/ Romance / Master Xiao, Your Wife Has Reborn

Master Xiao, Your Wife Has Reborn

Master Xiao, Your Wife Has Reborn

Romance 完了 770 章 3.6M ビュー
作者: Wild Lily翻訳者: Vicky_編集者: Vicky_

3.75 (79 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


In her previous life, Su Jin was conspired by her family. Her baby was born through Caesarean birth, she had her eyes gouged out, and died tragically. When she was reborn, she suppressed the invincible Master Xiao. Her red lips lifted slightly as she said, "Handsome man, I see your yin tang has turned black. There will be a disaster in three days. If you want to resolve this calamity, marry me. I guarantee you will have safety, security, many children, and many blessings for the rest of your life.” Xi Chenxiao replied, “Get lost.” Three days later, he was rushed to the hospital. Su Jin said, “Handsome man, I reckon your heart may soon get pierced by an arrow.” Xi Chenxiao answered, “Get away from me!” Two days later, Xi Chenxiao was once again rushed to the hospital. Su Jin started, “Handsome man, I…” Xi Chenxiao interrupted her, “Stop! Let’s get married right now!” News of the overwhelmingly wealthy and powerful Xiaoye marrying the Su Family’s older daughter, a nobody, spread like wildfire. His brothers were puzzled but Master Xiao explained, “A wife to bless us with safety.” However, later… A fan asked, “Master Xiao, I heard that your wife is the world-famous voice actor.” Xi Chenxiao was confused. A reader asked, “Master Xiao, I heard that your wife is a greater writer.” Xi Chenxiao was confused. A little boy asked, “Master Xiao, I heard that your wife is a top hacker.” Xi Chenxiao was confused. “What are you guys talking about? My wife is a fortune teller!” [A little theatre] One day in a small, black house. Xi Chenxiao sat on a chair, his face a look of solemnity. “Tell me, then. How many more things are you hiding from me?” Su Jin shook her fingers and answered, “There aren’t many left, only that I’m a Qiuming Mountain racer, a certain boss in gaming, a certain talented right, and a special researcher of the International Research institute…” Xi Chenxiao was speechless. His wife was the real deal!

  1. emilia_perez
    emilia_perez 貢献した 23943
  2. DizzyIzzyN
    DizzyIzzyN 貢献した 19922
  3. akino
    akino 貢献した 19282


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    • This potato stop reading this many days ago because its making me Uncomfortable, I've just give it a chance again and read it bc it got chosen.. in the end this potato just got disappointed again and again and suffer a heavy mental damage • Isn't FL a medical practitioner.. why choose an hecking wrong way.. • Does the author loves to curse? they don't have, something like respect, like they curse the FL too many times to the point of me imagining them being punched by me till peach blossom bloom across their faces, till their mother can't recognize them • ML's attitude changes so fast to the point of making me Uncomfortable. For a moment he is looking down on her then after solving the crisis that his company experiencing he said something like her being his woman... I was like "Where am I?" "Who am I?" "What am I" "The heck!" • What is the point of 180 IQ of the ML? like heck... I almost go crazy while reading this! so Uncomfortable! I thought I was the only one who doesn't like so I didn't dare to review but I saw one that give me an energy to give this a "Review"... Apologies for my grammar, my vocabulary is just small.. You can just read it if you can't understand this potato's "review"... and experience my frustrations.. and mental damage, HAHAHA... That's It I'm going to replenish my energy by reading my favs! I'm Out!

    15 の返信を表示する

    I cant stand the story. We are told the FL is smart , but she makes the dumbest decisions everytime. It feels like the story is forced together - 1st, a ML that rapes someone (while hes still sane) bcos he needs a kid and the family ?bought the girl. Also extremely rude. - 2nd FL, trying her best to marry the ML when there is an alternate solution. such as demanding his help to save her mother as a condition to fixing the hacking issue -3rd, we were told, she's a genius app developer , a hacker with a company, and someone with medical skills , but it seems she does not have enuf personnel to help rescue her mother. When shes a big shot/ genius with good memories. Overall, I feel like it's not a great story line. AT LEAST for now. I've frowned too much while reading 18 chapters

    7 の返信を表示する

    loved this novel😍😍😍😍.....reading the synopsis it seems to be an amazing novel👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻....it's filled with rebirth😯, multiple identities😱, powerful ml🤗, naughty fl😉 and lots of romance🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘......waiting to read the chapters[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]..........

    12 の返信を表示する

    This protagonist is so pitiful. Even if she has so many hidden identities. Her vocal cord is damaged and her eyes were gouged out. Her family is so harsh on her. The ML didn't even protect her in her past life.

    11 の返信を表示する

    It's another story where the male lead treat her like garbage, he is drugged and very nearly sexually assault her, she is sold to his family and he agrees to it cuz he needs a baby and for some reason she can give him a baby. But apparently there is a trend now for authors to get off on having the male lead treat the female lead like garbage and having them develop some kind of love story that revolves around being pregnant and giving birth to a baby. I didn't really read past the second chapter so I'm unsure if the female lead ends up being an idiot or strong or obedient. I'm just over this whole trope

    7 の返信を表示する

    I have already dropped this book because it is nothing like the synopsis at all, I thought it is so good and am looking forward to read it but in the end it is just a dissapointment argh, the fl is a medical genuis but can't even cure her own vocal cords, the story does not have enough explaination of thigs and fl blames the ml for her misfortunes in her previous life. Gosh she can't even mobilize her hacking empire to avoid misfortune in her previous life so dumb gosh.

    0 の返信を表示する

    The ML is a miso gynistic bigoted idiot and the FL is who’s supposedly a genius hacker can’t even prove her identity and needs a man to protect her. 🙄 The characters are boringly cliche and 2 dimensional. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    0 の返信を表示する

    I decided to stop reading this novel. Here the ML is extremely stupid with high IQ and the FL is even more useless with a whole lot of hidden identities. I mean come on author what is with the character of the ML and those assistants of his cursing the FL like she is a shrew and the ML simply letting them be!!!! this is exasperating!!! Just by reading all the I felt suffocated and so uncommon!!!! Its really confusing how the ML's brain works because he himself don't know anything. The characters here are all like half baked. I don't mean to criticize your work but it's still really somehow making me uncomfortable just by thinking of this. Now I really don't feel like going on over with this suffering and I am stopping it here.

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 13 Badge

    The story itself is ok, but there is major fault on the FL character. Background story of the prev life : Ml has chromosom problem so he can't has kids, FL is the only one whomcan give birth to his kids. The dad send the drugged FL to Ml bed, but told them that it was the cousin. After that dad made scandal for the FL and sent her to countryside. So no one know that the FL is pregnant with ML's baby. She doesn't even know the ML's face. When she was about to give birth, the cousin took the baby, gauge her eyes and killed her. Later she will pretend that the baby is her and get married to ML. So ML didn't torture her in last life! So the FL is an OP girl : top hacker, genius in medicine, skilled in poisen silver needles so she can defeat lots of thugs in an instant. But : - she wasn't aware that she was mute because her family poisoned her, only know it when ger cousin told her on her death bed. But after rebirth she claimed that she can cure a dwarve girl who was posioned in the same way as her. If she can cure her, surely she can cure herself too. Apart that at school the infimary doctor is a famous doctor who wants to take her as disciple, but he is also not aware that the mc is mute because of poison. - after she was drugged and slept with ML, her father and cousin can easily send her to the countryside. There she was kept to hide her pregnancy. She can easily contact her underlings to save her or run away herself. But she was so stupid that she didn't aware that she is being kept until her death bed. seriously?? - as other reviewer mentioned. Why did she asked to get married as her condition? Why not help her rescue her mother and provide both of them protection. Or asked him to find someone to cure her poison. - and how did the FL family know that MC is the only girl who can give birth to ML kids??? Her father know that FL can, so he submitted the cousin name to the ML but send FL to the ML's bed. Strange!

    1 の返信を表示する

    The FL is too cowerd and very stupid and had a very weak personality inspite of being a genius in various fields! The ML's family is too over confident and Arrogant and never took any matters seriously and thinks that nothing could go wrong under their watch and overlooked many minute details about the FL because of it!

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 13 Badge

    i'm sorrrryyyy .. 🙇‍♀️ i just read a few chapter (actually i just read 3 ch and want to drop it but give it a chance to 8 ch ahahaha) and i lost interest in this book. it's just another book with another unbelieveable all rounder FL skill that did not add up to the previous life story that she suffer greatly in there. this is weird and not worth reading in my opinion.

    0 の返信を表示する

    THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! don’ bother reading this novel because the character design of the ml & fl are so bad. 😖 the ML is rude AFFFF like ???

    0 の返信を表示する

    a disaapointment book...better not waste tine. story phasing is slow. FL although experienced rebirt still weak. ive read more than 20 chapter and yet i was not stirred at all rather it is becoming boring.

    0 の返信を表示する

    秦爷,你家小哑巴是满级大佬 [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap] bay. 内容简介 (甜宠马甲+双洁)重生后她压着容色妖孽的秦爷。“大叔,我观您印堂发黑,近日恐有大劫将至,想要化解此劫娶我过门,包你多子多孙健康长寿富可敌国。”权势滔天富可敌国的秦爷:“滚。”真香现场“老婆,什么时候生三胎?”黑粉:做了秦太太又如何?还不是废材小哑巴。爆!秦爷的小哑巴竟是火遍全球的声优、影后、金牌编剧、大神作家、电竞大神、顶级黑客、神级赛车手…黑粉心慌:呃…还不是娱乐大众的玩物又不能服务社会。爆!国际医疗研究院院长-夜彩糖。枪械女王-夜彩糖。隐形战机设计人-夜彩糖。黑粉:跪了,惹不起,再见…媒体:秦爷,请问您娶了满级大佬有何感想?秦爷:嗯?我老婆不是算命的吗?

    3 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    story is fine but the author is really going all out to make the FL stupid! ( is this a new trend?) to the point of not wanting to read it. I don't why this was chosen for translation when the story is so bad.

    0 の返信を表示する

    The background is interesting but the FL is so whimsy!! Pretending to be a pig— a whimsical pig. In general, I like the story and pace but there’s something abt the FL that irritating me too! So much for being reborn. Why is this reborn FL so weak-minded~~~~~<,

    0 の返信を表示する

    By chapter 28 I can no longer suspend my disbelief. The author is trying to write every Chinese romance novel ever written ... in one book. The FL is a genius hacker, genius Dr, photographic memory, super hot with a big rack, a poison master with hidden weapons, who happens to be reborn with knowledge of the future ...oh yeah and she's the CEOs love interest. It's so far diverged from reality it doesn't make for a good escape story... and really isn't that why we read novels? I can take a lot of improbable in a story, hence the OP character line up in my library, but this one is ridiculous to the point of distraction. If every story arc gets interrupted by the intro of some new almost magical skill, it ceases to be a fun trip for me. It's more like riding on the freeway with an idiot driver who gets on and off at every off ramp. I'm very sad, bc it started off interesting but it's getting dumber and dumber the further in I go.

    2 の返信を表示する

    Not much present it just makes me uncomfortable.[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

    0 の返信を表示する

    sorry.,.not my taste..so disappointing..😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

    0 の返信を表示する

    so annoying I just can't with these characters the fl is so powerful with multiple identities but is utterly stupid and a doormat for the ml. The ml is abusive, bipolar, toxic level Possesive. I gave this novel a chance and continued till chap 66 but he's treating her like a servant and she is so willing.......... GOD!

    0 の返信を表示する
    Chapter 770: Peace and Joy (The End) 1 years ago

    卷 1

    1. 1
      Rebirth 2 years ago
    2. 2
      Too Shameless! 2 years ago
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      Foretell the Future? 2 years ago
    4. 4
      Not Just the Hacker Boss? 2 years ago
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      Retribution For Evil 2 years ago
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      Really Not His Biological Child? 2 years ago
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      Are You Mistaken? 2 years ago
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    11. 11
      Take It Slow 2 years ago
    12. 12
      Someone's Here to Snatch It? 2 years ago
    13. 13
      Can You Not Hit My Face 2 years ago
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      Is It Really the Young Master? 2 years ago
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      Seeing the Future Again 2 years ago
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      Use Force 2 years ago
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      Framing Her For Being Sick 2 years ago
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      Sooner or Later Will Be His 2 years ago
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      Sending a Woman to You 2 years ago
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      Anger From Embarrassment 2 years ago
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      Arrogance 2 years ago
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      Dark History 2 years ago
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      Inspection 2 years ago
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      Unable to Get a Wife 2 years ago
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      Scheming B*tch 2 years ago
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      Jealousy 2 years ago
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      A Little Awkward 2 years ago
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      Kiss 2 years ago
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      Smash the Phone 2 years ago
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      The Moment of Terror 2 years ago
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      Teaching the Thugs a Lesson 2 years ago
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      Shameless 2 years ago
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      Expose Mercilessly 2 years ago
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      A Cuckold 2 years ago
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      Took Advantage of Boss Xi 2 years ago
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      Why Don't You Sell Her to Me? 2 years ago
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      Misunderstanding 2 years ago
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      Help 2 years ago
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      A Jar of Jealousy 2 years ago
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      The Devil's Thoughts 2 years ago
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      Crazy Possessiveness 2 years ago
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      Forced Kiss 2 years ago
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      Requirements 2 years ago
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      Shameless 2 years ago
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      Fear 2 years ago
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      Why Did You Kiss Me? 2 years ago
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      Return of Her Kiss 2 years ago
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      Isn't This Too Despicable? 2 years ago
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      The Boss's Deterrance 2 years ago
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      His Wife 2 years ago
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      The Special Medicine 2 years ago
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      Mou Haijun 2 years ago
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      Video Call 2 years ago
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      A Preemptive Strike 2 years ago
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      A Strange Man 2 years ago
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      Devil Xi 2 years ago
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      A Threat From Boss Xi 2 years ago
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      An Misunderstanding 2 years ago
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      Boss Xi's Favorite 2 years ago
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      A Racing Heart 2 years ago
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    215. 215
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      She's Not Mute! 2 years ago
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      Stingy Boss 2 years ago
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      Poaching 2 years ago
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      Pure Jealousy 2 years ago
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      Exposed Again 2 years ago
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      The Family Doctor Was Wrong 2 years ago
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      Showcasing One's Talent 2 years ago
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      Stupidity 2 years ago
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      A Perfect Slap in the Face 2 years ago
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      A Coquettish Act 2 years ago
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      Comfort 2 years ago
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      Sing If You Want to 2 years ago
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      Conspiracy 2 years ago
    236. 236
      Continue Slapping Her In the Face 2 years ago
    237. 237
      Face Slapped Again 2 years ago
    238. 238
      A Cappella? 2 years ago
    239. 239
      Stunned Again 2 years ago
    240. 240
      Still Trying to Poach Her? 2 years ago
    241. 241
      The Proud Demon King 2 years ago
    242. 242
      Call Her Madam Xi 2 years ago
    243. 243
      Misunderstanding? 2 years ago
    244. 244
      God's Not Fair 2 years ago
    245. 245
      Feeling Smug 2 years ago
    246. 246
      Jealous Much? 2 years ago
    247. 247
      Who's the Shameless One? 2 years ago
    248. 248
      Underestimated 2 years ago
    249. 249
      Truly Shameless 2 years ago
    250. 250
      It's Good to Have This Girl 2 years ago
    251. 251
      No Longer a Clean Freak? 2 years ago
    252. 252
      A Little Secret 2 years ago
    253. 253
      Temptation From the Devil 2 years ago
    254. 254
      Award-winning Producer 2 years ago
    255. 255
      Seduction 2 years ago
    256. 256
      Uninvited Guests 2 years ago
    257. 257
      Spoiled 2 years ago
    258. 258
      What Else Was Hidden? 2 years ago
    259. 259
      Over Possessive 2 years ago
    260. 260
      The Sassy Big Sister 2 years ago
    261. 261
      Slightly Exaggerated 2 years ago
    262. 262
      Are You an Idiot? 2 years ago
    263. 263
      This Girl Has Low Self-esteem 2 years ago
    264. 264
      So Vicious 2 years ago
    265. 265
      An Even Bigger Bet 2 years ago
    266. 266
      The Great Conspiracy 2 years ago
    267. 267
      All In 2 years ago
    268. 268
      Must Support 2 years ago
    269. 269
      Scary Two-faced Hypocrite 2 years ago
    270. 270
      Protected by Someone 2 years ago
    271. 271
      Too Ridiculous 2 years ago
    272. 272
      Double Standards 2 years ago
    273. 273
      Scared Now? 2 years ago
    274. 274
      Gold-swallowing Beast 2 years ago
    275. 275
      Utterly Shameless 2 years ago
    276. 276
      Shameless Fellow 2 years ago
    277. 277
      Not Much of a Man 2 years ago
    278. 278
      Adulterers 2 years ago
    279. 279
      The Mighty School Bully 2 years ago
    280. 280
      What the Hell? 2 years ago
    281. 281
      A Real Scumbag 2 years ago
    282. 282
      Downfall of the Two-Faced Hypocrite 2 years ago
    283. 283
      Fierce 2 years ago
    284. 284
      Pretty Boy 2 years ago
    285. 285
      The Big Boss Stops Madam's Suitor 2 years ago
    286. 286
      Boss Xi's Tyranny 2 years ago
    287. 287
      Alone Time 2 years ago
    288. 288
      Are They All Idiots? 2 years ago
    289. 289
      Awesome 2 years ago
    290. 290
      Aching Heart 2 years ago
    291. 291
      Boss Xi vs. The Two-Faced Hypocrite 2 years ago
    292. 292
      Up to No Good 2 years ago
    293. 293
      Tattletale 2 years ago
    294. 294
      Truly Shameless 2 years ago
    295. 295
      She's Right 2 years ago
    296. 296
      Raging Against the Two-Faced Mother and Daughter 2 years ago
    297. 297
      The Big Boss Is Angry 2 years ago
    298. 298
      Heartache 2 years ago
    299. 299
      Mom Is Back 2 years ago
    300. 300
      Karma 2 years ago
    301. 301
      She's Boss Xi's Wife? 2 years ago
    302. 302
      Madam Has the Final Say 2 years ago
    303. 303
      Hypocrisy 2 years ago
    304. 304
      Surprise 2 years ago
    305. 305
      Taking Mom Home 2 years ago
    306. 306
      Depressed 2 years ago
    307. 307
      Provocation 2 years ago
    308. 308
      Enough of the Lovey-Dovey 2 years ago
    309. 309
      Ball of Paper From Mom 2 years ago
    310. 310
      Shower Together? 2 years ago
    311. 311
      Go for a Medical Check-up 2 years ago
    312. 312
      Admire From Afar 2 years ago
    313. 313
      Pamper 2 years ago
    314. 314
      Don't Flirt With Others 2 years ago
    315. 315
      Are You Mentally Ill? 2 years ago
    316. 316
      Who's Not a Straight-A Student? 2 years ago
    317. 317
      Explosive Scandal 2 years ago
    318. 318
      Sister Su, Awesome 2 years ago
    319. 319
      Imploration 2 years ago
    320. 320
      You're the Big Shot 2 years ago
    321. 321
      I'll Protect Her 2 years ago
    322. 322
      Poor Thing 2 years ago
    323. 323
      Not Going Home for Dinner 2 years ago
    324. 324
      Expert at Dealing with Two-Faced Hypocrites 2 years ago
    325. 325
      Set Up 2 years ago
    326. 326
      I Have a Bad Back 2 years ago
    327. 327
      I Came Here to Discuss Something with You 2 years ago
    328. 328
      Beaten Up 2 years ago
    329. 329
      You Must Be the Kept Woman of an Old Man 2 years ago
    330. 330
      Fake Photos 2 years ago
    331. 331
      Evidence 2 years ago
    332. 332
      The Truth 2 years ago
    333. 333
      So Disappointing 2 years ago
    334. 334
      The Two-Faced Hypocrite's Performance 2 years ago
    335. 335
      The Proud Boss 2 years ago
    336. 336
      First Place? Not a Problem. 2 years ago
    337. 337
      In a Hurry to Give Away Money? 2 years ago
    338. 338
      I Never Talk Big 2 years ago
    339. 339
      Words of a Scumbag 2 years ago
    340. 340
      The Chairman Was Cuckolded? 2 years ago
    341. 341
      Forced Kiss by the Big Boss Again 2 years ago
    342. 342
      The Jealous Man 2 years ago
    343. 343
      Be Careful in Future 2 years ago
    344. 344
      She's Really Pregnant 2 years ago
    345. 345
      Breaking a Promise 2 years ago
    346. 346
      Only Want to Be With Her 2 years ago
    347. 347
      I Didn't Do It on Purpose 2 years ago
    348. 348
      Forced to Open for Business 2 years ago
    349. 349
      I'll Make Sure He Takes His Medicine 2 years ago
    350. 350
      Feeling Guilty 2 years ago
    351. 351
      Guilt-Induced Kiss 2 years ago
    352. 352
      I Want You to Feed Me 2 years ago
    353. 353
      Master Dotes on You the Most 2 years ago
    354. 354
      Teasing the Big Boss 2 years ago
    355. 355
      Destroyed by a Woman 2 years ago
    356. 356
      Never Apologize 2 years ago
    357. 357
      Faith 2 years ago
    358. 358
      Release of Exam Results 2 years ago
    359. 359
      Goal 2 years ago
    360. 360
      An Unexpected Situation 2 years ago
    361. 361
      Fleeing in Panic 2 years ago
    362. 362
      Did I lose? 2 years ago
    363. 363
      Serves Her Right 2 years ago
    364. 364
      Let's Go Find the Principal 2 years ago
    365. 365
      Verify Her Ranking 2 years ago
    366. 366
      The Principal's Taunts 2 years ago
    367. 367
      My Word Is Final 2 years ago
    368. 368
      Proud of Su Jin 2 years ago
    369. 369
      Fear 2 years ago
    370. 370
      Disgusting People 2 years ago
    371. 371
      Boss, Your Wife Is Being Bullied 2 years ago
    372. 372
      Who's Bullying My Wife 2 years ago
    373. 373
      Are You an Idiot? 2 years ago
    374. 374
      Don't Smile at Other Men 2 years ago
    375. 375
      Bad News 2 years ago
    376. 376
      Brother and Sister 2 years ago
    377. 377
      Pain of the Past 2 years ago
    378. 378
      Playing Dumb 2 years ago
    379. 379
      We Are Not Convinced 2 years ago
    380. 380
      Thoughtfulness from the Boss 2 years ago
    381. 381
      I Already Have a Wife 2 years ago
    382. 382
      Are You a Doctor? 2 years ago
    383. 383
      Assassins 2 years ago
    384. 384
      Injured Again? 2 years ago
    385. 385
      I'll Protect You 2 years ago
    386. 386
      I Won't Detest You 2 years ago
    387. 387
      Photos of the Boss 2 years ago
    388. 388
      Who Is That? 2 years ago
    389. 389
      This Is My Wife 2 years ago
    390. 390
      A Divorce? 2 years ago
    391. 391
      No Divorce 2 years ago
    392. 392
      Quiet Bystander 2 years ago
    393. 393
      Heart-wrenching 2 years ago
    394. 394
      Fickle 2 years ago
    395. 395
      Restraint 2 years ago
    396. 396
      Super Awkward 2 years ago
    397. 397
      You Need the Toilet Too? 2 years ago
    398. 398
      Keep at It 2 years ago
    399. 399
      Public Display of Affection 2 years ago
    400. 400
      Ultimate Show-off 2 years ago
    401. 401
      Money Forfeited 2 years ago
    402. 402
      God's Plan? 2 years ago
    403. 403
      Why Do You Want to Take off My Pants? 2 years ago
    404. 404
      Having Kids? 2 years ago
    405. 405
      A Doting Husband 2 years ago
    406. 406
      Newlyweds 2 years ago
    407. 407
      Collecting Money 2 years ago
    408. 408
      I'm Already Married 2 years ago
    409. 409
      Protection 2 years ago
    410. 410
      Female Secretary 2 years ago
    411. 411
      Center of Attention 2 years ago
    412. 412
      Slandered Again 2 years ago
    413. 413
      Hurtful Remarks 2 years ago
    414. 414
      We're Friends 2 years ago
    415. 415
      Coward 2 years ago
    416. 416
      Do Me a Favor 2 years ago
    417. 417
      Profession of Love? 2 years ago
    418. 418
      Snitched on 2 years ago
    419. 419
      A Failure? 2 years ago
    420. 420
      My Uncle Is the Mayor? 2 years ago
    421. 421
      Kidnap in Broad Daylight? 2 years ago
    422. 422
      Beauties Love Heroes 2 years ago
    423. 423
      Her Man? 2 years ago
    424. 424
      Is He Taking Responsibility Now? 2 years ago
    425. 425
      The Plan 2 years ago
    426. 426
      Come to Your Senses? 2 years ago
    427. 427
      Would You Rather Be a Rapist? 2 years ago
    428. 428
      Why Do You Like Women? 2 years ago
    429. 429
      Good Things Need Not Be Repeated 2 years ago
    430. 430
      Is There Something I Can Help You With? 2 years ago
    431. 431
      Confession of Love 2 years ago
    432. 432
      Your Answer 2 years ago
    433. 433
      Chairwoman 2 years ago
    434. 434
      Do I Look Like I'm Bragging 2 years ago
    435. 435
      Mystery Surrounding Her Birth 2 years ago
    436. 436
      Transfer of Shares 2 years ago
    437. 437
      Interrogation 2 years ago
    438. 438
      Exposed 2 years ago
    439. 439
      Sit Down! 2 years ago
    440. 440
      Do I Have the Right to Speak? 2 years ago
    441. 441
      Doubt? 2 years ago
    442. 442
      Seek Justice 2 years ago
    443. 443
      No Conscience 2 years ago
    444. 444
      New Chairperson 2 years ago
    445. 445
      Thief Shouting Thief 2 years ago
    446. 446
      Expose the Two-faced Hypocrite 2 years ago
    447. 447
      The Act Continues 2 years ago
    448. 448
      Sudden Betrayal 2 years ago
    449. 449
      New Manager 2 years ago
    450. 450
      The Ban 2 years ago
    451. 451
      Sneaking Off? 2 years ago
    452. 452
      Wait, Weren't You in a Rush? 2 years ago
    453. 453
      Call the Police 2 years ago
    454. 454
      Justice Will Always Be Served 2 years ago
    455. 455
      Kindness 2 years ago
    456. 456
      Is There Anything I Can Help You With? 2 years ago
    457. 457
      The Past 2 years ago
    458. 458
      Don't Call Me Hubby 2 years ago
    459. 459
      The Green-eyed Monster 2 years ago
    460. 460
      Years of Waiting 2 years ago
    461. 461
      Ordering a Hit on Jiang Xiaoman and Su Jin 2 years ago
    462. 462
      Su Yaoming Cuckolded 2 years ago
    463. 463
      Trouble 2 years ago
    464. 464
      A Malicious Plan 2 years ago
    465. 465
      Gu 2 years ago
    466. 466
      Unforgiven 2 years ago
    467. 467
      Don't Be Afraid 2 years ago
    468. 468
      Non-stop Public Display of Affection 2 years ago
    469. 469
      Where's the Answer I Asked for? 2 years ago
    470. 470
      What's the Point of Having You Guys? 2 years ago
    471. 471
      The Way of the Big Boss 2 years ago
    472. 472
      Anxiety 2 years ago
    473. 473
      Don't Ask Inappropriate Questions 2 years ago
    474. 474
      Tragic Fate of the Two-faced Hypocrite 2 years ago
    475. 475
      Missing for Four Days 2 years ago
    476. 476
      Joining Her Best Friend 2 years ago
    477. 477
      Should She Throw the Competition? 2 years ago
    478. 478
      Do You Have Poor Eyesight? 2 years ago
    479. 479
      Compensation for Breach of Contract 2 years ago
    480. 480
      You Must Save Our Daughter 2 years ago
    481. 481
      Su Xue Is Dead? 2 years ago
    482. 482
      Self-harm 2 years ago
    483. 483
      Revenge 2 years ago
    484. 484
      Rescuing Mom 2 years ago
    485. 485
      Assassination 2 years ago
    486. 486
      Mom's Regret 2 years ago
    487. 487
      I Want Revenge 2 years ago
    488. 488
      She Couldn't Be Dead 2 years ago
    489. 489
      Hair Turned White Overnight 2 years ago
    490. 490
      Another Identity 2 years ago
    491. 491
      Alone Time 2 years ago
    492. 492
      I'll Help You Get Revenge 2 years ago
    493. 493
      This Is Your Mom 2 years ago
    494. 494
      Not Time For Reunion Yet 2 years ago
    495. 495
      The Big Boss Profess His Love Again 2 years ago
    496. 496
      I Don't Mind That You're Dirty 2 years ago
    497. 497
      Really? 2 years ago
    498. 498
      It's too Awkward 2 years ago
    499. 499
      Another New Identity to Be Discovered? 2 years ago
    500. 500
      Who's the Miracle-working Doctor? 2 years ago
    501. 501
      When Old Friends Meet 2 years ago
    502. 502
      Defended by the Husband 2 years ago
    503. 503
      Outdated Information 2 years ago
    504. 504
      She's Rich Too 2 years ago
    505. 505
      You'll Be the Surgeon 2 years ago
    506. 506
      Treatment Plan 2 years ago
    507. 507
      Boss Xi's Suspicion 2 years ago
    508. 508
      A Genius 2 years ago
    509. 509
      Fact Speaks Louder Than Words 2 years ago
    510. 510
      Impure Intentions 2 years ago
    511. 511
      Resisting Temptation Is Hard Work 2 years ago
    512. 512
      Call Her Aunt Jin 2 years ago
    513. 513
      Petty Old Man 2 years ago
    514. 514
      Someone Beat Him to It 2 years ago
    515. 515
      Shut Your Mouth 2 years ago
    516. 516
      Not a Dream 2 years ago
    517. 517
      A Sudden Kiss 2 years ago
    518. 518
      Call Me Hubby From Now On 2 years ago
    519. 519
      It's Better to Call Him Hubby 2 years ago
    520. 520
      For the Sake of Staying up All Night 2 years ago
    521. 521
      He Has Someone Outside 2 years ago
    522. 522
      Another Precognition 2 years ago
    523. 523
      Reward 2 years ago
    524. 524
      You'll Definitely Change 2 years ago
    525. 525
      Despicable Teachers 2 years ago
    526. 526
      Tang Yuwei's Situation 2 years ago
    527. 527
      Cross-dressing Big Shot 2 years ago
    528. 528
      A New Talent 2 years ago
    529. 529
      Let's Talk 2 years ago
    530. 530
      An Invitation 2 years ago
    531. 531
      Instant Fame 2 years ago
    532. 532
      A Video 2 years ago
    533. 533
      Here to Meet a Big Shot 2 years ago
    534. 534
      In the Lion's Den 2 years ago
    535. 535
      Who's the Big Shot? 2 years ago
    536. 536
      How It All Happened 2 years ago
    537. 537
      She's Accepted Her Fate 2 years ago
    538. 538
      Knock Her Out to Take Her Away 2 years ago
    539. 539
      Special Methods 2 years ago
    540. 540
      Searching for Evidence 2 years ago
    541. 541
      Meeting the Mayor 2 years ago
    542. 542
      It's Not Your Fault 2 years ago
    543. 543
      Something Strange 2 years ago
    544. 544
      Died Young? 2 years ago
    545. 545
      Back to Serious Business 2 years ago
    546. 546
      In a Bind 2 years ago
    547. 547
      We Are Your Family 2 years ago
    548. 548
      Impressive Big Brothers 2 years ago
    549. 549
      Heart-warming 2 years ago
    550. 550
      Kinship 2 years ago
    551. 551
      Amicable Brothers 2 years ago
    552. 552
      Contact Your Brothers If There's Any Problem 2 years ago
    553. 553
      Boss Xi's Flirtatious Moves 1 years ago
    554. 554
      Up to No Good 1 years ago
    555. 555
      Be Brave 1 years ago
    556. 556
      Drug Addiction 1 years ago
    557. 557
      I Have to Take Responsibility 1 years ago
    558. 558
      Simply Irresistable 1 years ago
    559. 559
      No Answer 1 years ago
    560. 560
      I'm Very Smart 1 years ago
    561. 561
      I Refuse to Accept This 1 years ago
    562. 562
      A New Identity 1 years ago
    563. 563
      I'm a Little Embarrassed 1 years ago
    564. 564
      The Strange First Lady 1 years ago
    565. 565
      Must Learn Martial Arts 1 years ago
    566. 566
      I Won't Force You 1 years ago
    567. 567
      Aren't You Angry? 1 years ago
    568. 568
      Signing the Contract 1 years ago
    569. 569
      Do You Have the Courage 1 years ago
    570. 570
      It's All My Fault 1 years ago
    571. 571
      What Should I Do? 1 years ago
    572. 572
      What Did You Call Me? 1 years ago
    573. 573
      Self-defense 1 years ago
    574. 574
      Lifesaver 1 years ago
    575. 575
      Manage My Finances? 1 years ago
    576. 576
      You are Really Telling Me? 1 years ago
    577. 577
      Animals 1 years ago
    578. 578
      We'll Never Get along 1 years ago
    579. 579
      You are Just Pets 1 years ago
    580. 580
      I am the Law! 1 years ago
    581. 581
      The Amazing Sister Su 1 years ago
    582. 582
      What Were You Up to? 1 years ago
    583. 583
      Can't Let You Go Hungry 1 years ago
    584. 584
      You're So Beautiful! 1 years ago
    585. 585
      I'll Go With You 1 years ago
    586. 586
      The Fortune Teller Goes Online 1 years ago
    587. 587
      A Family Gathering 1 years ago
    588. 588
      Wear It Even When I Sleep? 1 years ago
    589. 589
      Do You Want Be My Date? 1 years ago
    590. 590
      I Only Want You! 1 years ago
    591. 591
      Apologize 1 years ago
    592. 592
      She's Noble? 1 years ago
    593. 593
      Please Let Us Off 1 years ago
    594. 594
      Resentment 1 years ago
    595. 595
      You're the B*stard 1 years ago
    596. 596
      Stunning 1 years ago
    597. 597
      Eyesore 1 years ago
    598. 598
      Totally Shameless 1 years ago
    599. 599
      Too Embarrassing 1 years ago
    600. 600
      Stolen Design 1 years ago
    601. 601
      Clairvoyance 1 years ago
    602. 602
      Stunning the Crowd 1 years ago
    603. 603
      It's My Wife Who's Amazing 1 years ago
    604. 604
      Pride 1 years ago
    605. 605
      Have Some Confidence, Okay? 1 years ago
    606. 606
      Something's Wrong with the Fake Daughter 1 years ago
    607. 607
      Idiots 1 years ago
    608. 608
      The Truth 1 years ago
    609. 609
      Are You Even Worthy? 1 years ago
    610. 610
      Don't Be Sad 1 years ago
    611. 611
      No Longer Sad 1 years ago
    612. 612
      We've Let You Suffer 1 years ago
    613. 613
      There's Only One Miss Pang 1 years ago
    614. 614
      Merciless Face Slapping 1 years ago
    615. 615
      The Piano Competition 1 years ago
    616. 616
      Sorry About the Bother, Goodbye 1 years ago
    617. 617
      Be There Soon 1 years ago
    618. 618
      Super Lucky 1 years ago
    619. 619
      Are You Jealous of Me? 1 years ago
    620. 620
      Must Keep at It 1 years ago
    621. 621
      Let in Through the Back Door? 1 years ago
    622. 622
      Outright Robbery 1 years ago
    623. 623
      No Respite in a Real Fight 1 years ago
    624. 624
      Be Good 1 years ago
    625. 625
      They Were Too Weak 1 years ago
    626. 626
      Attentiveness 1 years ago
    627. 627
      Hubby Angry Again 1 years ago
    628. 628
      You Can Only Be Mine 1 years ago
    629. 629
      Touched 1 years ago
    630. 630
      Who Should I Answer First? 1 years ago
    631. 631
      Best Friends 1 years ago
    632. 632
      Admit Defeat 1 years ago
    633. 633
      So, I've Misunderstood You? 1 years ago
    634. 634
      He's a Good Person 1 years ago
    635. 635
      Don't Slander 1 years ago
    636. 636
      Why Don't We Visit Him? 1 years ago
    637. 637
      Need to Save Her 1 years ago
    638. 638
      I'll Give You Everything You Want 1 years ago
    639. 639
      Despicable 1 years ago
    640. 640
      Grow Old Together? 1 years ago
    641. 641
      Don't Disgust Me 1 years ago
    642. 642
      No More Expectations 1 years ago
    643. 643
      Drug Addiction 1 years ago
    644. 644
      Pride and Low Self-Esteem 1 years ago
    645. 645
      Desire to Be Better 1 years ago
    646. 646
      I Hardly Believe It 1 years ago
    647. 647
      Have You Received All Your Winnings? 1 years ago
    648. 648
      Welchers 1 years ago
    649. 649
      Who Is He? 1 years ago
    650. 650
      Too Much 1 years ago
    651. 651
      Meeting Mom 1 years ago
    652. 652
      Heartache 1 years ago
    653. 653
      Is She or Is She Not? 1 years ago
    654. 654
      Remember to Think of Me 1 years ago
    655. 655
      You Are Full of Surprises 1 years ago
    656. 656
      Suddenly Changed? 1 years ago
    657. 657
      The Only Way Is to Be Self-Reliant 1 years ago
    658. 658
      Ugly People Like Making Trouble 1 years ago
    659. 659
      Priorities of Married Daughters 1 years ago
    660. 660
      Go Home Once You're Done 1 years ago
    661. 661
      Not Showering 1 years ago
    662. 662
      Can You Remember It? 1 years ago
    663. 663
      You Are a Pig 1 years ago
    664. 664
      Can't Stand in Her Way 1 years ago
    665. 665
      Horrified 1 years ago
    666. 666
      Unbridled 1 years ago
    667. 667
      Kidnapped 1 years ago
    668. 668
      Don't Be Rash 1 years ago
    669. 669
      Filthy Thoughts 1 years ago
    670. 670
      Totally Shameless 1 years ago
    671. 671
      Why Do Women Make Things Difficult for Other Women? 1 years ago
    672. 672
      Rather Skilled at Martial Arts 1 years ago
    673. 673
      Can We Be Friends? 1 years ago
    674. 674
      Don't Get any Ideas About Her 1 years ago
    675. 675
      Anger and Disappointment 1 years ago
    676. 676
      Idiots 1 years ago
    677. 677
      Inhuman 1 years ago
    678. 678
      I'm Not Talking With You Anymore 1 years ago
    679. 679
      See You Tonight 1 years ago
    680. 680
      Torment 1 years ago
    681. 681
      You Can Only Be My Woman 1 years ago
    682. 682
      Hush Money 1 years ago
    683. 683
      Delinquent at Such a Young Age 1 years ago
    684. 684
      You Think I Believe That? 1 years ago
    685. 685
      Threats 1 years ago
    686. 686
      You're Not Allowed to Sell It 1 years ago
    687. 687
      No Way! 1 years ago
    688. 688
      Who Are You? 1 years ago
    689. 689
      Persevere Until the End 1 years ago
    690. 690
      Paternity Test 1 years ago
    691. 691
      Unscrupulous 1 years ago
    692. 692
      Paternity Test Results 1 years ago
    693. 693
      Too Amazing 1 years ago
    694. 694
      Hold a Press Conference 1 years ago
    695. 695
      Don't Be Impulsive 1 years ago
    696. 696
      I'll Recommend Myself 1 years ago
    697. 697
      The Test 1 years ago
    698. 698
      The Process 1 years ago
    699. 699
      The Video 1 years ago
    700. 700
      I'm Not Leaving 1 years ago
    701. 701
      The Truth Revealed 1 years ago
    702. 702
      The Shocking Truth 1 years ago
    703. 703
      A Big Twist 1 years ago
    704. 704
      My Husband Can't Provide for Me? 1 years ago
    705. 705
      A Misunderstanding 1 years ago
    706. 706
      Single Not by Choice 1 years ago
    707. 707
      Praiseworthy Efforts 1 years ago
    708. 708
      Patience 1 years ago
    709. 709
      The Piano Competition 1 years ago
    710. 710
      Let's Not Forget Each Other 1 years ago
    711. 711
      The Same Face 1 years ago
    712. 712
      Found a Rich Husband With Eyes Closed 1 years ago
    713. 713
      I'll Spare Your Life 1 years ago
    714. 714
      Little Missy, Please Spare My Life 1 years ago
    715. 715
      I'll Give You Second Place 1 years ago
    716. 716
      Keep a Secret 1 years ago
    717. 717
      An Original Composition 1 years ago
    718. 718
      Have More Self-confidence 1 years ago
    719. 719
      You're the Smart One 1 years ago
    720. 720
      Bowled Everyone Over 1 years ago
    721. 721
      You, Freeloader 1 years ago
    722. 722
      Know Whose Lackey You Are Attacking 1 years ago
    723. 723
      She Asked For It 1 years ago
    724. 724
      Find a General Manager Boyfriend 1 years ago
    725. 725
      Just a Hobby 1 years ago
    726. 726
      Who's So Evil? 1 years ago
    727. 727
      I Don't Want to Date Her 1 years ago
    728. 728
      It's No Big Deal 1 years ago
    729. 729
      I Want to Be Your Woman 1 years ago
    730. 730
      I Didn't Cheat On Her 1 years ago
    731. 731
      Cutting Off All Ties 1 years ago
    732. 732
      No You Can't 1 years ago
    733. 733
      Is She Mad at Me? 1 years ago
    734. 734
      Looking for Someone 1 years ago
    735. 735
      Save My Sister 1 years ago
    736. 736
      More and More Alike 1 years ago
    737. 737
      Colored Hats 1 years ago
    738. 738
      Are You Color Blind? 1 years ago
    739. 739
      I Was Cuckolded? 1 years ago
    740. 740
      Did They Bully You? 1 years ago
    741. 741
      I'm Afraid You Might Be Tired 1 years ago
    742. 742
      How Much Did You Miss Me? 1 years ago
    743. 743
      Who Is She? 1 years ago
    744. 744
      You Have a Really Good Relationship 1 years ago
    745. 745
      I'm Certain of It 1 years ago
    746. 746
      I Don't Want a Divorce 1 years ago
    747. 747
      What Should I Do? 1 years ago
    748. 748
      I've Been Hard of Hearing Lately 1 years ago
    749. 749
      Darling, You Are So Fierce 1 years ago
    750. 750
      I Miss You Very Much 1 years ago
    751. 751
      Pretending to Be Deaf 1 years ago
    752. 752
      I Only Feel Sorry for Him 1 years ago
    753. 753
      I Only Eat Shrimps Peeled by My Husband 1 years ago
    754. 754
      You Can Only Blame Yourself for Being In the Way 1 years ago
    755. 755
      Denying Your Involvement? 1 years ago
    756. 756
      You B*stard! 1 years ago
    757. 757
      You Betrayed Me? 1 years ago
    758. 758
      Don't Talk Nonsense 1 years ago
    759. 759
      Feigned Madness 1 years ago
    760. 760
      Too Unscrupulous 1 years ago
    761. 761
      Coming Clean 1 years ago
    762. 762
      That Night 1 years ago
    763. 763
      Verifying Their Relationship 1 years ago
    764. 764
      Feigned Insanity 1 years ago
    765. 765
      Who Is That Person? 1 years ago
    766. 766
      Father and Daughter Reunion 1 years ago
    767. 767
      We'll Never Be Separated Again 1 years ago
    768. 768
      You're Su Xue? 1 years ago
    769. 769
      I Didn't Betray You 1 years ago
    770. 770
      Peace and Joy (The End) 1 years ago

    作者 Wild Lily

    翻訳者 Vicky_

    Editor Vicky_