
Chapter 49

TITLE: Rich girlfriend

Sora and Mirio stared at each other, sparks almost visible as the tension filled the gym.


Sora propelled himself forward as he lunged at his senior, appearing before him in a matter of seconds with his fist ready. immediately upon seeing this, Mirio disregarded the option of submerging as he activated the quirk to avoid the blow but it seemed Sora predicted this as he stopped his fist before it could hit his face and then vanished.

This surprised Mirio but he had little time to ponder on the matter, as his instincts screamed danger causing him to keep his quirk activated. He was right to do this as Sora vanished to the ceiling and shot multiple wind bullets at Mirio but it was all ineffective this didn't discourage him as he had already predicted so with a smile on his face, he said

"Well let's see how long you can keep your quirk active"

As he kept on shooting, Mirio thought fast as he jumped into the ground, going out of sight but Sora didn't panic as he knew that his senior would be forced to appear somewhere in the field since he was unaware of Sora's location and even if he knew there was nowhere he could fly and meet Sora when he's so high up so thus Sora decided to move the ground to make the fight fu... fair.

Mirio seemed relieved seeing Sora land as immediately he pounced on him, appearing behind him, his hand lifted as he prepared to hammer him.


Sora muttered as he created a multi-layer windshield. Mirio was strong but his attack was unable to break through all shields, Sora didn't miss the chance as he tried to punch him with a left hook, but again the attack phased through, Sora didn't lose heart as he kept attacking, Mirio felt the threat of this as he couldn't hold his breath forever so he jumped into the ground.

'Arghhh' Sora was frustrated at this point, just much more will this guy keep getting away then a question popped up in his head 'Should I just give up?' But then an idea popped up in his head as he smiled.

It didn't take long for him to jump into action as Mirio appeared to his left with a kick, Sora tried blocking it but then the attack phased through him as Mirio landed on the ground, and without wasting a second he lunged forward, his hand balled into a fist ready to knock Sora out but then something unexpected happened as Mirio was punched on his side, the impact of the attack so strong, it threw him a couple of feet away.

Mirio was surprised by this as he wondered where the attack had come tried standing to his feet, he struggled but finally got up and then looked forward and there he saw Sora standing together with Hana and he couldn't help but wonder

"Where did she come from"

"Well since I saw no way to break through your defense 'harmlessly' I decided to go about attacking you another way. You were so focused on me that you forgot that I wasn't alone so I used that to my advantage so no matter how sharp your instincts are, there's no way you will be able to defend against an attack that just appears"

"Smart move there," Mirio said before he admitted"It's my loss, I have to say you got me good"

"Nah not really, I learned a lot from our fight. Thank you"

Sora said as he bowed, Hana did the same as she said

"Senior you're strong. It was a good fight"

"Thank you guys too. through you, I understand that I still have a long way to go" Mirio said as he bowed to the two.

A round of applause followed as the other students got up and were fascinated by the match but Tamaki didn't share these feelings as he thought

'Sora Menhera... how's he so freaking strong?' He was surprised a first year matched Mirio in battle, but he had an uneasy feeling that Sora wasn't giving it his all and it seemed he was right as after Sora and Hana were headed to the dorms after the year 3 students had finished their talk, Hana asked

"Darling, why didn't you give it your all? If you were just slightly more serious you would have won"

"Haha, where's the fun in that? if it's a one-sided beat down there's nothing to learn"

"Wow so did you learn something"

"I did. Just need to work on it now, don't worry you will be the first to see it"

"Kay" Hana said gleefully before she suggested, "darling, why don't we do our Internship together?"

"Huh... I never thought about that. Where are you doing your internship?"

"Well I'll be going to the Rabbit hero's agency"

"Ohhh... Mirko?" Sora said with surprise and Hana nodded. This made him fall into deep thoughts

'Mirko huh... she's strong and good with martial arts but nothing great, I won't want to do my internship with her but seeing as Hana is going there, it'll be an opportunity to spend more time with her, we haven't had a lot of alone time so this will be a perfect opportunity for that and we can work on our teamwork since we'll be together most of the time.'

"Alright, let's do it," Sora said with a smile

"Yay" Hana jumped in joy as she hugged Sora tightly, his smile didn't disappear as he held her tightly, as they separated they stared into each other's eyes with passion as Sora leaned forward, his lips getting ever closer to Hana's but just before they could meet, Sora dodged her leans as his head leaned on Hana's shoulder as he whispered

"The others are coming"

"Dang it" Hana cursed as the others appeared before them.

"Hi..." they tried greeting but met Hana's cold eyes as she pouted and walked away, Sora looked at them frowning, this was unlike him thus Kirishima asked

"Did we come at a bad time?"

"Yeah" Sora answered before walking away, the students could only feel bad as they followed behind him since they were all headed to the dorms.


The following day was like any other day as everyone headed in for homeroom and Aizawa made an announcement that shocked the students

"Yesterday we had a staff meeting concerning the first years taking part in internships and with principal Nezu at the front, the idea was to call it off"

These shocked the students and they complained, Bakugou was especially loud as he was pleased by the news. Sora was the most disappointed as he cursed

'Fuck... I had a lot planned already'

But then he was relieved as he heard Aizawa's next words as their teacher explained how many thought they were over-sheltering the young heroes and thus limiting their growth and so if they submit their forms to an agency that was known for taking interns and producing good results then it'll be accepted.

This news only made things for Sora as he thought

'Does Mirko even have an agency...?'

Things were looking bleak for him but he was sure he could special treatment if he just insisted and he was 100% planning on making use of this as he said to himself

'Time to be shameless'


"I want to do my internship with the rabbit hero: Mirko. I understand if you guys are against-"

"Okay," Aizawa said cutting Sora in his tracks as he took a while to process what Aizawa had said and when he finally did, he asked

"Are you for real?"

"Yeah," Aizawa answered before he moved on to explain "Though the school is against the submission of forms to agencies with a bad track record, it's only the case if the student is not strong. Menhera, you have proven time without number that you're up for the job, of all the students I've taught since coming to U.A. you're one of the better ones so yeah do what you want. The principal also agreed to this so yeah you're free to go, though it's irrational, I have faith in you"

"Oh wow... thanks sir," Sora said slightly surprised by his words, he knew he had proven he was going to receive special treatment but never thought he'd hear this he remained calm as he then asked

"I'd like to go together with Hana, will that be okay?"

"..." Aizawa had a blank look on his face as he stared at Sora, the latter could only tilt his head causing Aizawa to sigh as he said

"I'll have to ask the principal about that"

"Okay, hope he agrees," Sora said before waving Aizawa goodbye as he exited the room.

'Kids in a relationship at this young age... what a waste of time' Aizawa sighed as he got back to work


Currently, Sora and Hana are on a plane headed to Hiroshima. Sora's expression of shock as he sat in the plane, was because of the events that happened a few moments ago


After having Hana's internship request accepted, Sora and Hana decided to head out on Saturday morning. Sora had planned to take the train but then as he stepped out to get Hana, he saw a jet not so far away from the dorms and wondered 'What's a jet doing here?'

But what happened next shocked him even more as Hana walked up to him and said "Our ride has arrived darling"

"Uh... which ride?"

"Obviously the jet"

"Uh... t-t-he j-et is y-o-u-r-s?" Sora stuttered

"Yeah my dad got it for me, so let's go"

Hana said in glee as she held his hand and dragged him, Sora was in so much shock that he was white as snow as he got dragged away, he couldn't help but think

'My girlfriend is too rich!!'


Thus what led to the current situation, he was still in shock but at least he was happy since they didn't have to waste money.

ImAGhost ImAGhost

Another chapter so yeah I'm being faithful. Please give me ur power stones let's see where we get in the power stones ranking, I'd like to see if we can top it cus it seems possible

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C55
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


