1.12% The Godly Demon System / Chapter 7: Duskwallow Tombs.

章 7: Duskwallow Tombs.

[ New Quest Available ]

[ Make Your First Subordinate ]

[ Time Limit : 24 hours ]

[ Reward : Skill Creation Unlock ]

[ Failure Penalty : Death ]

"Oh. A new quest. Skill Creation seems cool. But the penalty is… failure is not an option I guess." Dreamer liked the reward but the failure penalty scared him.

'Yes. Make sure to finish it in time.' Helix said.

Dreamer nodded. "I'll do that tomorrow. For now…"

He got up from the bed. "Let's eat."

He took a knife in his hand and sat in front of the Boar.

He dug the knife inside the beast and cut it down.


"Hmm?" The knife hit something.

He dug the knife deeper and took out a round crystal.

"Ah. A Beast Core, so this is the thing people usually talk about."

Every beast had a core inside them and people used them for getting stronger.

"But I don't need it. I will sell it to the Gifted One's Organization."

The people who received abilities from the Supreme One were called the Gifted Ones and there was an organization that acted as a ruling body over them. The Gifted One's Organization.

They buy and sell Beasts Bodies, Weapons, and Beasts Core and provide many other services.

Among the Gifted Ones, Beast Cores were the most demanded item. They could increase their strength by absorbing the energy from the cores after all.

Poor people who didn't have money to buy such cores, hunt the beasts themselves to get them. Rich people just buy them from the Gifted One's Organization. No hassle.

Dreamer didn't need such cores anymore as he could just Level up. Hence, he would just sell the core and get some money.

Keeping the Beast core aside, he proceeded to cook the Boar.

It took him thirty minutes to cook something decent.

With a sparkle in his eyes, he rubbed his hands and dug in.

He savored every bite he ate. After ten years of eating Ducks, he finally ate something different.

"Bliss." He laid down on the floor.

Smiling with content.

'It's just food. Why are you acting like that?' Helix spoke. He didn't get Dreamer's behavior.

Dreamer didn't mind that. "You won't get it."

He laid on the floor for a few more minutes and finally sat up.

"Alright. Food is done. Now the points." Dreamer received points after leveling up. He would distribute them now.

"First the Skill Points. Add all ten to Soul Snatcher." Dreamer made the decision right away. He added all the Skill Points to his main skill.

[ Ding! ]

[ 10 SP added to Skill : Soul Snatching ]

Dreamer nodded. "Now the Stat Points. Adding points to Intelligence is a must. Helix, how many points should I add on it?"

Dreamer asked Helix about it. A mythical ring should know better about that.

'Five points in Intelligence should be fine. Yeah, five points.' Helix answered.

Dreamer also found it right. "System, add five Stat Points in Intelligence."

[ Ding! ]

[ 5 Points Added To Intelligence! ]

"Now five more points are left. Agility sounds important. There is Speed as well. Come to think of it, what is the difference between these two?" Dreamer asked.

'Speed is the ability to move the body in one direction as fast as possible.

Agility is the ability to accelerate, decelerate, stabilize, and quickly change directions with proper posture. It's simple.' Helix answered again.

Dreamer nodded. "Fair enough. System, add three Stat Points in Agility and two in Speed."

Dreamer made the decision and chose both Agility and Speed.

[ Ding! ]

[ Points Successfully Added! ]

"Alright. Show me that screen again." Dreamer said. He wanted to take a look at his Stats.


[ Name : Dreamer Heart (Host) ]

[ Race : Human (Currently) ]

[ Title : None ]

[ Job : (After Reaching Level 100) ]

[ Class : (After Reaching Level 100) ]

[ Level : 2 (50xp/200xp) ]

[ Stats ]

[ Strength : 5 ]

[ Stamina : 5 ]

*[ Agility : 10 ]

[ Speed : 6 ]

[ Dexterity : 6 ]

*[ Intelligence : 12 ]

[ God's Charm : 7 ]

[ Demon's Luck : 14 ]

[ Available Stat Points : 0 ]

*[ Soul Power : 25 ]

*[ Mana : 14 ]

[ Ring's Current Stored Magic power : 100 ]

[ Skills ]

[ God's Eye (Lv.1) (Passive) ]

[ Soul Snatcher (Lv.1) (10Sp/100Sp) ]

[ Fire Arrow (Lv.1) ]

[ Leather Skin (Lv.1) ]

[ Souls In Possession : 1 ]

Dreamer read through the changes.

"Soul Power increased by five. Mana increased by two. Slow progress but it's fine."

After that, he closed the system.

Dreamer hopped on the bed and laid peacefully.

Staring at the roof, he said, "What a long day. First soul, first subordinate. It all feels like a Dream. Just wait a little more, Dad. I am coming."

He smiled to himself and kept staring at the roof.

'Just go to sleep, kid. That quest has a death penalty, remember.' Helix broke Dreamer's thoughts.

Dreamer sighed. "Fine. Good night."

He closed his eyes and finally wandered to sleep.


After six hours, Dreamer woke up.

He yawned, stretched his hands and rubbed his eyes.

"Helix, you there?" Dreamer asked the first thing.

'Yes.' Helix replied right away.

"You are awake." Dreamer said without any thought.

'I don't need to sleep, eat, or drink. I am a spirit.' Helix revealed.

Dreamer nodded. He kind of knew it. "Makes sense."

Leaving the bed, he went to do the daily stuff.

After one hour, he finished all the work and was ready to leave the house.

"First, let's go to the Food For All organization." Dreamer said.

But Helix didn't like that. 'Shouldn't you be prioritizing the quest? You should do it first.'

"Who said I am not prioritizing the quest? I have it in mind. That's why I am going to the organization. Don't worry." Dreamer said.

'If you say so.' Helix said and went silent.

Dreamer nodded. "Canceling my name is important as well. Anyway…"

He went to the kitchen and picked up the two Ducks, the organization sent today. He would keep getting them until he cut off his name from there.

"I am returning them as well." He said and put the ducks in a black plastic bag.

With one last look around the house, Dreamer finally came outside.

Without wasting any time, he started walking towards the Organisation.

He knew where the Organization was as when the first ducks arrived at his house, it also had a card of the Organization with it.

After fifteen minutes. Dreamer reached outside a big metal gate connected to walls.

Above the gate, a board was placed with the words, Food For All written on it.

Opening the gate, Dreamer stepped inside the organization.

It was his first time coming here. It was a three storey building established by some good hearted Gifted Ones.

'Do you know someone here?' Helix asked.

Dreamer nodded. "Yeah. There is an old man. I hope he remembers me."

Looking around, he saw many people of different races. Fox, elves, wolves with the same uniform.

His gaze dropped on some kind of reception desk and he instantly went towards it.

A Human girl sat behind the reception and she saw Dreamer coming towards her.

"How can I help you, sir?" She asked.

"I want to meet with Mr. Wilson." Dreamer said.

The girl nodded and pointed her finger. "Turn right from here and go straight. Mr. Wilson is in the last room."

Dreamer did a slight bow of his head and walked towards Mr. Wilson.

As he walked in the corridor, he saw many rooms along the way.

He followed the directions the girl gave him and in two minutes, he arrived outside a room.

On the door, a name plate with Wilson's name was placed.

"This is it." Dreamer was at the right place.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A voice came from behind the door.

Dreamer waited for nothing and opened the door.

In front of him, a table with a stash of papers was placed, hiding the view.

"Uncle?" Dreamer called. He addressed Wilson as uncle.

"Hmm?" A voice came from behind the papers.


The sound of a chair sliding back came and finally from behind the table, Mr. Wilson made his appearance.

"Oh. It's you. It's been so long." He said.

Dreamer's eyes lit up. "You remember me?"

"Of course, I remember you. You are the son of my friend."

"I am glad you remem…"

"Before that…" Wilson raised his hand, stopping Dreamer from speaking.

"Sit down first. I can't keep talking like this. My neck will strain, you know." Wilson said.

"Oh yes. I am sorry. I should have known." Dreamer said and sat on a sofa, beside the table.

"No worries." Wilson hopped on a chair, in front of the sofa.

Wilson and Dreamer's eyes were on the same level even after sitting on a big chair.

That was because Wilson wasn't a Human. He was a Kobold. His height was similar to Dwarves, long ears like elves, big eyes like Oars.

Wilson depicted many races in him. Perks of being a Kobold.

[[Author : Reference Art for Mr. Wilson is given in this Chapter's Comments.]]

"Uncle. I am here…"

"To cancel your name right?" Wilson said with a smirk. He guessed right.

Dreamer went wide eyed. "H-How?"

"Your father told me. He added your name here and told me that you will come and cancel your name. And here we are." Wilson answered.

Dreamer's brows shot up. "Do you know where he went?"

Wilson shook his head. "No clue."

Dreamer clicked his tongue and moved on. "Anyway, take these ducks and cancel my name. I want to ask you something as well."

Dreamer put the plastic bag beside him.

Wilson nodded. "Sure. What's your other purpose then?"

This time Dreamer shook his head. "Not like this."

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Wilson asked.

Dreamer leaned forward. "I want no one to hear what I am about to say."

Wilson smiled. "You are raising my interest, kid. You know, I can hear for a pretty far distance and can assure you that there is no one around you. But for more safety, I'll do this."

Wilson raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the room got covered with a yellow layer.

"It's a barrier. No one can hear us anymore." Wilson said.

Dreamer stared at the barrier. "It's nice to do something like this." He was impressed by it.

"State your purpose, kid." Wilson urged.

Dreamer let go of the barrier and finally stated his purpose. He said, "Uncle. I want to know a place where…"

Dreamer paused.

"Where?" Wilson urged.

Dreamer took a deep breath and finally said it. "Where I can steal a dead body."

Dreamer closed his eyes after saying that.

Wilson frowned. "I see."

"Huh?" Dreamer opened his eyes. "You are not surprised?"

He expected a shout but Wilson didn't give anything. His question would have shocked anyone let alone Wilson.

"I am not. I have seen worse. I am just… amazed." Wilson said.

Dreamer didn't understand why the old man was amazed but it wasn't important.

"Now you know why I wanted no one to hear me." Dreamer said.

Wilson nodded. "That's true. But why are you asking me about a place like this?"

Dreamer shrugged. "You have so many connections. Your race allows you to hear so much, I am sure you know a place like this. And I don't have anyone else to ask."

"Hmm. You are right. Well, I'll tell you." Wilson agreed.

Dreamer's eyes went wide. "You will? You won't ask the reason?" He was talking about stealing a body. It was not something common.

But Wilson shook his head. "As long as you don't die, I don't care."

'Damn. I even prepared an excuse for this.' Dreamer had a perfect excuse in mind if Wilson would have asked him for the reason. But that never happened.

'Kid,' Helix said. 'Are you planning on making a subordinate by stealing a body?'

Dreamer smiled. 'Yes. That's the plan. I already have a soul. I can just insert it into that body.' Dreamer replied through his mind.

'You won't kill someone?' Helix asked.

'I need a subordinate first. I won't be lucky enough to find someone injured again. I have to get strong enough to kill.' Dreamer replied.

'That's… new.' Helix said and went silent again.

Dreamer nodded and waited for Wilson to speak.

"Kid, there is a place called Duskwallow Tombs. People who have no one around them and are assassinated in secret are buried in that place.

You can steal a body and no one would give a damn. But still, don't get caught. It would be problematic."

Dreamer nodded. "Sure. Can you give me the address?"

Wilson motioned his hand in the air and a pen and a paper appeared. He wrote something on the paper and offered it to Dreamer.

"Here." He said.

Dreamer took the paper and put it inside his pocket.

"Thanks a lot, uncle." He said with a smile and got up.

Wilson snapped his fingers again and the yellow barrier lifted off.

"Don't mention it. Take care." Wilson said with a smile as well.

Dreamer bowed slightly and went towards the door.

"See you later." He said and finally left the room.

Wilson, on the other hand, just stared at the wall in front of him.

He had a smile on his face as he mumbled, "So you have chosen to do that this way, huh. The others have done it differently. Well, he found a good inheritor that's for sure."

Wilson sat on the chair for some more seconds before leaving it.

He went to his table again and pressed the bell placed on the table.

"Yes sir." A man with four legs came. Horse legs to be precise.

"Take those ducks and cancel the name, Dreamer Heart from our list. We don't need to send him food anymore." Wilson said.

The centaur nodded and picked up the plastic bag from the sofa.

With a bow, he left the room as well.

Wilson let out a heavy sigh and continued his work.


After five minutes, Dreamer arrived outside the Organization and checked the quest.

[ Quest : Make Your First Subordinate ]

[ Time limit : 11 hours ]

[ Reward : Skill Creation ]

[ Failure Penalty : Death ]

"Just eleven hours. I have to pick up the pace." Dreamer took more time than he expected but now nothing was stopping him. Duskwallow Tombs was the only destination now.

He took out the paper that Wilson gave and followed the path.

Wilson made sure to write the directions for Dreamer, making it easier for him to reach.

As Dreamer walked towards the Tombs, the bustling of people became lesser.

After twenty minutes, there were only trees and a few huts around the place but Dreamer kept walking.

"Guess this isn't the most popular spot to hang out." He jested to himself. No one would be sane enough to hang out around a graveyard. Unless, they were Dreamer.

He took one last turn and arrived in front of a metal gate.

"This is it." He looked in the paper and this was the place.

He put back the paper inside his pocket and walked forward at the door.

"This must be the entrance."

The metal gate was rusty with webs swinging. Concrete walls as boundaries and at the top of the metal gate, words were carved on the concrete.

The Duskwallow Tombs.

"Alright. This is the place."

Taking a deep breath, he pumped his fists and held the gate.


The gate made a sound but Dreamer didn't stop.

He pushed it harder. The gate was heavy and became heavier because of the rust.

With a little more force, the gate finally opened.

"Haah." Dreamer wiped the sweat from his forehead and stepped foot inside the Duskwallow Tombs.

However as soon as he entered the Tombs, his mouth went agape.

"What the Hell?"

KhyaaL KhyaaL

Humans are horny creatures.

Load failed, please RETRY


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


