Back at Paradise Island, Mikasa's trial was starting soon, the now Female Colossal Armoured Werewolf Titan was currently being interrogated by various people belonging to all three Military branches. The Military Police, Garrison, and Survey Corps. The former two had done everything in their power to get an incriminating confession out of her, this of course, involved soft torture that wouldn't be visible during the trial.
The soft torture turned to hard once the soldiers figured out how quickly she healed however, prompting them to inflict her with brutal, yet clean wounds. While this would usually be illegal, to most of humanity within the walls, Mikasa was a monster deserving of the worst pain before death.
Some of the Military Police had even threatened to rape her unless she confessed, but two people stepped in before that situation could arise. First, Saeko froze them with a killing intent that would send even titans running. Then, the men from the Survey Corps arrived, sending the Military Police out without a word.
"So? You're Captain's 'monster' cousin huh? It must run in the family." a woman with brown hair pushes her face against the bars of the cell with an almost manic expression. "Ah, I'm Hange by the way... Nice to meet you, wolf-chan."
"Hange, quit playing around." the short black-haired man behind her states.
"Hai, hai, Captain, I just wanted to see the star of tomorrow's show... You would tell me if you could transform into a wolf though, right?"
Levi turns his head and sniffs dismissively from where he was leaning against the wall.
"Tomorrow's show?" Mikasa questions, unaware of anything.
"None of the guards told you? Your trial's tomorrow, the one that'll decide your fate."
"Trial? But I've done nothing wrong? They said I only killed three traitors!" she exclaims.
"That's true but, does a farmer need a reason to trap the coyote stealing his chickens?" Hange retorts, "Most of the Military Police want you dead just because they're scared, the Garrison wants to dissect you and see if they can replicate your powers..."
"And you?" Mikasa asks.
Hange shrugs, "We're still on the fence, I could go either way, I'd love the chance to see what makes you tick, but seeing your powers live would be intriguing too!"
Mikasa just glares at the woman in response, "What do you want then... Are you here to torture me like the others?"
"Those jerkoffs? No way! I'd never let someone hurt such a pretty creature!" Hange exclaims as if Mikasa wasn't considered human anymore.
"Hange." Levi presses from the corner.
"Sorry Captain!... Anyway, we're here to investigate and find anything that could aid in your trial. The Survey Corps wants you, dead or alive, so it's in your best interests to tell us anything and everything-..." she pauses catching herself, "Well, not everything, we'll be forced to display anything incriminating, so leave that stuff out."
"I've already said everything... I was unconscious for most of that day..."
"That's great, but doesn't help us or you at all..." she says before leaning in closer and whispering, "Come on, even a couple white lies would help..."
Mikasa irritatedly shrugs, causing her chains to jangle, "Why would I lie? I've done nothing wrong. All I've done is give my life for humanity!" she angrily exclaims, "Just because someone infects me with this doesn't mean I'm a traitor! Go investigate Annie, Rainer, and Bertholdt!"
"Say that again." Hange asks excitedly as Levi raises his head and looks over, intrigued.
"Say what?"
"'Someone infects me'... I didn't mishear you?"
Mikasa inwardly swears, she'd tried to leave that out of her explanations as it'd only draw more questions. "I misspoke."
"I don't think so! You can't fool me! I've got ears on my eyes and eyes on my ears!" Hange shouts, "Say it again wolf-chan!"
Mikasa looks away, ignoring them, and continuing to do so for the rest of the interrogation. The fed-up Survey Corps contingent leaves, allowing Saeko to step out from the corner.
"You know they're going to kill you right?"
"And who's fault is that!? I never asked for this 'gift!', you just forced it on me!" Mikasa angrily shouts.
"And? It was forced on me too, the only difference is I'm happy about it. You would be too if you weren't on the chopping block."
Mikasa tiredly leans against the wall, "Just leave me alone..."
"Is this because I didn't stop them 'interrogating' you? Because I would have if you'd asked, people would start asking questions if soldiers started disappearing too."
Saeko hums, "Alright, I'll let you get some sleep for your big day tomorrow. Remember my offer and don't slack, you can't accept it without a head." she says before leaving the room.
Elsewhere Megumin was boredly walking in the vague direction of the walled civilisation. Since Michael had left her in the middle of nowhere and still not returned, she was left with searching for Saeko... It annoyed her that she didn't have a fast method of travel like everyone else... Saeko could turn into a Werewolf, Michael could fly, Tiffania could teleport... Even Maria could quicken herself with wind magic!
"Maybe I think of a flying spell that uses explosions... Shooting myself out of a cannon?" she idly wonders aloud, quickly dismissing the thought due to how suicidal it was.
"UUUUUGHHHNNN!!!! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE JUST HELP ME OUT!?" she shouts, her legs aching from how long she'd been walking.
She feels something strange near her feet and looks over, spotting a familiar shadow... Darth appears before her, its shadowy head tilting, "Did you need something, Mistress?" it asks in the familiar, dull, intimidating voice.
"You've been here the whole time!?"
She shakes her head and points in the direction where Saeko should be, "Can you carry me that way?"
Darth nods, morphing his body into that of a black shadowy horse.
"Since when could you do that!?"
"When master and mistress enhanced me."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
"Come on beast, get moving!" a Military Police soldier shoves Mikasa in the back as they march her down a walkway leading to a large hall which was supposedly holding her trial.
She thought it was both odd and humourous that these men acted so brave while also simultaneously thinking she could turn into an unkillable wolf monster at the drop of a hat... If she were in their position she'd be staying clear of her. Regardless, it wasn't as though she thought these men were all that smart, even without her new 'gifted' powers she could probably still beat them, chained up or not.
She's soon brought into a massive hall already filled to the brim with people, large stands filled with the three Military Corps and raised dais in the middle. At the end was an even higher platform where the judge would probably sit.
She looks around and spots Eren, Armin, and many more of those that she'd trained with in the past in the stand, her two closest friends were watching on with clear anxiety on their expressions, only making her more worried about how the trial would proceed. Her treatment in the last few days had already made it obvious that it wouldn't be fair, nor based on facts. As far as she was concerned this was a false trial fueled by misplaced anger and fearmongering.
Mikasa's forced to her knees atop the raised dais, a soldier jamming a metal pipe into the ground to secure her arms, which might actually be able to hold her in her wolf-form if the metal is strong enough...
They then force her and everyone else to wait there for twenty minutes before an older man with white hair and a full beard shuffles over and sits in the judge's seat, tapping his papers into conformity and adjusting his glasses. "Court is now in session." he states aloud before focussing his eyes on her, "You are Mikasa Ackerman, correct?"
"You are a soldier sworn to sacrifice your life for the public good, correct?"
"Yes." she clearly answers despite the loopholes that would allow others to manipulate such a statement to their own ends.
"Unfortunately for you, our efforts in concealing your identity have failed, forcing this to become a public trial. The transcription of today's session and the results will be publicized... Your fate will be decided today, one of the three Military Corps will be given custody of you, and they will do with you what they please." the man turns to one section of the stand, "Military Police, your proposal." he says and sits down to listen.
"Yes! I Nile Hawk present our proposal!... After a thorough examination of Mikasa Ackerman's body, we have determined that further study is necessary to discover the origins of her abilities! During our investigation, we found a number of unnatural abilities exhibited by the defendant. Enhanced regenerative capabilities not unlike the titans that haunt us! A stronger and more resilient body! Nails that approach the hardness of steel! And even evidence of a strange mutative virus in the defendant's saliva!
When exposed to animals, the virus displays no effects... But when used on human cells? The virus rapidly takes them over! Our scientists believe that exposing a live human to this virus would spread whatever the defendant has!" Nile Hawk loudly proclaims, sending the hall into muttered discussions.
He clears his throat to bring their attention back to him, "Our wish to utilise this strange virus to enhance our soldiers was quickly dismissed however! Once we discovered that the defendant cannot control their abilities! Indeed, it is this reason that we have decided that Mikasa Ackerman should be eliminated as soon as possible!" he exclaims, almost causing Eren to jump from his seat and start charging the man, only stopped by Armin and Connie who hold him down.
"The risk of the Defendant going berserk once more and infecting everyone she encounters is an existential threat to humanity! Perhaps even more so than the titans! The giants that walk outside our walls are apparent and obvious threats! But who among us can distinguish between the Defendant and a regular human being!? To not know if your neighbour is secretly a human-devouring creature!? To sleep at night knowing your son or daughter could be infected by them!? The Military Police think that Mikasa Ackerman should be executed and her body burned at the earliest possible moment!"
Mikasa pales at the speech, finding it compelling even to her ears. The fact was, he wasn't wrong, if she couldn't control her new powers and went berserk again, she might very well infect everyone around her... And while Saeko had said she would be able to control it, she'd not felt any indication of that.
The people around her seemed to agree too with how loud their respective discussions were, she could even see some of her fellow trainees turning from her gaze...
The judge takes a while to consider their proposal, then proceeds to nod to himself and turn towards where the Garrison Corps was sitting. "Garrison, your proposal."
A man stands, "I, Henreich Reeds stand-" he pauses hearing someone whisper something to him, "-The Garrison Corps retracts our proposal in lieu of the Military Police's argument. We back their decision wholely!"
"T-THAT'S NOT RIGHT! HOW CAN YOU-" Eren starts shouting but Armin pulls him back and covers his mouth, ending the interruption but not without drawing many glares...
"Hmm. Interesting. Survey Corps, your proposal."
A man with blonde hair and a firm expression stands, "I Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps give our proposal..." he starts, pausing to take a look at everyone present, Mikasa especially, he locks eyes with her but doesn't give anything away, not a single facial tick.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng