13.7% Game of Thrones : Paladin of Old Gods (Draft) / Chapter 25: ' This number…cannot be right.'

章 25: ' This number…cannot be right.'

Hello everyone, I would like to celebrate the fact that I have recently reached 500,000 views ... I assure you that without your continued support and help I would never have reached these numbers ... So Thank you. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!! Today to celebrate I have published a 'particularly' long chapter.

I hope you enjoy it.


POV: Leobald Tallhart;

Torrhen's Square.

Year 284, Fourth Day of the Tenth Moon (Two days later, the arrival of the white raven from the citadel. The fall season officially began).

Leobald was waiting. Soon he would arrive, the emissary of Casterly Rock, Gerion Lannister with a retinue of 300 knights.

The Lannisters had probably learned that Olenna Tyrell had a retinue of 100 knights with her. They wanted to mark the fact that they were 3 times richer and more powerful than House Tyrell.

Leobald Tallhart was anxious, but also happy to see Gerion again.

He remembered well the three days of the tournament, at the Frey wedding. He and Gerion had spent a lot of time drinking, joking and betting.

One of them was a competition to see who could remember the most names of Walder Frey's (legitimate and natural) offspring. Leobald, had won by a margin of 3 sons and 7 more grandchildren than Gerion.

The horns sounded and the gate began to open. A horseman, at the head of the group, galloped in, a beautiful black thoroughbred. The man, wearing exquisite red and gold plate armor. A cloak of wool and silk enveloped his body. Gerion Lannister, a man in his early thirties, blond-amber hair, a well-groomed beard with a deep, highlighted mustache, stopped his horse and dismounted, approaching Leobald.

The two men stared at each other in silence, both keeping a serious look, as if they were ready to bite each other at any moment.

Leobald spoke first.

"I'm still waiting for that golden dragon. I thought the Lannisters 'paid their debts'..." Leobald said, in a tone that expressed contempt.

"I don't owe you a damn thing, you filthy cheat. My sister Genna, she told me that, the last ten names, you made them up from scratch!" Hearing the reply, Leobald sneered and said in reply:

"Then you were pretending to be drunk!...I wonder, how you would have brought those names back to your sister, if the next morning you told me you couldn't remember anything!" Leobald, at this point, could not hold back his laughter. Gerion's face was beginning to turn purple as well.

"PHUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Gerion roared with a thunderous laugh.

"Ahahahahaha! Welcome, my friend. Torrhen's Square, welcomes you and your men." Leobald said, offering an arm which Gerion immediately accepted.

"Thank you, 'Lord' Leobald. I didn't think you had ousted your brother from his seat. HAHAHAHAH!" Gerion.

"I forced my brother, the 'Lord', and my family to stay inside. You know, I had to first verify that you were spreading 'lies' here and there." Leobald.

"Ah! Is there any particular 'lie' you don't want me to tell? HAHA!" Gerion.

"Stop it and come inside, we have prepared you the best rooms that Torrhen's Square, has to offer. There will be a feast this evening." Leobald.

"Well my friend, lead the way then!" Gerion.

End POV.


POV: Gerion Lannister;

That same evening.

Gerion, sat in the chair at the high table reserved for the guests of honor.

Sumptuous food and drink, was being served to all the castle guests.

There was white bread, stuffed roast suckling pigs, tender pigeon meat baked in almond flour, spiced baked potatoes, several varieties of salads, cooked vegetables caramelized with honey, Arbor wine, Dorne red, candied pears and apples, and as a final touch: a cake, shaped like a lion's head, 4 feet high made of red fruits and cream. The Tallharts had spared no expense for the reception. A company of guitti, accompanied by bards entertained the guests. Nearly all the men sang to the rhythm of the entertainers. Gerion also believed that several of the 'maids' were actually prostitutes paid to seduce his men. An evening on par with a wedding party of a great nobleman.

The Lannisters sent a subtle demonstration of power with their cavalry escort, and the Tallharts responded by showing pomp, wealth and hospitality.

Gerion, had admitted within himself, that even a Lannister, would be impressed by so much wealth spent on one evening.

"I hope the evening is to your taste, my lord." Myra Tallhart said.

"Stunning, my lady. We are grateful to Torrhen's Square for this royal reception. Indeed, I feel uncomfortable that I did not bring gifts up to par, that would repay such generosity shown to my House." Gerion replied, like a perfect gentleman.

"That is simply not true, my Lord. The jewels of Lannisport are magnificent. I am almost afraid to wear them for the risk of losing them." Myra.

"AHAHAH! A trivial stone, with a few gold chains is not worthy of the candid beauty of the ladies and dames of the North." Gerion.

"I have already scolded you for 'flattering' too much, my lady wife and now you force me to intervene for my sister-in-law as well?" Said Leobald, intervening in the discussion.

"It's not my fault! House Tallhart is surrounding me with 'Snow Queens' and also expects me to resist and maintain a demeanor in front of such beauty!" Gerion replied pretending to be offended and indignant.

"Ahahahah! Stop exaggerating, my Lord!" Myra replied, laughing and blushing at Gerion's antics.

Helman was at his wife's side, holding his lady's hand and was pleased that Myra was enjoying herself.

Gerion then turned toward the Master of Torrhen's Square.

"Lord Helman, Casterly Rock will be indebted to you for your hospitality. The Lannisters always pay their debts." Gerion said, causing the others to hear as well.

"We are honored, to welcome within our humble walls, the noble House Lannister." Helman replied good-naturedly.

"You have a beautiful family, my lord. A somewhat eccentric brother, but a beautiful family nonetheless! AHAHAH!" Leobald stood up trying to retort to the jovial insult thrown by Gerion.

"Thank you, Lord Gerion. My brother has always spoken well of you to me. We thank you, for making this evening, unforgettable. Few can make my lady wife laugh." Myra looked, for a moment, very badly at her husband, but maintained the decorum due her guests.

"I have seen, your splendid twins my lord, if I may ask, where is the legendary hero of the North? I wish I could meet your heir if possible." Said Gerion making a small bow.

"Ah. I beg your pardon, lord Gerion. My son is not currently at the castle...but he should be joining us late tomorrow, if you don't mind waiting." Helman.

"No problem at all, my lord. I wish I could hear for myself, the infamous ballad of 'Snow Mill'. I shall look forward to the meeting." Gerion.

End POV.


POV: Author;

Just outside Torrhen's Square.

Next morning.

Gerion and Leobald, were at the foot of the lake waiting for 'Bloody Snow'.

"Why do we have to wait here, Leobald?" Smiling Lion asked his former drinking companion. He was wearing a crimson silk suit with a golden wool cloak, to protect himself from the morning chill of the North.

"Why do you want to spoil the surprise, Gerion?" Replied Leobald.

"Because I might freeze to death, before I meet 'Bloody Snow'...You know, I had just added him to my list of: 'things to do, before meeting the Seven'. AHAHAH!" Gerion.

"haha! Idiot!" Leobald.

After the laughter of both men they fell silent. It was time for the 'less joking' matters.

"So, your brother has finally turned his gaze towards my nephew..." Leobald said in a serious tone.

"Yes...and honestly, I can't blame him. You guys have grown up way too fast, Leobald. Always remember, that I am and always will be in service to House Lannister." Gerion replied, throwing off his mask.

"As I am and will always be in service to my family, Torrhen's Square and the North, Gerion." The two looked at each other nodding in agreement.

"Do you confirm, that you are giving me the possibility to speak 'freely' with your nephew?" Gerion.

"You have my blessing, and may 'the Seven assist you' Gerion. That's what you Southerners say, right?" Leobald.

"Yes..." Gerion replied mentally preparing himself.

After a couple of minutes...

"There he is!" Leobald.

"Where?" Gerion asked as he looked around.

"There, toward the lake. Do you see the ship?" Leobald, pointed to a distant dot.

"We're going to negotiate on a ship?" Gerion asked, confused.

"Not 'a ship' but 'the ship'...your 'new ship' to be precise." Leobald.

Gerion, was quite taken aback by Leobald's words, this, was one of those situations he would never have thought of.

After a few minutes, the ship became more and more visible...the veils were red...with a golden head in the center...a lion.

"That...but..." Gerion.

"Do you like it? Beautiful isn't it? Our shipwrights, worked on it day and night, to finish the job before you arrived. Duncan himself, oversaw its construction." Explained Leobald.

About fifteen minutes later, a lifeboat reached the two men.

"Please, my lords." Said one of the four rowers.

Leobald and Gerion, climbed up to join the ship.

When Gerion got on board, he was really impressed. He kept staring at all the details of this ship: 'one of a kind'.

"The keel..." Gerion was interrupted.

"Coated in a layer of copper plates, Lord Gerion. I am Duncan Tallhart, and I officially welcome you aboard the 'Seeker of Brightroar'." A childish voice replied.

Gerion froze in place. If the sight of the ship had disarmed him before, he was now completely unseated by the horse landing face-first on the hard, rough ground...

That name...'Seeker of Brightroar'...rang loud and clear on repeat, like a bell inside his head.

"How...I meant to say, Thank you. Thank you, young Lord Duncan." Gerion managed to pull himself together by making an extreme effort. He had to maintain control at all costs.

At that point Gerion saw a few steps away from him a child, slightly taller for the age he should be, dressed in a white leather doublet and red pants, green eyes with silver streaks and steel-white hair that reflected the morning light.

"If I may, what is that name?" As much as Gerion tried to maintain control, he couldn't help but ask...He had to know.

Very few, were aware of his dream of adventure in search: of the ancestral, lost, family Valyrian steel sword.

"What do you mean, my Lord? I had hoped you would like the name. My Uncle Leobald suggested it. He said this was your dream, my lord. Uncle did you lie to me?" Duncan replied, feigning a state of confusion and anger at his uncle.

"No, no nephew. I remember Gerion's words perfectly that night. He had said that one day, he would leave for the ancient ruins of Valyria and bring Brightroar back...Gerion don't tell me you don't remember that?" Yes Leobald justified, looking at Gerion.

The 'Smiling Lion' was certain that no matter how drunk he had been at that wedding, that he would never tell a stranger, just met, about that trip.....but he had to play along.

"Ah, gods, I must have really let myself go that night Leobald! Ahahahhahah...The name is to my liking young Lord. Thank you." Said Gerion, now he had really started to raise his guard. He felt at a total disadvantage at the moment. The 'Smiling Lion' was going to have to get his claws out.

"If it's all right with you, my Lord. Why don't we try this beauty on the water?" Duncan.

"I see no reason to refuse...'Bloody Snow'." Gerion replied, flashing a smile.

About an hour later...

Gerion felt the wind flowing through his hair, he kept staring at the horizon as if hypnotized. Every now and then, he would catch himself hearing the ship's captain's shouts addressed to his crew.

"Loosen that knot!", "Spread that last sail!", "Yes, Captain!"....

"How fast are we going?" Gerion asked Leobald and Duncan.

"Good question, Lord Gerion. Captain what is the current speed?" Duncan.

"About ten knots, my lord! If we can keep up the wind we should be able to reach eleven to twelve knots!" The captain.

"ELEVEN-TWELVE?!!!" Gerion blurted, unable to resist.

Gerion knew the sea well, in recent years he had studied navigation as a septon 'the seven-pointed star'. Normally normal merchant ships, reached five or six knots. A war galley seven or at most eight. It was rumored that the fastest ship in Westeros was Captain Victarion Greyjoy's Iron Victory. The 'Iron Victory', is supposed to rival in speed the famous 'Swan Ships' of Summer Island. It was said that those ships, if the wind was right, could reach even 'eleven knots' of speed...and now Gerion had heard a 'twelve' as if it were a normal goal....

Now that he thought about it, the 'Brightroar Seeker' bore a strong resemblance to the 'Swan Ships' of the Summer Islands...both in shape and size. However he could sense that the keel, stern and bow were more stable and solid.

"How did you manage to create this ship?" Gerion asked, wanting to satisfy his curiosity.

"I'd say it's time to stop and talk in comfort, 'Smiling Lion'. What do you say?" Duncan.

"Absolutely agree, 'Bloody Snow'!" Gerion.

About forty minutes later...

Three individuals, sat at a rectangular table inside the captain's cabin.

"So Lord Gerion, how do you like this three-masted carrack?" Duncan asked as he sat across from Gerion. This symbolized, that he was Bloody Snow, the representative of the Tallhart family and that his Uncle Leobald, who sat at the side, was his advisor.

"A magnificent gift, I must admit...It would be even more welcome if the Lannister family could have more..." Gerion said smiling.

"I fear my Lord...that the cost of construction and the labor involved...are a tad expensive." Said Duncan keeping a polite tone.

"We have no shortage of gold. The Lannisters don't look for convenience, they look for quality." Gerion.

"Well said, my lord. Let us speak of this 'quality' you seek from the Tallhart family...all 'quality'." The dances were open...

"House Lannister, would like to form an alliance with House Tallhart. Prosperous and lasting, so that, between our two Houses, a relationship of peace and prosperity may be established." Gerion.

"So is it a marriage you seek? If so, 'who', my Lord, should marry whom?" Duncan.

Gerion, raised an eyebrow at the boy's anticipation at the point he wanted to get to.

"I haven't said the words 'marriage' yet, young Lord. Ahah. Why did you so confidently assume such a topic?" Gerion asked, trying to test the waters.

" I'm not sure, that you want to know 'Why', I assume it's a marriage, my Lord." Duncan.

"AHAHA! No, no, you've already piqued my curiosity 'Bloody Snow'. Please, I insist." Gerion, had activated his sharp, calculating eyes.

"Well....'If you insist'...House Lannister already tried three years ago to threaten us, unsuccessfully, regarding the soap trade. Back then, we barely had 1/5 the political-economic influence that my House currently has. You are aware that 'we', are the true drivers of House Tyrell's commercial success. If House Lannister does not act now, you could have the Tyrells catching up in wealth in less than 10 years. For now 90% of your income is from silver and gold mining, which will not be infinite. You do not have significant commercial business. The Iron Islands, prevent you from prospering through naval trade. However, you are ahead of other Houses in craftsmanship, especially in goldsmithing and jewelry, but in wartime it is a sector that yields little or no income. Now that our House, has shown all the Seven Kingdoms, that in a few years we will be a new trading power, on par with the richest and most powerful Houses in the Seven Kingdoms, you want to move ahead. Currently you cannot stop us from prospering. Slow us down perhaps...but you would not wage war against House Tallhart. You have no motive or political support. Robert would not allow you to march on the lands of his friend Ned Stark. Small reprisals are out of the question, House: Glover, Forrester, Cerwyn and now Ryswell and Dustin would act as our trenches and shield. Besides, your spies have failed time and time again and will continue to do so...all that remains is 'marriage' my Lord." Concluded Duncan...

Gerion had already stopped smiling by the third sentence...now the look was more serious than ever.

"I hope I have been comprehensive enough in my answer. And that I have fully satisfied your curiosity, my Lord." Said Duncan in a polite tone.

"Without a doubt...I believe you have forgotten the support of the 'Iron Bank'..." Gerion.

"It wasn't forgotten, my Lord...I just didn't want to sin in 'arrogance and confidence'." Said Duncan giving a small smile.

A few seconds of silence passed...and then....

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! I LIKE YOU BOY! AHAHAH! YOUR UNCLE'S WORTHY NEPHEW!" Duncan and Leobald joined in with a light laugh.

As much as Duncan disliked the 'ways' or 'methods' of the Lannisters, he had to admit that he found 'The Smiling Lion' to be a nice and pleasant person.

"Alright then, let's not waste any unnecessary time. House Lannister, would like to propose an engagement between my nephew Lancel and your sister Eddara. We would like Eddara to be our welcome guest as soon as she reaches the age of seven." Gerion.

"I am very fond of 'my sister', my lord. That Eddara be 'hosted' as the daughter of Ser Harys Swyft is out of the question. However House Tallhart does not rule out the 'possibility' of an engagement...It will depend on your nephew and Eddara." Duncan.

"What do you mean?" Gerion asked, showing slight confusion.

"What we can accept, at best, is a rapprochement between the two young people, when they are the right age. Should the courtship be successful, then we will give our blessing. I will not force my sister into a forced marriage, my lord. Even if I have to face every knight in Westeros." Said Duncan in a firm tone.

Gerion, hearing those words, searched for Leobald's gaze. The boy's uncle seemed to fully support his nephew.

"If, we were to accept the proposal, we would at least want a guarantee that Eddara would not be promised or be courted by others." Gerion.

"That we can grant...as for the bride price?" Duncan.

"...We offer 300,000 G.D...with a guarantee that you will not go back on your previous statements. As for the dowry?" Gerion.

"A good sum...more than fair. However we would like something different...We propose a higher value exchange, which will bring excellent returns to both of us.." Duncan.

"...Let's hear it..." Gerion.

"We would like, that House Lannister, instead of giving us a sum of 300,000 G.D. provide us with a loan...of...2,000,000 golden dragons to be repaid within no more than 10 years without interest. In addition we would like you to assign to us the services of: 2,000 miners, 30 goldsmiths and jewelers, 100 leather and garment craftsmen, 100 scribes and accountants, 100 carpenters and 1,000 construction workers. All with at least 10 years of on-the-job experience and skilled in service for at least another 10 years. The Tallhart family, will provide for their wages and to welcome to our lands, all their respective families." Duncan.

"You ask a lot...In exchange for such generosity offered by my House, what would we get in return." Gerion asked, pondering the numbers.

"The exclusive sale of: Caracas, Merchantmen, and Galleys. All ships of unparalleled speed, endurance and stability. Future access to a port, which we will build in Sea Dragon Point, within the next two years and then the ability to deal with the entire North on all the products we will supply. New navigation techniques that will ensure you slip through the fingers of the 'Iron Fleet', and last but not least...Valyrian Steel..." Duncan.

Hearing the last words, Gerion's eyes sparkled.

"I don't think the Tallhart family has access to the lost ancient techniques of Valyrian steel...or do you?" Gerion asked.

"No my Lord, but we are very confident that we can undertake a successful journey to the ancient ruins of that lost empire. What we propose is a partnership with House Lannister on an expedition to the ancient ruins. We already have the necessary tools to solve the problem of toxic volcanic gases, a good route and many methods that will significantly increase our chances in the endeavor. If you would decide to cooperate with us. We would split the profits 50/50 on everything we find." Duncan.

Gerion pondered for a moment then said:

"What would these new 'navigation methods' be?" Gerion.

Duncan, pulled out of his pocket, what looked like a small white box.

"This, my Lord, is a 'compass'...an instrument that anywhere in the world will always point in the North direction...Our house will provide you and you alone with the right to sell such an item...We will only provide this instrument to our ships and those of House Manderly, but no one besides you will be allowed to resell it..." Duncan.

Gerion grabbed and studied the object for a few minutes. He saw the needle always pointing in one direction. Inside, under the needle, was a circle of bone in which was engraved 'the wind rose', all floating in a liquid that looked like water. He had realized the potential of that instrument in a single minute.

"We will provide you with the men you ask for, but 2,000,000, that's too many..." Gerion.

"But how my lord? The Tyrells lent us a third of that amount. I thought the Lannisters were at least 3 times richer than that humble House...wasn't that what you wanted to tell us by bringing your 300 men?" Duncan asked, showing innocence on his face.

"...." Gerion was silent for a moment...not knowing how to respond.

"We want House Tallhart to provide us with at least 4 caracas, 2 galleys and 5 merchantmen each year for the next 3 years. Double that from there on out. We will agree to all other conditions." Gerion.

"Done." Duncan stood up to join Gerion and shake his hand.

"We would also appreciate, that the 'nuisances' recently created by the Frey and the King's council, cease. If you could do anything about it we would be most grateful, my Lord." Duncan concluded.

Gerion shook his hand, staring at the boy.

"If my House can help yours, I see no reason why we shouldn't..." Gerion. Duncan smiled at that answer.

"I wish House Tallhart and House Lannister, a deep, long and prosperous future partnership." Duncan said.

"We wish the same." Gerion replied.

End POV.


POV: Gerion Lannister;

Casterly Rock.

About three weeks later.

Gerion had just entered his brother Tywin's study.

He had already sent a raven and a relay, to report in advance to the Lord Protector the agreement reached. In the report he had also reported (not in detail) the 'level' of danger of 'Bloody Snow'.

Now Gerion had arrived, to detail the specifics of the agreement.

The Smiling Lion found Tywin Lannister staring at the horizon in his balcony, which overlooked the West Sea.

"Brother, I have come as quickly as I can." Said Gerion bowing.

Tywin, allowed him and Kevan, to drop the formalities when they were alone.

"You made a good deal." Said Tywin turning a cold gaze on him.

"What's the matter with you? Did something happen?" Gerion knew, that when his brother Tywin was restless, he preferred to reflect and reason by staring at vistas.

"A message from Kevan from Braavos." He said, pointing to the scroll on the table.

Gerion didn't let him say it twice, he walked over to the table and grabbed the piece of paper.

"I thought it was in Lys...why Braavos?" Gerion asked as he opened the scroll.

"Kevan has failed in negotiations with the two free cities...Neither wants to move against House Tallhart...we know they are afraid of someone but not 'who' exactly." Gerion as he listened to his brother was able to read the contents of the message.

Within the message it read:

[No guarantee on the fulfillment of the assignment. The price is...].

Gerion looked at his brother with a confused look.

"Kevan has visited the temple of the 'faceless men' and requested the 'price' of their services for the boy Tallhart...what you see written is the sum they require." Tywin.

"But...wait..." Gerion was still confused.

"GOLD." Said Tywin anticipating the question.

Gerion's eyes widened, he recounted the zeros of that figure a second time.

A minute passed and Gerion said:

"This number...cannot be right."

Duncan_Randar Duncan_Randar

O mommy, what kind of money are we talking about?!!!

Does anyone know, why the 'price' is so high?

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