
Chapter 14: Uchiha Family

Boruto and Might Guy sat side by side, their bodies glistening with sweat from their intense training session. Despite the physical exhaustion, both of them wore bright smiles, a testament to their shared passion for growth and improvement.

"Have you been able to find a new teacher?" Guy inquired, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Not yet," Boruto replied, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "I did see Kakashi, and he left me with a note, stating that I need to become a Genin first before he can consider taking me under his wing."

"Haha, that's just like Kakashi," Guy chuckled. "But don't give up, Boruto. There may be other teachers out there who would be willing to guide you on your journey."

Boruto nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose you and Lee-san are the only ones I can think of at the moment."

"Don't underestimate yourself, my young friend," Guy said, his voice filled with encouragement. "What about your desire to improve your Medical Jutsu skills? Have you considered seeking guidance from Tsunade-san?"

Boruto's expression turned slightly grim. "Tsunade-san is unlikely to take me as her student. Her services come at a hefty price, and I don't have the means to afford them. As for Shizune-san, I've heard that she requires her students to at least be Genin. And Sakura-san... well, I'm not entirely sure if she would be willing to teach me."

Guy patted Boruto's back with a firm hand, causing the young ninja to wince slightly. "What's with this energy, Boruto? You have the spirit of youth burning inside you. Just ask Sakura-san, and who knows, she might surprise you. But even if she rejects you, never give up. Keep pushing forward."

Boruto winced at the forceful pat but couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, as always, Guy-sensei."

Guy's face lit up with a radiant smile. "No worries, Boruto. I'll always be here for you, ready to support you in any way I can. After all, you're my student, and I believe in your limitless potential."

The following day, as the school bell signaled the end of another day, Boruto found himself waiting patiently for Sarada. He had a plan in mind, and it involved trailing her as she made her way home.

Sarada, however, was quick to notice his presence. She turned around, her eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Why are you following me, Boruto?" she demanded, her tone laced with irritation.

"I need to see Sakura-san," Boruto replied nonchalantly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Well, then go to Konoha Hospital. There's no need to follow me," Sarada retorted, her annoyance growing.

Boruto simply shook his head, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Nope, this is easier," he said, his tone teasing.

Sarada's curiosity was piqued despite herself. "Why do you want to meet my mother?" she asked, her tone softer now.

"I want her to be my teacher, that's all," Boruto replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

Sarada gave him a strange look, but then she sighed, resigning herself to his company. "Fine, but you're coming with me to the convenience store first," she said.

"Sure," Boruto agreed readily.

Together, they made their way to the convenience store. Sarada picked up some bread and a tin of black tea, while Boruto opted for a bottle of mineral water and a chocolate bar.

As they continued their journey, Boruto unwrapped his chocolate bar and took a bite. It was then that Sarada decided to voice the question that had been nagging at her.

"Boruto," she began, her tone serious.

"Hmm?" Boruto turned to look at her, his mouth full of chocolate.

"Why do you want my mom to teach you?" Sarada asked, her curiosity evident in her voice.

"She's one of the few people who can help me improve my Medical Jutsu skills," Boruto replied, his tone casual.

Sarada's eyes widened in surprise. "You know how to use Medical Jutsu? Since when?" she asked, her tone incredulous.

"Since I was five. I asked my mom to teach me the Mystical Palm Jutsu," Boruto replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

'That is impressive,' Sarada thought to herself, her mind buzzing with curiosity.

"But isn't that enough? You don't want to be a healer, do you?" Sarada asked, her tone skeptical.

Boruto simply shrugged. "Who said I don't want to be one?" he retorted, his tone teasing.

Sarada's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Are you planning on becoming a healer?" she asked, her tone wary.

"Nah," Boruto replied, a smirk playing on his lips.

Sarada felt a wave of frustration wash over her. "You..." she began, but Boruto simply laughed, cutting her off. "Haha, it's just that I need it to get stronger," he explained.

Sarada couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and curiosity. "Why?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine intrigue.

Boruto's expression turned more serious as he looked at her. "If I sustain injuries during a battle, having Medical Jutsu skills will allow me to keep fighting," he revealed.

Sarada's eyes widened in realization. She finally understood what Boruto was trying to achieve.

As they arrived at Sarada's home, she let out a weary sigh and turned to Boruto. "Come on in," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of exhaustion and resignation.

"Thank you," Boruto replied, flashing her a warm smile. The two of them stepped inside, entering the familiar surroundings of Sarada's house. Sarada called out, "I'm back," announcing their presence to her mother.

Sakura's voice echoed from another room, responding with a cheerful, "Welcome back!" However, as she caught sight of Boruto, a mischievous smile danced across her lips. "Ehh, Boruto," she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Hehe," Sakura chuckled, clearly enjoying the teasing moment. Sarada, on the other hand, was quick to defend herself. "Mama, it's not what you think! Don't be a pervert," she retorted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Hah?" Sakura's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she flicked Sarada's forehead gently. "Oh, Sarada, you know I'm just teasing. So, Boruto, what brings you here?" she asked, her tone shifting to a more serious note.

"Sakura-san, please teach me Medical Jutsu," Boruto requested, his voice filled with determination.

"Eh?" Sakura's surprise was evident, but she quickly composed herself. "If I have some free time, I'd be happy to help," she replied, her eyes gleaming with a mix of pride and anticipation.

Sarada couldn't help but interject, her skepticism apparent. "You're going to help him just like that?" she questioned her mother, her voice laced with a hint of disbelief.

Sakura smiled warmly at her daughter. "Why would I reject an honest person's request?" she responded. "After I finish cooking, I can start teaching you, Boruto."

"Alright," Boruto agreed, a sense of gratitude evident in his voice.

"But, Boruto, I heard that you were rejected from Konoha Hospital for Medical Jutsu training," Sakura commented, her tone filled with sympathy.

"They said I needed to be at least a Genin because they considered me still a kid," Boruto replied, annoyance creeping into his voice. "I'm tired of being treated differently just because I'm the Hokage's son."

Sakura chuckled softly, understanding his frustration. "Haha, I can imagine. But don't worry, Boruto. I'll do my best to teach you Medical Jutsu," she reassured him, her smile unwavering.

"Thank you," Boruto expressed his gratitude, a sense of relief washing over him.

As Sakura continued to prepare a delicious meal for her family, including Boruto, she couldn't help but notice Boruto sitting in a corner, his eyes closed in deep concentration. Sarada, curious about his actions, approached him with a questioning look on her face.

"What are you doing?" Sarada asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Boruto, still in his meditative state, responded without opening his eyes. "Meditating," he replied simply.

Sarada couldn't help but feel a bit taken aback by his response. "What for?" she pressed, wanting to understand the purpose behind his meditative practice.

Boruto let out a small chuckle, his eyes still closed. "Since when did you become so interested in chitchatting?" he teased, a playful tone in his voice.

Sarada's cheeks flushed slightly at his remark. "My bad, you hate chitchatting" she mumbled, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance.

Boruto, sensing her reaction, quickly softened his tone. "I didn't hate it, you know," he admitted, a hint of sincerity in his voice. "But it's just so out of character for you. And, well, I couldn't resist teasing you. Plus, I have to admit, I enjoy hearing your cute voice."

Sarada's face turned even redder, and she playfully hit Boruto on the shoulder, though her touch was gentle. "Shut up," she retorted, a mixture of embarrassment and affection in her voice.

Boruto, pretending to be hurt, dramatically clutched his shoulder. "Ouch! Sorry for teasing you. I couldn't help myself, especially when you're so cute," he said, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Sarada continued to lightly hit him, her ears betraying her embarrassment as they turned a shade of pink. Sakura, who had been observing this playful exchange, couldn't help but smile at the sight of her daughter and Boruto. It was moments like these that reminded her of the past.

After Sakura finished cooking, she turned to Boruto and asked him a few questions. "Have you read any books on Medical Jutsu?" Sakura inquired.

Boruto eagerly replied, "I have read every book I could find and even made some notes. If I remember correctly, I brought them with me." He quickly opened his backpack and pulled out a notebook, handing it to Sakura. "These are the notes I have made."

Sakura took a look at the notebook and was impressed by the quality of Boruto's notes. "Hmm, it seems like you already have a solid foundation of knowledge," she remarked. "Let me see your Chakra Control. Try transforming this spoon into a Chakra blade."

Boruto effortlessly performed the technique, as he had practiced it in the past while attempting to recreate Danzo's Vacuum Blade from his fight with Sasuke on the bridge.

"Amazing," Sarada muttered under her breath as she watched Boruto effortlessly create the Chakra blade.

"Hmm, I think I can give you some books that you haven't read yet. If possible, come to the hospital tomorrow and we can start your training," Sakura suggested.

"Great," Boruto replied enthusiastically.

"Wait here, I'll get some books for you to study," Sakura said as she headed up to her room.

Boruto turned to Sarada with a smile and said, "I think I heard you say 'amazing'."

Sarada blushed slightly and looked away. "You heard wrong," she mumbled.

Boruto continued smiling, and just then, Sakura came back downstairs with four stacks of books. Sarada couldn't hide her bashful expression as she handed them to Boruto.

"Boruto, stop teasing Sarada. She can't handle it," Sakura scolded.

"Mama!" Sarada protested, feeling embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll stop teasing her for today," Boruto conceded with a grin.

Taidanotsumi Taidanotsumi

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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