50% In Naruto as Kokushibou / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: No Tittle

章 6: Chapter 6: No Tittle

A few weeks later after it was announced that Might Clan would control the Konoha Military Police, Kokushibou invited the Hyuuga, Akimichi, Yamanaka, and Nara clans to join, which everyone accepted, especially the Hyuuga, who saw an opportunity to increase their influence.

Crime dropped a lot in the Village, criminal organizations that had businesses in Konoha began to disappear from the map, some even had Konoha Shinobi in their pockets, these people were also arrested and lost all their possessions.

The population was happy to have the streets of Konoha clean of crime, but it wasn't all flowers as some merchants were arrested for ''collaborating with criminals'', but these merchants were people who tried to sabotage the business of the Might Company.

Now we can see our protagonist in a part of the forest training his Moon Breath, he finally managed to master the Third Form: Enkizuki – Tsugari.

It took him a long time to master the Third Form because the paperwork was taking his time, even with the shadow clones, as well as handling Clan Might business, along with the Military Police reports and documents he had to sign, not counting the ever-increasing difficulty to master each Form.

Swinging his sword rapidly to form two gigantic crescent cuts, Kokushibou created a storm of small crescent moons, causing great destruction in the area, the trees were totally destroyed, the same goes for some rocks.

''Koshi-Kun!'' shouted a certain familiar voice to Kokushibou, looking back, he saw Ino carrying a bento with her, he couldn't help smiling at her because every day he trained she was bringing food for him.

As for Ino, she had her face red as a tomato, Kokushibou only wore her pants during training, leaving her whole chest exposed, even though Kokushibou was still a young man in development, his body already showed certain muscles.

''Thank you Ino-Chan'' Thanked Kokushibou as he took the bento from Ino's hands, not caring about her red face, he sat down and started to eat.

''So how's your clan been doing, Ino?'' Kokushibou asked as he stopped eating for a moment and looked into Ino's green eyes, who were also looking into his six eyes.

''It's been fine, thanks to the perfume ideas you gave us, our sales started to skyrocket, Mommy has only been saying good things about you,'' Ino replied as she smiled at the end, because of Kokushibou's suggestions, they started will use their plants to create new types of perfume that have been successful for both female and male audiences.

Why didn't Kokushibou use these ideas for himself? For he wants to have a deeper relationship with Clan Yamanaka, just as they already are with the Akimichi because of their gastronomic ideas.

He thinks long-term, Kokushibou wants to have a good relationship with as many clans as possible, leaving aside the clans that are in the Elders group and especially Danzo.

Because in case his clan doesn't have a good relationship with the Hokage that come after Hiruzen, he will need the support of the other clans of Konoha.

''Come on Ino-Chan, it's late and dark soon'' Kokushibou said as he stood up and stretched a little.

Ino nodded, then the two started walking the streets of Konoha, wherever they went Kokushibou would receive looks of respect and fear from the citizens of Shinobi.

Everyone knows that Kokushibou is the most powerful and influential person in Konoha, he has the Konoha Military Police in his pocket, not to mention the Might Company, which had a lot of influence not only in Konoha but throughout the Land of Fire, besides doing trade with the other Elemental Nations.

Some girls were blushing to look at our protagonist's body, some even had hearts in their eyes, this made Ino look at them angrily as she held Kokushibou's right arm, while he didn't care, even smiled.

While the two were walking and talking, they heard a voice on their left shouting ''Kokushibou-Kun!'', turning to the left they saw a little black-haired girl with pearly eyes, it was clearly Hinata.

''Hi Hina-chan'' Greeted Kokushibou, Hinata nodded and looked at Ino, who was holding our protagonist's arm.

''Oh, hello Ino-San'' He greeted Hinata with a smile on his face, but that smile looked quite scary, with a shadow covering part of his face while his eyes were closed.

''Hello, Hinata-San'' Greeted Ino in kind, people who passed and looked at this interaction leave as soon as possible, as the atmosphere was quite cold and heavy.

''W-Well, how have you been during this time, Hina-Chan?'' Kokushibou asked trying to lighten the mood, Hinata was different than he imagined, he was having an image of a certain girl with long pink hair in clothes from Japanese high school, he hoped Hinata didn't turn into that, nor did Ino.

''Well, daddy has started to help me with training,'' Hinata replied smiling beautifully at Kokushibou, unlike the look she was giving Ino.

''That's good, well girls, I need to go because I have more paperwork to sign'' Said Kokushibou as he ran at full speed to his Clan Complex, not before giving them a kiss on the cheek.

The girls were surprised by the sudden action but didn't complain, they were even blushing, but this was momentary, as they soon began to stare at each other.

''You have enough courage to hold Kokushibou-Kun's arm, Yamanaka, if you were you would be careful, it would be a shame if your food had something that could kill you'' Hinata spoke with venom in her voice while her Byakugan was activated.

''The same goes for you, it would be sad if the Princess of the Hyuuga Clan had a tragic end somewhere,'' Ino replied as she smiled at Hinata, holding a kunai.

The two stared at each other for a long time, but then each went to her house, meanwhile our protagonist finally arrived at her house and went straight to take a shower.

He saw on the way his father running with Rock Lee and the other 3 members of the Clan, he didn't even have time to say hello before they passed him almost at the speed of light, leaving a lot of dust in the way.

After Kokushibou showered, he went to his office, where he had 2 guards outside protecting them, after greeting them, Kokushibou went into his office and went straight to a drawer in his desk, opening the drawer, he took the papers that were blueprints for ships.

The ship's blueprints were few, as Kokushibou had only researched a few in his past life because he found them interesting, most being merchant ships, but he still had the memory of a few warships.

Caravels, Naus, and Galleons, all were Portuguese models, Kokushibou was wanting to build ships because he would need them later, after Gatō is destroyed, Kokushibou will have to be quick to guarantee the monopoly of Maritime Trade in the Land of Waves.

Kokushibou was also looking to buy land, but this sale would be involving the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, as the land involved... the entire southern end of the Nation.

Obviously, the Daimyo would not accept to make such a deal, as the entire southern end of the country would even be in the hands of Clan Might, even if that region itself is extremely poor.

But the human being is known for his greed, and Kokushibou will use this to his advantage, he will make a very tempting offer, he will sell 10% of Might Company's Shares.

The Might Company stock is something that everyone wanted to buy as everyone wanted a piece of the pie, but everything was in Might Clan's hands, even Daimyo was looking to buy at least 1% of the Shares.

The Might Company was a name that in itself was worth millions and millions of Ryo, 1% of the Shares was enough for a normal civilian family to live a life equal to the nobles of the Land of Fire.

This was an offer that no one in their right mind would refuse, not even the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

Kokushibou didn't think about creating an Independent State either..... yet, he will make an agreement with the Daimyo that the lands in his possession would be an Autonomous Region, this could alleviate his fear a little, as he would think Kokushibou would be happy in becoming a nobleman and having an Autonomous Region under his control.

The millions he would give for the land, along with the 10% Might Company, anyone would accept, not to mention that the region he would buy was a poor region, so not the Daimyo side would think it would make a profit.

That region is poor because of the high number of banditry, the Daimyo would normally do missions for the ninjas to deal with criminal groups, however, years have passed and still, the level remains the same, so the Central Government decided to leave that region by itself.

But what people don't know is that the criminal groups in that region are people who received secret support from Kokushibou to wreak havoc, so it would be easier to influence the Daimyo to sell the land to them.

But not even the criminals know who supports them, they just know that whoever supplies them with the weapons uses the code name ''Diavolo'', as Kokushibou didn't want to relate to the criminals he would kill in the future.

IF Daimyo agrees to sell that region to Kokushibou, our protagonist will have to deal with the high number of crimes as well as improve the local economy.

The nobles would not be a problem, as the nobility in charge of the Administration left their lands a long time ago, selling them back to the Central Government.

Kokushibou wanted that region because it was a great strategic location, bordering only 2 countries, not counting the Land of Fire, as it would still be considered a territory, only autonomous.

It would also have excellent land for the construction of ports for its ships, which would further increase the income not only of the Region but also of Might Company thanks to Maritime Trade.

Kokushibou would also have a justification for having Private Forces, let alone the Protection Squads, as they only served to protect your business.

If he becomes a noble, he will be allowed to have a small private army, normally the nobles use samurai as they don't trust the Shinobi, which was understandable as the samurai were loyal, besides having honor and could not put you in a genjutsu.

Or at least that's what they think, it would also give people a better chance of accepting that he would become the leader of the Land of Waves, he could ask Daimyo to make the Land of Waves an Autonomous Territory, which he would probably accept how no one rejects a piece of land, especially leaders of nations.

The Shinobi would also not be allowed to touch or meddle in the affairs of Kokushibou, as there is an agreement between the nobles, the Daimyo, and the Shinobi of Land of Fire, where they would help each other, but also not harm each other, harm a noble is the taboo of the maximum level.

Because if it weren't for the nobles and the Daimyo, Konoha wouldn't be able to have the supplies and weapons needed to continue their wars, the nobles and the Daimyo are the people who fund them, they are the main Pillar of Konoha, so comes the Hokage.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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