100% Creating A New Legend / Chapter 33: Chapter 30

章 33: Chapter 30

Feeling the same nostalgic presence wash over me I was a little torn on how to feel even though I tried to push it away I was kind of angry at her still for dumping me in Gensokyo and looking back she cut her connection to me when I left.

Her voice had an older more regal echo to it as the possessed Elyria underwent a complete change losing her illusion's and showing off her curvy body in a small haze of mist that dissipated almost instantly "This girl and wanting to hide her body haaa... Anyway how is the prodigal son. I heard you got back to your mommy are you happy now?" She said blandly with a sardonic smirk

"Boom" my mana exploded out of me in showing my sheer irritation at her and I recalled that oh so tearful goodbye before she sent me away, and about how she has and will be planning on using me for some her plans and frankly after I learned Scathach never even got the letter I wrote for her as I left a part of me just wrote her off and the only real reason I did look into finding her was to find Mia and Leah Vordia the two magician girls I picked up in Camp half-blood as students but had no luck and was told I had little chance of surviving breaking into Tiamat's territory.

"Ellesmera still putting your self in the bodies of children I see, tsk tsk, its looking to become a habit. Should I be scared you will want to sink your claws into me." Seeing her deadpan expression with only a lifted eyebrow at my snipes at her, I knew something that could break her so called façade. "Oh and if anything I suppose with your lineage its to be expected..."

I swiftly hopped to the side to dodge the straight punch that was shot for my chest and just chuckled seeing a vein popping up on her forehead which was the only indication of her rage because her face was plastic in how artificial it looked.

I took a step back to keep out of the shorter girls range but the school bell went off announcing the end of the first period class stopping our confrontation. "Damn I guess I will just have to find another time to have this conversation then." Frankly I didn't want my first day at a new school to consist of getting my ass beaten in school only to have Scathach told I was being a little shit and get beaten at home as well.

"See ya later." I called turning my back to her. Honestly even if I was already developing an interest in Elyria I had zero idea how she came about for all I know she was a child between me and Ellesmera and she used a hair of mine or something I have no idea.

As I went to the math class I noticed a number of the other students were paying attention to me and seeing a few familiar faces from gym class talking to other students that came out of there own classrooms and gesturing at me I knew I had already made a name for myself for better or worse.

"Hey man pretty crazy morning huh?" A voice voiced out behind me as I walked into my next class and as I found a seat I looked back to the guy who said that and he looked relieved that I wasn't just going to ignore him.

I nodded at the obvious question. "Yeah it was certainly one of my more active mornings unless I had surprise training or something." Although that was a very rare thing to happen because Scathach was many things, a slave driver, mildly sadistic, but one thing she most certainly wasn't was a morning person. Apparently living for centuries in a dimension that was almost eternally night time made the people living there have longer sleeping periods or some nonsense, honestly I thought she was full of crap but if she wanted to sleep in till Ten AM everyday, it was her own prerogative.

"So who are you I didn't really notice you in gym class?" I questioned as the guy was although not super ripped had decent muscles and blond hair which would have stuck out amongst the predominantly brown and black hair around her but seeing as this was an anime world there was certainly the odd purple, green, or even blue hair I saw between classes as people rushed too and from there destination.

The guy grinned and it reminded me those mischievous grins the Hermes kids back then would have had but his hair was a little too sunny blond and the same shade but then again he could always be a legacy those gods probably got more action than a airport toilet with how many of there kids were probably running around unclaimed. "My name is Gabriel Toshi and as for why you never noticed me well. I hid behind some people to make sure I wasn't noticed unlike you, I did my research on the people going to this school and, man oh man you are already in trouble."

Deadpanning at the shit stirrer I could already see he is going to join the gossip speakers in keeping the rumor windmill running at full speed so knowing to keep a grain of salt to his words I helplessly questioned him. "I already got cleared by the principal for fighting during the class so why would someone come to make problems with me already?"

His grin was like he was counseling me for my coming future like you know that one smile people give you when you wipe out when sledding or something but you aren't really hurt that's between a smile and grimace. "Well like the principle said they want to beat the pride out of us so the students are likely to keep there heads down and survive but frankly with you beating the teacher down that undermines there authority so not only will the other teacher want to make an example out of you but, other students will want to use to you to make a name out of themselves." Shit he is right. Literally the first rule for this school was survival of the fittest and the only rule with no allowances was bringing in normal people to this school so whether someone wanted to poison me or mind control me, it was perfectly acceptable and my only protection was my own skills and maybe if people knew my connection to Scathach.

Whatever. If someone comes I will deal with them harshly in other words I will follow the saying of 'Slaughter the chickens to scare the monkey's.' To keep other possible rivals in line.

"That's fine if they come I will do the same as I did to that teacher and fry there balls..."

"Tshhh" I could see Gabriel wince in sympathy and I saw few other guys who were listening in our conversation hiss in fear and turn away. "Yeah well after the first couple guys who challenge you face that fate maybe they will stop but I somehow doubt it but, um what about the girls who challenge you?" The fuck? do girls actually challenge guys for supremacy in duels??? And more importantly what I could I do to threaten them into obedience? Its not like I could just yell out in a full classroom that has more than half the students listening in on our conversation that I will fry there tits or something.

"Uhhh I will defeat them obviously but I wont go for such a shameless way of defeating them." I said weakly. Its not like I look down on female fighter's or mages especially with who my mother is. But I knew from experience in the stories mother told me of the men who badly defeated women were sometimes black balled in that community and as a very healthy teenager frankly I wanted those options.

I saw that my answer made a couple of the girls in the class nod in respect and even Gabriel seemed impressed but his next answer made me almost choke on my follow up. "Sooo you beat them up and then make out with them?"

I carefully turned away from the walking nightmare of high school drama who was going to destroy my reputation on my side and instead looked ahead towards the front of the classroom and waited for the teacher to come in seeing as we only had a minute left till the warning bell.

"Bang!" The classroom door was kicked in and I saw the leg extended was clad in a tight set of black pantie hose that clung to the long legs and led up to a matching distracting black pencil skirt that clung to the bottom heavy woman who strutted in carrying a stack of books that she dropped onto her desk with a "Boom" Literally those books were so old and heavily the kids close to her desk started coughing from the dust clouds they kicked up. I almost felt bad for them for a moment.

Besides her thick bottom she was more petit up top with smaller handful's for a chest and she had shiny straight black hair that trailed down to her bottom. Her face was clear of any defects with a cute button nose and probably her defining facial feature was her bright green eyes.

"Ok kids my name is Sylvia Declair and I am your math teacher. Now for what kinds of math styles that will be covered in this semester will be shown in your syllabus if you actually paid attention to it." Her expression soured as she looked at my area and my mouth twitched. I didn't even say anything yet... "What could you possibly have a question for yet I haven't even done roll call yet!" Looking around in shock I saw the idiot Gabriel had a stupid grin on his face and a hand that was lowering.

"Heya teach uh I just had a couple questions and I wanted to ask first what are your qualifications to be teaching here?" I couldn't help but facepalm and I hurriedly bounced my desk away from the doomed fool as the teachers curved eyebrows started to twitch in irritation.

She seemed to ignore his question for her qualification's and with a saccharine smile asked the smitten teenager "Oh and first lets get that other question first before I answer you... boy."

The doomed fool almost looked proud for a second before his words came rushing out "Do you have a boyfriend!"

I lifted my backpack and put it on my head as his chair and desk combo was rocketed into the tiled ceiling and he was left hanging there with only his waist and legs drifting out and some of the debris fell on my backpack and the other students just covered there heads with there arms with the girls crying about getting dry wall in there hair.

"Herm Herm." She coughed as though nothing phased her and Gabriel seemed to be firmly stuck in the ceiling as his now twitching legs suggested... "Now as for my qualifications. I am a child of Hecate and I was mentored by Circe during my childhood and later I joined the Golden Dawn magical group as a researcher for two decades so yes I am certainly qualified." She said proudly but then she blushed "I don't have a boyfriend though... Jeez can you imagine a thirty five year old woman in the prime of her life with no romantic prospects. It was those damn hermit mages there... If they weren't sleeping with other men they were so scared of a real woman they just made a homunculus who wouldn't judge them for how anti social they were..."

She kept muttering about how all the men around her were scared of her personal power and achievements as I heard a girl behind me whisper "Its not that hard to get a boyfriend..."

The room went silent and so did the teacher. Until she smiled and it was almost unhinged as I saw the fate of a lonely Christmas Cake women who couldn't get a man "So you got a boyfriend how nice. Is that him in front of you. oh that's just so fantastic...." As she said that she gently floated off the ground and towards me in particular.

"Mrs. Declair, she isn't my girlfriend." I said tiredly and seeing her not paying attention I sighed and stood up before an evil idea came too me making me grin.

Although I don't know much of anything about her I could see from the way she takes care of herself in the way she dresses and the things we were told she did, she was a woman who worked hard and probably now just wanted some companionship.

I knew she didn't want another simp coming after her and frankly she needed a man to take control and make her feel wanted, so I waited till she was about to press a glowing green hand against my chest to sidestep it and into her space and gently grabbed her chin with my thumb and frame her face with one of my hands and pulled her into a deep with my other hand and arm around her waist. Running my hand gently up her back I could feel her press her breasts into my chest in surprise and then she started shuddering in need as I dragged my hand down her back by the tips of my fingers possessively till I reached her thick ass.

Taking my hand off her face I grabbed her meaty ass with both my hands and sunk my fingers into it to grind her already wet core against my own hardness for a few moment making her squeal into my mouth, before I gently pushed us apart to breathe to the shocked and mind blown silence of the room.

I leaned into her ear and whispered making her breath hitch as she grabbed the back of my shirt. "Sylvia I will take responsibility later. Now get back to the lesson." With that said, I gave her a slap on the ass to wake her up and sat back in my seat as nonchalantly as I could ignoring the heated whispers around me as Gabriel somehow managed to get himself into his seat and was staring at me like I was an idol of worship.

Azazyel Azazyel

Hey if you like this and the daily uploads please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.pat-reon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C33
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


