
Chapter 5: Planning & Assessments

Sitting at my desk I had a notebook open in front of me.

Lightly twirling a pen in left hand.

It is now night and I am dressed in my pajamas.

Meanwhile Bobby is fast asleep in his own bed.

To think, of all people I would end up with him as a roomate. I guess that means my luck isn't so shitty after all.

Still, just because things are going relatively well for me right now doesn't mean I'll just sit back and relax.

Because there are so many threats to prepare for and so little time.

Sure the events of Avengers aren't supposed to take place for another twelve years, but since this world is a mish-mash of so many marvel-based films I can't be sure events from the MCU will take place exactly when they did in the films.

That's not even counting other threats out there.

Like Galactus.

So yeah.

I can't waste a single second.

Especially when I basically no way to combat the coming threats of the future.

Right now I am simply an un-important teenage mutant.

I have no sway and no ability to do anything major to change upcoming events.

A situation I plan to rectify sooner rather than later.

Which is why I am sitting at my desk right now, starting to make plans on how to do just that.

I stopped twirling the pen in my left hand.

After I did so I began writing down a list in my notebook of several things I both needed and wanted to get done in the next decade.

When I was finished writing the list I put my pen down and reviewed it to make sure I didn't miss anything.

1. Recruit my own team/subordinates

2. Make large amounts of money.

3. Improve the rights of those with the X-gene overall.

4. Prepare the world for Thanos and other intergalactic threats.

5. Learn/attempt to learn magic

As I finished reading the list I nodded my head.

It's not a bad start.

Closing my notebook I put it in my desk along with my pen.

I then climbed into bed to get some sleep.

I didn't want to be tired on my first official day of school after all.


Hearing an alarm go off I opened my eyes and saw Bobby turning off his alarm.

Once he did so he looked at me. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine. I was going to have to get up anyway so why not now." I replied.

I then got up to get ready for the day.

Joining me Bobby allowed me to use the bathroom first.

He also explained to me that each dorm room has a personal bathroom for the occupants.

Something which I am grateful.

Since sharing a bathroom with a bunch of teenagers is not something I want to do.

I mean I'm a teenager too but I think you get my point.


After getting myself cleaned up and ready for the day Bobby took his turn in the restroom.

As he did so I quickly went through my belongings to make sure everything the original Roman of this world kept in his subway station home was in my possession.

Most importantly the stash of $4,000 cash he had hidden away.

Finding the money I put a small smile before putting it back where it was.

Just as I did so Bobby came out of the bathroom.

"So breakfast?" He asked me.

"Sure." I replied.

With that the two of us left our room to get something to eat.


Arriving at the dining hall Bobby and I got our trays, got some food, and then found ourselves some seats.

Several of the other students buzzing around us.

"So, it is always so lively around here?" I asked. Cutting up my pancakes as I did so.

"Pretty much." Bobby replied. "But don't worry. Stick around long enough and you'll get used to it."

"I'll take your word on that." I said.

I then began eating my breakfast. Making small talk with Bobby in the process.

Turns out Ice Man is a pretty easy guy to talk to.

As the two of us finished our meals we put our trays on a dirty dishes cart before leaving the dining hall.

"So, what's your first class?" Bobby asked me as we walked the halls.

"No idea. I just arrived here yesterday, remember?"

"Right. So that means today is assessment day. Good luck." Bobby said.

"Right." I replied.

Just as I did so I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

"Mr. Maxwell."

Stopping in my tracks I turned around and saw Jean.

"Good morning to you." Jean said. "You as well Mr. Drake."

"Good morning." I replied.

"Ms. Grey, morning." Bobby said.

"Mr. Maxwell if you could please follow me." She said.

"Sure, but why?" I asked.

"We're going to have you do a few tests today to gauge where you stand academically." She explained.

"Okay." I replied.

"Good luck." Bobby said. "You'll need it."

"Mr. Drake. Shouldn't you be getting to class? You don't want another tardy slip now do you?" Jean asked.

The moment after she did so Bobby was moving.

Lightly chuckling at this I followed behind Jean.

The two of walked no more than ten minutes before we reached our destination.

An empty classroom.

Entering it I took a seat at the desk in the front, while Jean went over to the teachers desk and grabbed a stack of papers and several pencils.

Walking over to me she placed them in front of me.

Looking down I started flipping through them and saw all the papers were tests pertaining to various subjects.

Math, English, Biology, Chemistry, History, etc.

When I finished counting I noted there were fifteen tests overall.

This truly is an assessment.

"I would like you to complete all these tests to the best of your abilties Roman. Please also try to answer all the questions. Now then, do you have any questions for me?"

"Is there a time limit for when these have to be finished?" I asked.

Jean shook her head. "No. Because these assessments are what you'll be doing for the next week. This is to help us decide what classes you are eligible to take."

Okay." I replied.

I then picked up a #2 pencil, picked up the Math assessment and got started.

The hours began to pass by as I worked to complete all fifteen assessments.

Which to me were pretty easy.

Since all of them were high school level problems, with a few college-level problems here or there.

As someone who completed high school in my previous life and then went on to earn a bachelor's degree in Chemistry I can say I wasn't surprised by much on the assessments.

Though the science and history assessments did throw me off a bit.

Since the history of this world and the laws of its science are quite different from my previous one.

The Pym Particle being a perfect example.

Despite these differences however I finished all of the assessments.

Putting down the pencil in my left hand I stretched my arms into the air. "Man, that was tiring."

But at least now I am finished with these assessments and on the same day no less.

Seeing me having finished the assessments Jean picked them up snd then gently tapped them against the top of the desk to straighten out the stack.

"Good Roman. So with this you are done for the day." Jean explained."Oh and one more thing." She spoke.

Reaching into her pocket Jean pulled out an I.D. card and handed it to me.

Taking the card I looked at it and saw my picture along with all my personal information for this world.

"Since you didn't have idea the professor had this made for you." Jean explained.

"Thank you." I replied.

I then got up and left the classroom.

A soft smile on my face as I did so.

Since things are still looking up for me.


A/N: So nothing major happened in this chapter but there will be chapters like that in this story. So be prepared for them.

It won't be all action all the time.

There will also be several lemon chapters in the future.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


