37.56% ARIFURETA: The Otherworldly Alchemist / Chapter 67: HEROES

章 67: HEROES

"Wow! Look at all of this!"

"It's just like back home… Even the doors are automatic."

"Suzu, what do you think? These gauntlets would look perfect on you!"

Tio looked on with an amused expression as the students ran around the shop like children, ignoring the lascivious stares at her. Next to her stood Aiko Hatayama who had given up on controlling the students the moment they entered the shop. With the children out of her mind, a different factor attracted her attention.

"Eh? Tio-san, I didn't know you worked here!" Though they met only briefly, Aiko remembered Tio from that time Yue had reported the situation to her back in Ur. At the time she didn't take note of this figure and assumed they'll never meet again, but now this same person was operating one of the most popular businesses in Tortus.

"Umu~ It is fate that we meet again, Aiko. I'm sure my master will be overjoyed at the prospect, don't worry he's on his way now. If you'd find it acceptable, please allow this one to bring a refreshment for you from the backroom~" Tio finished her words with a courteous bow, ignoring the dazed Aiko as she went to check up on the cameras with Ari.

All that mattered to her was buying time, she was afraid of distorting the situation to a point that Ivan would be unable to play along with. Perhaps even stating that he would be overjoyed with seeing Aiko again was a bit of a slip-up, she closed the door behind her before monitoring the screens.

"U-Um…" Aiko had originally approached Tio to ask her some questions about this place but seeing as how she excused herself before she even got to mutter a single one she was unaware as to how to go forth. The only tidbits of information she had were that the owner was a mysterious person who always wore a mask, that aspect combined with Tio being a staff member brought up a certain figure she dismissed in Ur.

The same figure that had refused to speak to her with the excuse of having received a scarring wound that he claimed to have no desire to fix. However, it was that same figure that both Will Cudeta and Ilwa Wang claimed to have spoken with. The former telling of how the figure forcefully knocked him unconscious after asking some questions during their carriage ride to Fuhren.

And if there was one thing she wanted to do after meeting him again was to reprimand him for lying and demand to know why he lied. Her line of thought broke up as her students regrouped around her near the register, a few of them carrying wares and other products.

"Aiko-chan-sensei, you should get a look at all this stuff! There are things from back home that I didn't think I'd ever see again. Ah~ I gotta thank the owner for bringing some comfort back in my life!"

It was one of her students, Suzu Taniguchi, that excitedly yelled praises of the store while telling of that pesky nickname they had for her that she wished would just disappear.

"Suzu-chan, put some of those things back before the owner yells at you for being greedy. It'd be quite embarrassing if the first impression he got of us were some kids that would get excited over things like this."

The one who spoke this time was Kaori Shirasaki, with a pensive Hajime at her side. From the moment they saw the shop and mansion from over the horizon, he'd been showing this expression, much to Kaori's worry. Especially after he said dozens of times to her inquiry that it's nothing to worry about.

"Hey, everyone. Let's show how respectful we are today. We're here after all under the behest of the church to see if this owner would like to ally with us to beat the Demons. Though I'm sure that as soon as we tell him he would be aiding humanity he'll accept, all of these things would help just fine. Oh, and remember to grab some things for the dungeon, this goes for those of you coming with us to the 90th floor!"

The last one to speak was Kouki Amanogawa, resident hero of the Holy Church. With that settled the class calmed down as they awaited the presence of this 'owner.' A little disgruntled as it had been twenty minutes and he had yet to show himself.

"Oi, when is this guy going to show up…"

"...Even though we came all the way out here…"

"Tch, you'd think he'd hurry on over after hearing about us coming."

Aiko had tried her best to calm the impatience of the class but as one disgruntled classmate turned to five, then ten, and fifteen, things had evolved from her control. Soon almost the entire class with the exception of one group had resorted to badmouthing the 'owner.' An activity that ticked off both Tio and Ari who had heard their complaints from the other side of the door. They were about to step out to teach the class some manners when—


The automatic doors to the shop opened up as a melodious tune played from the speakers, a little song that notified the person behind the register that a potential customer had entered. Only the person that entered this time was not a customer, but the owner.

The loud murmuring of the class quieted down as they looked at the figure that had entered the shop, another figure beside him on each side. Some students curled their toes and gulped as they felt a lump in their throat when they locked eyes with the owner, well, locking eyes wouldn't be appropriate as the white smooth mask that adorned his face was just a blank slate.

And yet despite that, they could feel his lingering stare target their body as he gazed back at the class. His white mantle was drawn with a white hood that covered the rest of his features, his hands the only thing poking out from beneath with the rest of his body. They stared at the tattoos staining each palm, then the belt holding up his black pants. And finally the charcoal leather boots he wore on his feet.

To his right was a figure two heads shorter than him, with the same mask only that they presumed her to be a girl judging by the golden blonde hair tied up in a ponytail from her uncovered head. Her black mantle was a striking contrast to the man next to her, the white blouse she wore breaking up the palette as her outfit trailed into an equally dark skirt and knee-high socks, followed in the end by black boots matching the man.

Finally, the figure to his left. Only a head shorter than him was what they could only presume to be a girl again, her fluffy white and black hair so long that it'd be impossible to cover with the hood of the white mantle. Their major point of attraction was the two white ears on her head and the striped black and white tail that followed behind her. "A beastman…" One of the students muttered.

Rather than having the mantle tightly wrapped around her like the man, or open only at the front like the short girl, she adorned the mantle loosely hanging from her shoulders. Revealing her tanned shoulders and black and a white tube top that trailed down into a short black skirt. Her white arm warmers and black satin gloves visible to all. White thigh highs again then small black shoes.

She looked around the shop equally as curious as the students were before when they first entered, promptly making Ivan pick her up at the scruff of her mantle before she wandered off during this meeting. And though they couldn't see her face through the same white mask the other two adorned they could hear her tongue clicking as she folded her arms to her chest.

"The shop isn't going to go anywhere, you'll have all the time to look around and explore this world once this meeting is done. For now, just observe from the side and I'll be done with my work soon. Then, there's something very important I'd like to ask you…"

Ivan's last words caught her attention as she nodded excitedly.

"Yes, Father!"

The students and Aiko only watched this interaction with awkwardness as they felt their presence had been ignored.

"Now, now, now! Now that that matter has been settled I'd like to apologize for my lateness~! I had a bit of trouble with my daughter here so I hope you'll excuse my rudeness. Humph. Welcome to 'Hohenheim's Dream!'

Ivan coughed out loud before striking a pose, his voice sounding a bit staticky and robotic but energetic to the students nonetheless. His mantle flapped as the tattoos adorning his whole arms were revealed to the students, along with the jet-black painted chest plate that protected his chest.

"Hmm~ Well it looks like I have quite the esteemed guests! Could I interest you in some healing salves, oh heroes of young? How about some trinkets that make it so you lose less mana when casting spells? Umu, I'm sure it could be of use to those of you that are healers! Hoooh~ And if it ain't a face I recognize, Aiko-sama, welcome~!"

His eccentric attitude was a bit off-putting to the students who were expecting a solemn shopkeeper. It was when Aiko heard her name called that she responded.

"Y-You.. . I knew you were lying about something back then! Paracelsus Von Hohenheim, answer yourself!" Her accusatory finger pointed at him while the students murmured to each other. They had heard of this figure only briefly from her, once on the carriage ride to Fuhren from Ur, and another as they gathered up for this trip.

"A lie you say~ Oh my, to be the target of such accusatory eyes! But you must believe me, Goddess of Fertility, at the time I did indeed find it a struggle to speak. While the reasons weren't the same as my partner described I did not act so as a slight to you. Surely you must've heard about how Ur was saved by a miracle~ It was that same day that I found my voice mysteriously, o' it must be as the townsfolk say. That day was surely a miracle by God…"

Ivan did the best not to throw up as he uttered those last words, as the rumors of an angel had descended and saving Ur was all that the townsfolk talked about now. He would take this rumor of theirs and run with it if that's all it took, a feverish voice so compelling that it fooled even the templars that accompanied the students.

"Paracelsus-san, I've heard much about you from my teacher. If it is as you say and a miracle was cast that day, then I'd like you to join us in aiding the humanity that the God that saved you has tasked us with protecting from the Demons."

Out of nowhere the Hero stepped out in front of his teacher and extended his hand toward Ivan, asking that he repay God's benevolent act with servitude.

"You see the reason we came here in the first place was to recruit you in our campaign against the Demon army. Your products have captured the eyes of the Holy Church that truly believe you can aid us in turning the tide. So what do you say, will you join us in saving the world?"

Ivan stared at Kouki's good-natured smile, it was truly apparent to him that this child was completely wrapped around the finger of the Church. He glanced at Hajime who seemed to be showing an uncomfortable expression, then back at the hand that was held in the air in front of him.

On one side was being declared a heretic by a force he wanted no relations with and quite possibly having his business disturbed every day, on the other was getting involved in a war he knew was a farce, playing a piece in Ehit's game. To him, the choice was clear—

"... I must refuse." It was an answer that shocked quite a few members of the class. They have never had to approach and make allies themselves, any greedy merchants refusing to give their services were usually bullied behind the scenes into agreeing by the Holy Church. Considering all that, this was the first time they received rejection since being summoned as heroes.

"... Are you saying that you do not wish to aid humanity…?" A disgruntled and anxious voice emanated from Kouki's mouth.

"I'm saying that I would rather sit back and enjoy my relaxing life with my family, I'm just a shop owner and you're expecting me to readily agree to help out in a war I want no part in. Surely you don't plan on forcing me to be a part of your little brigade… Do you?"

"As a member of the human race, you are already involved in this war against the Demons, refusing to help us would be the same as allowing the Demons to continue their atrocities across the world…"

"Atrocities? Do you want to talk about atrocities? Am I really to lay my life on the line believing in a group of pubescent teens to save the world? Tell me, when the time comes, IF the time comes, are you certain you have the resolve to lob off the head of the Demon Lord? Because as I see you now, you have no hope fighting against the true enemy of the world. And if that's the case, why would I join the losing side when I could assure the safety of my family? Tell me now, 'Hero~'"

It was a statement that brought silence to the room, a part of the students wanted to yell out at Ivan for calling them weak after everything they've done to get this far, another part worrying that once the war truly began if they had the resolve to take another life. Even Kouki swallowed his own words, however, that did nothing to quell how insulted he felt at the moment.

He took a few steps back before resting his hand on the sword adorned at his waist, the steel of it emanating a loud metal slashing noise as he pulled it from its sheath. The rest of the class opened their eyes as wide as saucers as he held it in his hand and pointed it in Ivan's direction.

"Paracelsus! If those words are truly how you feel then allow me to demonstrate my strength as the one who bears the hope of humanity, I ask that we duel! Surely, you wouldn't have any complaints after seeing me in action."

It was a declaration that garnered the admiration of some of his classmates, those that were already enamored by him or those that were sucking up to him considering he was the Hero. Even the templar knights that had accompanied them did nothing against this provocation as they allowed the Hero to do as he pleased.

In fact, if it weren't Kouki threatening the shop owner it would've been them the moment everyone turned their backs, so this was simply a load off their backs. No longer concerned about the trudge back to this shop in the middle of nowhere they leaned against the display stands as they awaited the ensuing slaughter.

Once the alliance was sealed they were under explicit orders to capture the owner and bring him back to headquarters discreetly, not even allowing the students to notice.

"Oya, are you truly asking me, a shopkeeper, to battle someone honed by the Holy Church to be their weapon? Hmph, I'd laugh if it weren't so damn pathetic. Ah, what the hell, I'll laugh anyway. Hahaha!"

Ivan's little act was enough to quell the anger of Felis whose claws were just about appearing out of her gloves and Yue who was muttering something about torture techniques.

"Don't play coy with me! You wouldn't open a shop out here without the police if you didn't have some sort of protection. Maybe you have some hidden guards surrounding the building right now, or perhaps that golem outside is your security. Well, have at it, send me your strongest fighter!"

Aiko, who knew that Ivan was a particularly strong adventurer, tried to stop Kouki's aggravations, only getting silence in response. Ivan hummed to himself seeing this 'hero' ignore their teacher.

"I'd say you don't really deserve to fight our best fighter, but my daughter here seems eager for the challenge. You see we just started training her in combat not too long ago and she's been looking for something or someone to gauge her strength. How about if she wins you give us a few status plates? I'm sure with your identity it wouldn't be much of a hassle~"

Kouki ground his teeth seeing that he was still being underestimated, feeling insulted by this man's nonchalant attitude.

"Hah–? I'm not going to fight someone that has just started training! Are you crazy? How despicable do you have to be to throw your daughter in front of you just to save yourself? I'm tired of these games, now answer me honestly—!"

His words stuck in his throat as large protruding claws shot out of Felis' fingers, and while unable to see her expression the loud growling emanating from her mask was enough to cause him a bit of trepidation.

"Can you not underestimate my daughter just based on what someone else said? Hm, I'm getting a bit of deja vu from saying that…"

Tensions raised as the templar knights started unsheathing their weapons, they had already classified her as a beastman so they were just waiting for an opportunity to attack her in the name of their teachings.

The room turned to a standstill as everyone waited for Kouki's response, the man in question stood still as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. No one moved a muscle, other than Ivan and Yue who out of nowhere sat on some rather comfy-looking lawn chairs.



If you want to support me please follow this link! There's a couple new links added~ All it takes is a single click: https://linktr.ee/ardoaleister

Ouch, my fingers hurt a bit. Gonna play Little Witch Nobeta today, plan on doing a vid about it so check the discord if you wanna see it. Other than that we got the meeting between these parties, I'm looking for a way to naturally transmit the information of Hiyama dying and Claire rebelling but that seems a bit difficult. I'll try to work something out, probably using Hajime as the catalyst.

Anyways, thanks so much for reading today's chapter! Have a great evening and stay safe~ See you soon!

If you want to support me and read ahead 10-15 chapters, you can check out my p.a.t.r.e.o.n right here: https://bit.ly/ardoaleister

Discord: https://discord.gg/tQ5TWbYd9t

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C67
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


