Reincarnated into Ben 10 Reincarnated into Ben 10 original

Reincarnated into Ben 10

作者: atharva_saraf

© WebNovel

章 1: What if I was Ben 10

*I didn't know to what extent, but I had a hunch that our lives were gonna change when I saw Omnitrix on Ben's hand*

-Gwendolyn Tennyson recalling the events of summer.


"Finally it ended". Juan said as the end credits rolled on the computer screen.

He had just finished watching 'Ben 10 Alien swarm'.

'Man, it was good. But I feel like it could have been better, only if Ben took more interest and initiative in doing the right things.

And by right things, I don't mean morally right. That he always does. He had aliens like Alien X and if he did some tweaking he would have got Ghostfreak too. It would have been so much simpler.

Yeah but if he did that what would have been the purpose of the movie. Sigh. I wish I had been in the place of ben. I would have done things way differently.

"And Gwen ooh yes...." Juan got a perverted smile on his face.

As he was about to lower his zipper a boink sounded and he felt like something hit his head with a baseball bat, his consciousness faded awa-

"Perverted Virgin hmph." A melodious voice echoed in Juan's room "I was about to grant his wish, but after seeing his perverted mind I don't think I will". A little girl in a white gown said from up in the sky. As she was about to leave until a tear opened in the fabric of time and space. From it came a piece of paper.

Intrigued she reached for it with her delicate hands and grasped it. It read

" Please Gaia sama, I request in the name of Jesus that you don't do such a mistake otherwise I wouldn't be able to collect power stones and come on the leader board (Hint.Hint) Please give him another chance, I promise he won't go after Gwen unless the readers say so in the comments(Another Hint).

Your dear Author Sama-"

The letter ended. The little girl named Gaia sighed in frustration and resigned to the request of the Author and yelled at the sky "I want a churros party for this you punk" and snaps her finger.

Half of the people turn to dust- Oops wrong snap.

She snapped her fingers and Juan faded from his chair with his half-opened zipper.


Juan opened his eyes and looked around in shock. He found himself in a forest at night. It was cold and rather chilly. He looked at his clothes they were white T-shirt with a black stripe in the middle and a cargo pant which was too loose for his comfort.

Then it hit him like a truck. Memories. So many memories, the pain was unbearable it felt like thousand needles into your brain- I am not going to say that as I don't know how it feels, so instead it felt like when your childhood crush rejects you.

Yep, that feels more appropriate for the readers as most of us are nerds with no outside life who come here to escape from our boring and monotonous life and become heroes of fanfiction- And I am rambling.

Yep, so it was bad, but it eventually ended (Just like your music band). The pain subsided and Juan, or should I say Ben panted. Greedily taking in air as if he had just been saved from drowning.

He could not believe it. It was so surreal, I mean he just wished it and it happened. Was it that easy? If wishes were fulfilled that easily then when he as a child wished to be a pony- *Shiver*. It must be the wind.

"Hey Doofus" a voice came from behind. Ben turned abruptly just to come face to face with a charming red-haired girl. She had a nonchalant look on her face, but Ben could see traces of worry in her eyes.

"Yeah Dweeb, what do you want?" Ben asks out of habit. His face in a sneer. Gwen looks exasperated and says "Get up, grandpa is calling for dinner".

She visibly reached but didn't puke. Ben astonished at her reaction tries to recall why.

Worms moving in a bowl make an appearance in his mind and he too reached. They both look at each other in despair. But Gwen's expressions change and she says in alarm "What's that on your arm".

Ben gets startled due to an abrupt change in her volume. He still didn't fully adjust to his new body, so he was a little fuzzy.

"Don't shout Dweeb, and don't worry it's just a watch I found in the woods, I liked it, so I took it". Ben explained to Gwen, but she was having none of it and reached for the watch saying " It's not yours, someone must be looking for it, it looks expensive and I don't want to get into trouble".

"Oh no you don't" ben raised his hand out of Gwen's reach. She was still a little shorter than him, so it was easy. But she moved so much that she touched the button on the watch and it popped up.

Startled by the sudden moment on the watch Gwen pushed Ben away. And he fell to the ground and the watch's dial slammed onto the soil and it activated.

There was a flash of green light. It was so bright that she had to cover her face with her hands. As the flash ended and she removed her hand she saw a creature who was on fire.

He was made of red rocks which had fire, it was humanoid-shaped.

She shrieked in horror. and Ben was sure that it reached grandpa Max. Just as she was about to run away Heatblast called out.

"Dweeb, don't worry, it's me, Ben". As Gwen heard a different voice say this she didn't believe in him. But she knew only Ben called her dweeb.

"Ben?" She asked in a shaky voice "Yes Dweeb, it's me".

"Shit" Was her only response.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


