4.12% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 23: Chapter 22

章 23: Chapter 22

While I wasn't bedridden anymore, I still didn't adventure out of the college for another couple days, just deciding to take it easy and do some studying. I was also pleased to find out that the College did in fact have a dining area. Actually, the College had a lot of things I didn't know about until now. It took me sitting down to realize I had been bouncing all around the place without resting.

I'm certainly not against being on the move and with a purpose, but it's good to sit down and reflect sometimes.

My only purpose right now was to just get as strong as possible. I did not like the feeling of weakness, being unable to choose my own paths in life, having to actually avoid certain foes because of their power.

What could I do if a dragon pops up right now? It ashamed me to admit, not much. Well, not much without sacrificing myself either crippling my potential or just outright giving a last hurrah.

"Wilhelm, just the person I was looking for!"

I turned around and saw Enthir walking towards me. "Enthir, you look like you bring good news."

"I do, I do. But first it's good to see you up and about. The whole college is in a tizzy about what happened." He slid into a chair at my table. "I have a few….friends that are particularly interested."

"I see, and I'm sure these interested parties have been most generous with their patronage in the past?" I lightly tapped my fingers on the table, studying his expression.

"Oh yes, most generous. One might even call them repeat customers." He held back a toothy smile.

"And no doubt they would pay quite a sum for information of such an unnatural phenomenon."

"Who knows." He smirked at me.

"Well, I suppose I could say a few things, from one friend to another." He's being very overt in asking me for information. I prefer this than trying to pick apart my words or trying to subtly get me to say things by accident. "It seems there was a magical artifact that would absorb magicka nonstop in the depths. I was able to discharge all the stored power safely, but I don't know what happened to the artifact after that."

"Hmm, not much different than the official reports then." He sighed.

"Well, I have one little bit of information that was left out….." I leaned in. "The Psijic Order made an appearance."

His eyes widened, mouth opened about to say something then closed. "That is a very….valuable piece of information."

"Indeed, I'm sure you will be able to report back to your very generous patrons with good news."

Yeah, go fuck yourself, Psijic Order.

He nodded vigorously. "I do have more business with you though." He reached into a bag he was carrying on his back and took out a wooden box, placing it on the table. "I am man who can get things." He boasted, removing the lid. There laid a sword, made of a familiar blue glass. "Its name is Chillrend."

"How beautiful." I ran my finger across the surface, it was exactly the same as the sample the Archmage gave me. "Where did you find it?" I doubt the excited look on my face was missed by him, but I was too happy to finally have this here.

"Well…." He looked around, and I wasn't quite sure why the dining area was rarely ever occupied, people were always busy, never having time to sit down here and waste time. "You've heard about Riften, yes?"

"I did, dragon attack, nasty thing." I nodded along, I did feel sympathy for those people at Riften.

"Yes, but did you know the Thieves Guild is based in Riften?" He whispered.

"I did not." Actually, I barely knew anything about the Thieves guild, really only their name referenced once or twice in a book.

"Well, you didn't hear this from me, but their previous leader had put his hands on the guild's treasure. This only came out due to the aftermath of the dragon attack. One thing led to another, and a new master took his place. I hear she's been picking apart all of his possessions, trying to sell them away to refill the guild coffers."

"And this was one of his?" I eyed the weapon.

"Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't." He gave an exaggerated shrug.

"I see, and what is this costing me?"

"Well, considering how much the gems and the axe sold for, you would owe me a little over a thousand septims...but, why don't I just make it an even trade." He gave me a smirk. "Call it, the 'friend' discount."

"I believe this has been a mutually beneficial relationship, and I look forward to your services for any future endeavors." I held out my hand, sharing the same smiling as him.

He grabbed it, giving it a shake. "Yes, it has been most rewarding." With that he got up and left the room.

I lifted the sword out of the box, putting it eye level, getting a feel for the weight.

A light swing and it left behind a chilly mist in its wake. "It's beautiful, right?" I asked, turning my head, eyeing Meridia sitting at the table. She had been appearing more often lately, even if it was only for a few moments. Not that I'm complaining, I just hope she wasn't disregarding anything important to come see me. These past two days she had popped in probably half a dozen times to merely exchange a few words before departing again.

"My sword is better." She gave a small grunt.

"Of course." I replied without a second thought. "Dawnbreaker is also much more powerful, you made it after all."

"Flattery will get you nowhere." She said, but her happy expression betrayed her words.

I put the sword back away and put it all in my ring. "Would you like to go for a walk?" I offered my hand.

"I….would like that." She stood up, taking my hand.

I took her out of the dining area, through the may halls that housed a large font of magicka and out to the courtyard. "I suppose you don't get much of a chance to walk among mortals?"

"I never had a reason to before." She sniffed. "It generally caused more of a ruckus when I appeared in the past before my followers. I learned to keep my dealings more…. impersonal." She admired the view, peering over one of the ledges. "But I suppose there is a certain…. satisfaction, walking through Nirn with my own feet."

"You know, you don't have to always be the one coming to see me." I gave her hand a little squeeze, and a small smile.

She paused at looked at me. "Are you referring to how you were able to connect to my realm of Oblivion without my permission?" She raised an eyebrow.

"What ever could you be talking about?" I looked at her in mock confusion written all over my face.

"Of course." She pursed her lips.

"Hmm, I may know a thing or two…..perhaps I could even be susceptible to a bribe."

"A bribe is it? Am I to assume the nature of this 'bribe' involves my legs in some manner?" She eyed me suspiciously.

"I can neither confirm nor deny that your magnificent legs might play a part in loosening my lips." I gave her a smirk.


"Admittedly, this is not what I expected you to request."

I looked up, staring into her Meridia's beautiful eyes as my head rested on her lap. "Oh, what did you expect? Please give a very detailed explanation."

"Hmph, I won't fall for your games." She huffed cutely. "To find out that my man is a deviant."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. "So, I'm your man now?"

"Is there any need to deny it?" She looked away with an ever so slight blush on her cheeks. So cute, it was too much and I gave her thigh a little squeeze. She gave a small yelp in surprise, looking back down at me and huffing again. "Is it about time to uphold your end of the bargain?" She crossed her arms.

"It's called the Kaleidoscope; A magic that allows me some manner of control over space and dimensions." Which was true.

"I've never heard of such a thing." She looked at me thoughtfully. "How many people know about this 'magic' of yours?"

"Just me and my…..Grandfather." I guess I'll just refer to my previous self as 'grandfather' for now, makes it less complicated.

Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, I briefly wondered about him then pushed such thoughts aside, I was more focused on the beautiful woman whose lap I now occupied.

"Perhaps that is for the best, the method in which you tore into my realm….I do not wish for it to be widespread. I shudder to think what would occur if one of the 'others' could make use of such a method and possibly enter Nirn fully."

I finally set up, adjusting myself next to her. "You know, I wasn't joking when I said I could come to you as well…"

"You would venture into my realm of oblivion?" She looked at me incredulously. "I am not lessened there like I am here. I could do….anything to you I desired."

"Anything, huh?" I raised an eyebrow. "As long as you're gentle about it. It would be my first time after all."

"That isn't what I meant!" She puffed up. "Truly, your mind is only filled with perversions."

"I blame the goddess who seduced me." I wiggled my eyebrows for extra effect.

"I did not seduce you!" She huffed out with exasperation.

"I still remember that beautiful woman beckoning me, displaying her legs in all their glory, offering me 'anything' I wished with that 'come hither' look." I gently ran my hand down her leg. I looked up into her eyes, they were not unwelcoming but also a bit hesitant. If I wanted to push I probably could, but it didn't feel right. Instead, I leaned over and placed my lips against hers.

She was the one who broke the kiss, reluctance was written all over he face. "Will….."

"Ah, is it time already?" She probably had to head back.

"I must return." I could feel the hint of sadness she gave off.

"I see." I stood up, taking her hands into mine as she followed. "I'll miss you." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"...Your absence will be noticeable." She replied, trying ever so hard to keep her expression neutral.

Gods it was so adorable when she acted like this. I guess some things were still difficult for her to say out loud. I briefly wondered what would happen if I pinched her cheeks....but I didn't want to ruin the mood.

She looked down at our hands then back up to me. "I wouldn't be remiss if you found yourself in my realm." She said quietly, disappearing back into oblivion. But I saw that small rosy complexion on her cheeks.

That woman…..how can she be so cute and so scarily powerful at the same time? I just want to bully her a bit and see her reactions.

Well, she probably would be able to step away again for a few days, at least. I may as well head to Whiterun and see if I can finally get this sword made now that I have all the pieces.

AStoryForOne AStoryForOne

Sword next!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


