Hoseia, General under Empire of Marley looks up from the street where he'd been escorting his wife and daughter during a shopping trip as a bright white light flies high into the sky above them. He pulls his family closer to him as at first he'd thought it was an enemy artillery strike, only to release it was something else entirely.
The light gets closer, and closer, until he's able to distinguish a silhouette from within it, a winged humanoid form with what seemed like a child held in its arms...
"Is that an angel daddy?" his daughter asks, reaching a hand up toward the figure as if she was trying to grasp it.
"N-no... I don't think so, Annabeth..."
"'Seia, what is it?" his wife questions, spotting his cautiousness.
Before he's able to answer, the child silhouette in the angel's arms looks up and begins screaming, unleashing an ungodly sound that shatters all nearby windows and almost bursts the eardrums of anyone who was within many miles distance of it.
Hoseia claps his hands over his daughter's ears, atop her own to try and alleviate the pain she was experiencing, leaving himself defenceless against the infernal racket... Then, he notices something odd... A faint glow coming from a nearby alleyway, one that he knew held some homeless Eldian devils-... Eldians...
His eyes widen, realising that the glow matched exactly the process that they'd use to turn devils into pure titans. "KAREL TAKE ANNA AND RU-"
Around them all at once tens of thousands of lightning bolts announce themselves from all over the large capital city, blowing apart buildings, people, and anything else that was nearby the Eldians as they transform.
Those who survive the initial event are almost all too discombobulated, confused, and disorientated to act when huge humanoids begin stomping around and eating everything nearby.
Everyone was terrified, the citizens of Marley all knew the stories of the Eldian devils, along with the myth of the 'Rumbling', so to have this occur in the midst of their most powerful and capital city? To them, this was the Rumbling.
Hoseia stares wide-eyed at the previously peaceful market street, which was now covered in blood, half-eaten bodies, and pure titan wandering around devouring anyone they could grab. He sends his wife and daughter towards the bank and commands them to lock themselves inside a vault while he draws his pistol and fires some shots at a nearby titan's nape... Only to find his weapon doing absolutely nothing.
The titan feels the bullets however and slowly turns its head, eyes focussing on the General... He runs, and it follows, a few nearby titans reaching out to grab him as he flees but he barely jumps and ducks through them.
He needed to reach the nearby military base, but as he reached the street corner, he spotted a horrific sight... His wife corpse on the ground missing everything below her belly button, and his daughter screaming as two titans struggle to be the one to eat her.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" she shrieks as both titans pull, tearing her completely in half as her father watches with dead eyes...
"H-how could this be..." he mutters, looking down at his pistol and wondering if he should just kill himself now. He shakes his head however, "D-DEVILS, DAMN DEVILS! I WILL KILL YOU ALL! NONE OF YOU WILL SURVIVE, NOT EVEN THE ONES ON YOUR BLASTED ISLAND!"
All of the nearby titans hear him however, all looking towards him with bloodied mouths... But before they march over and devour him, they strangely lose interest and start walking away in search of other prey.
Hoseia rapidly turns around as he hears someone chuckling, spotting a man with clipped horns, crimson eyes, and white fiery wings behind him. "Youknow, I think I've heard something like that before, it was a kid who lived in Shiganshina and had to watch his mother be devoured."
The blonde-haired child in the demon's arms looks up at him, eyes shining with familiarity as if she knew exactly who he was talking about. Hoseia is momentarily taken out of his rage when he spots the collar of strange black metal around her neck.
"Of course you'd know him..." he smiles at the girl before scratching his head, "I don't know Eren's time-travel will function with my interference though... Do you know, Ymir?"
Ymir...? That-... Hoseia stares at the girl's face, not finding any similarity to buxom statues that usually depicted the Eldian founder.
The girl, in response to the demon's words points at her eyes and makes a plucking gesture.
"Hm? Eren's sight is removed? I guess that makes sense...?"
"Y-you...! Who are you!" Hoseia interrupts them with a hoarse shout.
"Me? I'm Michael, God of Death and whatever-whatever," he gestures down at the girl, "This Ymir, the one to bring about Marley's destruction.
The girl turns to Michael and points between them before holding up two fingers.
"Yeah, I know it was a joint effort, but you're the one who pulled the trigger. If this were a game I'd be getting only assists." he states before turning back to Hoseia, "If you want someone to blame, blame yourselves. If Marley weren't all giant pieces of shit none of this would have happened."
"We-, did what we had to! The devils! They would have brought destruction even without our involvement!"
Michael shrugs, "Yeah, yeah, go plead your case in hell, douchebag." he says before pointing at the General and summoning Amaterasu, covering him in black flames and quickly incinerating him from existence.
He feels Ymir patting him on the leg afterwards and grins, "Cool right? It's only fair though, you get to create titans at will, and I get to turn anyone I want to ash... Bu-ut, I guess since you helped me out." he hands her a staff of flames, prompting the small girl to start skipping around and burning everything flammable and not in sight.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Back at Paradise Island, Mikasa's trial was starting soon, the now Female Colossal Armoured Werewolf Titan was currently being interrogated by various people belonging to all three Military branches. The Military Police, Garrison, and Survey Corps. The former two had done everything in their power to get an incriminating confession out of her, this of course, involved soft torture that wouldn't be visible during the trial.
The soft torture turned to hard once the soldiers figured out how quickly she healed however, prompting them to inflict her with brutal, yet clean wounds. While this would usually be illegal, to most of humanity within the walls, Mikasa was a monster deserving of the worst pain before death.
Some of the Military Police had even threatened to rape her unless she confessed, but two people stepped in before that situation could arise. First, Saeko froze them with a killing intent that would send even titans running. Then, the men from the Survey Corps arrived, sending the Military Police out without a word.
"So? You're Captain's 'monster' cousin huh? It must run in the family." a woman with brown hair pushes her face against the bars of the cell with an almost manic expression. "Ah, I'm Hange by the way... Nice to meet you, wolf-chan."
"Hange, quit playing around." the short black-haired man behind her states.
"Hai, hai, Captain, I just wanted to see the star of tomorrow's show... You would tell me if you could transform into a wolf though, right?"
Levi turns his head and sniffs dismissively from where he was leaning against the wall.
"Tomorrow's show?" Mikasa questions, unaware of anything.
"None of the guards told you? Your trial's tomorrow, the one that'll decide your fate."
"Trial? But I've done nothing wrong? They said I only killed three traitors!" she exclaims.
"That's true but, does a farmer need a reason to trap the coyote stealing his chickens?" Hange retorts, "Most of the Military Police want you dead just because they're scared, the Garrison wants to dissect you and see if they can replicate your powers..."
"And you?" Mikasa asks.
Hange shrugs, "We're still on the fence, I could go either way, I'd love the chance to see what makes you tick, but seeing your powers live would be intriguing too!"
Mikasa just glares at the woman in response, "What do you want then... Are you here to torture me like the others?"
"Those jerkoffs? No way! I'd never let someone hurt such a pretty creature!" Hange exclaims as if Mikasa wasn't considered human anymore.
"Hange." Levi presses from the corner.
"Sorry Captain!... Anyway, we're here to investigate and find anything that could aid in your trial. The Survey Corps wants you, dead or alive, so it's in your best interests to tell us anything and everything-..." she pauses catching herself, "Well, not everything, we'll be forced to display anything incriminating, so leave that stuff out."
"I've already said everything... I was unconscious for most of that day..."
"That's great, but doesn't help us or you at all..." she says before leaning in closer and whispering, "Come on, even a couple white lies would help..."
Mikasa irritatedly shrugs, causing her chains to jangle, "Why would I lie? I've done nothing wrong. All I've done is give my life for humanity!" she angrily exclaims, "Just because someone infects me with this doesn't mean I'm a traitor! Go investigate Annie, Rainer, and Bertholdt!"
"Say that again." Hange asks excitedly as Levi raises his head and looks over, intrigued.
"Say what?"
"'Someone infects me'... I didn't mishear you?"
Mikasa inwardly swears, she'd tried to leave that out of her explanations as it'd only draw more questions. "I misspoke."
"I don't think so! You can't fool me! I've got ears on my eyes and eyes on my ears!" Hange shouts, "Say it again wolf-chan!"
Mikasa looks away, ignoring them, and continuing to do so for the rest of the interrogation. The fed-up Survey Corps contingent leaves, allowing Saeko to step out from the corner.
"You know they're going to kill you right?"
"And who's fault is that!? I never asked for this 'gift!', you just forced it on me!" Mikasa angrily shouts.
"And? It was forced on me too, the only difference is I'm happy about it. You would be too if you weren't on the chopping block."
Mikasa tiredly leans against the wall, "Just leave me alone..."
"Is this because I didn't stop them 'interrogating' you? Because I would have if you'd asked, people would start asking questions if soldiers started disappearing too."
Saeko hums, "Alright, I'll let you get some sleep for your big day tomorrow. Remember my offer and don't slack, you can't accept it without a head." she says before leaving the room.
Elsewhere Megumin was boredly walking in the vague direction of the walled civilisation. Since Michael had left her in the middle of nowhere and still not returned, she was left with searching for Saeko... It annoyed her that she didn't have a fast method of travel like everyone else... Saeko could turn into a Werewolf, Michael could fly, Tiffania could teleport... Even Maria could quicken herself with wind magic!
"Maybe I think of a flying spell that uses explosions... Shooting myself out of a cannon?" she idly wonders aloud, quickly dismissing the thought due to how suicidal it was.
"UUUUUGHHHNNN!!!! CAN SOMEONE PLEASE JUST HELP ME OUT!?" she shouts, her legs aching from how long she'd been walking.
She feels something strange near her feet and looks over, spotting a familiar shadow... Darth appears before her, its shadowy head tilting, "Did you need something, Mistress?" it asks in the familiar, dull, intimidating voice.
"You've been here the whole time!?"
She shakes her head and points in the direction where Saeko should be, "Can you carry me that way?"
Darth nods, morphing his body into that of a black shadowy horse.
"Since when could you do that!?"
"When master and mistress enhanced me."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng