37.03% Cobra Kai: A Great Fighter / Chapter 10: Conversation with the Author (You)

章 10: Conversation with the Author (You)

Hey guys, it's been a long time.

Sorry for not updating this story, but I was a little discouraged. That's because honestly this story doesn't matter much to me.

But even so, some ill-intentioned people are judging my story, in fact I don't give a damn about them.

But like any normal person, I don't like being judged, so I stopped, because like I said, this story isn't important to me.Since I have no interest in becoming a writer or anything like that.

Not to mention that English is not my first language, I know there are people who like this story and it's for you that I'm posting again.

Even though up there I wrote that I had stopped, I was referring to posting new chapters, I kept writing when I had nothing to do, but since I had no intention of posting I was also writing another story, two in fact.

These two stories maybe I will post in the future, or maybe not, one is about The Walking Dead and the other is about the novel: Super Gene (I recommend).

But getting back to this story, I will keep updating it, if all goes well it will be a weekly update.

I changed the Synopsis, nothing more the only thing I put in there was that it contains anime elements, in capital letters.

So for you who didn't like this story, don't comment on things like horrible story, just getting out of this story won't change anything in your life.

And honestly it won't change anything in my life either, but if you still comment that, I'll do just that: I'm going to take your Nick and your comment and I'm going to make fun of you.

But back to the story, I had some free time and I kind of went overboard and made a chapter that was over 5,000 words long.

But it's not that, What was it? Did you think there would be no chapter today? Haha don't worry.

I will always do these announcements together with a chapter, but if it's just an ad without a chapter, I'm more sorry if I just post an ad. Make sure it's or what I died about (What I find very difficult, Not me dying, but you knowing that I died).

Or worse, for you of course, it will be a warning that I am abandoning this story.

It might be that I don't post for a while, because of what's going on in the world and how in this story there's about to be a war.

So you understand, of course, if you don't have any problems, of course you won't have any problems with me either.

Well, stay with the chapter.


Everyone was in position, except that guy with the rank of Captain, he seemed quite relaxed.

Unlike the Colonel, the Instructor(I changed to Instructor) was speaking softly.

"Well, you will have some tests for us to find out what your limit is" The instructor spoke, when the guy with the rank of Captain heard this he spoke.

"Who do you think you are to give me orders, I am a Captain you should be showing respect" Kai just looked at him like an idiot.

It was clear why he didn't want to take these tests, he was out of shape, and he clearly didn't know how much authority he had here.

The worst part was that some idiotic people who wanted to be on his good side, forgot where they were, as they started to get out of their seat and make a ruckus.

Kai along with his friends continued to stand still waiting for the Instructor's order.

They are not idiots, and they know that they are in training to go to war, they are not like these idiots, they think what will he be able to get them out of the army or something?

The Instructor looked at them and wrote on his clipboard, some idiots who finally realized where they were wanted to go back, but when they saw the Instructor's cold eyes looking at them, they realized that there was no turning back.

The Instructor waited a few minutes to see if no one was going to join the riot, and when he saw that they didn't even move, he gave a small smile and wrote down on his clipboard.

Unlike the others Kai had one more reason to find those people idiots.

Finding this enough, the Instructor said "Shut up" and showed a symbol.

It was silver and had the shape of a leaf. When they saw that symbol everyone who stayed in line was happy.

And those who came out to fight were sweating, and the person who started all this wanted to run away.

He was just a Captain, but that symbol, symbolizing the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, he knew he was screwed.

Kai honestly didn't know why these people did this, are they idiots? The only explanation was that they were pushed to the limit when they knew they were going to take part in a war, and they went crazy.

At breakfast, Kai had seen this Instructor, and even if he hadn't, he wouldn't do anything.

These people should understand that they are in the army, the worst part is that these people were already part of the corporation and know how to behave, so the most logical explanation to Kai is that they have gone crazy.

"Get back to your seats" The instructor said and ignored them.

"The first test will be an obstacle course" He started walking, some people from the ones who created trouble followed him.

The instructor looked at them and said "I don't remember telling you to follow me" and wrote it down on his clipboard. They wanted to say something, but chose to be quiet, so the instructor said "Follow me".

Everyone followed them this time, they walked to the other side of the camp.

Arriving at the site, the others looked at the obstacle course with surprise, Kai wasn't surprised, he had already seen the course in his morning run.

Since the track is so big on his run, he didn't see the whole track, but at that time he didn't even care about that.

This time, since everyone was in order, the Instructor did his job quickly.

He made small groups containing each group of ten people, Kai was in the fifth group.

"I divide you into groups of ten people, because this track is capable of supporting fifteen people running side by side, but for us to observe you individually it will only be ten people, there is also another reason" The Instructor then ordered the first group to enter the race.

Kai decided to warn his friends, "Take off your jacket".

Since they were all wearing the army uniform, so as not to get the top dirty, even though they all had spare clothes, Kai decided to warn them, but not only so as not to get dirty but also so that the jacket wouldn't get in the way.

The Instructor looked at Kai and nodded and wrote on his clipboard.

The people thanked Kai and everyone took off their jackets, leaving them with a simple white shirt.

After taking off their jackets, everyone went back to their seats, and then the Instructor instructed the first group to start the course.

Contrary to what the others thought, the Instructor did not wait for the first group to finish to send the next group, after a minute, he sent the next group.

"That's the other reason, you will have enough room to overtake the others" The Instructor spoke with a smile.

After another minute it was the third group of people, and after another minute the fourth group went.

As soon as they started, Kai's group got into position, Kai was focused.

He was looking at the first place, he wanted to be the winner.

Since his skill was always on, Kai was seeing many ways to reach first place, but he couldn't see the whole course.

Even with a four minute lead, the first group was just barely at the end of the first stage, almost moving on to the next.

He had one more reason for Kai to tell them to take off their jackets, he could see a small piece of the second stage.

It was a challenge to crawl through the mud.

As Kai was concentrating, The Instructor spoke "There are a lot of people here" He looked back and there were over 80 people in his group alone, and more were coming with their Instructors.

"It's going to be a long day" He then looked at Kai's group and spoke "You are going to be the last ones on this shift"

He looked at his watch and said "You may go".

As soon as he heard what the Instructor said, Kai ran.

The first stage was for dodging, there were some logs to jump and dodge.

Kai ran by dodging and jumping over the logs. As soon as they were leaving he saw that the second group had entered the second stage.

It might not seem like much, but the small time span of one minute, could not be easily overcome.

And no one had managed to overtake the group in front of him, well, even no one had managed to overtake the group in front of him, but someone from the first group had fallen behind.

That Captain was the one who got left behind, who ordered him to be out of shape.

He tried to make the second group not pass him by trying to use his position, but unfortunately for them the second group was completely composed of people who knew Kai, and were sure that Kai would overtake them.

So in order not to lose in an ugly way to Kai, they sped up and didn't care about that person.

In fact, Kai didn't even care about him, he cared more about swerving, and cutting away.

There was an easier place to pass but it took longer, and there was a small gap a little smaller than a window, but it was enough for anyone in that field to get through, but that gap was too high.

So you had to get through with a perfectly calculated leap, or you could end up face down in the logs.

Kai focused on the gap, as much as he was going to be able to go faster than normal with that farther path.

Kai was here to be the best, so it was a certainty that he was going to go through the gap, the fastest and hardest way.

But that gap had a catch, the people who had come in front of Kai and tried to get through didn't make it.

You couldn't reach the gap if you were too close, and the logs were slippery.

Kai smiled with the adrenaline of the race, he then went faster, he was already way ahead of his team, and the fourth team had just passed those logs, in front of him.

So what was distancing Kai from them was those logs.

If Kai could get through the gap it would be a matter of seconds before he could get past the fourth team.

Kai then did what no one else did, when he was about to pass the last log before the gap.

He didn't jump over it, he stepped on the log and jumped, the distance wasn't that great, but Kai was the only person who would have the courage and certainty to jump over the log.

Kai was using his eyes to the maximum, looking everywhere quickly, so as not to have any surprises, but he was sure he was going to make it.

What made him so sure was his ability, he could see his body easily pass through the hole, and as he expected his body flew through the gap in the logs.

But Kai didn't stop, his beautiful eyes rotated as he watched completely and decided the place where he was going to land.

(AN: Before someone says that eyes can't rotate, they can)

Not that he could decide where he was going to land, he was in the air so he couldn't do anything but wait and decide where to go after he hit the ground.

From this side it was not so high, but Kai could see four groups.

They were in front of him, and some had fallen into a hole.

Kai smiled as he had a thought, he then fell to the ground, and using his arms he spun around on the ground.

Standing in front of a fallen log, near the members of the fourth group, he didn't stop and stepped forward and stepped on the log and then jumped.

Kai was standing on top of the hole that some people from the fourth group fell into, it was just after the log, the people who fell were the ones who were in the most hurry and didn't look where they were going to jump into.

Kai knew this was to teach them not to jump anywhere without looking first.

'Looks like they accepted my idea' Yes, this was Kai's idea, to teach the military to look at the places they are going, he had suggested this a few months ago.

Kai had seen many war movies, and heard from his Father how many people died for silly reasons.

Like falling on a landmine, well, Kai knows that people can't know where there will be landmines, but some will be in obvious places, this is to prevent something like this from happening.

There are even more idiotic things about this, people who just jump inside an enemy siege by not paying attention.

Seeing idiotic deaths in movies, may make you think that something like this is not possible to happen, but unfortunately this is not something rare.

They have to be based on something, but unlike in most movies people don't die by stepping on a landmine.

Those who do die can consider themselves lucky, because they end up losing some limbs, having phantom pain for the rest of their lives.

Although this is not the worst thing that can happen to you in a war, because Kai's father wanted him to give up the idea of joining the army, he told him many stories.

But unfortunately for him these stories didn't scare Kai but had the opposite effect, and in the end Kai couldn't wait to join the army.

(AN: This is all just what I know, so if I am wrong, don't correct me)

Well, I'd better get back to Kai.

To make it harder for people to get out, on the other side of the hole had another fallen log.

Kai fell on top of the log, he looked back and kept running, dodging the logs in front of him.

'It would be a lot cooler, if they were under me and saw me run over them' Kai saw that the people who had not fallen into the hole started to imitate him and tried to jump.

He also saw that captain inside the hole, he had an angry face looking at him.

Kai saw that he was looking for something but didn't care and kept running.

One thing Kai didn't realize was that the thing he had lost was something that was on his chest.

He had lost his brooch that showed his status as a Captain.

Unlike the others, he was the only one who didn't take off his uniform, and in the end he lost his brooch.

If Kai had seen this, he would have shaken his head in disgust; he knows that losing this kind of thing has terrible consequences.

But he knew that at the end of the day this idiot is going to lose his job, even so this is going to bring terrible problems for him.

Speaking of brooches, Kai's brooch has been in his pocket since he met General of the army Caesar, he asked Kai to hide it, he even returned Kai's old brooch.

He returned it because first he had taken it to make the other one, and that was exactly the reason he returned it to Kai.

On the back there is a personal serial number, he needed this serial number to change in Kai's records his new patent, and to engrave it on his new brooch.

So in his pockets are his two brooches.

Kai then came to another log lying just like the other one, and on the other side there was also a log

But this time there was no hole, but Kai could see thanks to his ability that at the beginning there was no hole, but at the end there was a false floor.

Kai looked to the sides 'So that's what they are here for' All along the way there were people on the sides, but this time he also saw that they had some layers of false floor along with them.

And looking carefully he saw that they also had medical kits.

Kai kept running and increased his speed as much as possible, he wasn't going too fast before because if someone ended up getting hurt on his side he could more easily stop to help, but now that he knew he had people prepared for any accident Kai finally used his maximum speed.

For a normal person to run at the fastest speed you can might end up making it difficult to dodge logs, but Kai was not a normal person.

Ever since he had gained these eyes, he had always known that they were not just flashy eyes.

Because of the size of the candy addiction he got, they couldn't be just 'normal' eyes, but even though he knew that there was some secret in these eyes Kai could never discover that secret.

And after a while he 'gave up', he knew that one day he would find out, so he decided to wait.

In his training with his father John Kreese, Kai was instructed to focus more on his speed, and was taught that there is no honor in war.

The only thing there is is winning at any cost, which is quite confusing with the teachings he received in the army.

John made Kai increase his speed more so that he would always have a chance to escape, and by the end of the training Kai could run at his top speed of 21 km/h for more than 30 minutes.

But this was on an obstacle course like this, he never ran in an open field.

Running at 21 km/h on an obstacle course is almost impossible to pass without hitting anything.

But that's when Kai discovered how amazing his eyes were, as amazing as his ability is, you can only use it if you can see.

So on an obstacle course at 18 km/h with the wind resistance in your face it is almost impossible to see straight, but Kai never had any problem, no matter what the speed was.

Kai felt like an idiot for only realizing it at that time, because he could see the tires of the cars and count how many times they made a complete turn, for him the world went at normal speed and slow, Kai couldn't explain it.

In fact, Kai thought he could do this kind of thing because of his ability.

When Kai found out, he finally understood why he had to switch eyes and why his ability worked so perfectly, it was all because of his eyes without them he would be nothing.

Well, not necessarily, since his ability is ingrained in his soul, as long as he can sense the environment, i.e. through smell, hearing and touch, he can also use this ability.

But Kai hasn't figured this out yet, and he has barely had this ability for two years, this ability still has many secrets.

Kai then jumped when he reached the halfway point, quickly passing this obstacle.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


