A shadow crept through Dawnstar, sneaking through the town with everyone unaware of its presence. While the Blood Moon had caused many to lose or simply refuse to sleep, many had decided to wait it out in the comfort of their homes, trusting the guards patrolling the city to keep them safe.
Unfortunately for them, these people would be safer awake and roaming the streets than sleeping soundly...
The shadow picklocks the door to a family's home and walks inside, the shadows unfurling from them and revealing it to be Erandur, the corrupted priest that now served Vaermina. The priest gives no expression, nor sigh of pity or any emotion at all as he approaches the teenage son of the family, the Skull of Corruption in hand.
He slowly brings the staff down and touches the boy's forehead with the skull topping it. Causing a dark red glow to emanate from it, enveloping both Erandur and the boy.
By the time Erandur stops the procedure, all that's left of the boy is a shrivelled husk. All of his lifeforce having been siphoned away by the staff. Then, Erandur moves to the next person, the wife...
This continues for an hour or so, until the town guard finally sound the alarm, one of them finding the corpses in their beds.
Feeling thoroughly powered up, Erandur leaves Dawnstar and begins making his way towards the Shrine of Mehrune's Dagon, the infamous statue was not that far away from his current position, making it the obvious choice.
Four hours later on horseback, Erandur finally spots the statue in the distance. He says nothing and begins to climb off of the horse, only to throw himself off in the opposite direction that he'd originally intended due to a robed figure jumping out from a nearby bush with Mehrune's Razor in hand.
The horse gives a hoarse whinny as it feels the blade slide across its side. It doesn't last long however as the effect of the dagger takes hold. The wound suddenly blackens, and the life in the horse's eyes flitters out, causing it to drop to the ground, dead.
"O-One blow... A-as he promised..." the Champion of Mehrune's Dagon mumbles, as he looks down in worship and obsession at the blade. Though, this gives Erandur time to mount a retaliation.
The former-priest picks himself from the ground and emotionlessly jabs the Skull of Corruption at Silus Vesuius, shooting him with a dark red blast. It doesn't do anything to him physically, but the red glow incapsulates his head and causes him to start screaming.
"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO MORE! NO MORE! NO MORE! NO MORE! WHY!?" he roars, letting Mehrune's Razor go as he drops to his knees, becoming completely defensively as he has a mental breakdown.
Erandur listens to the pitiful man for a couple moments before pushing the Skull of Corruption to the man's forehead, causing his red, watering eyes to go blank.
The priest doesn't touch Mehrune's Razor, instead, ordering his new servant to equip it.
Over in Markarth, a large portion of the town had been evacuated to the Dwemer ruins beneath the Understone Keep. The city was still recovering from the attack by the lone Forsworn who'd been controlling Dwemer automatons, so Jarl Igmund wasn't willing to throw away the lives of yet more of his guards.
The presence of the Blood Moon, combined with the words of the priests in the city, along with the Forsworn vampire carrying one of Molag Bal's Daedric artifacts made it clear just how dire the situation was. Igmund was assured by many that this would all end as soon as morning came but, he was not confident in that at all...
A quarter of the city's guards had already been killed by that crazed lunatic, and they hadn't even seemed to slow him down. Calcelmo had explained that the mace was likely rejuvenating the vampire with every kill, add the egregious amount of blood it feasting on and you had a recipe for what could only be called an immortal warrior.
Luckily, this person didn't seem to have any intentions of actually attacking the Keep at all. Instead electing to guard a street in the centre of the city for some reason.
And then the scouts had reported yet another threat approaches... A group of Forsworn warriors numbering around a hundred or so strong had gathered outside the gates of Markarth, looking ready to assault the city... Which was a massive problem considering that all the guards, soldiers, and civilians were inside Understone Keep, leaving the place completely undefended...
Fortunately, the Forsworn weren't the only enemy approaching... 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.', was correct in this instance... As scouts reported that the heavily armoured orcish warrior attacked the Forsworn on sight as soon as he spotted them.
The armoured orc raised a large glowing war hammer and charged the Forsworn, shrugging off the arrows, stones, and other projectiles launched at him. And, as soon as he made it to the Forsworn's front-lines... He struck.
The air breaks, and earth and dust are sent flying in all directions from the sheer force with which the weapon had exerted. The unlucky Forsworn man who was first hit literally disintegrated under the attack, turning into a bloody mist while his bones, weapons and metal fragments of his armour became akin to shrapnel from a grenade, shredding his companions to ribbons.
The orc cackles ferociously as he attacks again, this time striking the ground with his war hammer, causing the earth underneath the small army to rumble and crack, causing many to lose their footing or even fall into the small fissures created by the now unstable ground.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
Once Uzgarul was finished with the Forsworn, he arrogantly strides over to the locked Markarth gates which'd been shut once Arean had started his massacre. This was both to stop him from leaving while they waited for assistance and also to prevent the likely Forsworn invasion.
Unfortunately for them all, the large, heavy Dwemer gates were standing between Uzgarul and his quarry...
The orc gives the metal gate a few taps with Volendrung to test its durability before gaining some distance in preparation for a charge. "THE WEAK WILL FALL TO MY MIGHT LIKE THE GATES OF YOUR PATHETIC CITY!" the orc roars as he sprints forwards, Volendrung glowing intensely as he furiously slams it into the gate.
One Markarth gate instantly explodes from its hinges, flying into a building behind it and easily collapsing it. The other gate shrieked as its metal bent and warped, leaving it a blown-in mangled mess.
"Hahahahaha! NOTHING CAN STAND BEFORE ME!" he shouts, raising Volendrung over his head as the Champion of Molag Bal rushes over to see what'd happened.
The vampire is surprised by the ruins of his gate, and this is even more pronounced when he lays eyes on the single figure that was seemingly responsible for it. He shakes his head and bears his fangs, "FOUL WRETCH! YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON MY NEW CITY!?"
Uzgarul returns a malicious grin, anxious to get to killing. "You're new city!? My new city! I'LL MOUNT YOUR SKULL ON THE WALL, AND SLAUGHTER ANY ABOMINATIONS YOU HAVE SIRED!"
Arean raises the Mace of Molag Bal in challenge, "I dare you to try! You will only be met by a long, agonizing death!"
"Big words for a fanged leper! COME! FACE ME!" Uzgarul shouts while preparing Volendrung.
With that, Arean charge forwards, his form blurring at the speeds he was able to exert without the tyrannical sun bearing down on him. He sprints around the orc with incredible speed while searching for a vulnerability in his opponent's defence.
"PATHETIC! If you are too afraid to hit me, THEN I WILL START!" Uzgarul exclaims before quickly darting forwards and swinging Volendrung at where Arean would next be judging by his movement pattern.
The vampire is surprised by the orc's predictive ability, but is able to dive under the heavy swing of Volendrung, all while managing to graze him with one of the spikes on the Mace of Molag Bal.
A line opens up through Uzgarul's heavy armour causing a trickle of blood to flow out. While the armour was impressive and made for war, not much could resist the power of a Daedric Artifact. Even the weaker ones could trump the greatest works created by mortals...
Uzgarul is uncaring for his wound however, simply laughing as the Mace sucks up and grants some of his vitality to Arean.
Arean scowls, "Speak of my Lord's name again and I'll send your soul to him as tribute!"
"Hmph! All your Lord is good for is ruling over the unworthy! WHAT CHALLENGE IS THERE TO HARMING WEAK WOMEN AND CHILDREN!?... Is that why you are afraid of me, vampire? Because I can fight back!?"
"YOU KNOW NOTHING, A FOLLOWER OF A FORGOTTEN GOD SHOULD KNOW HIS PLACE!" Arean bellows as he goes in for another attack, only to find that he'd been goaded into it by the orc as Volendrung screams towards his face.
Arean is only able to turn to mist in response, but even that leaves much to be desired in the face of Volendrung.
A shockwave ripples through the air as Volendrung collides with the mist that was once Arean's body. While he wasn't solid any longer, that didn't mean Volendrung was helpless against him.
The mist is separated in many directions while a muffled and distorted scream rings out along in the air. Uzgarul doesn't immediately follow up however, instead, waiting for Arean to reform. He desired a proper battle, which was a lot to hope for considering the weakness of his foe.
The mist comprising Arean collects and reforms next to a building, his body bruised all over with almost every limb completely shattered. Were it not for him gorging on blood for hours, he wouldn't be able to easily recover from this damage...
Arean's bones set themselves and quickly heal, soon allowing him to stand against, though, the Mace of Molag Bal felt incredibly heavy in his grasp, as if his Lord was watching him with a heavy scathing glare.
He looks up at Uzgarul who'd not moved after the attack and thrusts his hand forwards, casting Vampiric Drain. Clearly, he was no match against the orc in a straight-up battle, even if his vampiric blood made him stronger and faster... Volendrung was simply too big of an obstacle to overcome, even with his Lord's mace.
"What is this...?" Uzgarul growls, waving a hand through the crimson mist that was being drained from him. "Now you resort to magic? You insult me." he states as he sprints towards Arean.
Arean barely avoids the downward smash of the orc's war hammer, the impact launching him further down the road and rendering all his attempts at regaining his vitality for nought. "Fine! You wish to see the power of my Lord!? HERE IT IS!" he exclaims while beginning his transformation into a Vampire Lord, a special technique belonging only to the most pure-blooded vampires.
Red lines cover his body until...
His skin explodes from him with a bloody explosion, allowing his form to grow into a 9ft pale-skinned abomination. His claws were now stupidly long, his face an ugly family of a human's, and his modest only obscured by an ornamental silk loincloth.
Arean's feet leave the ground as he floats off of the floor, the Mace of Molag Bal glowing with an intense crimson light. "FEEEL MY POWWWEER!" he roars while drawing in the euphoric feeling of overpowering strength.
Uzgarul sniffs derisively, "Hmph, is that all?"
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng