder of Heavenly Court. We watch over and protect the entire Eastern plains as the absolute overlords. Now I will ask once more" The man now known as Ye Muchen released some of his aura to pressure shiva, "Who are you." He said in a dangerous tone.
"Ugh" Shiva is having a hard time holding up against this pressure from the old man. So to get it to stop he needs to be completely honest.
"My name is shiva and I live in this forest" He manages to squeeze out before dropping to one knee and panting. Even though he has opened six of his eight inner gates, that doesn't mean that he can withstand the aura of an absolute master like this guy in from of him.
The press released. The old man stood up and walked to the entrance of the cave. "Follow me" The old man spoke them walked out.
Shiva grabbed his Tachi and walked behind the old man. "So, why do live in this forest, shiva? You don't look like you are from a poor family and you also have cultivation arts. I need to know before I offer you something." The old man kept walking with shiva following behind his with his tachi in hand and a frown on his face.
Shiva spoke in a semi-proud voice, "I live here because I'm strong, even though I'm young. And I was always told that I look like my mother." Shiva didn't lie. He has some memories from that were his, and he still needed to comb through them.
Ye Muchen looked back and it seemed like he was thinking. "Your mother you say?"
Shiva not knowing where this is going decided to just come out and say it. "My mother is the master of the heavenly god palace in the central plains."
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
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