
Chapter 41: Power Testing & Checking In

Wearing some trainers, a black shirt, and some black pants I stood in one of the various training rooms on the fourth floor of the Command Center.

Sage standing right in front of me dressed in similar clothing.

The two of us getting ready to evaluate her new spider powers.

Which I am extremely interested in seeing.

Given how many different spider-theme heroes there are in the Marvel universe.

There's no telling whose power set Sage got.

Even if she was bitten by a spider created in the same manner Peter will gain his powers from in the future.

After all in the comics Cindy Moon and Peter were bitten by the same spider but Cindy got extra powers.

Simply put we don't know what Sage can do.

Hence this power evaluation.

"Ok Sage, are you ready?" I asked her.

"I am." Sage replied.

"Alright then. Let's get to it. First test, speed." I spoke.

When I did so Sage took off running and I started the stopwatch in my left hand.

After she ran a mile I stopped it and then saw she ran it in only one minute.

Letting me know she had superhuman speed.

We moved onto the next test after I told her this.

Superhuman strength.

Then the next, then the next, etc.

We did all the standardized tests we created for power evaluations.

Then once we got through with those we moved onto more specialized tests.

Namely ones I suggested to see if Sage had certain spider powers associated with any of the other spider-themed heroes of Marvel.

When all was said and done we knew several things.

First, concerning Sage's superstrength.

At the moment she can lift five tons.

Second, she has all the other basic powers that come with the spider physiology package.

Enahnced durability, healing factor, stamina, agility, reflexes, wall-crawling which we confirmed earlier in the medical bay, and finally the coolest and most iconic power of any spider hero, the spider-sense.

Finally, Sage has several power not associated with Peter Parker.

The first we discovered is organic-webbing.

The second is Venom Blasts.

While the third is a power Sage herself discovered after using her original abilties to examine herself.

Pheromone Secretions.

So taking all of this into account it told me Sage was blessed with the powers of Jessica Drew, also known as Spider-Woman.

Which I found to be extremely interesting.

As well as happy that my sister got such amazing spider powers.

Now she's even more lethal than before.

But still nowhere near as lethal as me.

Our evaluation finished Sage and left the training room we were in and headed to the elevators.

Getting on we headed down towards the living quarters.

"So how are things going for you? Classes ok?" I asked.

Since Sage is currently working to get her Ph.D in Mathematics from Columbia University.

Which I suggested she do since a degree from such a prestigious university will help legitimize her work more in the future.

I mean even Tony has a degree from MIT so that proves they hold weight.

Even if some people don't really need them.

Which I never thought I would say given how hard I worked to get my degree in my previous life, but here I am.

So yeah.

On another note I am currently working on earning my second Ph.D from Columbia University.

This time in Chemical Physics.

"Yeah. They're super easy." Sage casually replied.

Which from almost anyone else would sound arrogant.

But with Sage I know it's the truth.

"Okay. Just checking." I said.

The two of us then rode in comfortable silence until the elevator arrived at the living quarters.

When they did Sage and I went our separate ways.

Entering my room I moved to clean up and change clothes.

I then portal'd directly to Kamar-Taj.

Wanting to check up on Illyana.

Who I brought to meet the Ancient One the moment I got her and the rest of her family settled.

The moment they met the Ancient One took on Illyana as her personal apprentice.

A move I wholly expected her to make given Illyana natural magical aptitude and her great personal magic reserves.

Once more he hasn't even awakened her X-gene abilties yet and connected to the Limbo Dimension.


Her magical future is bright.

Especially with the Ancient One looking after her.

Now that lolicon stalker Belasco won't be able to grab up Ilyana without a fight.

Yet another reason I am glad the Ancient One decided to train Illyana.

Walking through the halls of Kamar-Taj I arrived at the courtyard in no time.

When I did I saw the Ancient One sitting on a pillow drinking some tea, while Illyana stood in the courtyard facing off against three novices who have surrounded her in a circle.

Upon my arrival the Ancient One turned to me and flashed me a smile.

"Mr. Maxwell. Welcome. What brings you here today?"

"I came to check up on Illyana." I replied.

"I see. Well if you wish too see how she has progressed then simply watch the spar that is about to occur." Ancient One said.

Giving her a nod I focused my attention on the spar.

Summoning eldtrich whips at the exact same time the novices sent them all towards Illyana at the exact same time as well.

Speaking to their level of teamwork.

Despite the energy whips coming towards her Illyana was eerily calm.

I soon found why a second later.

By simply snapping her fingers she created multiple portals around herself and the three novices.

The eldtrich whips each entered one of the portals Illyana created, and each exited out a different one.

Creating a bit of chaos.

But that only lasted a second before the novices canceled their eldtrich whips.

Right after they did do Illyana punched out with her right fist through a portsl near it, and if came out of a portsl next to one of the novices.

Right where his liver was.

Allowing Illyana to land a live blow.

Which given her age of nine years old didn't cause much damage.

But it did cause some.

Wincing the novice Illyana punched slightly fell to his knees.

Though as he did so his two companions started weaving through the portals Illyana created and started closing the distance to her.

But as they did she created more and more portals to impede both their paths like it was nothing.

Though for Illyana I guess it is.

For her to be able to create so many portals simultaneously she must have an incredible affinity with spatial magic.

Which makes absolute sense since her X-gene ability 'Stepping Discs' allows her to travel across space and time in the comics.

Still I didn't think Illyana would be this capable in magic at least for a few more years.

Yet seeing her right now she is blowing my expectations away.

"Wonderful is she not?" Ancient One asked. "Young Illyana."

"She truly is." I replied. "I wouldnt be surprised if she took your job one day and became the Sorceror Supreme." I joked.

Even though I already know that the Ancient One has already chosen Strange to be her successor after her death in the future.

But given the changed I've made that future might not longer exist, and if it still does I don't think changing it would be so bad.

I mean the Ancient One has grown on me despite the short amount of time we've spent together.

She is also my teacher.

So yeah, preventing her death is now on my long long, incredibly long to-do list.

At my words the Ancient One put that smile on her face as she always does. Not giving anything away.

But since she's older than dirt, and several counties, I am not suprised her pokeer face is this good.

She'd probably make a killing in Vegas.

"Well young Illyana certainly could. But I feel her destiny lies elsewhere." The Ancient One spoke.

"I see." I mused.

After I did so I focused my full attention back on the sparring match.

It lasted for ten more minutes before it became Illyana defeat.

Although she out up a good fight her age was her downfall.

The other students easily overpowered her.

But give her another five or six years and such soars will be turning out very differently.

I just know it.

When the match ended Illyana came over to me and the Ancient One.

"Teacher, teacher, did you see me?" Illyana asked the Ancient One.

"I did." She replied. "But Illyana it is rude to greet me first before our visitor." The Ancient One said.

After she did so Illyana looked in my direction.

"Mr. Roman. Hello. Sorry." She said.

"It's fine Illyana." I told her. "So, I came to see how you are doing here but from little I've seen I can see you are doing well."

"Yes, yes. Everyone here is so nice." Illyana beamed. "Even master's Mordo and Kaecilius. Despite how scary the look."

I chuckled at this.

"Well I agree with you there." I said. "Well then since I completed my task I'll be off. Goodbye. Oh and don't forget to meet your family for Sunday dinner."

My peace said I opened a portal and returned to my Jersey City apartment and then closed it.

I then started to relax.

Watching some Star Trek: The Original Series as I did.

Fun fact: in this world there are more than three seasons.

There are eight.

I truly love this world.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C41
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


