Guntu's mental transmission reached the minds of every Origin god here, not letting his chance go, "Do you know that I started this war? I'm sure you've heard about it because everyone is talking about it. What you may not know is that the child of the plane is from my family too. The entire war to end the era of the gods is an endeavor started and ended by the Ghastorix family. Our family is such a noble and heroic family full of heroic individuals like me. What? You don't believe me? Let me call him for you."
The Origin gods groaned while Guntu beckoned grandly to the child of the plane and Soverick nodded. He floated towards the Origin gods. On his way there he pulled out his stat sheets and had a look.
NAME: Soverick Ghastorix (Legion-2)
TITLE: Child Of The Virut Plane.
RACE: Battle Sage Monkey
BLOODLINE: Unknown Royal bloodline.
POWER LEVEL (BODY): Mana Body (16% Conversion)
POWER LEVEL (SOUL): Soul Reformation (Complete)
Yes, the second Volume has ended. The Era of the Gods in the Virut plane has also ended. We started from when Soverick was busting his father's balls and ended with him busting the balls of gods. It is an upgrade well worth the trip. To think this all started because of one cowardly plant. Thank you for staying with me through this journey. We Still have much to see, so stay tuned.