88.33% Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version) / Chapter 51: Haunting voice. Fight of Titans

章 51: Haunting voice. Fight of Titans

[Since it's been a while and maybe not everyone rereads from the beginning, we're going to do a little review.

"" Talk

'' Thoughts or depending on the context, speaking mentally

. Scene/time change, basically full stop to the theme

.-. Change of scene and also of Pov

… Some time later

-- Third-person argumentative text within a first-person POV

- Abrupt change of theme, I try not to use this much

« » Ideas, foreign thoughts ]


Although moving the stones was an extremely exhausting and somewhat complicated task, with some effort and constant repetition, the results were still felt.

Ron: "Haaa…Even though it works, this isn't very effective…" Ron let out a long breath as he sat down on the dark floor under the cover of his wandlight.


A slight groan sounded behind him, albeit light, echoing in the silent cave, as if someone was waking up.

The sound immediately drew Ron's full attention, as he turned his gaze in that direction, only to notice Lockhart start to move and open his eyes.

Giving a little jump and ignoring the tiredness of his body. He grabbed his wand and raised it high, ready to attack if necessary. He would no longer allow himself to let his guard down easily, not after what had happened.

Lockhart: "*groans* My head... what happened?... hello?" Shaking from his reverie, Lockhart groaned weakly as his body ached and his head felt sore, as if he'd hit a hard blow.

Even so, it didn't take long for him to come back to reality and he realized that he was in a dark and humid place, and he couldn't move his limbs well. Soon, as he was trying to make sense of his situation, he noticed a boy not far from him pointing a wooden stick at him.

Lockhart: "Excuse me, can you tell me where we are? And… who am I?"

Ron: "Uh…" Ron was stunned. 'Did he lose his memory? No, wait, what if he's faking it?'

Lockhart: "Sir?" Lockhart reiterated when he did not receive a response.

Ron: "Sir?...". Ron muttered in bewilderment, would Lockhart call him so politely?

Somewhat tentatively, Ron decided to play along.

"You… you are my subordinate and I am your boss and right now we are at work, we are in… uh… an excavation, yes."

Spouting a bunch of nonsense that came to his mind, Ron carefully watched Lockhart's reaction to his words, however, Lockhart's next words surprised him even more.

Lockhart: "Is that so? Wow! I didn't think I was a miner, though, aren't you too young? But... why can't I move?"

Ron: "*cough cough* That doesn't matter. Wait, I'll untie you." Although he still had doubts, Ron was beginning to believe, so he pointed his wand and burned the vines that bound Lockhart.

Lockhart: "Wow! How did you do that? Was that magic?" Although he couldn't see much from his position, since the way he was tied up wouldn't allow it, but he clearly saw a ray of light coming out of the branch in the hands of the boy in front of him and then felt his limbs release.

Ron: "That's right, it's magic. I'm a wizard and…so are you."

Lockhart: "Me? A wizard? That's amazing". Lockhart got back up moving his now free limbs and rising from the ground, while responding with great emotion, admiration and surprise.

Ron: "Ahem"— Feeling a little embarrassed by Lockhart's emotionality, Ron tried to change the subject— "Anyway, now that you're awake, I need you to help me move all those rocks and make a passage."

Although his attitude softened a bit when he saw that he had lost his memory, but when he remembered what had happened before, he still always kept some distance and with the wand ready in case he needed it.

Lockhart: "Oh, okay."

Contrary to his concerns, however, Lockhart seemed much more calm and honest, not even asking too much or refusing, he accepted and got to work.

His enthusiasm lessened his suspicion, for if he hadn't lost his memory, it was unlikely he would deign to do a job that involved getting that dirty, and more so knowing the danger that lay on the other side.

In the following time, Lockhart began to move the rocks. Although he wasn't very physically strong, but compared to Ron who was a 12-year-old boy, he had a lot more physical strength, so he could do it with more ease, plus Ron still kept levitating rocks to speed up the work.

Sometimes they would take a short break, in which Ron would go to observe the state of Hermione, who still hadn't woken up.

Lockhart: "What happened to her?"

Ron: "…She…"— Ron clenched his hand into a fist, but then released it—"She had an accident and now she's resting." Ron said with some concern, even so, he also felt quite angry since whoever had caused it was right next to him and didn't seem to even remember doing it.

He had already tried to see if he could go back the way they came to take Hermione to the infirmary, but there was no way back and the pipe was just too slippery and tricky.

Ignoring the fact that he could go up there with Hermione, most of the pipe was sloping vertically and it was also much darker, so it wasn't feasible.

Ron: "Don't waste time, if you've rested, get back to work."

Lockhart: "Yeah..." Sounding somewhat downcast, Lockhart responded and got up to continue moving rocks.

During the time that they had been working on removing the stones, Ron had continued to probe with questions and now he was completely sure that Lockhart had lost his memory, besides, he had lost very important parts of it.

He was like a child, although he still knew basic things, he had forgotten almost everything about himself, and he did not remember anything about the wizarding world or magic. In fact, sometimes he wouldn't stop throwing questions at him, leaving him no choice but to silence him because otherwise he wouldn't be able to concentrate, besides, he didn't have an answer to all the questions.

Lockhart also seemed a bit clueless at times, it seemed like the spell had screwed him up a bit too or he was already that dumb before.

On the other hand, his own ability with the levitating spell had improved a lot given the constant use, he could now levitate medium-sized rocks much more easily and at least shake off large ones without wasting much energy or effort.

Ron: "*gasp* It's done."

Lockhart: "*gasp* Yes."

After a few long minutes of work, they finally made a hole big enough to climb through, although it wasn't very high, at least he had no trouble getting through it with Hermione.

It had to be said that with magic everything was made quite simple, well, that and that the stones were loose from the collapse, otherwise it really would have taken them hours since they did not have any more useful tools or spells for it.

Ron: "Now, go back to the other side and wait there. You're not allowed to come to this side until we come back or someone else comes."

Lockhart: "Understood…"

Seeing Lockhart obediently leave, Ron sighed and then walked away with Hermione on his back.

Although he was worried about his sister, Ginny, he couldn't just neglect the situation here. He still needed to get Hermione to safety before he thought about going to help Harry.

With Hermione in tow, he reached a somewhat inconspicuous corner away from the main path and then, using transfiguration magic, he moved and shaped the stone to make a shelter that would keep out some threats as well as be discreet enough to hide Hermione.

It didn't turn out great, but it was decent enough in his opinion, since he basically just molded and glued certain parts together to make it work, plus transmogrified some other rocks onto a straw mat.

With the darkness of the cave, the little shelter didn't seem out of place, going almost completely unnoticed.

After shoving Hermione inside and barricading the entrance with the heaviest stone he could find and move, he turned and ran up the path ahead.

The road was somewhat bumpy so despite his haste, he couldn't go too fast or he might fall, even so, he soon arrived in front of a large circular gate surrounded by two statues of snakes.

Stepping through the open door, He is greeted by the sight of a partially flooded hall with statues of serpents lining the sides. The room was light enough that he didn't need to use a Lumos spell to see, but it was still kind of dark overall.

The place where he was standing was in a high place and a metal ladder had to be lowered to go down to the level of the hall.

Going down the stairs, he notice that the room or chamber was much larger than what he had seen from above.

In addition, outside the main path that leads to the depths of it, the surroundings were flooded with water and for some reason, as he entered, he felt a chill run through his body, as if the snakes in the surrounding columns were watching him. following him with their eyes

Just when it was starting to make you uneasy, he saw a figure approaching him from a distance.

Ron: "Harry!" Noticing Harry, much of his nervousness dissipated.

Harry: "Ron?!"

Ron: "Harry, I'm coming." Excited, he was already starting to run when Harry stopped him.

Harry: "No! Ron, Run! Turn around."

Ron: "Wha'? Why? It took me a long time to get-". Ron's words died in his throat as he saw a gigantic creature crawling up behind Harry and without hesitation he turned and began to run.

s~"Other? Doesn't matter. Basilisk, kill him too, but your main priority is Harry Potter"~s


Walking with somewhat leisurely steps, Extimum moved through the darkness of the cave without stopping, despite his exhaustion he didn't stop once.

At some point and without even realizing it, he had crossed the door of the chamber of secrets. Coming to himself, he stopped. He took a general look at the place, but did not go further into it, instead choosing to turn off the main path.


Turning off the main path, he directly stepped through the water surrounding the path into the depths of the chamber and stepped into one of the giant pipes that served as passageways and ran along all the side walls.

The place was like a goalless maze made up entirely of pipes that interconnected all the entrances. He wander around the place for a while, looking for a place to shelter and rest.

A strong smell of humidity and other unknown substances enveloped the place.

His footsteps were mostly silent, careful to make too much noise given the echoes generated by the tunnels and the occasional puddles of water.

After walking for some time, he came across a dead end. It wasn't the first one he came across, although he tried to dodge them as best he could, but this one in particular was deep and hidden enough.

You had to go around a lot to get here and there was only one entrance, since the others had been sealed with bars that prevented the passage or with gates.

This specific part where he had arrived, was a long pipe with two other surrounding pipes on each side. Each and every one without fail completely sealed, ensuring a single entry.

The place was perfect, or as perfect as it could be, a great wet pipe in the middle of a hidden and dark maze of medieval sewers. Still, given his situation, he couldn't complain.

Before going further in to give himself a break while he assessed his situation, he paused at the entrance.

Extimum: "First, let's put in some countermeasures and protections."

He was tired, but if he squeezed his will and body, it wasn't too difficult to cast a few more simple spells.

Waving his wand gently in what looked like a wave motion, he arranged several layers of illusions, covering the entire entrance to the place and erasing any trace from the outside that there was even a fork there.

Just a simple wall would greet the sight of anyone passing by, even if they tried to touch it or lean on it, it could still look completely real.

At the same time he also put an alert spell at the entrance to the path. It wasn't very useful, but it will give him a few seconds of alert in case someone still insisted on charging and crossed the illusion.

"*sigh* That should do for now."

Turning around, he entered the pipe and when he reached the end, he chose the pipe to his left to sit down and rest.

Ignoring the humidity on the floor and the bad smell of the place, he closed his eyes.

*Breath* *Exhale* *Breath* *Exhale*

He stabilize his somewhat disordered breathing and try to still his body from the effort. He needed at least that, a few seconds of peace and rest.

Moving his hand a little, his wand came back out of its case on his arm and fit directly into his hand.

With a little flash and another flutter, he aimed the tip at his chest, casting in rapid succession two inspection spells he had learned from Pomfrey that were used to find traces of spells on the body.

However, as expected, he find nothing. It wasn't unexpected, but confirmation was never unnecessary.

Without showing any change in mood, he continue with what he had really come to do.

Even without opening his eyes, he concentrated on his breathing in a specific rhythm, trying to enter a meditative state, closed and solely focused on himself.

Completely isolating himself from his surroundings, somewhat risky based on his current situation, but not completely without merit, as it would allow him to shorten time.

Given his experience and usual routine, it didn't take long for him to ignore everything around him and deepen his consciousness, entering his mental space.

His mental space was the same as always. A starry sky filled with both familiar and unknown stars and planets.

Space, planets, stars and even the smallest asteroid in the place symbolized his consciousness.

Gathering his thoughts, he focused on one point of the place.

He imagine his body, with all the parts it included. His bones, his flesh, his veins, his skin, his hair, and his less human parts, like his tails and fox ears, then... when all that construction had settled in his mind, he focused on the light of his mental space.

The stars.

And with a thought, the starlight around him gathered and focused into a stream of light that fell upon the incarnation of his body he had created, illuminating it, as if a dazzling spotlight shone down the entire side of his body.

As the warm light fell on his body, enveloping him, a large dark shadow was projected on the back of his body.

A fine shadow and as black as the darkest of inks, swallowing every trace of light from the surroundings.

Suddenly, large purple eyes opened in the emptiness of the sea of stars, with sharp pupils and an unnatural calm and detachment in their gaze. He took in his surroundings for a few seconds, before finally focusing on the much smaller body below him or rather, the shadow cast from it.

The detachment in the gaze was replaced with utter concentration, but the calm remained. The eyes watched without blinking or even looking away for a moment.

As if more than observing the unfathomable darkness of a reflection of light, one was observing a mystery of the universe in the process of being resolved.

In fact, the longer the gaze remained on the shadow, it seemed more and more…alive.

The shadows are a reflection, a projection, a part that the light does not reach, if you want to be technical, but... beyond that, in their essence they are simple darkness, the opposite of light.

It is always there, always has been, before even the first glow came into the world, waiting in eternal calm and solitude.

But there is no terror, no unknown horrors beyond human or mere mortal imagination, just the eternal embrace of beginning and end.

But for the Shadowless and all magical creatures/beings with an affinity for darkness, it's much more than that. There is a whole mystery, a truth, an intelligible knowledge and even a whole world to discover within it. That is why they do not fear, but rather accept its embrace and immerse themselves in it. They are part of it and it is part of them, accompanying them every step of the way.

When the big eyes fell on his own shadow, analyzing each piece and corner of it, as if he were not looking at a simple shadow but as if he were seeing a complete image, being careful that no part was foreign or with additional things that did not belong there.

Something, something deep in mental space stirred. And even when there was no wind in the sea of stars, a gentle breeze began to blow. Ruffling the hair on Extimum's body.

A totally imperceptible fact for him who was concentrating on reviewing his own shadow in detail.

And with the breeze, a whisper.

«Are you looking for what is missing in your heart?» «What is missing in your being…?» «What you can only see and feel through others, while you yourself are incapable of» «You want to feel it, don't you?»

A voice, no. A thought, an intention came along on the breeze, ravaging Extimum's mind. Reproducing as slow and deep insidious words.

«Or perhaps you wonder... why do you live?» «Why can your mother show so much emotion to others, but with you she doesn't even bother to pretend...?» «Does your father even consider you his son?» «Are you his son...or...a tool to an end?»

The large eyes in the starry sea trembled slightly, but still kept their gaze fixed on the dark shadow, refusing to lose the thread of their search.

«Jujujujuju» «You already know the answer, but you refuse to accept it» «You're just trash, the remains» «What nobody wants» «Even so, you try so hard...» «What for?» "Who will see it?" "Who cares?" «Jujujujukukuku» «To nobody»

«You are as empty as the mansion in which you live» «As decadent as life in the stars of your mind» «You are just a child that nobody wants, that nobody remembers» «Maybe if you die here nobody will remember you ? Oh, that's right, yes they will, after all, they still have to use you, before finally discarding you Jujujuju»

The large eyes trembled violently this time, threatening to turn their gaze to the source of the foreign wind, to the source of such vile words.


*gasp**gasp**holding breath*

Harry and Ron stuck to the walls of one of the pipes attached to the chamber they had fled through. Their breaths held, while they looked into each other's eyes in what seemed like a silent conversation.

With Ron running ahead, they had entered the pipes next to the snake statues that lined the main path of the chamber. Harry, being in better physical condition, had managed to reach it and seeing that the basilisk would reach them quickly, they decided to hide, taking refuge in two closed pipes next to the main one through which they were running.


Suddenly, as they maintained their silent communication, their breaths hitched, while their bodies tensed and they slowly backed away, clinging to the walls.


With a slow, careful movement, the great head of the basilisk poked out. Moving in complete silence, like a hunter stalking its prey, contrasting with its large size.

Its eyes, still oozing corrosive blood and completely blinded.

Trusting its sense of hearing, it had followed them here, guided by the sound of their footsteps on the puddled floor and the rumbling echo that was created in the spacious pipe.


Stopping right in front of them, it stood still, paying close attention to any other sounds. Although losing its eyes to the clutches of Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes, had lost its petrifying gaze and its ability to see, it hadn't greatly affected its natural ability as a hunter.

Letting out a stale breath as it opened its mouth, the basilisk sniffed with its nose, trying to catch some scent. It was difficult since the musty smell was predominant, but at the same time it also helped to detect different smells.

As it sniffed, its nose felt instinctively drawn in Ron's direction, who was sweating nervously.

Harry and Ron didn't dare to breathe, in this silent environment and with how sharp the snake was even blinded, any misstep could mean their deaths.

However, the basilisk still hadn't moved, it had stopped right here, because it was where it had lost the sound of its footsteps on the puddled floor. Sniffing and listening carefully.

Watching the basilisk start to get closer and closer to Ron, Harry finally couldn't sit still and looked around for anything that might help him, until his eyes finally landed on a stone on the ground.

Picking it up carefully, he hastily tossed it down the main path, diverting the basilisk's attention.

*Tak tak tatak*

In the silent pipes, the sound of stone hitting the ground was especially loud, leaving an echo with each tap.


Diverting its attention, the basilisk focused on the new sound and continued to crawl forward, past Harry and Ron.

They both didn't move. They remained perfectly still even when they could no longer see and hear it, before finally easing their breaths and beginning to move carefully.

Ron: "*gulp* That was scary"

Harry: "Yes… but we don't have time, we have to go back. Quickly follow me". Although he was curious as to how he had gotten here so fast and where he had left Hermione, Harry didn't ask, at this moment, Ginny's life was at stake and he still didn't know what had happened to Extimum.


Following the echo of the sound, the basilisk slithered down the pipes, alert for any hint. It knew these pipes well, and without its eyes, its hearing had grown even more acute, relying on the general echo of their movement and its memories to tell it where to move.

As it slid down the pipes that perfectly fit its size and still gave it room to stretch out slightly, it heard something.

A sound, minimal, perhaps indistinguishable and it probably wouldn't have heard it if it wasn't concentrating so much on its ear, but it still heard it and that was enough.

it immediately launched itself in that direction, moving and twisting through the pipes towards the direction from which it felt the echo of the sound came from.

It inadvertently headed for a completely enclosed pipe, but unable to see, it kept going straight, easily traversing what turned out to be an illusion. Not that it knew since it couldn't see.


«You can't even control yourself» «You hurt Hermione. You played with her. You still do» «You play with the world, how do others play with you?» «You can only hold hard to that useless and rickety pendant, as if it were the last straw» «After all, who will help you?»

«It won't be able to contain us, not forever and even now, not completely» «Jujujuju, you know it, but you pretend, you always pretend, you hide behind that mask of serenity and expressionlessness»


«But I can see it, I can feel it...» «You will fall...» «You will cause damage, chaos» «And you will hurt everyone you consider close» «And I will see it. I'll watch you fall piece by piece» «Until there's nothing left of you» «Completely lost… Distorted into something else» «Hahahahaha»



The large purple eyes finally moved, with red veins pulsing in them and filled with a creepy feeling. They finished checking the shadow completely and focused their gaze on the sea of stars.

The source of words, of the unnatural wind. A completely dark, star-free swirl in space.

His gaze, bringing an incredible pressure that made the entire mental space tremble and yet, despite his impulse, that great darkness seemed imperturbable, even drawing a great white smile full of sharp teeth.

As if mocking his vain attempt at intimidation.


Grasping the meaning of the smile, a roar filled with rage and anger resounded, shaking the entire space and sending it into chaos. Planets exploded, stars went dark, and black holes filled all of reality, finally erasing that foreign, abstract darkness.

And with him, all space collapsed.



The basilisk came closer, it was getting closer and closer to the source. The faint sound had reappeared, and this time it was louder. Wilder and messier.

And Just when it was about to turn to face the source.

**BOOOooom** **Crack Crack crack** *Pam*

Debris and pieces of stone flew everywhere as that section of pipe collapsed, breaking even the surrounding walls.


A shuddering roar reverberated throughout the pipe network, causing the basilisk to step back slightly. At that very moment, although it did not know what had happened, the basilisk knew that it had not found its prey, but something else.

But before it could decide whether it should stay or retreat to catch up with its true prey, which its master had ordered it to kill, a large figure, even slightly larger than himself, rushed from the place of the roar and explosion and charged at it, hitting it hard on the head.


The basilisk shook its head, somewhat numbed by the sudden blow, and fixed its reflexively blind gaze on the creature now in front of it.

A large silver-white fox at least 3 meters stood ready to pounce on it again. With nine tails waving furiously and menacing purple flames dancing on the tips of each one. Misty clouds seemed to be emitted from its paws. Its eyes, deep purple with chaotic reddish highlights that swirled in their center.

What puzzled it the most is that even though it knew it was clearly blind, somehow it could see it or rather, its mind, its mind could perceive its image perfectly and transmit it to it.



Though threatening, the basilisk was also undeterred, responding with a venom-laden roar of its own.

However, the poison in its breath only ran and brushed, with no clear effect on the creature in front of it, before the two of them lunged and engaged in a vicious fight.

The space in the pipes was tight, but in its rampage, the nine-tailed fox had demolished several pipe walls and part of the ceiling, expanding the space.

The stones that were in the way were directly turned into dust and scattered on the ground with the force of its attacks.

The basilisk jerked and lashed its tail or squirted acidic, corrosive venom before lunging in to take a bite out of the Fox again.

The nine-tailed fox lunged as well, opening its jaws in an attempt to bite it and waving its tails that swung flexibly and were sword-sharp on contact.


After running out of the pipes, Harry and Ron returned to the central part of the chamber, where Tom Riddle waited for them with an impassive look.

Ron: "Ginny!"

Seeing Ginny on the floor, Ron seemed blindsided by the situation and immediately rushed to her side, kneeling on the floor to examine her and see what was wrong.

Tom: "Hahahahaha! It's too late, the process is almost over. In minutes, Ginny Weasley will die and this memory will revive. Lord Voldemort will return. He will return alive like never before"

Ron: "¡Ahh!" Ron yelled and got up from the floor angrily, although he didn't fully understand the situation, but he could still read between the lines, so he immediately took out his wand and pointed it.


Tom: "It's useless, you can't beat me". Tom simply waved his hand nonchalantly and dismissed the incoming spell.

Ron: "Fire, Immobulus, Expelliarmus." Ron didn't want to stop, he didn't know many spells that could do any damage, but he had to try, his sister was dying and Harry didn't have a wand with him to help him.

Tom: "What's taking so long? s~Come back~s". Tom's hissing voice boomed through the chamber as he continued to calmly and disinterestedly reject every spell Ron threw at him.

He could finish it himself, but where's the fun in that? Wouldn't that be too easy?

Harry could only watch, helplessly, wanting but not knowing what to do. He didn't know how to do magic without a wand and throwing himself in front of a magician like that was simply seeking death.


Suddenly, the place shook and the entire wall on the right exploded. Ron and Tom immediately stopped their fight.


Followed by a huge angry roar, a large shadow flew overhead and crashed to the floor on the other side of the chamber.



Turning their heads unconsciously, they saw the figure that had fallen on the other side. It was the basilisk. Wounded and somewhat stunned by the hard blow. It shook its head and contracted its entire outstretched body, letting out its own roar of anger and preparing to continue fighting.

At once attention returned to the right, as more stones slid from the large hole now in the wall, followed by the faint sound of a growl.

A large, very large figure, even larger than the basilisk to their left, appeared before their sight, its footsteps silent, muffled by what seemed to be clouds of mist on each of its legs.

Its large purple eyes with sharp pupils, tinged with a chaotic red at their centers became the main source of their attentions as it pushed its way through the cloud of dust that billowed with destruction.

However, that was quickly contrasted when shiny platinum fur appeared, followed by nine wildly waving tails with what looked like balls of purple fire at their tips.



Tom: 'A Kitsune? What is it doing here? No wait, why does it have nine tails and is it so big? They're only supposed to have three…'

But the two great giants seemed completely oblivious to the surprise the three people in front of them were going through or their desire to appreciate the new sight more, as the two charged again and collided in a mind-blowing and brutal fight.

**Boom Boom Boom** **Grrr** **Sssss**

The fight was fierce, sending drops of water everywhere along with the occasional stone.

Harry had no choice but to pick up the unconscious Ginny and leave with Ron who had turned his attention back to Tom Riddle.

The smell of blood wafted through the air followed by great shudders.

As that was happening, Harry noticed something. Picking up Ginny, he had taken the sorting hat that was on the floor next to her and had left Fawkes earlier and now, a silver sword had appeared from inside it.

Ron: "Harry, what do we do now? Ginny is very pale and although the Basilisk is busy, we don't know if this new creature is also a threat, besides him…I can't defeat him"

Harry: "..." Harry was silent for a moment, also quickly thinking about his options.

Basilisk situation aside, the main threat was Tom Riddle. But before he could come to a consensus, he hears Tom speaking.

Tom: "Messy creature, leave the basilisk!" Waving the wand in his hand, a crimson beam of light shot out and struck the nine-tailed fox, sending it flying into the hole it had entered through.


Tom could not bear such a situation any longer. The nine-tailed fox that had appeared was fighting with a ferocious impetus contrary to its nature and his basilisk, although it was not at a clear disadvantage, found itself more and more injured.

Furthermore, the fierce fight between the two beasts had completely ruined and overshadowed their moment.

The basilisk wanted to follow the nine-tailed fox to the other side, but Tom stopped him.

Tom: s~"Finish them. Now"~s.

Though reluctant, the basilisk still averted its gaze, focusing on where Harry and Ron stood, guided by its connection to its master.

Seeing the basilisk approaching them and that the nine-tailed fox did not appear again. Harry finally made up his mind.

Harry: "Ron, take Ginny." Wielding the silver sword that had emerged from the hat and in an act of impulsive heroism, he decided to face the basilisk.

Ron was about to protest, when he saw that Harry had already run off, drawing the basilisk's attention.

With no other choice, he took Ginny under Tom's sneering glare and walked away.


After some time sliding down the pipe, Christelle felt it tilt horizontally and finally shoot out into a wide, dark area.

Landing on her two feet, she looked around to find complete darkness.

Christelle: "Noctis eyes." A soft dark glow covered Christelle's eyes, being especially conspicuous in the dark place.

With the spell taking effect, Christelle's vision became much clearer even in the absence of light.

Taking a look at the artifact in her hand and then at her surroundings, she started on her way without hesitation.

The stony path didn't seem like an impediment, when her figure moved like a fish in water through the dark cave, soon reaching what seemed like a dead end, until she noticed something, or rather, someone.

Raising her staff, she flashed a light in the person's direction to get their attention.

Christelle: "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

Lockhart: "Good morning, fair lady, or is it night? Hard to tell here."

Christelle: "Answer my question"

Lockhart: "Are you perhaps a wizard too?" Seeing the light coming from what looked like a staff and a hooded woman pointing it at him, Lockhart asked when he seemed to come to a realization.

Christelle: "Hmm? Wait, you look familiar…Gilderoy Lockhart?"

Lockhart: "Ah! Yeah, I think that kid mentioned that was my name, too."

Christelle: "Kid? Was anyone else here? What did you see?"

Lockhart: "Yeah, before you got here I was with a kid, he said he was my boss and we were mining here."

Christelle: "Er…mining, you say?" Christelle felt somewhat puzzled and out of place, why would someone be mining in the depths of the school? Even stranger, if the man in front of her was who she assumed, then there was clearly something wrong with him.

Lockhart: "Yes, from what he told me, there was a cave-in and there was that girl, right, she had been injured and we had to make a passage to the other side for some reason."

Christelle: "Among those children, did you see one with silver hair streaked with purple?"

Lockhart: "Hmm, no, if I had seen someone that peculiar I think I would remember, I only saw brown hair. Oh, excuse me, who are you?"

Christelle: "That's not important now, bye."

Lockhart: "Oh, okay, good luck on your search."

Christelle was about to walk through the hole when she stopped.

Christelle: "Besides children, haven't you seen anything else come through here? Some magical creature perhaps?"

Lockhart: "No, just kids."

Without another word, Christelle stepped through the hole to the other side.


**Shipping stones** **Pam**

Rocks flew everywhere, as a large figure came out from a mountain of rocks.

Extimum: 'Agh, dammit. Voldemort really doesn't play games, by a hair's breadth and that spell could have done more than just knock me out for a few minutes… But… At least it helped me come to myself.'

Before, though he had seemed to be in a state of utter madness and savagery, blinded by rage, he had actually been completely aware and almost…completely autonomous.

Thinking about it, Extimum wasn't entirely sure what had happened, but there was certainly something he did know. It was all the fault of that voice, that voice in his head.

Being completely focused, he hadn't been able to silence their, not this time, and like a viper, it had slithered into the most vulnerable part of his mind. Polluting and clouding his judgment.

He could remember feeling anger, a great, seething anger that wanted to consume everything, and though most of those emotions had been alien and foreign, a considerable part of them were truly his. This may well be the first time he had ever experienced and expressed such strong emotion and anger at that.

The basilisk had just come at the wrong time or perhaps the right one, depending on how you looked at it.

Frowning slightly, he couldn't help but remember one of the words the voice had said.

«You will cause damage, chaos»

However, he quickly relaxed his face and focused on his current situation. This was not the time to wander into other thoughts.

Taking a look at himself, I notice with amazement and some satisfaction his shape. It wasn't as if in his apparent earlier state of anger he hadn't been able to notice it, but he hadn't had the time or the mind to really appreciate it.

Extimum: 'It's the final form…At least in appearance that is, otherwise, it would be too weak'

'However, this form can only be temporary. My current stage of growth is not suitable for possessing such a large shape, let alone when considering the really small size I normally take in comparison.'


'The basilisk isn't dead yet and by the sound of its roar, Harry must be fighting it. Should I just go now or…? No, wait, what am I thinking? Even if the basilisk is blind, it's still a dangerous creature and I just can't believe things will still be the same after I intervened.'

'Now at least I know that that woman didn't put any tracking spell on me, but even without that, she should still be able to get here. For now, I should observe the situation…'.

Layers and layers of illusion covered Extimum's huge figure as he became invisible, disappearing from sight and carefully moving through the hole he had caused earlier, observing the situation inside the chamber.


Taking advantage of the basilisk's blindness, Harry ran as he yelled at it, drawing its attention away from Ron and Ginny, as he did what seemed like the most dangerous and eccentric bullfighting scene in the world.

Each time, the basilisk would lunge forward when it had secured Harry's position and Harry could only dodge to the side and use the sword in his hand to leave some wound marks on the basilisk's skin.

Not far away, Tom Riddle watched with a slight smirk as Harry found himself more and more cornered.

Trusting that he wasn't very big compared to the basilisk since his physique was much better now, Harry was able to manage with great difficulty, however, the very gigantic size of the basilisk closed his space and increased the danger.

Just when everything seemed to be going well and Harry was starting to scale the head of the Salazar Slytherin statue to get a better fighting stance.


The basilisk's head smashed into the statue and in a sideways retreat, struck Harry, sending him flying.

**Puchi** s~** ROarr **~s

The sword in Harry's hand plunged into the basilisk's mouth due to the angle of the blow, impaling it, but not enough to be deadly and instead, similar to how a fish bone would drive into someone's mouth.


Harry was knocked down into the area of water below the statue which cushioned his fall considerably.

Seeing the opportunity, Extimum didn't hesitate, he immediately launched himself and bit into the basilisk's neck. Poisonous and corrosive blood flooded his mouth, but that only made him bite harder.

s~** ROAaaaaaarr **~s

The basilisk flailed fiercely and waved its tail in an attempt to lash him, but was stopped by Extimum's tails.

However, being completely stuck and hell-bent on biting, he couldn't let go in time as the basilisk lunged at the statue, causing Extimum's back to hit the wall as he lost strength in his bite.


Sensing the bite released, the basilisk withdrew quickly, widening the distance between them.


Extimum spat on the ground, the basilisk blood outside of being poisonous, it did not have a very flavor and left an acid aftertaste. Eating poisonous creatures was definitely not on the menu.

The spit on the floor was an accumulation of blood, bits of meat, and a strip of skin.

He had torn a chunk of meat from the basilisk, leaving a bleeding hole in its neck.

Stopping for a few moments, they both gave each other a stare or something similar, as Extimum was only looking at the basilisk's bleeding eye sockets and the basilisk was only imagining it.

Quickly both charged again to face each other.



Emerging from the soaked water, Harry scrambled to the bank and climbed out of the water. It was lucky to have fallen precisely in the deep water area, even so, the blow had not been soft at all and he had injured his wrist. Something had clearly creaked at the moment of the blow.

Tom: "Hahahaha, Great, Harry Potter, you have once again proven your worth as a Gryffindor. Facing a basilisk, wandless and with a measly sword, without the correct training or strength to wield it, really..." Tom shook his head, clearly enjoying the moment.

"That being said…I must say you are lucky. That meddling creature seems bent on obstructing the basilisk's work, so you will have the honor of falling under my hand…and reuniting with your filthy mother."

**Boom** **Thump** **Roars**

The battle between the two creatures was still going on not far from them.

Somewhat tired and with his body heavy from the water, Harry took off his robes that were heavy from the water, leaving him only in his inner uniform, which consisted of a white shirt with a tie and pants.

Tom: "Mending your clothes before you die?"

Harry didn't answer, he didn't have much to share either, though he could vaguely see Ron's figure slowly approaching from Voldemort's back.

Looking at the ground, he notice among all the blood, the silver sword. In the previous fight, when the basilisk had struck the nine-tailed fox against the statue, it must have fallen down along with some pieces of meat and two fangs.

Bending down, Harry took the sword in his other hand and taking a deep breath, tried to imitate the pose in which he had watched Extimum hold it earlier.

Tom: "Are you planning on facing me with that sword? Great, but foolish. You won't even be able to get close to me before you drop dead."

Harry: "Ahhh!" Harry ignored her words and charged with his sword.

Tom: "Hmp. Avada Ked-." Ron: "Expelliarmus."

Just as the energy began to swirl around Tom's wand, Ron cast his own spell behind him, close enough that he couldn't dodge.

The wand flew into the air and the killing curse dissipated before it could be completed.

Tom: "Messy boy." Feeling the wand fly from his hand, Tom turned angrily and reached out in a grabbing motion in Ron's direction.

The next second Ron stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened and his body seemed to rise slightly from the ground, while his hands held his neck trying to grab something.

His face turned pale as he found himself unable to breathe.

Harry: "Ron!" Harry was alarmed to see Ron's situation.

Putting on more strength, he ran even faster while brandishing his sword.


The sword let out a low cry as its speed increased and cut towards Tom Riddle.


However, contrary to his expectations, the sword did not cut. Tom's hand reached out and struck the flat of the blade, stopping all momentum and taking only a step back.

Harry's face was shocked as he looked at the scene.

Tom: "What? Did you seriously think that just because I lost my wand I couldn't defend myself? Only those incapable and useless wizards from the Ministry would limit themselves so much. Not to mention that I'm so much stronger than you."


With a snap of his fingers, the sword in Harry's hands spun out of his control and he went flying, landing far away.

Tom: "You can't even properly use the power of the sword. Now, I wonder who will die first. Will the meddlesome Weasley run out of oxygen in his body? or will Ginny finally dry up of all her vitality?"

Harry: "Stop it!" Harry took a step forward.

Tom: "Ah, ah, ah. Hold on there Harry Potter, if you take one more step, you'll cause your friend to die faster." As if emphasizing fact, the invisible grip on Ron tightened for a moment, evident by the way his eyes widened even further.

How much he pressed and allowed air into Ron's lungs was up to him.


As if trying to remind them of his presence and break the dramatic moment, an explosion sounded not far from them, as the basilisk was launched crashing into the small pool where Harry had fallen moments before, only to get up again and continue fighting.

The basilisk's fall kicked up a small wave of water and dragged a black journal that had been neglected all this time between Harry's feet.

As if on time, Tom's and Harry's gaze lingered on him for a few seconds.

And as if a light was turned on in a dim room, an idea flashed and as soon as it hit, Harry scrambled to pick up one of the fangs the basilisk had dropped and stabbed it towards the journal.

Tom: "What are you doing? NO! Aghh!" Relaxing the hand that was aimed at Ron, he moved it to attack Harry, knocking him back a few feet.

Ron immediately fell unconscious to the floor, his condition unknown.

Harry felt an invisible force hit him as his body flew uncontrollably back at least two meters, but still with the diary in his hands. Turning his gaze, he noticed how a hole made of light opened in the center of Voldemort's body and without hesitation, he stabbed the diary back into his hands.

Tom: "AGhhh, NOooo!" Tom fell to the ground on his knees, with more luminous holes in his body, while in those places his form and his being dissipated, letting out more and more horrifying screams, until finally... he vanished.

Leaving the place in complete silence for a moment, until he was interrupted again by a **Boom**

Accompanied by two roars of different origin.


**Boom** **Thump** **Baam**

Extimum:'Why doesn't he just die? Is the vitality of all xxXxx creatures that high?'

**scream of lamentation**

A heartbreaking and extinct scream caught the attention of both Extimum and the basilisk, making them focus part of their attention on the source, without neglecting the battle itself.

Extimum: 'The memory of Voldemort has died? This definitely changes things and shows that not everything follows a fixed course, since the basilisk is still alive and Harry hasn't killed it or at least not yet…'

**Tum…** **Tum…** **Tum…**

A familiar but remote feeling ran through Extimum's body, but this time, much weaker than in his memories. Enough to divert his concentration.

And as if on cue, the basilisk took advantage of that distraction and dealt a heavy blow, sending Extimum flying back towards the large hole in the wall.


The basilisk allowed himself a slight rest, while it patiently waited for the return of its opponent, as it always did, however, it soon noticed that it did not return, what's more, when it looked out, it noticed that the illusion of its figure in its mind had also disappeared. It couldn't see it anymore.

**Tum…** **Tum…** **Tum…**

s~** ROAaaaaaarr **~s

Realizing that itsenemy had escaped, it let out a roar of anger, then turned to look in the direction where Harry was and where it had felt its master disappear.

???: "Tenebris carceris".

However, before it could do anything, a soft yet shocking voice echoed throughout the chamber and the next second, it felt that it could no longer move. It was completely immobilized.

Zeroz7 Zeroz7

This time it took me longer to launch the chapter, this weekend I just didn't feel like writing, but still, here it is

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C51
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


