14.81% Cobra Kai: A Great Fighter / Chapter 4: 2 Years Later

章 4: 2 Years Later

2 Years Later~

In a dojo, on the tatami are two people, or rather, an adult and a child.

The man is wearing a camouflage outfit, and has a serious face showing that he has been through a lot, this man is part of the army and even though he is fighting a child he is not underestimating the child.

And looking behind him is the reason, six men dressed like him are injured and one is on the floor passed out, being the last one to fight you can understand why he can't underestimate this child.

And there is a good example on the floor of what would happen if he underestimates this kid, the person on the floor was the first person to fight and was knocked down with only one attack.

The kid has black hair and a scar on his chin that ends up giving it a charm, but the most striking thing about him is his black eyes with a strange flower pattern.

With his shortness of breath it is easy to see that he is tired, but even though he is tired and has fought six people, he has no injuries.

The only thing that looks like an injury are the red marks on his fists that he gained by defeating his opponents.

This child is our protagonist Kai Kresse.

The judge with a serious face looks at the two fighters, and asked "Are you guys ready."

""Yes!"" The two fighters shout, the man speaks with a little fear, and the boy with firmness.

No one can judge the man for being afraid, after seeing his comrades being beaten it is normal to be afraid.

The judge who is the father of our protagonist John Kreese started the fight with a shout "Fight!"

The man was the first to advance, he prepared to punch Kai, but when he was close he kicked him.

Kai as if expecting it smiled and deflected, the man seeing this took a step back to try and move away.

Kai then moves forward, seeing a gap he didn't attack immediately 'That gap looks very forced' Kai thought and then understood and gave a smile 'I see, so he realized that I always aimed at the small gaps in movements and so he set this trap.

'Who am I to ruin someone's dreams' Kai wasn't worried because he was using his skill.

Now if you are thinking 'Wow, what a weak guy he doesn't know how to fight someone without using his ability'.

First if someone has a skill he should use it, not caring what others think, nor what they think of you.

If it wasn't to be used, you would never have a skill.

And second and most important.

Well, as I can tell, he cannot deactivate his ability.

Since he activated it, he can never turn it off, in the beginning it wasn't very noticeable, since the very day he came into this world, he thought he could activate and deactivate this ability.

But actually what happened was that since it was a new ability, he was still getting used to it.

So he would always concentrate on using his ability, and not notice the difference.

But after a year he finally noticed that his ability would never be deactivated.

The good part of this is that the ability would never be deactivated, and the bad part is that the ability would never be deactivated.

Quite contradictory I know, but it doesn't matter anymore, because after a while Kai got used to his ability always being on.

And of course he had some embarrassing moments, for not being able to differentiate an illusion from reality.

But that didn't last long.

Since the illusion is quite different from reality.

And he soon manages to get used to it.

Kai goes towards his opponent, seeing a small contraction in his opponent's muscles, even without his ability he already knew what his opponent was going to do, to improve his ability he learned to read people.

Stopping in front of his opponent, Kai pretends to move forward.

His opponent seeing this thought Kai had fallen into the trap and raised his leg to deliver a knee to Kai's chin.

Kai stops at a safe distance, and his opponent realized that he wasn't going to hit Kai and was about to lower his leg.

But Kai didn't wait, and with a jump he stepped on his opponent's raised leg, and with a little push from his opponent jumped even higher.

Kai then stretched his legs and caught his opponent's head, and spun around, using his weight and strength, to knock his opponent to the ground.

He knew this wasn't enough, so he spun a little so that his opponent couldn't exert all his strength.

His opponent seeing this, tried to push through but saw that he was going to fall anyway, seeing that Kai was going to be the first to hit the ground he smiled.

Unfortunately he didn't see Kai's mocking smile, as expected Kai had expected this and when he was about to fall.

Kai stretched out his arms to stop the fall, and then managed to stop the fall with his elbows and his arms on the ground.

They were in a strange position.

As Kai had spun around and caused the guy to fall backwards.

Kai was upside down with his forearms supporting him and his legs wrapped around his opponent's neck.

And his opponent was even worse off.

Since he couldn't fall to the ground and was with his upper body being supported by Kai, he was looking like a bridge and was quite uncomfortable with this, plus having his neck twisted and his head pressed down by Kai's legs didn't help.

Seeing that everything happened as he had predicted, Kai took a deep breath and counted '1, 2' and as if he had taken a bomb his muscles appeared.

Then, using the strength of his body, he began to lift his opponent 'Let's'.

Feeling the sensation of being lifted up 'Oh no!' He began to feel afraid, he saw the amount of strength he had in that little body, and could feel that with a little carelessness Kai could end up killing him.

Fortunately for him Kai had no intention of killing him, otherwise why would he waste so much time doing all this.

This was something that Kai discovered that it is easier to kill someone than to defeat them, the human body is very fragile.

In an attempt to escape Kai's grip, he ended up kicking the ground, giving Kai even more momentum.

This was also something Kai had expected, Kai was a little relieved, he could take him down using only his own strength, but that would end up causing him to force his body too much.

Kai didn't let this chance pass him by, and lifted him up, and then as expected lowered him towards the ground.

But before he hit the ground Kai let go of his unprepared opponent.

Causing him to be thrown towards the others.

And fall headlong to the ground and faint.

Kai then stood up, he even thought about showing himself and spinning in the air and standing upright, but he began to feel the pain of exerting himself.

'Having a child's body is very unpleasant, I need to train more' Kai thought.

Kai was not worried about problems in his development, because thanks to his skill he could do heavier movements and not get hurt and this training made him stronger easier.

Even this fight was training for him, Kai could beat him with a kick, but he chose to do these moves that would force his body to try to break a limiter.

Yes, he reached a limit, a small limiter, but still a limiter.

"Kai wins!" John says seriously.

Kai looks at him and smiles, at first Kai thought that John was not going to show his feelings much, and would just keep a serious face all the time.

Hiding his feelings.

But he was wrong John was just like before, a good uncle or better father, so after spending two years together the bond between father and son became even greater.

A few minutes later some equally dressed men entered the room.

'I hope I don't have to fight them' Kai thought, as those men gave him a dangerous feeling.

The men that Kai just defeated, were soldiers who had just entered the army, and had never participated in a war.

But these men who had just entered were veterans in the army, people who had participated in the war and survived to tell the tale.

Looking closely at them, Kai remembered something: 'Wait, Dad didn't say that he was also an army trainer.

Then he noticed that the danger area was the same as John's, but it wasn't complete, in fact it was very small, which made him conclude that they didn't complete their training with John

'They pass that dangerous vibe, I wonder what it will be like to fight them' Kai perked up, having fought for a long time for a year he found the fun in fighting.

Kai then remembered this year's fights, of which many were with John.

In which he lost badly each time, it showed that even his skill did not allow him to win easily against someone stronger, and he saw that these men were stronger than he was.

But with these losses, he became stronger, since it is good to remember that his skill is the best for training, Sasaki Kojiro became the best swordsman just by losing.

The best way to train with this skill is to lose, but even though it is only a mental image, Kai never beat his father.

The men then picked up the others, and took them away.

John seeing Kai agitated smiled and handed him a lollipop and said "In the future you will be stronger than them, don't worry" He then put his hand on the head of Kai who was no longer paying attention to anything but the candy in his hand.

Kai even thought about just throwing the lollipop with the wrapper in his mouth, but discarded this idea when he remembered the first time he did this, the taste without the wrapper is much better.

After enjoying the lollipop, he began to think 'It's nice not to be able to defeat someone much stronger than me, since I'm in a series about fighting, it wouldn't be any fun to win easily.

He then felt his body shaking 'What happened, I'll see when I'm alone' Kai thought, he could actually do it now.

But for a reason he has known for a long time, because of his addiction to sweets, if he starts eating sweets he can't stop.


Kai POV~

Let's see what happened, I then closed my eyes to start concentrating.

Living beings can feel their whole body, but we are so used to it that we just ignore it, like breathing.

If you start to breathe actively, you can end up noticing a lot of things, like the movement of your chest, and end up having difficulty breathing, by changing the rhythm.

[AN: I haven't researched this, so if I'm wrong treat it as if it's true].

I was feeling my whole body, the bones and the blood squeezed between the muscles and the flesh among other things made me feel pain.

The body always releases endorphins to stop this pain and make you not feel this pain, but because I was feeling my whole body, this pain came all at once.

[AN: Again, I didn't do any research on this subject]

An image of me then appeared in front of me, because of this ability I can 'create' anything I want and see that thing as if it is real, even though it is just an illusion.

This makes everything easier.

A person with no nose, no ears, no fingernails, no hair on his body appeared in front of me.

Horrifying!' I felt a little chill when I saw that figure, imagine someone just like you but without these (items mentioned above) appearing in front of you.

With a wave of my hand, the skin of that figure disappeared, now only a skinless mannequin-like being to me in front of me 'Much better' I nodded my head.

In those two years I learned not only fighting, but also common knowledge, and the best way to learn fighting and knowing your own body, so I studied a lot of anatomy

And lucky for me, thanks to this skill, which increased my mental capacity and my reasoning, it took me less than a year to learn basically everything.

So it wasn't the first time I saw a human without skin.

With another wave of my hand, another figure appeared, I didn't need to wave anymore that made it look cooler.

The new figure was the same as the other, apart from being a little smaller it was basically the same.

It wasn't the first time I had a mental image of myself, but it was the first time I had made it appear with my ability, so that's why I found it horrifying.

I then began to do my work, moving my hands to dismember myself.

As I watched carefully not to miss anything, in my mind, I was also doing this but it was much faster, since the human eye is limited.

But the difference was not that big, I don't remember but, I am sure that after I got these eyes my vision improved a lot.

One thing I noticed was that besides losing all my memories from my old world, I am also losing my memories from this world, as soon as I saw my father I felt like I knew him, but I put them aside because of these new memories.

Since it was easier to believe that I remembered him for being my uncle than for anything else.

But after some stories of the old John Kreese I found out where I knew him from, he was the founder of the Cobra Kai Karate school.

And that's it, that's the only thing I could think of, and that's because he told me so himself.

I sighed as I lay on my bed mentally tired, but I finally figured it out.

It gives me a bit of shame that I didn't think of it sooner, in fact it hadn't even crossed my mind, I had broken that limiter.

I thought it would take longer to break it, but I see that my body is much stronger after breaking that limiter.

Oh right, I still haven't explained what this limiter means, well all humans have limiters, no matter how strong a child is he will never be able to beat a trained adult.

I myself could not beat those six people with brute strength alone, because of one simple thing: body mass.

It may not seem like much, but this is one of the biggest things that differentiates an adult from a child.

By having more body mass than a child, it is not difficult for an adult to beat a child.

You may be asking yourself, but what's the problem? You have already demonstrated that you are stronger than an adult.

Well, the problem is that since an adult's body has more body mass, it is not only naturally stronger, but also easier to build muscle.

It is common knowledge that not every place in the body can have muscles, some places in the body are more sensitive, and cannot form muscles.

Therein lies a big problem, as a child's body has little body mass, there are not many places where muscles can be formed, which is why it is recommended not to overdo the exercises as a child.

Because they don't have much mass, the muscles are created in the places where they don't exist, and they end up being formed in these sensitive places, and cause problems in their development.

But an adult will hardly have this problem, because they have more body mass and it is more difficult to have muscles.

And this limit, basically limits the speed of my growth, I could just leave it there and after a few years it would disappear.

But how did I manage to break it I guess in three? No, in two years I can reach my maximum height.

Unfortunately there is a downside, my stomach has started to rumble, I need more food and because of the training my metabolism has been greatly accelerated.


I went back to bed after eating something.

I really ate a lot, I ended up eating twice as much as usual, I hope I don't always have to eat like this.

Yawning, I wonder what I am going to do tomorrow.

Well, I'll see later.

I thought as I closed my eyes and entered the world of dreams.


SmotheryGecko SmotheryGecko

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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