"So, let me get this straight... You broke into the Walls, infected Mikasa who then went on to eat the three traitor shifters, then interrupted her trial, had Eren transform which had Mikasa transform with him, destroying a good portion of the city before finally getting blown up by Megumin..." Michael trails off in mild confusion, "Did you plan any of this or were you just destroying shit for the fun of it? Either way, good job!" he jokes, causing Saeko and Megumin to groan at his complete dismissal of the situation.
"Your opinion on my destroying things only matters if you're giving me ideas to go about it... Are we just going to ignore the other elephant in the room though?" Saeko drawls as both she and Megumin looks over at the little blonde girl sitting on Michael's shoulders, said girl gives a slight smile as she waves at them.
"Ah yeah, Saeko, Megumin, this is Ymir, Founding Titan etcetera, etcetera." he states, not reacting when Ymir taps his forehead at his lacking introduction of her. "I accidentally brought her back to life so we destroyed Marley together." he glances up, "Fun right?"
She nods in response and begins firing around with finger guns, her lips moving to mimic sound effects despite her silence.
"Sooo... What is this then?" Megumin questions, "I want to be mad at you but you're making it difficult with her sitting on you. You look like her dad... A creepy dad who makes his kid wear a collar..."
Michael lets out a sigh, "Don't ask about that, I wouldn't have an answer to give you even if you did..." he shakes his head, "Speaking of picking up passengers... What do you want to do with them?" he asks, nodding his head towards the three unconscious people nearby.
"We're talking about Ymir with Tiff when we get back, don't think I'll forget..." she warns before continuing, "About them though? I only wanted to apprentice Mikasa, the other two just got caught up in the mess."
"You didn't really think she'd leave without them, did you? I could offer her godhood and she'd refuse to stay here..." he shrugs, "Looks like you've got three apprentices, 'Sensei'."
Sakeo shivers slightly and squints her eyes at him, "'Sensei', hm? I like the way you say it..."
"Gross! Do that when we get back! I've been wandering around for days, sleeping on grass and piles of dirt, and REALLY need a bath! You guys have already done what you wanted, so let's go home already!"
Michael glances at Ymir, "You want to stay here or come with? You're basically the god of this world so it's up to you." he shrugs noncomittally. He'd rather she stay since she was kind of high maintenance, acting like a child despite her clear mental acuity, not to mention her clinginess.
Still, he couldn't find it in himself to reject her if she wanted to come. She was cute in the same way Lillith was, and didn't seem to be one of those 'World Annihilation' sort of gods. To be honest, he didn't know god she was most similar to. Maybe the myths of Hestia when she'd go around in her child form?
That said, he didn't know what dominions her godhood was linked to either. Her ability to summon titans at a whim and manufacture unique titans whenever she wanted couldn't be nailed down to a single thing, at least in Michael's opinion. It wasn't like she could tell him either.
He'd tried to teach her to write while they were destroying Marley, but it looked like her inability to communicate extended both verbally and textually. Even learning how to write her name was lost to her, her hand seemingly buckling whenever trying to wield a pen.
He'd broken from his thoughts when Ymir pulls on his clipped horns, bringing his attention to her. She taps on her collar then his forehead with a meaningful look.
"I'm guessing that means you're coming then?"
She nods, despite the fact he was lost on what exactly she meant.
"Did you finish what you came here to do?" Saeko inquires as they begin preparations to leave.
Michael grin, "Yeah, I did."
Name : Michael Tahlin
Title : Mikhail Tahlin Vile, Daedric Lord of Promises
Rank : God
Concepts : [Deals], [Pacts], [Power], [Bargains], [Moon], [Khajiit], [Gratification], [Death]
Stats :
Strength : 1000 > 1062
Agility : 1000 > 1263
Intelligence : 800 > 1103
Bloodline : God : Subspecies, [Daedra] - [Draconic]
Familiar : Darth, Soul Devourer
Abilities :
[Dead God] (10001) : Allows user to Respawn when killed, suppresses emotions based on the number of deaths, makes dead things more receptive to user. Grants more powers and abilities the more deaths the user experiences.
[Lich Lord] : User is able to summon his Spirits for however long he wishes. If user's summons are killed they will be unsummonable for a duration depending on how badly they were vanquished.
[Divine Soul] : Soul is massively enhanced, making it incredibly resistant against attacks of all kinds. This includes any change too, making it difficult for a being possessing a Divine soul to alter itself.
[Apathy of All] (Rank 0.2) : Significantly dulls user's emotions.
[Nihilism] (Rank 0.001) : Nihilosophy.
[Conceptual Might] : User can manipulate concepts that he has affinities with, abilities coming from this will depend on user's aptitude, experience, and determination.
[Divine Eyes, Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan] : User is able to see magic, chakra, and other energy systems within living and dead creatures. Users' visual reaction speed is improved by 50% and gains the ability to use ocular abilities belonging to the original owners of the eyes. User permanently remembers anything viewed by these eyes.
[Flames of Amaterasu] : User can create and manipulate the black flames of Amaterasu, when used this increases the potency of any flames by 200%, allows them to eat through chakra and mana. It also allows the flames to keep burning unassisted for three days and three nights.
[Darkness of Tsukuyomi] : User can pull anyone he locks eyes with into a world of darkness where three days will pass in an instant, within this technique no one can die but the pain will be felt and amplified. User can also, at the cost of a significant amount of mana, manifest Tsukuyomi into reality in a couple-meter circle around him.
[Gift-Blood of Auroth] : The Life-Blood of Auroth the Winter Wyvern inhabits the user granting them the abilities she possessed. Massively increased Ice Affinity, increased Strength and Durability, improved Eye-sight, Ice Breath Attack, and the Will of Auroth.
[Omniversal Language Comprehension] : User can speak, read, and write any language they come across without issue. This does not affect mastery of [Divine Words].
[Divine Words] (Rank 1) : User can speak the language of the universe, allowing them to alter reality with every word. Different universes may have differing languages.
[Grandmaster Mana Manipulation] : Allows user more control over his magic, spells, and some abilities. Mana efficiency and control of power is increased.
[Dead One] : Pain, be it physical, mental, or even conceptual will not affect user if they do not wish it.
[Master basic Swordsmanship] : Determines how skilful the user is when handling swords.
[Master basic Dagger Techniques] : Determines how skilful the user is when handling daggers.
[Apathy of Life] : Death and violence empower the user while in the vicinity of it. User will never be affected by the act of death or violence itself.
Divine Runes :
[Gandalfr] : Enables user to utilise any weapon at two ranks above their current proficiency while granting them the knowledge necessary to use them. While wielding a weapon, temporarily gain +100% in all stats. > Gives User complete mastery with any weapon regardless of origin or familiarity.
[Vanntalfdir] : Enables user to walk on liquids as if they were solid surfaces, can be activated at will but continuously drains mana to function. > User can walk upon any liquid without negative effects regardless of what it might be.
[Wynningbaldr] : User can now detect lines of death within beings and objects, should any line be cut the thing struck will instantly break apart and die.
Affinities :
[Conceptual Death Affinity], [Supreme Water Affinity], [Supreme Fire Affinity], [Supreme Space Affinity], [Supreme Darkness Affinity], [Supreme Ice Affinity],
Spirits :
Commoner Tier :
Shadow Shaman : Lvl MAX
Slark : Lvl MAX
Riki : Lvl MAX
Hero Tier :
Anti-Mage : Lvl MAX
Lina : Lvl MAX
Winter Wyvern : Lvl MAX
Legend Tier :
Rubick : Lvl MAX
Silencer : Lvl MAX
Kunkka : Lvl MAX
Demigod Tier :
Shadow Fiend : Lvl MAX
Spectre : Lvl MAX
Medusa : Lvl MAX
God Tier :
Phoenix : Lvl MAX
Outworld Destroyer : Lvl 5 > MAX
Free Slot : Zeus : Lvl 3
Magic :
School of Aghanim
Spirit : Zeus
Level : 3
Abilities :
Rising Storm (Rank 1) : At will user can conjure a rainstorm at a location. Lightning magic used in its vicinity is twice as effective and half as costly. The intensity and size of the storm is determined by mana used in its creation and maintenance.
Arc Lightning (Rank 0) : User casts a bolt of lightning that jumps between targets. The power of this spell doesn't lower after each jump.
Lightning Bolt (Rank 1) : User summons a powerful lightning bolt from the sky onto a single target which is damaged and stunned when struck. This spell reveals all invisible and hidden targets in its vicinity.
Heavenly Jump (Rank 1) : User's body turns into lightning and shoots at the sky and chooses a destination to land in within eyesight. People caught within the landing zone are dealt heavy damage and stunned. If user uses this ability towards a storm cloud he can remain there until it dissipates or once he decides where to land.
Thundergod's Wrath (Rank ) : User unleashes lightning towards the sky which strikes anyone he wishes as long as they are outside.
Yes... It was a shame he only acquired the Zeus Spirit after all the titans had been slain, otherwise it would have been far, far easier. If only he had access to Zeus's ult... Instant global titan extermination... At least, if it works how he thinks it does.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
While Michael and the others were off on their abrupt vacation, things in Skyrim were progressing towards a disastrous destination...
Rikimaru and the other members of the Dark Brotherhood had finally made their way into the Imperial City, making their temporary home in a secret passageway some Skooma dealers had dug within the sewers. The dealers were 'forcefully evicted', and since it was a Guild of Assassins doing it, the unfortunate men and women were only found days later face down in a sewer gutter covered in Skooma.
It didn't take long from there for the Brotherhood to go about planning their mission. The Imperial Palace was heavily guarded, imparticular, the Penitus Oculatus were on constant high alert due to their 'killing' of Ulfric Stormcloak.
Riki was pretty sure he could just go in there and kill the Emperor himself without much difficulty, though it would probably require a shitload of planning. This thought was rejected before he could even voice it however since, apparently, Dark Brotherhood contracts could only be taken by a member of the guild. To have someone else do it instead was a slight as the 'glory of Sithis' was their's to claim.
Regardless, Riki wasn't about to pledge himself to a nutty religious organisation just to ease the process of this assassination. Besides, he didn't really care how it went either way, only that these pathetic assassins grew up and learned something.
He had each member of the guild skilled in public subterfuge and inconspicuous action go around and note every guard position and viable entrance point into Imperial Palace. From there it was like building a bridge... An annoying bridge made of bells built under the nose of particularly aware bloodhounds, all while the workers he delegated tasks to smelled of rotting meat and screamed when they breathed.
It was actually astonishing how incompetent most of the Guild members were, aside from Eleril who'd recently become his Apprentice. He'd had to go through and teach the very basics of information gathering and silent assassins to them, and only then did they actually start making progress towards their goal.
While mapping out the outside entrances into the palace should have been the easy part, the Penitus Oculatus made sure to close, block, and begin patrols around unattended entrances at random, making using the same one multiple times risky at best, and suicidal at worst.
This made cataloguing the internals of the palace incredibly difficult, especially since the diagrams of the palace they had were all from when the Oblivion crises had occurred, meaning the place was likely a lot different than before.
Regardless, after much work and many close calls, the Brotherhood finally had a plan of action. One that'd give them the best chance to succeed, all without alerting the entire city while they were at it.
"What are the chances of this working?" Astrid questions as the guild crowds around a table filled to the brim with notes.
"Better than your plan of bum-rushing the place at the very least. I'd say, given Eleril's progress in her training, you have a sixty percent chance of success, assuming nothing drastic changes." Riki as he leans his chair backwards with his feet on the table, his tail swinging idly below him.
"I have to ask, what were our chances with our previous plan?" Babette inquires, curious.
Riki chuckles at that, "Let me put it this way," he says before flipping a coin onto the table, it lands on heads and Babette sends a speculative eye at him.
"A coin flip?"
He nods, "Yes. Try land that on its side, tell me how many attempts it takes you then get back to me."
Babette sniffs at him, "You could have just said 'impossible'."
"Yeah well, most of you seem to be visual learners, given we're sitting in the sewers, it explains why you're all so shit."
"Rikimaru. The plans." Astrid growls, drawing everyone back to the matter at hand.
"Everyone should know what they're doing by now," he stabs a randomly appearing dagger onto the map where the town square should be, "A wealthy jeweller is holding his weekly auction here, kill him and leave just enough evidence for the Penitus Oculatus to find. While they're sniffing around our decoy houses, Eleril, the vampire child, and I enter the Palace through the chimney of the kitchen." he says, pointing at said location.
"From there it's a matter of luck. The Emperor's room should be in the top east room here, we sneak or fight our way there if the plan falls through and end him... If all goes well, we will shine a mirror towards the group waiting here at this location," he taps the map once more, "Set fire to the blacksmith's building, we will use that opportunity to flee... Any questions?"
"Yeah... What do the rest of us do when everything falls apart?" Arnbjorn grouses, seeming very doubtful of the plan.
"You continue with the backup plans. If all of those fail, flee and live another day since we'd all be dead anyway."
Elsewhere :
Tiffania was sitting outside a newly built restaurant in Winterholt on a blanket covering the bright green grass. The freezing cold temperatures had been altered via Eredar gems, allowing them to emulate a Cyrodilic summer for this area only.
In front of her were some of her new friends Shizune Kato and Dan Kato attempting to teach Nawaki Senju some basic jutsu'. Next to her on the blanket was Tsunade Senju, yet another busty blonde woman who could act as her auntie or cousin without issues.
Michael had just turned up one day and dumped the quartet in front of the tower before leaving again, forcing her to bring them up to date about the ongoing of the world... She was pretty sure he was finding these women just to prank her, but after listening to Tsunade's story, it was hard to be mad with him.
Unlike his usual behaviour, he'd ended up saving three innocent lives and granting them sanctuary away from those who would want to hurt them... Sure, they had also been 'enslaved' but she'd take whatever she could get when Michael's empathy is concerned.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng