
章 51: Finger stew?

Rex continued to lay in the bed quietly but had his eyes open. Nina who had just finished the call in the other room walked back over, the sound of a gun cocking could be heard as her heels made a "Clack" noise on the wooden floor.

Nina who opened the door quietly was surprised to see Rex laying there comfortably wide awake with a smile on his face.

Nina "Oh?! I didn't know you woke up, I thought you were tired," she said as she slowly hid her left hand behind her body. Rex didn't stop making eye contact and smiled even wider.

Rex "Nina, if that is even your name, I have a couple of things to say before you decided to use the gun you are hiding behind your back, a Glock 17 if I'm not mistaken," he said with a relaxed tone and the same smile on his face. Nina was shocked at his calmness and stopped pretending. She pulled the gun from behind her and aimed it at Rex.

Nina "I must say Rex, I don't know how you can be so calm when you are about to die but since I like your acting, I'll let you say your last words," she said as a victorious grin surfaced on her face.

Rex "thank you, it won't take up much time," he said with a smile as she slowly sat up. From the corner of his eye, he could see a shadow merge itself into Nina's as a pair of vicious eyes glared at Nina's back.

Rex "let me start by saying, you were great, didn't know that team rocket had such a fine piece of ass laying around. Secondly, how did you know I was heading here?" he asked curiously. Nina smiled at Rex like she was staring at an idiot.

Nina "do you expect me to actually tell you everything? What do you take me for?" she asked mockingly. Rex couldn't help but shake his head, he really wanted to pry the information out of her before killing her, but it seems that won't be possible.

Rex "A shame really," said Rex.

Nina "What is?" she asked in confusion as her finger glided over the trigger.

Rex "to waste such a good piece of ass, it's a shame," said Rex as he shook his head dejectedly looking as if he had lost something precious.

Nina "Wha-" she couldn't finish as Rex snapped his fingers, a shadow surged from the ground and punched Nina in the back which made a distinct cracking noise. Nina who was originally upright folded backwards like you would see when you snapped a twig. She couldn't even pull the trigger as her lower spine was shattered. She screamed out in pain as tears streamed down her face.

Rex shook his head as he got off of the bed and got dressed.

Rex "Such a disappointment, you could have died quickly but you had to act tough didn't you," he said in annoyance. He then took out a bucket and got up and walked over to the kitchen and quickly boiled some water before filling the bucket with it and walking back before sitting on the chair he pulled over.

Nina could hear the sound of water boiling, she had an inkling of what would come next. She tried to scream but was mercilessly kicked in the mouth which temporarily stopped her from screaming but before she could start again, she was kicked in the throat which stopped her from screaming permanently.

Rex "you don't need to speak or yell, the neighbours are trying to sleep, I don't need people complaining to me about the noise," said Rex with a grin on his face. She could still feel her upper body but couldn't feel her legs which made her sob silently. After all, there were limitations to injury recovery. She would probably never walk again.

Rex lined up the bucket of boiling water over her face and tipped it over slowly to make sure that it wasn't wasted. The steady stream of boiling water which was close to 90 degrees Celsius fell on Nina's face which caused her to convulse in pain as she struggled to move her head. Soft yells could be heard momentarily before the boiling water scalded the inside of her mouth ruining it.

Rex couldn't help but shake his head, such a good dick sucking mouth gone to waste, he sighed sadly before tipping the rest on her face. Rex saw that she was going to go into shock from the scalding water. He didn't do anything and only felt for a pulse, when he realised that she didn't have one he ushered Marshadow over.

Rex "use a very light thunder punch on her chest," he said while pointing just above her perky breasts. Marshadow nodded and did as told and sent a shock from his palm which made Nina's chest jump as she gasped for breath. Her pulse came back, and she was breathing.

Rex "you didn't think I would let you die this easily, did you?" he said with a monstrous grin, Marshadow shivered at the sight.

Rex pulled her up and sat her on the chair he was previously sitting on and went to the kitchen before coming back with a large knife and a cutting board. He laid the board on the chair armrest and placed Nina's left hand on it. She soon came to her sense and saw what was happening. Her incredibly red, steamy and destroyed face contorted as she attempted to speak while shaking her head vigorously.

Rex "you see, I'm not this violent usually, but you pick up some things from the army, sometimes not so pleasant, and you can't complain, you were about to kill me after riding my dick like a whore," he said with a shrug.

He started with the thumb and cut at the interphalangeal joint that connected the distal phalanx to the proximal one. As the knife cut through like butter due to Rex's strength, Nina tried to flail around in an attempt to release her hand only to fail. Her spine was too severely injured; it was a miracle she could even feel her arms at all.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C51
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


